═══ 1.  THINKPAD INFORMATION  ═══ The following sections contain information of a technical nature, except the Awards and Reviews section. For marketing and service information, refer to the IBM PC Marketing Assistant or IBM PC Service Assistant books Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Main Menu Sections ThinkPad Industry Awards and Reviews ThinkPad Technical Q&As ThinkPad Technical Tips ThinkPad Technical Specs ═══ 2. What is the IBM ThinkPad Assistant? - Tutorial ═══ IBM THINKPAD ASSISTANT (TM) Developed by Mark T. Chapman. Maintained with the valuable assistance of Yvonne Ashcraft and Barbara Culler. | IBM PC Company HelpCenter; Tie Line: 255-0484; Fax: 919-517-1229 P.O. Box 12195, Bldg 203/8V6, Research Triangle Park, NC. 27709 IBMMAIL ID: IBMMAIL(USIB3ZLD); IBMMAIL Internet ID: USIB3ZLD@IBMMAIL.COM PROFS ID: RALVM8(MCHAPMAN); VNET Internet ID: MCHAPMAN@VNET.IBM.COM CompuServe ID: 72662,3663; CompuServe Internet ID: 72662.3663@compuserve.com IBM PC Company BBS ID: MARK CHAPMAN (BBS Phone Number: 919-517-0001) (C) Copyright IBM Corporation, 1989-1996 The IBM ThinkPad Assistant contains information about the IBM ThinkPad family of mobile PCs. OVERVIEW There are many sources of information available from IBM about IBM PC products, including announcement letters, service manuals, programming and technical reference manuals, how-to "cookbooks," electronic bulletin boards (both public and commercial), and others. The IBM PC Assistant brings much disparate and often difficult to find information together into one easy-to-use "electronic book." Note: As the IBM PC Assistant is a product of the IBM PC Company, the information contained herein covers the subset of IBM PC products sold by the IBM PC Company. Most other PC-related products, sold by other IBM companies or divisions are not included. Such products include the IBM Gearbox industrial PCs, and certain host-attach hardware and software products. Information on these products must be obtained from the organizations offering them for sale. The IBM PC Assistant is a help tool composed of PC hardware and software-related marketing, service, technical and general information, in online book form. The books include the: 1. IBM Consumer PC Assistant (filename ASST-CON.INF), which contains:  Hardware and software Q&As for Ambra, Aptiva, and PS/1 systems and bundled software.  Hardware technical tips.  Lengthy technical specifications documents for Aptiva and PS/1 systems, past and present. 2. IBM General Information Assistant (ASST-GEN.INF):  A list of IBM voice and non-voice telephone numbers.  A list of non-IBM technical support telephone numbers.  The IBM PC Company Automated Fax System documents list.  An acronyms and abbreviations list. 3. IBM OS Assistant (ASST-OS.INF):  OS/2 product industry awards and reviews.  Thousands of OS/2 and DOS Q&As.  OS/2 and DOS technical tips.  OS/2 compatibility tables.  A list of OS/2-related BBSes.  A list of OS/2-related PC User Groups. 4. IBM PC Marketing Assistant (ASST-MKT.INF):  IBM product industry awards and reviews.  IBM PC Factory Outlet catalog.  IBM PC hardware and software part number lists and descriptions.  IBM publication part numbers and ordering information.  Feature Code/Part Number cross-reference.  Promotion and upgrade information. 5. IBM PC Options Assistant (ASST-OPT.INF):  Options industry awards and reviews.  Hardware and software Q&As for monitors, adapters, drives, and other PC-related options  Hardware technical tips. 6. IBM PC Series Assistant (ASST-PC.INF):  Hardware Q&As.  Hardware technical tips.  Lengthy technical specifications documents for PC 300/700 series systems, past and present. 7. IBM PC Servers Assistant (ASST-SRV.INF):  Network product industry awards and reviews.  Hardware and software Q&As for IBM servers and related network software.  Hardware and software technical tips.  Lengthy technical specifications documents for PC Server 300/500/700 series, and PS/2 Server 85/95/195/295 systems, past and present. 8. IBM PC Service Assistant (ASST-SVC.INF):  Hardware and OS/2 error code information.  Latest DOS and OS/2 CSD information.  Latest Reference and Diagnostic Diskettes list.  Micro Channel adapter ADF file cross-reference.  PC System/Monitor warranty information.  Hardware and software service tips and Q&As, and more. 9. IBM PowerPC Assistant (ASST-PPC.INF) [to be added at a future date]:  PowerPC product industry awards and reviews.  Hardware and software Q&As.  Hardware and software technical tips.  Lengthy technical specifications documents for PowerPC-based PC and ThinkPad systems, past and present. 10. IBM PS/2 Assistant (ASST-PS2.INF):  Hardware and software Q&As  Hardware and software technical tips  Lengthy technical specifications documents for PS/2 systems (except PS/2 servers) 11. IBM ThinkPad Assistant (ASST-TP.INF):  ThinkPad product industry awards and reviews.  Hardware and software Q&As  Hardware and software technical tips  Lengthy technical specifications documents for ThinkPad systems (except PowerPC-based), past and present. 12. IBM ValuePoint Assistant (ASST-VP.INF):  Hardware and software Q&As  Hardware and software technical tips  Lengthy technical specifications documents for ValuePoint systems The reason for having a number of different books instead of just one large one is two-fold. First, there is so much information provided that it might be awkward to use, and would take longer to search through than smaller books. And second, by dividing up all of this information into related subject matter, those who don't need certain categories of information (such as service tips, for example), can delete entire books to save disk space. Besides, these files can be logically linked together and viewed or searched as one large book, at your preference. (This procedure is explained in the accompanying ASST.TXT file.) For convenience, the files will be collectively called the "IBM PC Assistant" throughout the rest of this document. Not only is the information more "centrally located" this way than distributed across all the individual documents, but due to its electronic nature, the specific information you seek can be found more quickly and easily. The source information is compiled into binary files that take roughly half as much disk space as ASCII files would. And since the compiler also creates a "data dictionary" of all words and numbers anywhere in the files, all occurrences can be found and displayed on-screen in only a few seconds via the search facility provided. In addition, hypertext links (hyperlinks) allow you to jump from section to section within a book without ever having to return to the Table of Contents. Hyperlinks are also used to display popup footnote windows at the point of the footnote reference, rather than making you have to scroll down to the bottom of a page, or the end of a chapter, to find the footnoted information. The IBM PC Assistant is created by compiling a scripted ASCII text file, using the Information Presentation Facility (IPF) Tag Language and Compiler. They are included in the OS/2 2.1 or 3.0 Developer's Toolkits, IBM Hyperwise editor (P/N 30H1731--3.5"), and IBM C Set++ First Step V2.1 (P/N 82G3744--3.5"; 82G3746--CD-ROM") packages, among others. The IBM PC Assistant requires OS/2 1.2 or later to operate, because it uses the OS/2 VIEW.EXE command to access the files. This is the same command used to display the online OS/2 Command Reference. Since both files were created with the same compiler, and are displayed by the same command, they look and act very much alike. So if you know how to use one, you also know how to use the other. Note: The IBM PC Assistant was tested, and does work, across an OS/2 LAN Server V1.2 or later network, relieving the need for disk space on the requester, not to mention not having to keep all those requesters updated with the latest versions of the IBM PC Assistant books. (For instructions on Setting Up an OS/2 LAN Server to Share Online Books, see the document by the same name in the Networking Tips section of the PS Technical Assistant.) HOW TO USE THE IBM PC ASSISTANT Note: The following instructions are written for users of the native OS/2 online book version of these publications. Most of the explanations will apply equally to the World Wide Web version of the books, however some minor differences may exist. Before you begin to use this tool, it is helpful to understand how to:  Expand the Contents to see all available topics  Obtain additional information for a highlighted word or phrase  Use action bar choices. How to use the Table of Contents When the Contents window first appears, some topics have a plus (+) sign beside them. The plus sign indicates that additional topics are available. To expand the Contents if you are using a mouse, click on the plus sign. If you are using the keyboard, use the Up or Down Arrow key to highlight the topic, and press the plus (+) key. For example, Part Number / Pricing / Availability List has a plus sign beside it. To see the complete list of Part Numbers, etc, click on the plus sign or highlight that topic and press the plus (+) key. To view a topic, double-click on the topic (or press the Up or Down Arrow key to highlight the topic, and then press the Enter key). Note: To exit from any panel (window), including this one, simply press the ESC key, or double-click on the icon to the left of the panel title bar (NOT the one to the left of the IBM PC Assistant title bar, or you will close the IBM PC Assistant). This will return you to the point from which you entered the panel (either the Table Of Contents or another panel). This may be done a number of times in succession to step back through layers of panels, or until the TOC is reached. How to obtain additional information After you select a topic, the information for that topic appears in a window. Words, phrases, or numbers highlighted like this or this indicate that additional information is available, either in the form of a footnote, or sometimes an entire section. Hyperlinks are used in some areas to help you jump from one section of a document directly to another, without having to return to a menu. (If you don't find this color to be easily identifiable as a hyperlink, you may change the color, as described below.) Use the mouse, or Tab and Enter keys, to move between all the hyperlinks within a document. For example: Certain words in the following section are highlighted in this way. If you are using a mouse, double-click on the highlighted words. If you are using a keyboard, press the Tab key to move from one highlighted word to the next, (or Shift-Tab to backup) and then press the Enter key. Additional information will appear in a pop-up window. Note: The windows that pop up when you double-click on a hypertext link are sizable. Simply drag the sides or corners of the windows to the desired size and shape, just as you would any other PM window. Note: Headings are assigned the color red throughout the IBM PC Assistant. The Change Bars (|), which indicate additions or revisions since the last release of the IBM PC Assistant, are also highlighted in red to make them easier to find. (All other colors are as set by your OS/2 Control Panel (OS/2 1.x), or Scheme Palette (OS/2 2.x) selections. If a color, or combination of colors, is not to your liking, you may change them to something more pleasing. The operative choices are: Help Text, Help Background, and Help Highlight.) Tip: An easy way to find ALL changes since the last version is to Search for the Change Bar character. This can be typed by holding the Shift key while typing the backslash key (on U.S. English 101-key keyboards--other keyboards may differ). How to use the Action Bar options A number of choices are available for managing information presented in the IBM PC Assistant. If you want to see more information about these choices, click on the name of the choice (or press the Tab key to move to the choice and press Enter). Search Allows you to find occurrences of a word or phrase in the current topic, selected topics, or all topics. (This choice is available from the Services pull-down.) Print Allows you to print one or more topics. (This choice is available from the Services pull-down.) Copy Allows you to copy a topic you are viewing to a file you can edit. (This choice is available from the Services pull-down.) Options Allows you to change the way your Table of Contents is displayed. Bookmark (This choice is available from the Contents pull-down.) Allows you to set a placeholder so you can retrieve information of interest to you. (This choice is available from the Services pull-down.) Help Provides online help panels for using the Help facility. How to use the Push Buttons The Search, Print, and Index push buttons arrayed across the bottom of the panel duplicate the functions of the same-name Action Bar options. In addition there are buttons marked Previous, Contents, Back, and Forward. Previous simply steps you back through the series of panels you have just looked at, in the reverse order of how you originally looked at them. By contrast, Back, uses the Table of Contents to step backward through all the sections listed in the TOC, in reverse order, from the current section. Forward, naturally, steps you forward through all the TOC entries. And Contents pops the TOC list on top of whatever panel you are currently viewing. To see the IBM PC Assistant Disclaimer and Trademark Information, select: Disclaimers & Trademarks ═══ 2.1. IBM ThinkPad Assistant - What's New? ═══ To see what has changed in any IBM PC Assistant series book since the last edition, just perform a search, using the "change bar" character (|). This is the "shift-backslash" character (above the Enter key on 101-key keyboards). All changes in the IBM Assistant are reflected by a change bar in the right margin of tabular information. Textual info (paragraphs, Q&As, etc.) have change bars to the left of the text to indicate additions, and at the end of the text to reflect modifications. All change bars are colored red to make them easier to spot. Reminder: If you are not familiar with how to search for information in the IBM PC Assistant books, double-click here. Note: For a complete history of changes to all IBM PC Assistant books, refer to the History of Changes menu item in the IBM General Info Assistant. ═══ 2.2. Disclaimers & Trademark Info ═══ Return to the What is the IBM PC Assistant? - Tutorial section. * * * * * * * DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY * * * * * * * IBM is not responsible for any technical inaccuracies or typographical errors that might occur in this publication. INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION PROVIDES THIS PUBLICATION "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE EVALUATION AND USE OF THIS INFORMATION IS A CUSTOMER RESPONSIBILITY. IN NO EVENT WILL IBM BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY LOST PROFITS, LOST SAVINGS, OR ANY OTHER INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING FROM THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE ANY OF THE INFORMATION PROVIDED HEREIN EVEN IF IBM HAS BEEN ADVISED OF DAMAGES IN ADVANCE. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION OF LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. It is possible that this material contains references to, or information about, IBM products, programs, or services that are not announced or available in every country in which IBM operates. Such references or information must not be construed to mean that IBM intends to announce or make available such products, programs, or services in any country in which they are not currently announced or available. The information herein is intended for use only in the United States, notwithstanding there may be many similarities between products marketed worldwide. Any reference to an IBM product in this document is not intended to state or imply that only IBM's product may be used. Any functionally equivalent product may be used instead, provided that use is in accordance with the manufacturer's guidelines for that product. Mention of a non-IBM product or vendor does not constitute an express or implied recommendation or endorsement of IBM of any particular product, service, company, or technology. IBM takes no responsibility whatsoever with regard to the selection, performance, or use of any reference non-IBM products. All understanding, agreements, or warranties must take place directly between the vendor and prospective users. Prices and specifications are subject to change at any time without notice. Prices are provided for information purposes only, and shall not limit in any way the remarketers' ability to set their own prices for IBM products. 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PenDOS is a registered trademark of Communication Intelligence Corporation.  Pentium is a trademark of Intel Corporation.  Personal Computer AT and AT are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation.  Personal Computer XT, PC XT, and XT are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation.  Personal Computer XT Model 286 is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.  Personal Decision Series is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.  Personal System/1 and PS/1 are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation.  Personal System/2 and PS/2 are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation.  PFS: WindowWorks is a trademark of Softkey International, Incorporated.  Photo CD is a trademark of Eastman Kodak Company.  PictureGrade is a trademark or registered trademark of Lexmark International, Incorporated.  Platinum is a registered trademark of Advanced Business Microsystems, Incorporated.  PostScript, Encapsulated PostScript, and EPS are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems, Incorporated.  PowerPC, PowerPC 601, PowerPC 603, and PowerPC 604 are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation.  PowerServer and PowerStation are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation.  Presentation Manager is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.  PRODIGY is a registered service mark and registered trademark of Prodigy Services Company.  PROFS is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.  Proprinter is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.  PS Assistant, PS General Info Assistant, PS Marketing Assistant, PS Service Assistant, and PS Technical Assistant are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation.  PS/2 Assistant, PS/2 General Info Assistant, PS/2 Marketing Assistant, PS/2 Service Assistant, and PS/2 Technical Assistant are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation.  PS/ValuePoint is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.  Query Management Facility is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.  Quicken is a registered trademark of Intuit.  Quickwriter is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.  Quietwriter is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.  R:BASE and Microrim are registered trademarks of Microrim, Incorporated.  Recording Session is a trademark of Midisoft Corporation.  Reuters is a registered service mark of Reuters Limited.  RISC System/6000 and RISC/6000 are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation.  RPG II Application Platform is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.  SAA is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.  Scanmaster is a trademark of Howtek, Incorporated.  SCO is a trademark of Santa Cruz Operations, Incorporated.  Screen Reader is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.  Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe, The Secret of Monkey Island, and Loom are trademarks of LucasArts Entertainment Company.  Select-a-Bus is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.  Select-a-Keyboard is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.  Select-a-System is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.  Skill Dynamics is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.  SLC is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.  SmallTalk and SmallTalk V/PM are trademarks of Digitalk Corporation.  Smart Video Recorder is a trademark of Intel Corporation.  SOMobjects is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.  Sony is a registered trademark of Sony Corporation.  Sound Blaster is a trademark of Creative Labs, Incorporated.  Sound Source is a registered trademark of The Walt Disney Company.  SpeechViewer is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.  SQL/DS is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.  Storyboard is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.  SuperStor/DS is a trademark of AddStor, Incorporated.  SYLK is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.  Symphony is a registered trademark of Lotus Development Corporation.  System Application Architecture is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.  System V is a trademark of AT&T.  System/370 and S/370 are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation.  System/390 and S/390 are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation.  Taligent is a trademark of Taligent, Incorporated.  The Software Toolworks is a registered trademark of The Software Toolworks, Incorporated.  ThinkPad is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.  ThinkPad Proven is a service mark of International Business Machines Corporation.  Times Roman, Helvetica, Palatino, and Optima are trademarks of Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries.  Toshiba is a registered trademark of Toshiba Corporation.  TrackPoint, TrackPoint II and TrackPoint III are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation.  TrackWrite is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.  Trinitron is a trademark of Sony Corporation.  True Type is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Incorporated.  Type 1 is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Incorporated.  Undersea Adventure is a service mark of Knowledge Adventure, Incorporated.  Ultimedia is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.  Ultimotion is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.  UNIX and OpenLook are registered trademarks of UNIX System Laboratories, Incorporated.  Video 7 is a registered trademark of Headland Technology.  Video Blaster is a trademark of Creative Labs, Incorporated.  Video for Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.  Vines is a registered trademark of Banyan Systems, Incorporated.  VoiceType is a trademark of IBM Corporation.  Western Digital is a registered trademark of Western Digital Corporation.  Where is Carmen Sandiego? is a registered trademark of Broderbund Software, Incorporated.  Windows and Microsoft are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.  Windows NT is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.  Windows Sound System is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.  WinFax Pro is a trademark of Delrina Technology, Incorporated.  WIN-OS/2 is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.  WordPerfect is a registered trademark of WordPerfect Corporation.  WordStar is a registered trademark of WordStar International Corporation.  Workplace Shell is a trademark of IBM Corporation.  Works for Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.  XENIX is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.  XGA is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.  Xircom is a trademark of Xircom, Incorporated. All other products are trademarks, registered trademarks, or service marks of their respective companies. ═══ 2.3. IBM PC Assistant Series Survey ═══ Here's your chance to tell IBM what to do! If you like the IBM PC Assistant series of books (ThinkPad Assistant, OS Assistant, Marketing Assistant, etc.), say so. If you would like to see new information, or different ways of organizing the existing information, say so. If you think some information is a complete waste of space, let me know (and why you think so). Your feedback is valuable, and will help direct the future of the IBM PC Assistant. (No guarantees that any or all suggestions will be implemented, but if you don't ask you'll never know.) You can return this survey by printing and mailing it to the address provided, or by using Ctrl-Insert on the survey screen to copy it to the OS/2 clipboard and then pasting it into a word processor and filling it out, PROFS and IBMMail users can paste it into a note and send it to me at: MCHAPMAN at RALVM8 for IBMers, or USIB3ZLD at IBMMAIL for external customers with IBMLink access. CompuServers can reach me at: 72662,3663. Or mchapman@vnet.ibm.com for Internet users. And you can even fax it to me (isn't technology wonderful?) at 919-517-1229. To take the IBM PC Assistant Survey survey, double-click here. ═══ 2.3.1. IBM PC Assistant Survey! ═══ IBM PC Assistant(TM) Please take a few moments to let us know what you think of the IBM PC Assistant. Feel free to use the area at the end of this form to record any other comments you would like to add. We appreciate your input. Your responses and comments will help make this a better tool! The first section contains questions that are vital to have answered. If you are short on time feel free to skip the second set of questions, but the more information we get the better! (Note: IBM employees need not answer questions 6, 7, and 11.) But first things first. Who are you? Name: _________________________ Title/Position: _____________________________ Company Name/Organization/Location: __________________________________________ E-mail ID (if applicable): ___________________________________________________ End-User ____ Customer Helpdesk ____ Remarketer ____ IBM Support _______ * * * * * Section I - ESSENTIAL INFORMATION: 1) How long have you been using the IBM PC Assistant? _______________________ 1a) Which edition of the IBM PC Assistant are you using? ____________________ 1b) What version of OS/2 are you using? _____________________________________ 2) How helpful overall do you find the IBM PC Assistant to be? (1-5 scale, where 1 = Extremely Helpful, 5 = Not at all) ______ 3) How many total USERS of the IBM PC Assistant are there IN YOUR ORGANIZATION, or AT YOUR LOCATION? (Either by network attachment or individual copies) _____ Total persons (____ Network-attached ____ Separate copies) 4) How many additional HOURS of research time per WEEK do you feel it would take you to answer the questions the Assistant presently answers for everyone in your organization, if you didn't have it? ____ (Hrs) 5) How many additional QUESTIONS per WEEK do you feel you would have to research that the Assistant presently answers for everyone in your organization, if it ceased to exist? ____ (Questions) * * * * * If you are an IBM authorized remarketer, or IBM employee, please answer the following questions: 6) As a result of using the IBM PC Assistant, have you made SALES of IBM products you might not have otherwise made? Yes ____ No ____ Not in a sales position ____ If Yes, estimated value of these sales $__________ (in U.S. dollars, or specify currency) 7) As a result of using the IBM PC Assistant has your, and your customers', satisfaction with IBM products and/or IBM support increased? Yes ____ No ____ 8) As a result of using the IBM PC Assistant, are you more likely to recommend IBM products to your customers and acquaintances than before? Yes ____ No ____ * * * * * If you are a customer of IBM products, please answer the following questions: 6) As a result of using the IBM PC Assistant, have you made PURCHASES of IBM products you might not have otherwise made? Yes ____ No ____ If Yes, estimated value of these purchases $__________ (in U.S. dollars, or specify currency) 7) As a result of using the IBM PC Assistant, has your satisfaction with IBM products and/or IBM support increased? Yes ____ No ____ 8) As a result of using the IBM PC Assistant, are you more likely to recommend IBM products to your co-workers and acquaintances than before? Yes ____ No ____ Section II - NOT ESSENTIAL, BUT VERY HELPFUL INFORMATION: 9) Ideally, how often would you like to see the IBM PC Assistant updated: Twice-monthly ____ Once-monthly ____ Other ________________________ General comments, or suggestions for improvements: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ When completed, please send a copy to me at: 1) E-mail via PROFS/IBMLink at RALVM8(MCHAPMAN) for IBMers, or IBMMAIL(USIB3ZLD) for external customers with IBMLink access, or 2) E-mail via Internet (MCHAPMAN@VNET.IBM.COM), or 3) E-mail via CompuServe (72662,3663), or 4) Via the IBM PC Company/TA BBS (919-517-0001) on-line survey (type Q at any main command line), or 5) By Fax (919-517-1229), or 6) By mail at the following address: Mark Chapman IBM Corporation Internal Zip 8V6/203 P.O. Box 12195 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 ═══ 3. Now an Online Database on CompuServe ═══ If you know any users of IBM PC-related products who could benefit from the information in the IBM PC Assistant, but who are not OS/2 users, another alternative is the searchable database on CompuServe. The IBM PC Assistant Database, which contains most of the information in the various IBM PC Assistant books in an ASCII format, can be reached with the GO word PCASSIST. (You also can reach it via GO IBM, then selecting the Technical Services and Support, and IBM PC Assistant Database menu options.) Of course, this only helps CompuServe users, but allows DOS, Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows NT, Unix, and other operating system users to access the data via CompuServe. Future plans call for a World Wide Web version of the database that would be accessible from any of the online services, as well as directly. Another service brought to you by the nice people on the IBM PC Assistant team. (At present, Me, Myself, and I.) Thanks to Buz Burzawa for his work on the IPF-to-ASCII conversion tool that made this database possible. Also, the .INF files may be downloaded from the following electronic sources: World Wide Web Download  IBM PC Company BBS, http://www.pcco.ibm.com/files.html  IBM Software Manufacturing Solutions, http://www.software.ibm.com/ps/products/os2/info/pcasst |  OS/2 Shareware BBS, http://www.os2bbs.com FTP Download  IBM PC Company BBS, ftp.pcco.ibm.com/pub/pccbbs/os2_util |  IBM Software Manufacturing Solutions, ftp.software.ibm.com/ps/products/os2/info/pcasst ( | BBS Download  IBM PC Company BBS (919-517-0001)  IBM OS/2 BBS/TalkLink, Software Download library (800-547-1283 for subscription info)  OS/2 Shareware BBS (703-385-4325)  Various other BBSes with significant OS/2 content CompuServe Download  IBM OS/2 Support forum - All files (GO OS2SUPPO, section 23 (IBM Files))  IBM Options By IBM Forum - IBM PC Options Assistant only (GO IBMOBI, Customer Uploads section)  IBM PC Servers Forum - IBM PC Servers Assistant only (GO IBMSVR, User Uploads section)  IBM PS/1 & Aptiva Forum - IBM Consumer PC Assistant only (GO APTIVA, User Uploads section)  IBM PS/2 Forum - IBM PS/2 Assistant only (GO IBMPS2, User Uploads section)  IBM ThinkPad Forum - IBM ThinkPad Assistant only (GO THINKPAD, User Uploaded Files section)  IBM ValuePoint/PC Desktop Forum - IBM ValuePoint Assistant and IBM PC Series Assistant only (GO VALUEPOINT, User Uploads section)  Canopus Forum - All files (GO CANOPUS, Vendor Information section) Note: When looking for the Assistant files on the above sites, look for filenames like PCASST.ZIP, ASST*.ZIP, ASST*.INF, ASST.ICO, and ASST.TXT. | Internal IBM Download  PCWIN tools disk (PS2ASST3 PACKAGE) Note: Some of these sources may lag a few days behind others. ═══ 4. ThinkPad Industry Awards and Reviews ═══ The following sections contain documents, suitable for printing or faxing, that list industry awards and praise bestowed on IBM operating system products. These documents demonstrate IBM's commitment to quality products. Product Awards/Reviews Industry Awards: ThinkPad Industry Reviews: ThinkPad ═══ 4.1. Industry Awards: ThinkPad ═══ The IBM ThinkPad line of notebook, subnotebook, and pen tablet systems has received nearly 200 industry awards, including (from newest to oldest): Organization Award ThinkPad Family  Computerworld [Bulgaria] (Dec95) 1995 Best Portable PC (Readers' Poll)  Annual Computing Awards for Excellence [U.K.] (Oct95) Notebook of the Year, Silver Award  PC Magazine [U.K.] (Aug95) Readers' Survey Award, 1st Place - Overall Satisfaction with Service & Reliability  Business Week/Industrial Designers Society of America Awards (Jun95) Industrial Design Excellence Award, Bronze - Packaging and Graphics  CompuServe Travel Forum Second Annual Cyberspace Travel Poll (Jun95) Best Computer for Traveling  Computer Reseller News (09Jan95) Vision Award--Laptops/Notebooks  Computerworld [Austria] (Dec94) PC of the Year  Computer Currents Mag. (Dec94) Readers' Choice Award - Best Portable Line  PC Laptop Computers. (Nov94) 1994-95 Editors' Choice Award - Portable PC Line of the Year  Informatica [Brazil] (Aug94) Best Portable [ThinkPad Family]  PC Magazine (Jul94) Readers' Choice - Service & Reliability  Byte Magazine (Jun94) Readers' Choice Award (1st place tie) - Laptop/Notebook Product of the Year  Computer Software [Greece] (Mar94) #2 Mobile System  J.D. Power and Associates (23Feb94) The Nation's Premier Portable Computers  Datamation Magazine (15Feb94) 1993 Product of the Year (Readers' Poll) - Portables  VARBusiness Magazine (Jan94) 1993 Top Product of the Year  Computer Reseller News (Jan94) Vision Award--Laptop of the Year  Softwarove Noviny [Finland] (Jan94) 1993 Product of the Year  PC Magazine (21Dec93) Technical Excellence, Best System [700/720/750 Series]  PC Magazine (21Dec93) Technical Excellence Finalist, Design [TrackPoint II]  Computerworld (Dec93) I/S Brand Preference Award  PC Laptop Computers (Dec93) Editors' Choice, Newcomer of the Year  PC World (Dec93) World Class, Readers' Choice [700/720/750 Series]  International Computer Association [Japan] (Dec93) 1993 Product of the Year - Best Hardware  J.D. Power & Associates (Nov93) #1 Ranking, 1993 Portable Computer Satisfaction Study  Computer Reseller News (Aug93) Channel Champion - Notebook Computers (Readers' Poll)  Computer Reseller News (Jan93) Vision Award--Laptops/Notebooks  Windows Magazine (???93) 1993 Readers' Choice Award - Ones to Watch ThinkPad 760 Series  Byte Magazine (Jan96) Best of COMDEX - Best Portable of the Year [760CD]  PC Week Magazine (25Dec95) Picks of 1995 [760CD]  PC Magazine (20Nov95) Technical Excellence Award [760CD]  PC Computing Magazine (Nov95) 5 Stars [760CD] ThinkPad 755 Series  InfoWorld Magazine (29Jan96) 1995 Product of the Year - Notebooks [755CX]  PC Laptop Computers (20Nov95) Best Notebook of the Year [755CD]  InfoWorld Magazine (02Oct95) Top-Ranked Pentium Portable [755CX]  Mobile Office Mag. (Oct95) First Class Award -- CD-ROM Equipped Notebook [755CD]  PC World Magazine (Sep95) Top 20 Power Notebooks [755CE]  PC/Computing (Sep95) Best Multimedia Notebook [755CD]  Computer Shopper (Sep95) Editors' Top 20 [755CD]  New Media Magazine (Sep95) Thumbs Up [755CD]  Windows Sources [Australia] (Aug95) Editor's Choice Award [755CD]  PC Magazine (Aug95) Editors' Choice - Multimedia Notebook [755CD]  Multimedia World (Aug95) 1995 Readers' Choice Awards - Best Portable Multimedia PC [755CD]  Australian PC Mag. (Aug95) Editors' Choice - Best Pentium Notebook [755CX]  PC '95 [Australia] (Aug95) Best New Hardware [755CV]  Mobile Office Mag. (Aug95) First Class Award - Best SVGA Notebook [755CX]  Multimedia World (Jul95) All-Star Award [755CD]  Byte Magazine (May95) Readers' Choice Award, 1995 Notebook Computer of the Year [755C]  PC World Magazine [Norway] (May94) Best in Test - Super-mobiles [755C]  Windows Magazine (May95) 1995 Hardware Product of the Year [755C]  PC Magazine (25Apr95) Editors' Choice - Notebook with Integrated CD-ROM [755CD]  Toronto Star (Apr95) First Annual "Techie" Awards - Best Overall [755CD]  Toronto Star (Apr95) First Annual "Techie" Awards - Best Portable [755CD]  Toronto Star (Apr95) First Annual "Techie" Awards - Best Technology [755CD]  Byte Magazine (Apr95) Byte Best: Desktop Replacement [755CD]  InfoWorld Magazine (20Mar95) 1994 Hardware Product of the Year (Readers' Poll) [755C]  Multimedia World (Mar95) 1995 Readers' Choice Award, Best Portable Multimedia PC [755CD]  PC Magazine [Italy] (Mar95) 1994 Readers' Choice Award [755 Series]  PC Magazine [Italy] (Mar95) 1995 Technology Award - High Performance Mobiles [755CD]  CeBIT [Germany] (Mar95) Industrial Design Award [755CD/CE]  Industrial Forum Design Committee Hannover Fair [Germany] (Mar95) 1995 iF Award for Good Design [755CE]  Mobile Office Magazine (Feb95) Mobile First Class Award - Multimedia Notebook [755CD]  InfoWorld Magazine ( 23Jan95) Government Best Buy - Color Notebooks [755Cs]  InfoWorld Magazine (23Jan95) Government Best Buy - Notebooks Port Replicators [750/755 Port Replicator]  PC Magazine (10Jan95) Best Products of 1994: Portables [755C]  Softwarove Noviny [Czech Republic] (Jan95) 1995 Product of the Year [755C]  Mobile Office Magazine (Jan95) 1994 Product of the Year [755CD]  Mobile Letter (Jan95) Mobility Award for Product of the Year 1994 [755CD]  Mobile Letter (Jan95) Mobility Award for Best MultiMedia Notebook [755CD]  Laptop Buyer's Guide and Handbook (Jan95) Best Buy [755CD/755CE]  PC Magazine (23Jan95) Editors' Choice - Color Notebook [755CD]  PC Expert [France] (Dec94) 1994 Technical Excellence Award - Overall Winner [755CD]  PC Expert [France] (Dec94) 1994 Technical Excellence Award - Portables [755CD]  PC Magazine [U.K.] (Dec94) Technical Innovation Award - Best Portable [755CD]  Multimedia World (Dec94) Readers' Choice Award - Best Portable [755CD]  Byte Magazine (Nov94) COMDEX Best of Show [755CD]  Byte Magazine (Nov94) COMDEX Best Portable System [755CD]  Japanese Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) [Japan] (Sep94) 1994 Good Design Award [755C]  What PC Magazine [U.K.] (Sep94) Best Buy [755 Series]  Byte Magazine (Jan95) Award of Excellence for 1994 [755CD]  PC Magazine (Aug94) Editors' Choice - Full-Featured Notebook [755C]  PC World Magazine (Jul94) Best Products of 1994 - Laptop/Notebook [755C]  PC World Magazine [Norway] (May94) Best in Test - Super Mobiles [755C] ThinkPad 750 Series  APEX (American Product Excellence) 1994 APEX Award - Best Overall [750 Series]  APEX (American Product Excellence) 1994 APEX Award - Best Computer Hardware [750 Series]  International Design Magazine I.D. Magazine's 40th Annual Design Review Award [750 Series]  PC/Computing Magazine (Jun94) PC/Computing Best - Color Notebook [750C]  PC/Computing Magazine (Jun94) Editor's Choice - Road Machine [750C]  Byte Magazine (Jun94) Readers' Choice Award, Runner-up - Hardware Product of the Year [750C]  PC World Magazine (May94) Top Mobile PCs - First Place [750P]  PC World Magazine (May94) Top Mobile PCs - Second Place [750C]  PC/Computing [Sweden] (May94) Best Buy [750P]  Laptop Buyer's Guide & Handbook (May94) Best Buy [750C]  Network Computing (01Apr94) 10 Network Products You Can't Live Without [750C]  PC World Magazine (Apr94) Best Buy - #1 Power Mobile PC [750C]  PC/Computing Magazine (Apr94) Best Buy [750C]  Byte Magazine (Jan94) Best Products of 1993, Award of Distinction [750C]  PC/Computing Magazine (Jan94) Usability Seal of Approval [750C]  Windows Magazine (Jan94) Recommended Seal [750C]  PC Week Magazine (27Dec93) PC Week Labs, 1993 Products of the Year [750]  PC Magazine (21Dec93) Editors' Choice [750C]  Jim Seymour/PC Week (20Dec93) Best PC Hardware of 1993 [750C]  PC World Magazine (Dec93) Readers' Choice - 1993 World Class Award [750C]  PC World [Sweden] (Dec93) Best in Test [750C]  PC Magazine en Espaдol (Dec93) Editors' Choice [750C]  PC Magazine [Norway] (Dec93) Editors' Choice [750C]  PC Magazine [U.K.] (Dec93) Editors' Choice [750C]  PC User Magazine [U.K.] (Dec93) Silver Award [750C]  Computer Magazine [Belgium] (Dec93) Best Notebook [750C]  PC/Computing Magazine (Dec93) 1993 MVP (Most Valuable Product): Notebook [750C]  Datamation (Dec93) 1993 Product of the Year - Overall [750C]  Datamation (Dec93) 1993 Product of the Year - Portables [750C]  PC Magazine (Nov93) Best Systems [750]  PC Computer Most Valuable Product [750]  Microdatorn [Sweden] Best Product [750]  L'Ordianateur Individual [France] 1993 Product of the Year [750]  Singapore Informatics International IT Trade Show Blue Ribbon Award [750C]  Which Computer [U.K.} Best Buy--Best Presentation Notebook [750C]  Byte Magazine (Jan93) Best Products of 1992, Award of Distinction [750C] ThinkPad 720 Series  Government Computer News (May94) Product Preference Survey Winner [720C]  InfoWorld Magazine (28Mar94) 1993 Product of the Year - Hardware [720C]  PC Magazine (Nov93) Best System [720C]  PC World Magazine (Oct93) Experts' Pick [720C]  Windows Sources Magazine (Oct93) Experts' Pick [720C]  Japanese Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) [Japan] (Sep93) 1993 Good Design Award [720C]  PC Magazine (Aug93) Editors' Choice [720C]  PC Magazine [U.K.] (Aug93) Editors' Choice [720C]  PC/Computing Magazine (Aug93) Ultimate Notebook [720C]  Mobile Office Magazine (Jul93) 1993 Color Notebook of the Year [720C]  PC/Computing Magazine (Jul93) Best Buy [720C]  PC World Magazine (Jul93) Best Buy [720C]  PC World Magazine [U.K.] (Jul93) Best Buy [720C]  Byte Magazine (May93) 1993 Readers' Choice Award [720C] ThinkPad 701 Series  Industrial Forum Design Committee CeBIT [Germany] (Mar96) 1996 Top 10 Award for Design [701]  Industrial Forum Design Committee CeBIT [Germany] (Mar96) Design Award [701 Carrying Case]  InfoWorld Magazine (29Jan96) 1995 Product of the Year - Subnotebooks [701C]  Computer Shopper (Jan96) Best Buy of 1995 - Best Portable PC [701C/701CS]  InformationWeek Magazine (11Dec95) Most Important Products of 1995 [701C]  PC Laptop Computers (Nov95) 1995 Best Subnotebook of the Year [701C]  PC Computing Magazine (Nov95) Most Valuable Product - Portables [701C]  Popular Science (Nov95) Best of What's New--Computers & Electronics [701C]  PC Magazine (Nov95) Technical Excellence Award [701C]  OS/2 Professional Magazine (Nov95) Best Hardware [ThinkPad 701C]  PC Direct & Computer Life [U.K.] (Nov95) "The Best of Everything" - Best Portable & Hand-held Systems [701C]  Japanese Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) [Japan] (Sep95) 1995 Good Design Award - Best of Category [701]  Computer Shopper (Sep95) Editors' Top 20 [ThinkPad 701C]  InfoWorld Magazine (14Aug95) Top Score - Subnotebook Category [701C]  Informatica Exame [Latin America] (02Aug95) Best Portable Product [701C]  PC/Computing Magazine (Aug95) A-List of Hot Products [701C/Cs]  Computer Shopper (Aug95) Editors' Pick - Subnotebooks [ThinkPad 701C]  PC/Computing Magazine (Jul95) A-List of Hot Products [701C/Cs]  Toronto Star (Apr95) First Annual "Techie" Awards - Most Innovative Technology [701C/Cs]  Publico-Computadores [Portugal] (Mar95) Recomendado Award [701C]  Computer Magazine [Belgium] (Mar95) Editors' Choice - Most Advanced Technology [701C] ThinkPad 700 Series  Computer Buyers Guide (Dec93) Best Buy [700C]  PC/Computing Magazine (Dec93) Editors' Choice Award [700C]  Portable Computing (Dec93) Best of Our Comparison Award [700C]  Presentations (Dec93) 1993 Readers' Choice Award [700C]  PC Magazine (Nov93) Best Systems [700C]  PC World Magazine (Nov93) Readers' Choice - 1993 World Class Award [700C]  Discover Magazine (Oct93) Finalist, Technological Innovation Award - Computer Hardware and Electronics [700C]  Laptop Buyers Guide & Handbook (Jun93) Editors' Best Buy [700C]  Byte Magazine (Jun93) Readers' Choice Award [700C]  PC/Computing Magazine (Jun93) Top Rated 200 Hardware [700C]  InfoWorld (Apr93) 1993 Product of the Year, Portable Computing [700C]  Windows Sources Magazine (Apr93) Experts' Pick [700C]  Windows Sources [U.K.] (Apr93) Experts' Pick [700C]  CeBIT [Germany] (Mar93) 1993 iF Award for Good Design [700/700C]  PC Magazine [Italy] (Feb93) Technology Award [700C]  Soft et Micro [France] (Feb93) 1993 Must [700C]  Byte Magazine (Jan93) Technical Excellence [700C]  Business Week Magazine (Jan93) Best New Product of 1992 [700C]  Business Week Magazine [U.K.] (Jan93) Best New Product of 1992 [700C]  Industrial Forum Design Committee Hannover Fair [Germany] (Jan93) 1993 iF Award for Good Design [700C]  Byte Magazine (1992) Award of Merit [700C]  Jim Seymour/PC Week (Dec92) 1992 Product of the Year [700C]  PC/Computing Magazine (Nov92) 1992 MVP (Most Valuable Product): Color Portable [700C]  Laptop Buyers Guide & Handbook (Nov92) Editors' Best Buy [700C] ThinkPad 510/500 Series  Home Office Computing Mag.(Apr94) Best Buy [500]  Byte Magazine (Jan94) Best Products of 1993, Award of Merit [500]  PC Laptop (Dec93) 1993 Subnotebook of the Year [500]  Popular Science (Dec93) Best of What's New--Computers & Electronics [500]  PC/Computing Magazine (Dec93) 1993 MVP (Most Valuable Product): Subnotebook [500]  PC/Computing Magazine (Nov93) PC/Computing Best [500]  Windows Sources Magazine (Oct93) Experts' Pick [500]  Mobile Office Magazine (Jul93) Best Subnotebook [500] ThinkPad 3xx Series  CeBIT (Mar95) Industrial Design Award [360CSE]  CeBIT (Mar95) Industrial Design Award [340]  Industrial Forum Design Committee Hannover Fair [Germany] (Mar95) 1995 iF Award for Good Design [360CSE]  Industrial Forum Design Committee Hannover Fair [Germany] (Mar95) 1995 iF Award for Good Design [340]  PC World Magazine (Sep94) #2 Best Mobile PC - Budget [355]  PC World Magazine (Aug94) #1 Best Mobile PC - Budget [355]  PC/Computing Magazine (Jun93) Top Rated 200 Hardware [300] ═══ 4.2. Industry Reviews: ThinkPad ═══ A sampling of industry praise bestowed on currently marketed ThinkPad systems: Quotes ThinkPad Family  "Compaq and Toshiba have come first and second for the last two years, but this year IBM relegates them to second and third respectively. IBM's perceived improvement is no doubt due to the combination of its well-received ThinkPad range and improvements in after-sales support." [Reader's poll of service and reliability for mobile computers from Amstrad, AST, Dell, IBM, Compaq, Toshiba, and Zenith] (PC Magazine, UK, Jul95)  "IBM's ThinkPad line has won the hearts of readers. Last year you chose the 720C as the Hardware Product of the Year. This year you voted overwhelmingly for the ThinkPad 755C." (InfoWorld Magazine, p. 53, 20Mar95)  "IBM's matte-black ThinkPads are the mindshare leaders--the notebooks on everyone's wish list." (Bill Howard, PC Magazine, Aug94)  "Even our most skeptical editors agree on this one: The IBM ThinkPad [7xx] family goes so far beyond the competition that it defines a new standard in portable computing. Quite simply, this is the best integrated notebook series we've ever seen. These elegant machines sport a beautiful 10.4-inch, 256-color active-matrix LCD screen; great keyboards; and the IBM TrackPoint II pointing device--the best, most innovative way of moving around in Microsoft Windows we've ever seen in a portable." (Michael J. Miller, PC Magazine, 21Dec93)  "Who would have thought that something resembling a red pencil eraser would become the ultimate portable pointing device? We think the IBM TrackPoint II--that small red dot that's become the hallmark of the IBM ThinkPad line--is nothing less. Strain-gauge technology and sophisticated software algorithms provide omnidirectional cursor motion and let you accelerate the cursor by pressing harder. The result is great control without the bulk or inconvenience of a separate mouse. You can't lose the TrackPoint, shut the lid on it, or break it off with your elbow. Clearly, this is a mouse of a different color." (Michael J. Miller, PC Magazine, 21Dec93) ThinkPad Docking Units  "For IBM's corporate customers, one big strength is backward compatibility. The Dock II provided PnP [Plug-and-Play] capabilities for the ThinkPad 750 under Windows 3.1 ... and it currently supports PnP warm docking under both Win 95 and OS/2.... The Dock II willl also work with new PCI-bus ThinkPads that IBM will introduce in the second quarter of this year. Even better, existing ThinkPads will work in the new PCI docking station that IBM will also introduce. This is quite a feat: a docking bus with a dual ISA/PCI personality." (Dave Rowell, Byte Magazine, Apr96)  "If you agree that image is everything, the IBM ThinkPad Dock I may be the docking station for you. Its design integrates multimedia better than any docking station we've seen. The unit works with the IBM ThinkPad [75x] and 360 series.... Inside is one 16-bit slot and one drive bay, and on the back are parallel, serial, [S]VGA, PS/2 mouse, PS/2 keyboard, floppy disk drive, and SCSI ports. Since the notebook has sound onboard, there are in and out jacks for the included speakers and a headphone jack as well. Unlike any other docking station, the ... Dock I comes with a handle to carry both it and the notebook. It also supports simultaneous external display: The external video ... will handle resolutions of up to 1,024-by-768, while the LCD display goes as high as 640x480." (Christopher Barr, PC Magazine, Aug94)  "To enhance the multimedia-presentation features of the [360 and 75x series], IBM designed the ThinkPad Dock I to be more than a mere desktop docking station. [I]t adds even more portability to the [notebook], with an additional two stereo speakers to enhance the audio quality ... and a SCSI CD-ROM drive bay to complement its multimedia functions. When you are ready to leave for that off-site meeting, you simply slide the notebook into the docking station, lock it in, grab the palm-rest handle, and stride off--ThinkPad and docking station in hand." (Portable Computing Magazine, Oct93) PC Card/PCMCIA Options  "After spending some time with CDPD modems and using the technology, we've come to a very definitive conclusion: We're impressed! We traveled to Seattle to test the CDPD modems from IBM. When IBM does it right, it really does it right. The really nifty thing about the IBM Cellular/CDPD Modem is that you can do voice, fax and data with the same unit. The headset consists of nothing more than an earpiece that can pick up your voice through the vibration of your jawbone. The modem connects to your laptop through a PC Card, and it can run off your laptop battery or with "battery assist." Physically, the IBM Cellular/CDPD Modem is about the size of three 3.5-inch floppies piled on top of each other. In our tests, the IBM wasn't the fastest modem, but it was only slower by a cat's whisker. While it may not be the fastest, its voice features and nifty headset will make it the right choice for those truly avantegarde mobile users." (Art Wittmann, Network Computing, 15Mar96) ThinkPad 760 Series  "While performance rules in our evaluation, IBM's ThinkPad 760CD ... and Zenith's Z-Note GT ... have the most features ... that we think are necessary for a multimedia notebook. With its lithium-ion battery, the ThinkPad 760CD powers on for a good 3 hours and 37 minutes." [Review of 13 multimedia notebooks] (Jim Kane and John McDonough, Byte Magazine, Apr96)  "IBM's ThinkPad 760CD is the first notebook with an MPEG-2 digital-video decoder chip. Developed by IBM, the decoder chip runs both MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 video, and you can also choose CD Interactive (CD-I)/Video-CD to play a CD-I movie, Video-CD, or karaoke CD. We played MPEG-1 files from an IBM MPEG CD-ROM sampler, a collection of action-filled scenes from the movie True Lies. The visual quality of the MPEG-1 clips degraded only slightly when we enlarged a smaller window to encompass the ThinkPad's entire 12.1-inch active-matrix color display." (John McDonough, Byte Magazine, Apr96)  "Once again, IBM has set the standard for notebooks by packaging a CD ROM drive, a 12.1-inch color display, and MPEG video-playback capabilities in a portable package." (Bob O'Regan, PC Week Magazine, 25Dec95)  "Continuing IBM's tradition of ground-breaking notebook innovations, the 760CD broadens horizons for mobile executives." (PC Magazine, Nov95)  "[The IBM ThinkPad 760CD is a] "market leader that offers exceptional performance. [T]here's nothing better." (PC Computing Magazine, p. 66, Nov95)  "It's been said before about notebook PCs but IBM ... will announce this week an advanced line of ThinkPads that it claims could be the true desktop replacement. The ThinkPad 760 family offers features rivaling those of desktop counterparts, such as support for up to 2.4G bytes of storage, and a keyboard that automatically tilts up upon opening. [T]he keyboard, which includes a palmrest, ... tilts to an approximate 10-degree angle when the unit is opened.... Other 760 features include a lithium-ion battery that offers up to 3 hours of continuous use, a hardware MPEG processor that supports 30-frame-per-second full-motion video applications, dual infrared ports, ... and a 720M-byte or 1.2G-byte removable hard drive. The 760CD's CD ROM drive bay also supports a floppy drive, a second battery, and a second hard drive." (Lisa DiCarlo, PC Week Magazine, 02Oct95)  "The IBM ThinkPad 760CD's excellent multimedia features and performance make it a compelling buy.... The 90MHz Pentium-based 760CD has a number of head-turning features. Most notable of these is its 12.1-inch active-matrix color LCD, easily the most readable that PC Week has seen on a notebook. In addition, the ThinkPad's unique set of multimedia feature--a 4X CD ROM drive, hardware-based MPEG II decoder, and video capture capability--will help presenters wow an audience. The ThinkPad also turned in good performance. In our WinMark graphics and disk tests, the ThinkPad performed between 10 percent and 20 percent better than the competition. Like the ThinkPad 701, the 760CD uses the Mwave MDSP2780, a digital signal processor that controls audio, modem, and telephony features. However, while the ... 701 supports a 14.4K-bps data/fax modem ... the 760CD has a 28.8K-bps model.... The ... screen is not only big--with a display area about 35 percent larger than standard 10.4-inch screens--but also supports 800-by-600-pixel resolution and 64,000 colors. Other nice features include a ... mechanism that makes it easier to eject PC Cards." (Michael Caton, PC Week Magazine, 02Oct95) ThinkPad 755 Series  "[IBM's] 75MHz ThinkPad 755CX surpassed all other notebooks we compared, including competing 90MHz systems. The ThinkPad combines desktop-class system design with top-notch portability features; it racked up first-place scores in eight of 12 categories. A lithium Ion battery helped the ThinkPad stay running the longest of any system in the comparison--more than 4 hours total, and a half-hour longer than the next closest system. The ThinkPad's 10.4-inch active matrix screen outclasses the other systems'...." [Comparison of notebook PCs from Aspen, Dell, IBM, Sceptre, TI, and Zeos.] (InfoWorld Magazine, 02Oct95)  "You've never seen anything like IBM's ThinkPad 755CV notebook computer--guaranteed. [W]hen you undo a latch on either side of the screen, the reinforced casing lifts off the back of the screen, transforming the now-transparent screen into a presentation panel that opens flat for simple attachment onto any standard overhead projector. Thus, your presentation can be show-and-tell, with the integrated Mwave DSP ... chip delivering audio narration, music clips, and sound effects. And, to enable you to magically control your presentation from across the room, front and rear infrared ports accept commands from the wireless MindPath Technologies infrared remote control. There are other presentation panels that offer remote control; there are even other notebooks than can turn into presentation panels ... [b]ut there's nothing else that offers the flexibility and gee-whiz appeal of the 755CV. The final result is a marvel of engineering--and a practical product to boot. [I]f you're weary of making and carrying overhead foils--or if you just want to impress other technophiles, you'll find your machine in the 755CV." (Edmund X. DeJesus, Byte Magazine, Sep95)  "IBM's ThinkPad 755CD is a tour de force in mobile multimedia. [T]he 755CD manages simply and elegantly with a front-loading CD-ROM drive that you can hot-swap with the included floppy drive. Equally impressive is the ThinkPad's Mwave DSP chip, which provides everything from 16-bit SoundBlaster-compatible audio to a 14.4Kbps fax modem (software upgradeable to 28.8Kbps) and sophisticated telephony features, including a full-duplex speakerphone function." (Steven Schwartz, Computer Shopper Magazine, Sep95)  "[I]f you plan to use your portable for productivity and presentations, the ThinkPad [755CD] is the machine to get." (New Media Magazine, p. 86, Aug95)  "[Any student of recent PC History knows that IBM has helped define notebook state of the art. The new IBM ThinkPad 755CE is no exception. This unit's large, crisp 10.4-inch active matrix color screen with Black Matrix technology provides viewability under very bright conditions, and it's driven by a 1MB VL Bus graphics controller that delivers 65,536 simultaneous colors. The keyboard design is as good as you'll find, and IBM's TrackPoint is the pointing device par excellance. You'll have to go a long way to beat IBM's three-year warranty, round-the-clock tech support, and 1-day turnaround on factory repairs." (Rex Farrance and Michael Desmond, PC World Magazine, May95)  "If you want the latest features in a notebook with quick DX4-100 performance, check out IBM's ThinkPad 755CD. This unit comes ready to put on a show, with 8MB of RAM and a full complement of multimedia peripherals, including an easy-access CD-ROM drive.... In addition, IBM integrates 16-bit sound, speakers, and a microphone. Portability is very good, considering the extra hardware a multimedia notebook requires. Ready to travel with CD-ROM drive, floppy drive, and power supply, the ... 755CD weighs a reasonable 8.6 pounds. This expandable unit is replete with fine design touches. You can swap the internal CD-ROM drive for a floppy drive or an additional PCMCIA Type III slot. Battery life is an acceptably solid 3.25 hours. [T]he ThinkPad 755CD stands as a unique and impressive value." (Rex Farrance and Michael Desmond, PC World Magazine, May95)  "If you're looking for an all-in-one portable multimedia solution, you won't find a better one than the IBM ThinkPad 755CD. This ... notebook ... defines the state of the art in portable computing. IBM succeeds not just in building a CD-ROM drive and wavetable-synthesis sound into a [light-weight] package; it throws in many features, such as infrared transcievers and a 14.4-Kbps fax modem with telephony capabilities. The 755CD ... is far and away the most complete, well-though-out multimedia notebook you'll find today. It's nothing short of a mobile power user's ... dream machine. In fact, with integrated dual 1.15-Mbps infrared ports (an IBM standard that's ten times faster than the one proposed by HP) and voice-mail capabilities, this unit may be even more robust than the PC on your desk." (Bill Howard, PC Magazine, 25Apr95)  "IBM ... has gone a long way to address users' need for long battery life: The [ThinkPad 755C's] battery lasts almost 4 hours during regular usage." (InfoWorld Magazine, p. 53, 20Mar95)  "The 100-MHz 486DX4-based IBM ThinkPad 755CD notebook works well as a multimedia desktop replacement system. Expansion options include support for 40MB of RAM and an 810-MB removable hard drive. An optional docking station ... houses two ISA expansion slots, a 32-bit voice MIDI synthesizer, and a one-third height drive bay. A ... local-bus graphics subsystem speeds graphics performance, and its local-bus hard drive interface made it a high achiever in the disk-intensive benchmark tests. The ... 755CD ... includes a 12-foot power cord and a 3-prong plug that pops out of the AC adapter's box, so there's no need for a power cord between the adapter and the wall socket." (Anthony J. Lennon andJohn McDonough, Byte Magazine, Apr95)  "If you've ever wondered how much functionality a notebook can deliver and still remain portable, IBM may have the answer for you. Front and rear infrared ports on the [ThinkPad] 755CD can communicate with another similarly equipped computer or peripheral (e.g., a printer). No more plugging and unplugging cables to print from your laptop. One of the more interesting features of the 755CD is the ability to capture or output NTSC and PAL video.... Presentations created on the ThinkPad can, in turn, be output to NTSC or PAL video. [Y]ou can record presentations onto an ordinary VCR. [T]his machine is a capable desktop replacement and a ground-breaking integration of multimedia components into a truly portable computer." (Rex Balzado, Byte Magazine, Mar95)  "IBM's ThinkPad 755CD lives up to the high standards set by its Editors' Choice award-winning predecessors, the ... 755C and ... 750C. This DX4/100-based portable is a fully equipped mobile office in an 8-pound-8-ounce package (including both floppy disk and CD-ROM drives). This CD-ROM drive is front-loadable, so no keyboard flipping is required to change CDs. The ThinkPad supports Super VGA external display, has video I/O jacks for a video camera or television, and has two slots that access an IrDA-compliant infrared ports. Some of the ThinkPad's most intriguing features are powered by a single chip: IBM's Mwave MDSP2780 digital signal processing chip. It enables the system's built-in 14.4Kbps fax modem (software upgradeable to 28.8 Kbps), SoundBlaster-compatible 16-bit audio, and telephony capabilities including its full-duplex speakerphone function. On our WinDrain test, this unit lasted an impressive 2 hours 34 minutes." (Carol Venezia, PC Magazine, 24Jan95)  "We tested eight color notebook computers available to government buyers on various contracts and the [GSA's] schedule, and one stood out as the best buy: IBM's ThinkPad 755Cs. This machine scored an 8.11 on a scale of 1 to 10. To arrive at this score, we ran performance benchmarks, measured battery life, size and weight; brought in users to rank screen quality and keyboard design; and offered objective scoring on tech support, service and documentation. Government pricing was also considered. The ThinkPad won the test with its combination of a great keyboard, strong performance, and convenience." (Dan Carney, InfoWorld Magazine, 23Jan95)  "[T]he IBM ThinkPad 755CD, the MPC CD-Book 875, and the Panasonic V41--are the closest we've come to real desktop eplacements. They are the first true, self-contained portable multimedia machines. Inserting a CD is easier with the ThinkPad ... than either of its two competitors. Rather than lifting the keyboard, as you must do with the [others], CDs are loaded directly in the front of the 755CD. The 755CD is not only the closest in size and feel to a standard notebook, it is also the most technologically savvy of the three units. The 755's list of features and abilities is impressive. [T]he 755CD not only displays simultaneous external SVGA, it can also capture video. The 755CD gives you something that neither [of the others] do: the ability to print directly or transfer files via its infrared port. Considering the whole package--large bright color screen, high-speed processor, and CD-ROM--if you can afford the ... price, you'll find the ThinkPad 755CD is worth every penny." (Tin Albano, PC Magazine, 06Dec94)  "In many ways IBM's 5.7-pound ThinkPad 755C sets the notebook standard. It has a glorious 10.4-inch active-matrix display, as well as a gread full-sized keyboard, complete with the integrated eraserhead pointing device everybody loves." (PC/Computing Magazine, p. 128, Nov94)  "In the race to create a notebook that does everything a desktop PC can, IBM has pulled away from the pack." [First Look at the new 755CD/CE/CSE models] (PC World, p. 62, Nov94)  "Ever since the ThinkPad 700C debuted in 1992, IBM's premier portable has been the status symbol of the notebook world--admired for its quick performance, modular design, and elegant TrackPoint II pointing device. The newest edition, the ThinkPad 755C is as desirable as you'd imagine. An Intel DX2/50 or DX4/75 processor ... big 540MB hard drive, and local bus video make it a fast performer, while that dazzling display, a great keyboard, built-in multimedia audio, and good battery life make it a pleasure to use. If you're put off by the wait for a 755C, you can opt for the 755CS, which is the same machine with a readily available 9.5-inch dual-scan color LCD and a price tag about $1,350 less. Frankly the DX2/50 ThinkPad is such a smooth runner that only power users could justify splurging on the DX4/75. Even if you don't ooh and ah over the ThinkPad's screen, you'll swoon over its ingenious AC adapter. Rather than using a separate cord to plug into a wall outlet, the adapter has retractable prongs to plug in directly. A microprocessor built into the NiMH battery lets you precisely monitor the charge and time left before a siren sound effect warns of imminent rundown. The 755Cs built-in audio capabilities extend to Sound Blaster and MIDI compatibility as well as playing ... and ... recording voice notes in WAV format for business audio. Ultimately, considering a ThinkPad 755C is like shopping for airline tickets: Business-class seats and service are nice, but there's still something special about flying first class." (Eric Grevstad, Computer Shopper, Sep94)  "The new ThinkPad 755C shows off IBM's technological prowess with a 10.4-inch active-matrix color display, a DS2/50 or DX4/75 CPU, a TrackPoint II pointing stick, great battery life, accelerated local-bus graphics that can handle up to 30 frames of video per second, a built-in microphone and two small speakers, a removable hard disk of up to 810MB, and a docking station with a double-speed CD-ROM and speakers. The ThinkPad incorporates so much ... into so small and light a package that it is truly a marvel of miniaturization." (Bill Howard, PC Magazine, Aug94)  "IBM's ThinkPad line has a well-deserved reputation for ruggedness, design, and performance--for a price. Among full-featured notebooks, the ... DX4/75-powered ThinkPad 755C stands alone. The now-familiar [features] have all been retained from the 486SL/33-powered ... 750C. New features for the 6.4-pound unit ... include microphone and external speaker jacks in addition to the standard I/O, video, and docking station ports. The ... 755C performed very well on our DOS-based benchmark tests, posting the top score in this roundup on the DOS disk tests and the second-highest score on the DOS video tests. Battery life on our ZDigit test was excellent...; lasting 5 hours 9 minutes, the ... 755C just edged out the Gateway ColorBook for top honors in its processor class. In fact, it bested most other systems, many of which are powered by slower, less power-hungry processors. ThinkPads retain their status as road-ready powerhouses for those who can afford them." (Robert S. Anthony, PC Magazine, Aug94)  "The ThinkPad 755C uses the same active-matrix color LCD as the older 750C. It is the best color notebook display we've seen. ...PC Week rated the [750C] system's ergonomics highly because of its well-designed keyboard layout, integrated pointing device, and screen. This remains true of the ... 755C. [T]he ... 755C maintain[s] the 750C's excellent level of expandibility. The floppy drive, for instance, can be replaced by a cellular modem or infrared communications device. In addition ... the ... 755C support[s] two PCMCIA Type 2 expansion cards. We did like the one innovation IBM has integrated into each power supply--retracting contact prongs. This makes the power supply easier to stuff in a briefcase and eliminates one cable." [Overall score: 4.0, where 4=Better than Expected] (Michael Caton, PC Week Magazine, 13Jun94) ThinkPad 701 Series  "IBM wowed virtually everyone in the PC industry ... when it released its 4.3-pound ThinkPad 701C.... The automatically expanding full-sized keyboard of the diminutive machine continues to be a favorite feature among mobile users craving desktop functionality in a compact notebook." (PC Week Staff, PC Week Magazine, 25Dec95)  "IBM applied some truly out-of-the-box thinking to solve an old problem ... and came up with the first subnotebook clearly designed for adult-sized hands. The machine has quickly become one of IBM's hottest selling portables." (InformationWeek Magazine, 11Dec95)  "Our ballot summed it up: 'Drop-dead, knockout, gotta-have-it engineering--a subnotebook that morphs into a desktop. Leaves hardened reviewers groping for cliched comparisons to caviar and Rolls-Royces...' Clearly one of the landmark products of 1995, the [701C] tied with Netscape Navigator as editors' top vote getter overall. We all want the boss to buy us one." (Eric Grevstad, Computer Shopper Magazine, Sep95)  "When most people first open IBM's ThinkPad 701C notebook, they're left speechless. Then slowly they smile and say, "Cooool." PC World's tests clocked the 701C's battery at a respectable 4 hours and 43 minutes, and toting this slim, 4.3-pound machine is no sweat. IBM throws in other goodies to sweeten the deal: You get answering machine functions and Sound Blaster-compatible audio. An infrared port at the rear of the unit (also on IBM's ThinkPad 755) provides point-to-point data transfers at up to 1150 Kbps and works with both Hewlett-Packard and Sharp infrared devices. Lightweight and powerful, with a great screen and full-size keyboard...." (Top of the News, PC World Magazine, May95)  "[T]he ... 701C ... give[s] you the largest and most comfortable keyboard in its class. But when you turn on the unit, what really pops out is the impressive 10.4-inch display. Add IBM's TrackPoint III pointer, and the result is today's most ergonomically correct subnotebook. The 701C ... shine[s] among portables for pleasantness to use and for flat-out coolness." (Alan Joch, Byte Magazine, May95)  "Every once in a while, a computer comes along that breaks so many established rules that it redefines the genre. The IBM ThinkPad 701C, with its expanding keyboard, 4-pound system weight, and large color display, is such a PC. If you want the most full-featured computer in the smallest package but don't want to make the annoying compromises that other subnotebooks require, look no further. The ... 701C has successfully taken the sub out of subnotebook. The big news is IBM's innovative TrackWrite keyboard. The TrackWrite ... is not a single unit but is actually composed of two pieces that fit together to form a full keyboard. When the lid is raised, a spiral cam ... starts the mechanical magic.... The result is an 11.5-inch keyboard that hangs over the system's edges by about 7/8 of an inch on each side. Once the system is open and the keyboard is in place, the ... 701C's 10.4-inch ... active-matrix display will dazzle you with its ability to display sharp edges and rich colors. The 14.4-kbps modem uses a digital signal processor that does double duty as a ... sound system. The ... 701C has a built-in microphone ... and a speaker..., making it multimedia-ready. [T]he ThinkPad 701C sets the new notebook standard for others to match." (First Looks, PC Magazine, 14Mar95)  "IBM's newest subnotebook, the ThinkPad 701C, generated more spontaneous excitement than I've seen in a long time ... from our technicians and editors. And they had reason to be impressed--the 701C is one of the most innovative machines to come out in a long time. It's also the first answer to one of the thorniest problems in portable computing: how to make a notebook really small without compromising the keyboard. IBM packed the 701C with an impressive array of multimedia capabilities. [T]he 701C also provides a number of power-saving modes, the most useful of which is the standard suspend mode. When you close the cover, the 701C shuts down its display and hard drive and switches to a low CPU speed. Open the top and everything starts up again. [T]he suspend mode can last up to 21 days, depending on the condition of your battery." (Tracey Capen, InfoWorld, 06Mar95)  "I rate the ThinkPad 701C very highly. It's a terrific portable computer for which IBM's engineers deserve great credit." (Walter Mossberg, Wall Street Journal, 02Mar95) ThinkPad 560 Series |  "Like its predecessor [the 701C], [the ThinkPad 560 is] a honey--packing a big keyboard and a huge screen into a small form. I think IBM has a hit on its hands with the ThinkPad 560, one that will be tough for others to match for awhile." (Wall Street Journal, 23May96) | ThinkPad 360 Series  "The ThinkPad 360PE represents an evolutionary step forward with a faster processor, and on-board audio capabilities. Even if you don't use it all [math coprocessor for spreadsheets, integrated 16-bit audio, 9.5" ... dual scan color display, and extensive preload software], it is a great deal and a far cry from most [pen] notebooks who come with nothing more than the operating system. [O]ne of the finest notebooks in the world, with a faster processor than its predecessor, lots of software, and a full integrated audio subsystem." (Pen Computing Magazine, 29Sep95)  "This [360CSE] DX2-50 passive color notebook's decent ... price and good performance, plus IBM's legendary support and reputation for making reliable systems, makes this an attractive package. Lots of preinstalled software...." (PC World Magazine, May95)  "If you want a ThinkPad 755CE, but your budget can't handle its $6,000-plus price tag, you may want to consider IBM's value-minded ThinkPad 360CE or 360CSE notebooks. The latest editions to IBM's notebook line have 50-MHz 486DX2 processors and can carry enhanced IDE hard drives of 810MB. These wallet-conscious ThinkPads are identical in all respects but one: The ... 360CE is outfitted with an 8.4-inch active matrix color display, while the ... 360CSE has a 9.5-inch dual-scan passive-matrix color screen. Either way you go, you win, because both notebooks successfully carry the ThinkPad pedigree." (Tin Albano, PC Magazine, 24Jan95)  "Aware that not everyone can find or afford its ThinkPad 755C, IBM has designed the ... ThinkPad 360C and ... pen-capable ThinkPad 360P. Both are powered by a 486SX/33 CPU.... [T]he ... 360C's screen is 8.5-inches; the ... 360P has a 9.5-inch screen that can be turned over to use the unit's wireless pen. Both screens are bright and sharp. Both units offer the built-in TrackPoint II ... and can accommodate two Type II or one Type III PCMCIA device. Both units scored well within their processor group on most benchmark tests. The ... 360P had the best DOS score among SX/33-based machines.... Both systems offer enough features to make them worthy of serious contention." (Robert S. Anthony, PC Magazine, Aug94)  "By bringing most of the ThinkPad 750C's features to its low-cost ThinkPad 360CS, IBM has made the benchmark notebook more affordable. In addition, IBM has opted for a dual-scan passive-matrix color LCD in the Model 360CS, so it should be more available than the elusive 750C.... ...PC Week rated the [750C] system's ergonomics highly because of its well-designed keyboard layout, integrated pointing device, and screen. This remains true of the 360CS... The 360CS' 9.5" dual-scan passive-matrix color display was not as large or bright and crisp as the 750C and 755C's active-matrix color LCD. However the 360CS' screen is still competitive ... (an 8.5-inch active matrix color screen is also available [on the 360C]. [T]he 360CS ... maintain[s] the 750C's excellent level of expandibility. The floppy drive, for instance, can be replaced by a cellular modem or infrared communications device. In addition ... the 360CS ... support[s] two PCMCIA Type 2 expansion cards. We did like the one innovation IBM has integrated into each power supply--retracting contact prongs. This makes the power supply easier to stuff in a briefcase and eliminates one cable." (Michael Caton, PC Week Magazine, 13Jun94) ═══ 5. ThinkPad Technical Q&As ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Q&As ThinkPad 300 Series Q&As ThinkPad 700/720 Series Q&As ThinkPad 350 Series Q&As ThinkPad 700T/710T/730T Series Q&As ThinkPad 360 Series Q&As ThinkPad 701 Series Q&As ThinkPad 500/510Cs Series Q&As ThinkPad 750/755 Series Q&As ThinkPad Software Q&As ThinkPad Family Hardware Q&As To return to the ThinkPad Technical Q&As header, double-click here. ═══ 5.1. ThinkPad 300 Series Q&As ═══ The following questions relate specifically to the ThinkPad 300 Series series of systems. Questions that apply to several, or all, ThinkPad models can be found in the ThinkPad Family Software Q&As and ThinkPad Family Hardware Q&As sections. Battery/Charging Cradle Q. What is the battery life of the ThinkPad 300 Series? A. Using the PC Magazine benchmarks, which measure continuous usage with power management features disabled (i.e., worst-case scenario), the ThinkPad 300 Series has a battery life of 4 hours. According to the Veritest benchmark, which measures battery life in a "typical workday environment," with power management features enabled, the battery in the 300 lasts 10 hours. Depending on the hardware configuration, and the power management settings used, "real life" numbers will probably be somewhere in between. Q. What is the external charging cradle? A. The external charging cradle allows the user to recharge extra battery packs outside the ThinkPad by using the power cord and AC adapter packed with the machine. The charging cradle has been withdrawn by IBM, but may still be available from remarketers and used equipment brokers. Q. Why is the charge status LED red? A. Sometimes when connecting the AC adapter the contacts in the connector do not make the connection at the same time. To correct, disconnect and then reconnect the AC adapter connector. If the problem persists, contact your service representative. Q. Why is my charge status LED flashing amber? A. Normally this occurs when the AC voltage to the AC adapter was lost or the AC adapter was disconnected from the computer. Check the line cord to the AC adapter and be sure it is still plugged into the wall socket and the AC adapter. Ethernet Q. Is the Ethernet adapter that comes standard with the ThinkPad 300 Series 10BaseT or 10Base2? A. Either--depending on the connector cable used. For 10BaseT, use P/N 33G9293; for 10Base2, use P/N 33G9294. These cables have been withdrawn by IBM, but they (or equivalent cables) may still be available from remarketers and used equipment brokers. Q. The ThinkPad 300 Series has built-in Ethernet support. Why not a Token-Ring version? A. The 300 is the entry-level product in the ThinkPad line. It wasn't possible to integrate Token-Ring support at a low enough price for an entry-level product. Plus there isn't as much demand for Token-Ring support on low-end models. Users requiring Token-Ring support may use an external (parallel port) Token-Ring adapter, such as that sold by Xircom and other vendors. Expansion/Upgradeability Q. Does the ThinkPad 300 Series support an external keyboard? A. Yes; the IBM 101 Enhanced keyboard (or compatible) is a supported option. It can be plugged into the mouse/keyboard port. However, this will leave no port for a mouse. If you use the optional port replicator, there are ports for both the keyboard and a mouse. Q. What exactly is the port replicator and how does it attach? A. The TP 300 provides a 68-contact "pinless" connector to connect the optional port replicator. The port replicator is a passive device that passes various signals from the computer to external ports, including: Video, Numeric Keypad, Mouse, Parallel Port, Serial Port, and AC Adapter. One of the more annoying aspects of mobile computers is the necessity to disconnect all external cables before leaving, and then reconnecting them upon return. The port replicator eliminates this problem. It allows the user to unplug only the replicator from the ThinkPad, while leaving all external devices connected to the replicator, providing a quick-disconnect/reconnect convenience feature. Q. Is there an external docking unit or port replicator available for adding external adapters or drives to the ThinkPad 300 Series? A. There is no external expansion capability announced for the 300. However, external network, 3270, and 5250 adapters that attach to the parallel port are available from a number of vendors. Q. Is the 386SL processor used in the ThinkPad 300 Series upgradeable to a 486 or Pentium? A. No, the processor in the 300 is not upgradeable. Q. Are there any larger hard drives available for my system? A. Not from IBM, but there are OEM companies that offer 2.5" drives for many different laptop/notebook PCs. One such company is Laptop Solutions at 800-683-6839. Contact them for details and pricing. Other such vendors exist as well. Look at the ads near the back of most PC magazines, and especially Computer Shopper. Problem Resolution Q. My ThinkPad 300 does not count memory at power-on like other IBM systems. Do I have a hardware problem? A. No. The TP 300 is designed to not count memory during POST. Many users feel that a memory count is a waste of time. If you wish to check the amount of memory installed in your TP 300, look in the Setup (Fn-F5) "memory configuration menu". Q. Nothing happens when the computer is turned on. What could be the problem? A. The battery could be discharged. Connect the AC adapter, and let the battery pack charge for about 15 minutes. If the computer starts up when you power it on, the battery pack was fully discharged. Power off the computer and charge the battery pack for three hours before using. Another cause could be that the AC adapter and cord is damaged. Check for obvious damage, and replace the adapter or cords with the same type and rating. Q. The LCD screen and the status panel went blank after closing and opening the lid. What could be the problem? A. The computer needs about 1.5 sec. to completely enter rest mode. If rest mode is entered by closing the lid but the lid is re-opened before rest mode is completely entered, the computer will not see the lid open and will remain in rest mode. To remedy this problem, close the lid, wait 5 sec, then open the lid, and the computer should resume normally. If this fails, contact a service representative. Q. The video display goes blank or is unreadable when I am running Windows 3.1. What's wrong? A. When running Windows 3.1 in 386 enhanced mode and switching between running applications that are configured for different video displays or resolutions, one of the displays may lose synchronization. To correct, press the Fn-F10 key combination two times to restore the display. Q. The message "[200553] ERROR" is displayed on the screen when I power on. What does it mean? A. This error means that the computer has been stored unused for more than four weeks. The main battery pack and the backup battery are completely discharged. Connect the AC adapter and allow the batteries to fast charge for three hours. If the message reappears, contact service representative. Q. When I reset my computer, the [200001] HARD DRIVE ERROR message appears. What's wrong? A. This message normally appears if the power button is pressed before the reset button when performing a cold reset while in rest mode. To correct, press and hold the reset button and then press the power button to correctly reset the computer. Q. After resuming, the clock in my software program is not correct. Why? A. During rest mode, the computer and the software program are halted by stopping the CPU clock. This means that any timekeeping function performed by the program is also stopped. When resumed, the software program starts keeping time where it was stopped. It is the responsibility of the software program to periodically check the operating system clock to update itself. Contact the software vendor for applicaitons assistance. Q. My serial device does not work after I resume the computer. What could be the problem? A. The device probably gets power from the computer through the serial port. When the power is turned off, the device loses its configuration. If the device driver for the device is a .COM or .EXE file, try reloading the driver. If this fails, reboot the computer. Q. The LCD screen is black after I resume the computer. A. If there was an external CRT connected before the computer was placed in standby mode, and then disconnected the CRT before resuming, the computer assumes that the CRT is still connected and sends the video signals to the CRT connector. The monitor sensing circuit is only active during power up and resume from rest mode. To correct, press the Fn-F10 key combination to switch to the LCD display. Miscellaneous Q. Is the ThinkPad 300 Series LCD sidelit or backlit? A. Sidelit, although it appears to be backlit. Q. Why is the original PS/2 mouse not supported on the ThinkPad 300 Series? A. The DIN connector on the original PS/2 mouse is too large to make good contact with the TP 300 connector. The newer Enhanced, and Miniature, IBM mice remedy this problem and are supported. Q. What is the maximum operating altitude for the ThinkPad 300 Series? A. 10,000 feet, or equivalent air pressure (such as in a pressurized airplane cabin). Q. What is the service part number (FRU) for the ThinkPad 300 Series lithium Backup Battery? A. The FRU is number 33F9295. Use only this part number. Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Q&As ThinkPad 300 Series Q&As ThinkPad 700/720 Series Q&As ThinkPad 350 Series Q&As ThinkPad 700T/710T/730T Series Q&As ThinkPad 360 Series Q&As ThinkPad 701 Series Q&As ThinkPad 500/510Cs Series Q&As ThinkPad 750/755 Series Q&As ThinkPad Software Q&As ThinkPad Family Hardware Q&As To return to the ThinkPad Q&As header, double-click here. ═══ 5.2. ThinkPad 350 Series Q&As ═══ The following questions relate specifically to the ThinkPad 350 series of systems. Questions that apply to several, or all, ThinkPad models can be found in the ThinkPad Family Software Q&As and ThinkPad Family Hardware Q&As sections. Q. How do the 350/350C ThinkPads differ from the 720/720C systems? They seem very similar, yet the 350's are priced much lower. A. While the 350 and 720 series have much in common, there are some significant differences as well: 1) The 720C uses an active matrix (TFT) 10.4" color screen, while the 350C uses a passive matrix (STN) 9.5" screen. STN technology is much less expensive than TFT, but also not as bright. 2) The 486SL-25 processor in the 350 is slower than the 50/25MHz 486SLC (which is faster than a 486SX-33) used in the 720. 3) On the other hand, the 350 includes SVGA local bus video, versus the 720's VGA (which makes up some of the performance difference with graphics-intensive software). 4) The 720 includes two PCMCIA sockets (2 Type I or II cards, or 1 Type III), to only one for the 350 (1 Type I or II card). 5) The 720 offers docking station and port replicator options, which the 350 doesn't offer. 6) The battery in the 350 lasts longer than the 720. 7) The 350 weighs less than the 720. And 8) the 720 monochrome model is upgradeable to a TFT color LCD, but the monochrome 350 is not upgradeable to color at all. Processor Q. What kind of processor is used in the 350/350C ThinkPads? A. An Intel 486SL-NM Q. How does the 486SL-NM differ from the standard 486SL processor? A. The NM stands for "No Math coprocessor." So it is essentially a low-power version of the 486SX. Q. If the 486SL-NM doesn't have a built-in math coprocessor, does the 350 have a coprocessor socket for an external 387? A. No. Q. Can the processor be slowed down to save battery power? A. Yes; press Fn-F1 to enter the setup program and change the "Power mode" setting to Custom. This allows you to change the "Processor Speed" from 25MHz to "Auto". Auto allows the power management software to slow the processor automatically when it becomes idle, and then return to full speed when needed. Video Q. So the 350 has an SVGA LCD? A. No; the LCD is VGA, but external SVGA monitors are supported. Q. Does the SVGA controller support high-refresh rate, flicker-free monitors? A. VGA and SVGA monitors are supported up to 75Hz in both 640x480 and 800x800 resolutions, non-interlaced and flicker-free. Q. Is the SVGA controller ISO 9241/3-capable? A. Yes. With an ISO 9241/3-capable monitor the 350 is fully ISO 9241/3-compliant. Q. What SVGA chipset is used? A. The Cirrus CT-65530. Q. How much video RAM is standard? A. 512K. Q. Is the video RAM upgradeable? A. No. Q. Is there a 256-color driver for OS/2 2.1 available for the 350C? A. Not at this time. Q. How do I toggle between normal and reverse video? A. Press Fn-F2. Q. I understand that there is a "text contrast enhancement feature." How do I implement it? A. Press Fn-F3. To specify the parameters for the program to use, enter the setup program (Fn-F1), and change the settings. Q. How far does the LCD display panel tilt? A. 180°. Q. Are the mono and color LCDs single- or dual-scan? A. The mono LCD is dual-scan, and the color LCD is single-scan? Q. What's the difference between single-and double-scan LCDs? A. Single-scan LCDs read each of the 480 lines of resolution one at a time. This is slow enough that ghosting can result. Double-scan LCDs use two scanners to read alternate lines, thus reading all 480 lines in half the time. This produces much faster screen refresh with much less ghosting than single-scan LCDs. PCMCIA Q. Are there any OEM 14.4Mbps internal modems available for the 350, if I need faster than the 9600 bps modem IBM offers? A. Not at this time. Only PCMCIA modems from IBM and other vendors. Q. How many PCMCIA "bays" or "sockets" do the 350 models contain? A. There is one bay that can take one Type 1 or Type 2 card at a time. Q. What software do I need to use PCMCIA cards in the 350? A. The DOS card and socket services are already preloaded on the 350 (along with DOS and Prodigy). All you need are the device drivers that should come with each PCMCIA card. In addition, OS/2 2.1 and later includes the card and socket services so, again, you would only need the device drivers for OS/2. Q. Is there an OS/2 driver for the Apex PCMCIA high-speed modems?? A. Yes. Call Apex at 800-841-2739 for the driver, or download it from their BBS at 510-803-2039. (All modems shipped since November 1993 include this driver.) Miscellaneous Q. Are there any larger hard drives available for my system? A. Not from IBM, but there are OEM companies that offer 2.5" drives for many different laptop/notebook PCs. One such company is Laptop Solutions at 800-683-6839. Contact them for details and pricing. Other such vendors exist as well. Look at the ads near the back of most PC magazines, and especially Computer Shopper. Q. I'm running OS/2 2.1 on a ThinkPad, but when OS/2 boots up I get messages saying that COM.SYS and VCOM.SYS didn't load? What's wrong? A. A) If you are using a PCMCIA modem, make sure that 1) the PCMCIA drivers have been installed, 2) a PCMCIA modem is inserted in the socket, and 3) the power management software isn't set to "Off" for the PCMCIA socket. Or, B) if you are using an internal modem, make sure that 1) the hardware setup program recognizes the modem, and 2) the power management software isn't SET to "Off" for the MODEM. Or, C) if you don't have a modem, or it is external, make sure that 1) the hardware setup program isn't set to disable the serial port, and 2) the power management software isn't SET to "Off" for the port. Q. There is no numeric keypad option offered by IBM for the 350. Are there any OEM options that work? A. One vendor whose numeric keypad is known to work with the 350 is Genovation (714-833-3355). There may be similar products available from other vendors as well. Q. Are there any "feet" that I can pop out to tilt the keyboard for a more comfortable typing angle. A. Not feet, but the door on the back of the 350 that covers the I/O ports is designed to pivot all the way back and down. When you pivot the door as far as it can go it will slide slightly upward and lock in place. To close the door, raise the 350, pull the door slightly downward, then pivot it back up. Q. What is the maximum operating altitude for the ThinkPad 350/350C? A. 7,000 feet, or equivalent air pressure (such as in a pressurized airplane cabin). Q. How do I access the setup program? A. Press and hold the function key, then F1 (Fn-F1). Q. The announcement letter says that the 350 has an "enhanced" parallel port. Is this a DMA port, like some PS/2s have, or like the N45 notebook's parallel port? A. It is the same as the N45's port, achieving throughput of up to 14Mbits/second. Q. Are the 350/350C Micro Channel or AT bus (ISA)? A. AT bus; although the lack of any adapter slots makes the distinction meaningless. Q. What is the battery life of the Thinkpad 350/350C? A. Using the PC Magazine benchmarks, which measure continuous usage with power management features disabled (i.e., worst-case scenario), the monochrome Thinkpad 350 has a battery life of 2.7 hours, and the color 350C's battery life is 2.0 hours. According to the Veritest benchmark, which measures battery life in a "typical workday environment," with power management features enabled, the battery in the 3500 lasts 9 hours, while the 350C is good for 7.2 hours. Q. How many times can the NiMH battery be recharged before it must be replaced? A. Approximately 500 times. Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Q&As ThinkPad 300 Series Q&As ThinkPad 700/720 Series Q&As ThinkPad 350 Series Q&As ThinkPad 700T/710T/730T Series Q&As ThinkPad 360 Series Q&As ThinkPad 701 Series Q&As ThinkPad 500/510Cs Series Q&As ThinkPad 750/755 Series Q&As ThinkPad Software Q&As ThinkPad Family Hardware Q&As To return to the ThinkPad Q&As header, double-click here. ═══ 5.3. ThinkPad 360 Series Q&As ═══ The following questions relate specifically to the ThinkPad 360 series of systems. Questions that apply to several, or all, ThinkPad models can be found in the ThinkPad Family Software Q&As and ThinkPad Family Hardware Q&As sections. Q. What's the difference between the 360/360C/360CS/360P models? A. The 360 uses a monochrome LCD, the 360C has an active-matrix color LCD, and the 360Cs has a dual-scan STN passive-matrix color LCD. The 360P uses a pen-enabled version of the mono LCD used on the 360. The pen display can pivot down over the keyboard for use like a pen tablet. The only other difference is that only the 360C supports the two video options that display TV and full-motion video on the internal color LCD. Passive matrix color screen technology is not fast enough to keep up with full-motion video without excessive "ghosting." Q. How do the 360 series models differ from the more expensive 750 and 755 series? A. The 360 series is the "value" line of 75x-class systems. While they share many features in common, the 75x systems offer faster processors, larger screens and hard disk drives, and multimedia features not available on the 360 series, but at a price premium. Video Q. Does the 360 series support an external monitor concurrently with the LCD? A. Yes. An external VGA or SVGA monitor can be used (up to 1024x768), and both the LCD and the monitor will be active. Q. Why are the video options (TV Tuner, Analog-to-Digital Converter) only supported on the 360C model? A. The active-matrix (TFT) LCD is the only one with a refresh rate fast enough for full-motion video. Q. Why would I want to spend the extra money for the active-matrix LCD versus the STN color LCD, if I don't care about the video options? A. In addition, the TFT display has a 100:1 contrast ratio, versus 20:1 for the color STN LCD. This means a much sharper and brighter image, with a wider range of viewable angles. Also, the TFT LCD can display 256 colors out of a palette of 262,144 colors; the STN LCD displays 256 out of 4,096 colors. Thus the active-matrix LCD is capable of photorealistic imaging. Finally, the TFT screen is 10.4" (diagonal), to 9.5" for the STN LCD (about 20% more total area). This translates into larger text, larger graphics and icons, etc. All in all, better readability of the screen, and less eye-strain. Q. What is the maximum monitor weight supported by the ThinkPad Display Stand? A. 48.6 lbs (22 kg). Q. How do install both the ActionMedia II adapter and the Analog-to-Digital Video Adapter (which allows the AM II card to display full-motion video on the LCD screen of the 360C) in the Dock I docking station if there is only one ISA slot? A. The ADV adapter does not use an adapter slot. It attaches directly to the circuit board inside the Dock I (or Dock II) unit, leaving the adapter slot available for the AM II card. Q. I can't seem to figure out how to enable Picture-In-Picture (PIP) with the TV Tuner option so that I can watch video in a window on my LCD. A. The TV Tuner, unlike the PS/2 TV product, does not support PIP video, only full-screen. Q. What's the difference between using the TV Tuner versus the PS/2 TV? A. There are several pros and cons for each product: The TV tuner fits inside the diskette bay (but the drive can be attached externally if needed), and so is portable; on the other hand, it does not support PIP, and does not offer a video out port for an external monitor. By comparison, the PS/2 TV option is an external box, about the same size as the 750, and so is much less portable, and it doesn't support video to the LCD, only an external monitor; but it does offer PIP on the monitor. So someone needing "video to go" would probably prefer the TV Tuner, while someone operating in the office, who wants to display the video on a large monitor, full-screen or PIP, might prefer the PS/2 TV. Both accept input from antenna or cable. PCMCIA Q. How many PCMCIA "bays" or "sockets" do the 360 models contain? A. There is one bay that can take either one Type 3 card, or two Type 1 and/or Type 2 cards at a time. Q. What considerations are there for using two PCMCIA cards at once? A. There are several: 1) Two cards have the same potential address and I/O conflict problems that two adapters would. 2) Two communications cards may have physical conflicts between the cables coming out the back of the cards. 3) When the ejection button is pressed, both cards are ejected. This might result in a communications session being interrupted, for example. Q. The PCMCIA diagnostics program doesn't see the PCMCIA cards installed in my Port Replicator I. But the cards appear to be functioning. What's wrong? A. It is merely a limitation of the diagnostics program. To test a PCMCIA card that is installed in a slot higher than 2, move the card temporarily to either slot 1 or 2. Then return it to its original location in slot 3 or 4 when finished testing. Q. I have PCMCIA cards installed in my Port Replicator I. But the drivers don't seem to be able to find them. What's wrong? A. If the cards use "point enabler" drivers, they will not be recognized in a slot number higher than 2. If possible, move those cards into slots 1 and 2, and move the other cards (if they do not require point enabler drivers) into the higher-numbered slots. Q. Is there an OS/2 driver for the Apex PCMCIA high-speed modems?? A. Yes. Call Apex at 800-841-2739 for the driver, or download it from their BBS at 510-803-2039. (All modems shipped since November 1993 include this driver.) Battery and Power Management Q. What is the battery life of the Thinkpad 360 series? A. Using the PC Magazine benchmarks, which measure continuous usage with power management features disabled (i.e., worst-case scenario), the monochrome Thinkpad 360 has a battery life of 4.6 hours, the passive matrix color (pen) 360P lasts for 3.3 hours, the passive matrix color 360Cs is good for 3.5 hours, and the active matrix color 360C's battery life is 3.0 hours. According to the Veritest benchmark, which measures battery life in a "typical workday environment," with power management features enabled (a more realistic test), the battery in the 360 lasts for up to 10 hours, and the 360C, 360Cs, and 360P up to 7 hours. Depending on the hardware configuration, and the power management settings used, "real life" numbers will probably be somewhere in between. Q. What does "non-disruptive battery exchange" mean? A. It means that you don't have to shut down the 360 to exchange batteries or risk losing whatever was running in memory. The 360 series allows the user to put the system in suspend mode and exchange battery packs without any loss of data or function. Q. I am having mouse problems with hibernation mode since installing OS/2 2.11 (or the 2.1 ServicePak) on a ThinkPad 750. What can I do? A. Download a file called HIBERFIX.EXE from the IBM PC Company BBS. This fix replaces the APM.SYS and MOUSE.SYS drivers. (Or download 211DDU1B.EXE, which contains this fix, plus the previous one, in one file.) Expansion Unit and Port Replicator Q. Is there a docking station available for the ThinkPad 360/360C/360CS/360P systems? A. Yes; two in fact. The IBM Dock I includes one 3.5"/5.25" drive bat, one full-length 16" ISA adapter slot, two stereo speakers, universal power supply, serial, parallel, keyboard, pointing device, SVGA, and SCSI ports, as well as audio-in/out, video-in, and speaker jacks, and an integrated handle, allowing the user to carry it with the system connected. Dock II includes all of the above, and adds a second drive bay, a second full-length 16-bit ISA slot, and two PCMCIA sockets. Q. What is the Analog-to-Digital video converter option for the Dock I and II? A. The Analog-to-Digital video converter option, when used in conjunction with an IBM ActionMedia II Display adapter in the docking unit, provides full-motion color video on the 750C TFT LCD. Q. I'm confused about the "port replicators." What are they? A. One of the more annoying aspects of mobile computers is the necessity to disconnect all external cables before leaving, and then reconnecting them upon return. The optional ThinkPad 750 Port Replicators eliminate this problem. The Port Replicator II is a removable module that connects to all the ports on the back of the ThinkPad, providing pass-through to matching ports on the replicator. Cables are attached to the replicator. Then when the ThinkPad has to be moved, the replicator is disconnected from the ThinkPad with all cables still attached. When the ThinkPad returns, the replicator is snapped back onto the unit. At no time are the cables removed from the replicator, saving the user much time and inconvenience. The Port Replicator I is the same, but adds two PCMCIA Type II slots. Q. The performance of the CD-ROM kit for the Dock I seems slow for a dual-speed drive. Why? A. Two reasons: 1) The maximum data transfer rate of the Internal CD-ROM Installation Kit drive is 200KB/second. If higher performance is required, use an externally-attached drive connected to the SCSI port of the DOCK I. 2) Even with the existing drive, there is a faster driver provided than the default driver (IBMCDROM.SYS) automatically installed. On the same Option diskette provided with the Dock I unit, there is a driver called FDCD.SYS. Follow the installation instructions provided in the readme file. This driver will greatly improve performance for applications like video playback. Q. Do I need the CD-ROM kit for an internal drive, or can I just use any CD-ROM drive? A. You can use any SCSI CD-ROM drive (or other device) that will fit in a 1"-high bay. Also, you will need a black bezel (cover plate) that fits the 3445 unit if you are concerned about appearance. Q. I'm trying to use an IBM Auto 16/4 Token-Ring Adapter in a Dock I docking station attached to my ThinkPad 360, but the system hangs whenever I run LANAID. What's wrong? A. Make sure you use the latest version of LANAID (1.2 or later), which corrects this problem. It can be found on the IBM PC Company BBS. Miscellaneous Q. What is the maximum operating altitude for the ThinkPad 360/360C/360CS/360P models? A. 10,000 feet, or equivalent air pressure (such as in a pressurized airplane cabin). Q. What is the security base (P/N 66G3684)? A. It is a cradle for the system that serves as a physical security option. It allows the user to bolt the system to the desk. It locks the system to the cradle using the hard disk drive locking mechanism. A padlock can be added by the user. The Security Base protects against removal of the hard disk drive, IC DRAM cards, and the math coprocessor. It also prevents access to the system's screw holes, system expansion port, and I/O connectors. Note: This option is not required if you have the 3545 docking station, which provides the same protection. This option is for those who desire security but don't have a docking station. Q. What is the Security Utility Diskette (P/N 49G2173)? A. This allows the user to set a Privileged Access Password (PAP) to the system in order to limit access to the system partition. Once a password is set it can prevent any tampering with the boot selection or I/O port usage, even by the Reference Diskette. If you ever forget the PAP the motherboard must be replaced because it can not be disabled. Q. Are the 360/360C/360CS/360P models Micro Channel or AT bus (ISA)? A. AT bus. Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Q&As ThinkPad 300 Series Q&As ThinkPad 700/720 Series Q&As ThinkPad 350 Series Q&As ThinkPad 700T/710T/730T Series Q&As ThinkPad 360 Series Q&As ThinkPad 701 Series Q&As ThinkPad 500/510Cs Series Q&As ThinkPad 750/755 Series Q&As ThinkPad Software Q&As ThinkPad Family Hardware Q&As To return to the ThinkPad Q&As header, double-click here. ═══ 5.4. ThinkPad 500/510Cs Series Q&As ═══ The following questions relate specifically to the ThinkPad 500 and 510Cs systems. Questions that apply to several, or all, ThinkPad models can be found in the ThinkPad Family Software Q&As and ThinkPad Family Hardware Q&As sections. Q. What are the advantages of the ThinkPad 510Cs over the less expensive 500? A. The two primary differences are: 1) The 50/25MHz IBM 486BL2 "Blue Lightning" processor, which is much faster than the 500's 50/25MHz 486SLC2 chip; and 2) The larger 7.7" passive matrix color LCD screen, versus the smaller 7.4" monochrome LCD in the 500. Other significant enhancements of the 510Cs include: Up to 20MB of RAM (compared to 12MB in the 500); and a larger hard disk drive (200MB in the 510Cs, but only 85MB or 170MB in the TP500). Q. Now that the ThinkPad 510Cs has been announced with all these advantages, is there any reason to still buy a ThinkPad 500? A. Certainly: 1) The battery lasts longer in the TP500 due to the lower-power monochrome LCD; 2) The 500 is lighter (3.4-3.7 lbs vs. 4 lbs for the 510Cs), and 3) The ThinkPad 500 is significantly less expensive. All perfectly good reasons to buy a TP500, if you don't absolutely need the advanced features of the 510Cs. Processor Q. Why use the 486SLC2 chip in the ThinkPad 500 versus the Intel 486SL/SX/DX/DX2 series? A. The 486SLC2 chip is a terrific price-performer, and (like only the 486SL--prior to June 1993--among the Intel 486 chips) offers advanced power management. Q. How does the 486SLC2 differ from the 486SL? A. The 486SLC2 has a 16KB internal cache (versus 8K in the 486SL), clock doubling, and an optimized instruction set; but only a 16-bit external data path (vs 32-bit for the 486SL). The 486SLC2 was designed with Intel's full support an cooperation, and contains the genuine Intel instruction set, with IBM optimizations. Q. How fast is the 486SLC2 processor? A. The IBM 486SLC2 50/25MHz processor calculates at 50MHz, while accessing external data at the 25MHz speed of the motherboard. The overall performance is somewhat faster than a 33MHz 486SL or SX. Q. What is an IBM Blue Lightning processor, such as used in the ThinkPad 510? A. It is an IBM-developed derivative of the Intel 486SX chip that comes in two "flavors": the clock-doubling 486BL2 and clock-tripling 486BL3. Only the 486BL2 is used in the TP 510 at this time. Q. How do the 486BL2/BL3 compare to the IBM 486SLC2/SLC3 processors? A. Blue Lightning is essentially the same as the 486SLC2/486SLC3 processors, but uses a 32-bit external bus, like the 486DX2, for faster I/O. This also allows a Blue Lightning-equipped system to use more than 16MB of RAM (up to 4GB), a limitation of the 486SLCx processors. Q. How does the 486BL2 compare to the Intel 486SX/486DX2 processors? A. Like the 486DX2, the 486BL2 comes in a 50/25MHz and 66/33MHz clock speeds, and offers a 32-bit external bus. Unlike the 486DX2, the 486BL2 doesn't contain an internal math coprocessor, but does include a 16K internal cache, compared to only 8K for the 486DX2. The overall result is better performance (at the same clock speed) for the 486DX2 in floating-point math-intensive calculations, but better performance in non-FP intensive situations (which is much more common for most users). Plus, the 486BL3 offers 75/25MHz and 100/33MHz clock-tripling versions, as described above, for even better performance than the DX2. Finally, unlike the DX2, the Blue Lightning contains power-saving circuitry similar to that in the 486SLCx processors, making it more suitable for laptop and "green PC" use. Q. How does the 486BL3 compare to Intel's new 486DX4 processor? A. Both processors come in clock-tripling 75/25MHz and 100/33MHz speeds, both use 16K internal caches, and both use 3.3V technology for low power-consumption. No direct performance comparisons have yet been done; however, because the DX4 contains a clock-tripled math coprocessor and the 486BL3 does not, the DX4 should be much faster for floating point math operations. Integer operations should be roughly equivalent. Still, the 486BL3 chip is far less expensive than the 486DX2 and should prove a satisfactory performer for those needing powerful systems on a lower budget. Q. How fast are the 486BL2 and 486BL3? A. In composite benchmarks, which test a combination of floating-point and integer operations (an averaging of Norton, Landmark, Power Meter, Whetstone and 16/32-bit Dhrystone benchmarks), the following results were tabulated: Compared to an Intel 486DX-25, the 50/25MHz 486BL2 was 58% faster overall, and the 75/25MHz 486BL3 was more than twice as fast (216%). Against the Intel 50/25MHz 486DX2, the 50/25MHz 486BL2 was 2% faster overall, and the 75/25MHz 486BL3 was 38% faster. Compared to an Intel 486DX-33, the 66/33MHz 486BL2 was 43% faster overall, and the 100/33MHz 486BL3 was twice as fast (200%). Against the Intel 66/33MHz 486DX2, the 66/33MHz 486BL2 was 9% slower overall, and the 100/33MHz 486BL3 was 26% faster. For customers using primarily non-floating-point (integer) computations, both clock-doubling 486BL2s offer similar performance to the 486DX2's, while both clock-tripling 486BL3 chips are significantly faster than the 486DX2's, at a lower price. Q. Are the TP 500/510 systems upgradeable to a faster processor? A. No. The footprint of a subnotebook doesn't leave enough room for a ZIF type processor socket that would make processor replacement simple, so the current processors are soldered onto the motherboards. Q. Is there any way to slow down the processor to increase battery life? A. Yes. Use Func-F3 (or Ctrl-Alt-F3, then PgDn) to access the power management settings. The last option on the screen is CPU Speed. The choices are Fast (50MHz), Medium (12.5MHz), and Slow (6.25MHz). Use the + and - keys to change the settings, then press ESC to bring up the menu that allows you to make permanent or temporary changes to the settings, or cancel the changes. Q. Is there any way to disable the 16K internal cache in the 486SLC2? A. Yes. Use Ctrl-Alt-F3 to access the settings. Look for the Cache Control setting. The choices are Enabled and Disabled; the default is Enabled. Use the + and - keys to change the settings, then press ESC to bring up the menu that allows you to make permanent or temporary changes to the settings, or cancel the changes. Q. Is there a math coprocessor socket in the 500/510Cs systems? A. No. Video/Monitor Q. I can't seem to find the external video port. Where is it? A. There is a round port on the back that looks like a PS/2 mouse port. This is for a short cable (included with the 500) with a 15-pin "female" D-shell connector on the other end. This is the external VGA port. Q. Is there a switch to reverse the video? A. Not a switch, but a key combination: Func-F8. Q. How do I switch back and forth between the LCD and an external monitor? A. Just press Func-F7 to toggle back and forth. Q. Is the video controller VGA or SVGA? A. SVGA. External monitors are supported up to 800x600 resolution, while the built-in LCD runs at 640x480. Q. Am I limited to IBM monitors? A. Not at all. Any VGA monitor capable of running at 70Hz/31.5KHz; or SVGA monitor running at 56Hz/31.5KHz should be compatible. Q. How much video RAM is standard? A. 512K. Q. Is the video RAM upgradeable? A. No. Q. How far does the LCD display panel tilt? A. 180°. PCMCIA Q. How many PCMCIA "bays" or "sockets" do the 500/510Cs contain? A. There is one bay that can take two Type 1 and/or Type 2 cards at a time. Q. What software do I need to use PCMCIA cards in the 500/510Cs? A. The DOS card and socket services are already preloaded on these systems. All you need are the device drivers that should come with each PCMCIA card. In addition, OS/2 2.1 and later includes the card and socket services so, again, you would only need the device drivers for OS/2. Q. Is there an OS/2 driver for the Apex PCMCIA high-speed modems?? A. Yes. Call Apex at 800-841-2739 for the driver, or download it from their BBS at 510-803-2039. (All modems shipped since November 1993 include this driver.) Serial/Parallel Ports Q. I can't seem to find the serial port. Where is it? A. There is a port on the back that looks something like a SCSI port, but with 26 tiny pins. This is for a short Y-cable (included with the system) with two different connectors on the other end. One connector looks like the port on the back of the unit. This is for the external diskette drive. The other is a 9-pin serial port. This cable can be used without the diskette drive, if not needed. Q. The announcement letters say that the 500/510Cs have an "enhanced" parallel port. Is this a DMA port, like some PS/2s have, or like the N45 notebook's parallel port? A. It is the same as the N45's port, achieving throughput of up to 14Mbits/second. Q. Is the parallel port bidirectional or unidirectional? A. Bidirectional, which provides better performance to high-speed printers. Q. Is there any way to run the parallel port in unidirectional mode? A. Yes. Use Ctrl-Alt-F3 to access the settings. Look for the Parallel Port setting. The choices are Bidirectional and Unidirectional; the default is Bidirectional. Use the + and - keys to change the settings, then press ESC to bring up the menu that allows you to make permanent or temporary changes to the settings, or cancel the changes. Rechargeable Battery Q. What kind of rechargeable battery is used with the 500? A. Originally, a Sealed Lead Acid (SLA) battery was used, but due to quality problems with the battery, the SLA batteries were discontinued, and NiMH batteries are now used on all newly-manufactured models. Q. If the NiMH batter is lighter and lasts longer than the SLA battery originally used in the 500, why use the SLA at all? A. Three reasons. SLA technology (similar to automobile batteries in technology): 1) Eliminates the battery "memory" that plagues NiCad and NiMH batteries, 2) Can be self-charging, eliminating the need for a bulky AC adapter, and 3) Costs less, reducing the street price to the consumer. Q. I have one of the original 500s that came with the SLA battery. How do I get it "upgraded" to work with the NiMH batteries? A. Call 800-IBM-7244 (Mon-Fri, 9am-9pm Eastern Time). You will be instructed on how to receive a free system upgrade and replacement battery. A side benefit of this upgrade is that the NiMH battery not only weighs about .4 lbs less than the SLA, so overall system weight will be almost a half-pound lighter than before (now 3.4-3.5 lbs), but lasts longer as well (a minimum of 3.5 hours, instead of 2). Q. What kind of rechargeable battery is used with the 510Cs? A. The 510Cs uses the same NiMH battery as the newer 500 models. Q. So the NiMH battery is not self-charging? A. That is correct. NiCad and NiMH technologies do not lend themselves to being self-charging, the way SLA does. Q. Is there a quick-charger option available for the 500/510Cs battery? A. No, but the A/C adapter, when attached to the 500/510Cs, serves much the same purpose: 90% recharged in 1 hour, and 100% complete in 3-4 hours. When the self-charging battery is plugged directly into the wall the times are 90% complete in 3 hours, and 100% in 5-6 hours. Q. What is the average battery life of the Thinkpad 500 and 510Cs systems? A. Using the PC Magazine benchmarks, which measure continuous usage with power management features disabled (i.e., worst-case scenario), the Thinkpad 500 has a battery life of 3.5 hours vs. 2.5 for the 510Cs. According to the Veritest benchmark, which measures battery life in a "typical workday environment," with power management features enabled, the battery in the 500 lasts 9 hours, an hour longer than the 510Cs. Q. Are there any battery status LED/LCDs? A. No, but pressing Func-F2 will pop a battery status panel ("fuel gauge") up on your screen. Q. I swapped batteries while the fuel gauge was displayed, but the remaining charge info didn't look right, so I powered the system off and back on, and then the fuel gauge looked correct. What happened? A. Inserting or removing a battery while the fuel gauge is displayed will cause an erroneous display. Always close the fuel gauge prior to swapping batteries. Q. Does the ThinkPad 500 self-charging battery support both 110/60 and 220/50 power? A. Not directly; only 110V, 50/60Hz power. Plugging the battery into a 220V outlet will blow the battery's internal fuse. On the other hand, using the supplied AC adapter will allow you to recharge the battery in a 220 outlet. Q. I didn't use my ThinkPad for several months, and now when I charge up the battery, it doesn't seem to hold a charge. Is the battery defective? A. Not if it worked normally the last time you used it. After 7 or 8 weeks of non-use, the battery will requires as much as 5 cycles of charge and discharge before it will again hold a full charge. The first time may take only 10-15 minutes to charge, with a similar discharge time. But each successive charge/discharge cycle will be progressively longer. This is symptomatic of NiMH battery packs. Service Q. I lost the cable that connects the external diskette drive to the multiport adapter, and I can't seem to find a part number to order so I can replace it. Is there one? A. Yes, but it is a service part, not a retail part. It must be ordered from IBM Service Parts Order Center (800-388-7080) using FRU number 73G3422. Miscellaneous Q. If I need a bigger hard disk drive, is the one in my 500/510CS upgradeable? A. Not from IBM, however you should be able to use most IBM and non-IBM PCMCIA Type II hard disk drives (Type III drives will not fit) for this purpose, allowing you to keep your present drive, plus add another via the PCMCIA slot, giving you much more total capacity. The only down-side is that PCMCIA drives are not bootable, and they prevent you from using other devices in your PCMCIA slot while the drives are in use. In addition, there are OEM companies that offer 2.5" drives for many different laptop/notebook PCs. One such company is Laptop Solutions at 800-683-6839. Contact them for details and pricing. Other such vendors exist as well. Look at the ads near the back of most PC magazines, and especially Computer Shopper. Q. What are the minimum operating system requirements of the 500 and 510Cs? A. The 500 supports: IBM PC DOS 5.02 or later, OS/2 1.3x and 2.0 with the ServicePak (does not support PCMCIA, however), and OS/2 2.1 or later. The 510Cs supports: IBM PC DOS 6.1 or later, MS DOS 6.2 or later, and OS/2 2.1 or later. Q. What preloaded software is included with the 500 and 510Cs models? A. Originally the 500s only included DOS 5.02 and Prodigy. More recently-manufactured models include the following: The ThinkPad 500 17N model, and the 510CS, include IBM PC DOS 6.3, MS Windows 3.1, Prodigy, America Online, Online Airline Guide FlightDisk, Lotus ScreenCam, Organizer and cc:Mail, Co/Session Ho FaxWorks. In addition, the IBM EasyPlaying (510Cs only) or IBM Card Director (500 17N only) PCMCIA utility, and IBM Online Housecall remote diagnostic service are included. The ThinkPad 500 08N, with its much small hard drive size, includes DOS 6.1 and Prodigy. Q. If I buy a TP 500 now, how do I know if I'm getting one with the enhanced software bundle, versus a previously manufactured model with the old software? A. The new bundle is highlighted by a colorful sticker on the outside of the box. Q. I'm running OS/2 2.1 on a ThinkPad, but when OS/2 boots up I get messages saying that COM.SYS and VCOM.SYS didn't load? What's wrong? A. A) If you are using a PCMCIA modem, make sure that 1) the PCMCIA drivers have been installed, 2) a PCMCIA modem is inserted in the socket, and 3) the power management software isn't set to "Off" for the PCMCIA socket. Or, B) if you are using an internal modem, make sure that 1) the hardware setup program recognizes the modem, and 2) the power management software isn't SET to "Off" for the MODEM. Or, C) if you don't have a modem, or it is external, make sure that 1) the hardware setup program isn't set to disable the serial port, and 2) the power management software isn't SET to "Off" for the port. Q. How do I access the Setup program? A. There are two ways: 1) From a command prompt, press Ctrl-Alt-F3. This will access two panels of setup parameters. Use PgDn/PgUp to jump back and forth between them. 2) Press Func-F3 at any time to access just the second of the setup panels, which contains the power management features. Q. I pressed Ctrl-Alt-F3 and nothing happened. What's wrong? A. Be sure you are in DOS, or a full-screen OS/2 command prompt session. This control-key combination will not function from within Windows, or an OS/2 PM session. Q. What is the capacity of the external diskette drive? A. 1.44MB. Q. What is the maximum operating altitude for the ThinkPad 500/510Cs? A. 10,000 feet, or equivalent air pressure (such as in a pressurized airplane cabin). Q. Are the 500/510Cs Micro Channel or AT bus (ISA)? A. AT bus; although the lack of any adapter slots makes the distinction meaningless. Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Q&As ThinkPad 300 Series Q&As ThinkPad 700/720 Series Q&As ThinkPad 350 Series Q&As ThinkPad 700T/710T/730T Series Q&As ThinkPad 360 Series Q&As ThinkPad 701 Series Q&As ThinkPad 500/510Cs Series Q&As ThinkPad 750/755 Series Q&As ThinkPad Software Q&As ThinkPad Family Hardware Q&As To return to the ThinkPad Q&As header, double-click here. ═══ 5.5. ThinkPad 700/720 Series Q&As ═══ The following questions relate specifically to the ThinkPad 700 and 720 series of systems. Questions that apply to several, or all, ThinkPad models can be found in the ThinkPad Family Software Q&As and ThinkPad Family Hardware Q&As sections. Compatibility/Installation/Upgradeability Q. I'm running OS/2 2.x on a ThinkPad 720 (or 720C), but when OS/2 boots up I get messages saying that COM.SYS and VCOM.SYS didn't load. What's wrong? A. A) If you are using a PCMCIA modem, make sure that 1) the PCMCIA drivers have been installed, 2) a PCMCIA modem is inserted in the socket, and 3) the power management software isn't set to "Off" for the PCMCIA socket. Or, B) if you are using an internal modem, make sure that 1) the hardware setup program recognizes the modem, and 2) the power management software isn't SET to "Off" for the MODEM. Or, C) if you don't have a modem, or it is external, make sure that 1) the hardware setup program isn't set to disable the serial port, and 2) the power management software isn't SET to "Off" for the port. Q. I can't get my PCMCIA fax/modem to work with Warp on my ThinkPad 720. When I try to use the MODE command to check the COM port settings I get an error. What's can I do? A. Look for WFP_xx.ZIP (where xx is the latest version number) and WKICKR.ZIP from various electronic sources. Or call the OS/2 support center at 800-992-4777 and request Warp FixPak 01 (and the necessary FixPak installation diskettes if you don't already have them). This FixPak corrects the problem you are having. Q. How upgradeable are the 700 and 700C? A. Both notebooks can upgrade the processor to a 50/25MHz 486SLC2, the RAM to 16MB, install an internal fax/modem or high-speed (57.6Kbps) modem or second serial port, and add an external IBM 3550 expansion unit (with two adapter slots and a disk drive bay) or Expansion Cartridge (with one 8" adapter slot). The 80MB drive in one 700 model can be replaced with a 120MB, 160MB, or 240MB drive; the 120MB drives can be replaced with 160MB or 240MB; the 160MB drive can be replaced with a 240MB drive; and the LCD in all monochrome models can be upgraded to the active matrix (TFT) color LCD used in the 700C/720C. Q. How upgradeable are the 720 and 720C? A. Both notebooks can upgrade the RAM to 16MB. In addition, the PCMCIA slots can be used to add anything compatible with PCMCIA Type 1, 2 or 3, including 3270/5250 emulation, Token-Ring and Ethernet adapters, fax/modems, hard disk drives, etc. Plus, an external IBM 3550 expansion unit (with two adapter slots and a SCSI disk drive bay) or Expansion Cartridge (with one 8" adapter slot) can be added. The standard 120MB or 160MB drives can be replaced with a 160MB or 240MB drive, and the LCD in both monochrome models can be upgraded to the active matrix (TFT) color LCD used in the 720C. Q. What's the basic difference between the ThinkPad 700/700C and the new 720/720C models? A. The 720/720C are very similar to the 700/700C models, differing primarily in the type of processor used, the presence or absence of PCMCIA slots, and the standard hard disk drives installed. The 700/700C models come with a 486SLC processor and either an 80MB or 120MB drive; there are no PCMCIA slots. The 720/720C include the 486SLC2 processor, either a 120MB or 160MB drive, and (2) PCMCIA Type 1 or 2 (or one Type 3) slots. Most of the 700/700C options will work in the 720/720C models, and vice-versa. Q. What's the basic difference between the ThinkPad 700, 700C and 700T? A. The 700 and 700C are monochrome and color notebooks (otherwise identical), respectively, while the 700T is a pen-based tablet--essentially completely different computers. Q. Can I plug my external keyboard directly into the ThinkPad 7xx/7xxC? A. No you cannot. You can only plug a mouse or numeric keypad directly into the port on the 7xx/xxC. If you plug the numeric keypad into the port you can then plug the mouse into the port on the rear of the numeric keypad. To plug the keyboard in you must use the keyboard/mouse connector (a Y-cable P/N 54G0441). This will allow you to use both the keyboard and the mouse, but must be used in order to have a external keyboard at all. The 3550 docking station has a separate port for the mouse and keyboard so it will support both without the use of the Y-cable. Q. What type of math coprocessor should I use with the ThinkPad 700/700C? A. Use an Intel 387SL or 387SX running at 25MHz. Q. What type of math coprocessor should I use with the ThinkPad 720/720C? A. Use a 25MHz Intel 387SL. Q. If I purchase the 486SLC2 upgrade what happens to my math coprocessor? A.The 486SLC2 upgrade is a new processor board. It has a math coprocessor socket on the board. You just remove the old processor board containing a math coprocessor socket, and install the new 486SLC2 board. Then all you must do is remove the math coprocessor from the old processor board and install it on the new 486SLC2 processor board. Q. What are the different memory configurations for the ThinkPad 7xx/7xxC? A. The system comes with 4MB standard. It has two IC DRAM card slots. There are 2MB, 4MB, and 8MB IC cards available and they can be installed in any combination of one or two at a time. So the system memory configurations could be 4MB, 6MB, 8MB, 10MB, 12MB, 14MB, 16MB, or 20MB, but the max the processor can address is 16MB, due to its 24 bit address path. Q. How can I access the setup software in the 3MB system partition? A. This partition can be accessed by pressing Ctrl-Alt-Del simultaneously. Then when the cursor moves to top left of LCD push Ctrl-Alt-Ins simultaneously. This will take you to IBM logo screen and the system will instruct you to turn system off and back on again. Once turned back on the system will automatically boot to the system partition. From here you can access the system programs. Q. Is there an IBM solution by which I can obtain an external hard drive and any hard drive larger than the standard drive? A. Yes. You have two choices: 1) The use of an IBM 3550-002 docking unit provides an internal bay for a SCSI device. It will also allow you hook external SCSI devices through the SCSI port provided on the rear of the docking station. From there an IBM 3510 or 3511 SCSI expansion unit can be connected for up to 6 additional SCSI devices (not just hard disk drives). This is in addition to the standard drive included with the 700/720. 2) For more internal storage, IBM now offers 160MB and 240MB drives to replace the 80MB, 120MB or 160MB standard drives. The 160MB drive is customer-installable; the 240MB drive must be installed by an authorized servicer. Q. Will the 7xx/7xxC systems function without the removable hard drive? A. The 700/700C will not boot up correctly without the hard drive installed. It will give you a 165 error and will not allow you to reconfigure without the hard drive. It has to have the hard drive in order to reconfigure because it contains the system partition. The system partition contains the IML (initial microcode load) which is required by the BIOS to boot up. The 720/720C, while supporting PCMCIA Type 3 disk drive cards, does not at this time allow booting from a PCMCIA drive in the absence of a hard disk drive. They do, however, allow selective booting from either the hard drive or a Type 3 card, but there must be a hard drive actually installed. Q. When my system is set up to use Unattended Start mode the mouse statement hangs on bootup; and if it does run the driver then the system does not recognize the mouse. A. Unattended start mode is not designed for use with a mouse. If you are using Unattended Start then your mouse driver should be REM'd out in the AUTOEXEC.BAT. It must be REM'd in order for the system to come out of this mode correctly. You might consider using the Power-on password instead; it will not exhibit this behavior. This is not a "defect"; Unattended Start was designed to function in this way: without a mouse. Q. I am getting an error stating that my system identification is bad or cannot be found. A. This problem can usually be solved by running Automatic Configuration. The system ID is stored in CMOS. Auto Config should restore it. If not then you have a hardware problem. Always try Auto Config before replacing any components. Q. I am experiencing difficulties with a device attached to the parallel port. Is there anything I can try? A. Use the Reference Diskette to disable the parallel port arbitration (and the 1MB of VRAM aperture on a 700C/720C only). This may solve the problem. If not try diagnostics; it may be a compatibility issue or defective device. Processor Q. What's the difference between the 486SLC2 (used in the 720/720C), and the 486SLC (used in the 700/700C)? A. Both are 486 processors (without built-in math coprocessors) with 16K of internal processor cache and optimized 32-bit instruction set, but with a 16-bit external data path. While the 486SLC runs at 25MHz both internally and externally, the 486SLC2 uses clock-doubling to operate at 50MHz internally while still maintaining a 25MHz clock rate between the processor and the rest of the system. Q. Is the 486SLC2 processor upgrade for the ThinkPad 700 user- or servicer-installed? A. User-installed. No special tools are required. Q. How does the IBM 486SLC differ from the Cyrix 486SLC? A. Despite the name, the two chips are completely different (IBM's was even developed with Intel's knowledge and cooperation). The IBM chip's 16K internal cache (compared to 1K in the Cyrix) and optimized 32-bit instruction set makes the IBM chip much faster than the Cyrix processor (an InfoWorld article stated a 22% difference). In fact, even the 20MHz IBM 386SLC (with an 8K cache and optimized instruction set) is slightly faster than the Cyrix 25MHz 486SLC. The IBM 486SLC is clearly superior to Cyrix in all benchmarks IBM has run (Lotus, Word and Excel for Windows, using PC Week and PC Magazine benchmarks). Video/Monitor Q. What type of video does the external CRT port allow? A. VGA is the highest resolution supported by the external CRT port on the ThinkPad 7xx/7xxC. The maximum resolution is 640 by 480. The refresh rate for this port is 75Hz. It supports ISO capable displays. Q. Can I attach any VGA-compatible display to a 720/720C? A. The color 720C models support either a color or mono external display. Only a color display can be attached to the monochrome 720 models. Q. Can the built-in VGA video be upgraded? A. Yes and no. There is no way to upgrade the VGA chipset internally, however an XGA or XGA-2 adapter can be installed in a 3550 docking station. However once the XGA drivers are loaded, you must continue using the docking station for video. The built-in VGA chipset will not work with the XGA drivers. The VGA drivers would have to be reinstalled in order to use the 7xx/7xxC without the docking station. Q. I have a 700/720 ThinkPad that I sometimes connect to a 3550 docking unit. I installed an XGA card in the 3550. After configuring OS/2 for the card everything worked fine; until I detached the 7xx. Now, whenever I try to boot from the system OS/2 returns Trap D (Internal Processing Error) messages and won't boot. Everything is fine If I reattach the 7xx to the 3550 and boot. What's wrong? A. Because OS/2 is configured to use the XGA card, it looks for the card before loading the drivers. After you disconnect the 7xx from the docking unit OS/2 is unable to find an XGA card, and therefore cannot load the video drivers. This is what is producing the error. Before detaching the system from the 3550, you must run Selective Install from within OS/2 to reload the VGA drivers. Then, the next time you reattach the system to the docking unit you must run Selective Install again to load the XGA drivers (if you wish to use the XGA while attached, instead of VGA). Q. Can I view my external display as well as the system's built in LCD simultaneously? A. Yes, this is possible with all the 700/720 systems. This system can be set up to use both the CRT and LCD simultaneously from the system partition or with the reference diskette. From the main menu select Set Features. From the Set Features menu select Set display and audio features. From the Set display and audio features menu you can toggle the Display device to LCD and CRT using the space bar. Once you have changed it simply hit enter to save the change. Once you have made the change you must reboot for the change to take effect. Q. My display seems to be defective. There is an inch of black space above and below the area of the screen that is visible. This problem only seems to occur in DOS and other text applications. Is there a fix for this or is my LCD defective? A. The LCD is not defective. This is one of the features of the ThinkPad 700. Using the Reference Diskette you can turn the Vertical Expansion feature on. This is done from the System Partition or the Reference Diskette. From the main menu select Set Features. Then from the Set Features menu choose Set display and audio features. The second feature on this screen that can be toggled with the space bar is LCD vertical expansion. Turn it on and when you press Enter it will take effect. Q. My color LCD seems to have a few discolored or burnt-out pixels. Should I replace the display and is this covered under warranty? A. The ThinkPad 700C/720C LCD contains more than 921,000 thin film transistors (TFTs). Even using the current state-of-the-art TFT LCD technology, a small number of missing or discolored dots is to be expected, and not considered a defect. The LCD should only be replace if the number of missing or discolored dots causes viewing problems. Q. How do I obtain the 256 color driver for MS Windows? A. This can be obtained by calling 800-845-4263 or the IBM PC Company BBS. PCMCIA Q. How many PCMCIA "bays" or "sockets" do the 720/720C contain? A. There is one bay that can take either one Type 3 card, or two Type 1 and/or Type 2 cards at a time. Q. What considerations are there for using two PCMCIA cards at once? A. There are several: 1) Two cards have the same potential address and I/O conflict problems that two adapters would. 2) Two communications cards may have physical conflicts between the cables coming out the back of the cards. 3) When the ejection button is pressed, both cards are ejected. This might result in a communications session being interrupted, for example. Q. Do the 720/720C models offer "hot pluggable" PCMCIA slots? A. Yes. Any PCMCIA card that was designed to be hot-pluggable will operate that way. Refer to the documentation that accompanies the card, or the vendor, for details. Q. What does "hot pluggable" mean? A. It means that, unlike traditional adapters, a card can be removed or inserted "on-the-fly" without having to power down the system. If the correct drivers are already loaded the card is immediately available for use. This means, for example, that a LAN card could be used for a while, then replaced by a fax/modem card, and then by a hard drive card; all without having to reboot. Q. Is there an OS/2 driver for the Apex PCMCIA high-speed modems?? A. Yes. Call Apex at 800-841-2739 for the driver, or download it from their BBS at 510-803-2039. (All modems shipped since November 1993 include this driver.) Rechargeable Battery Q. What is the battery life of the Thinkpad 700/720? A. Using the PC Magazine benchmarks, which measure continuous usage with power management features disabled (i.e., worst-case scenario), the monochrome Thinkpad 700 has a battery life of 3.8 hours, and the color 700C's battery life is 2 hours. According to the Veritest benchmark, which measures battery life in a "typical workday environment," with power management features enabled, the battery in the 700 lasts 7.5 hours, while the 700C is good for 4 hours. The mono 720's battery should last between 4 and 8 hours, while the color 720C is good for about 2.4-4.8 hours. Depending on the hardware configuration, and the power management settings used, "real life" numbers will probably be somewhere in between. Q. Does upgrading from the 486SLC to the 486SLC2 decrease the battery life? A. Yes, but only about 10%. Q. Speaking of batteries, what is this new battery with "status indicators" that was announced with the Thinkpad 720/720C? A. The new battery is identical to the old one in terms of battery life, however it has the added feature of 5 LEDs that indicate (in 20% increments) the amount of charge remaining in the battery. Q. Does the new battery offer a "deep discharge" feature to combat the battery "memory" problem? A. Although the new (as well as old) battery does not itself contain this feature, the Quick Charger announced earlier provides a quick discharge feature for up to two batteries at a time (either kind). 3550 Expansion Unit Q. How is your expansion unit different than other vendors', to justify its higher price? A. The IBM 3550 includes a SCSI port, allowing SCSI devices besides disk and tape drives to be attached. Other vendors do not include SCSI, which would require the user to buy a SCSI adapter and use up one of the expansion unit's adapter slots. The IBM 3550 also provides more security features and options than the competition, including cable / memory / coprocessor / drive security and bolt-down. For cost-conscious users who only require one 8" adapter slot, and no drive bay, there is the lower-cost Expansion Cartridge. Q. Why don't you call your unit a "docking station"? A. Another vendor had already trademarked the term "docking station." Q. Can I still use my internal data/fax modem when my system is attached to the 3550 expansion unit? A. Yes your data/fax modem will still function as normal even when the system is attached to the 3550. Q. Is the keyboard/mouse cable required to use a mouse and keyboard when plugged into the 3550? A. No the Y-cable is not required. The 3550 has two separate ports for a keyboard and a pointing device. Q. Are the IBM Audiovation and WindSurfer adapters supported in the 3550-002 ThinkPad expansion unit? A. No. This unit does not work well with any Micro Channel sound cards. Q. When my ThinkPad is attached to the 3550 do I have to use an external monitor and keyboard, or can I use the system unit's built-in LCD and keyboard? A. You do not have to use a external CRT and keyboard when your system is attached to the 3550 docking station. As long as a keyboard and CRT are not attached to the 3550 the built in keyboard and LCD will function the same as if it were not attached. To leave the system unit open so that you can open and view the LCD and type on the built-in keyboard, you will have to remove the display stand. For instructions on removing the display stand refer to the optional Hardware Maintenance Reference manual. Q. I know that only the IBM Miniature Mouse is supported on the system units, but can I attach a standard PS/2 mouse to the 3550 without damaging either the 3550 or the computer? A. Yes. The standard PS/2 mouse is supported, but only when attached to the 3550. If plugged into the notebook there is a risk of damaging the motherboard. Q. What type of upgradability does the built-in SCSI support provide and how many interfaces does it have? A. The SCSI controller has two connectors. The 50-pin internal device connector allows the attachment of an internal SCSI device. The 60 pin-external device connector allows the attachment of external SCSI devices (including SCSI expansion units like the IBM 3510 and 3511). A total of (7) SCSI devices are supported, including the one internal device. Q. Is the internal IBM 3.5-inch Rewritable Optical Disk drive supported? I don't see how you could access this drive because there is a solid bezel in the way. A. Yes this product is supported. To install it internally you will need a different, slotted, bezel part number 49G2670. Q. Does the 3550 docking station trickle-charge the batteries when the system is docked and will it charge the batteries when the system is off? A. Yes the 3550 trickle-charges the battery when the system unit is docked. It even charges the battery when the system is connected but turned off, as long as the 3550 is plugged in. Q. Can the notebook power both itself and the 3550 docking station from its battery or A/C adapter? A. No. The 3550 has to be plugged into a power supply. The 3550 powers both the system unit and itself, not vice-versa. Q. Is there a security feature to protect the 3550 from theft? A. Yes. The 3550 has a security hook that is located in the rear. This hook will allow the use of a security chain or cable to lock the system to the desk. Q. What must I do before I connect a 3550 to the supported notebooks? A. The Option diskette supplied with the 3550 must be copied into the system partition of the notebook before it can be used. Follow these instructions: 1) Start the notebook from the system partition. 2) Select Copy an Option Diskette from the Main Menu and follow the instructions on the screen. 3) Then dock with the 3550 and reboot the system. Q. What are the features of the 3550 security lock? A. This feature must be locked and unlocked with a user's key. It provides the following features: -Cover lock: Prevents unauthorized access to the devices and options inside the 3550. -Computer lock: Protects unauthorized removal of the computer from the 3550. -Power security: Prevents unauthorized operation of the 3550 and unauthorized access to the data stored on the internal SCSI device through the external SCSI connector. Note: Different combinations can be set by the use of three different keylock positions. Service Q. Is the 486SLC2 processor upgrade for the ThinkPad 700 user or servicer-installed? A. An authorized servicer must install the 486SLC2 processor upgrade, and return the 486SLC to IBM. Q. What is the service part number (FRU) for the ThinkPad 700/700C lithium Backup Battery? A. The FRU is number 44G3778. Use only this part number. Q. What is the service part number (FRU) for the ThinkPad 700/700C Standby (NiCad) Battery? A. The FRU is number 44G3799. Use only this part number. Q. What is the service part number (FRU) for the ThinkPad 700T Backup (lithium) battery? A. The FRU is number 92F0119. Use only this part number. Miscellaneous Q. Are there any larger hard drives available for my system? A. Not from IBM, but there are OEM companies that offer 2.5" drives for many different laptop/notebook PCs. One such company is Laptop Solutions at 800-683-6839. Contact them for details and pricing. Other such vendors exist as well. Look at the ads near the back of most PC magazines, and especially Computer Shopper. Q. What is the maximum operating altitude for the ThinkPad 7xx models (notebook and tablet)? A. 8,000 feet, or equivalent air pressure (such as in a pressurized airplane cabin). Q. When I suspend my 720/720C, running Windows 3.1, the mouse is frozen when I resume. What's wrong? A. Run the Windows Setup program from DOS, and change the Computer Type to "MSDOS System with APM". This should resolve your problem. Q. What is the security base (P/N 49G2172)? A. It is a cradle for the system that serves as a physical security option. It allows the user to bolt the system to the desk. It locks the system to the cradle using the hard disk drive locking mechanism. A padlock can be added by the user. The Security Base protects against removal of the hard disk drive, IC DRAM cards, and the math coprocessor. It also prevents access to the system's screw holes, system expansion port, and I/O connectors. Note: This option is not required if you have the 3550 docking station, which provides the same protection. This option is for those who desire security but don't have a 3550 docking station. Q. What is the Security Utility Diskette (P/N 49G2173)? A. This allows the user to set a Privileged Access Password (PAP) to the system in order to limit access to the system partition. Once a password is set it can prevent any tampering with the boot selection or I/O port usage, even by the Reference Diskette. If you ever forget the PAP the motherboard must be replaced because it can not be disabled. Q. I have forgotten or misplaced my Power-on password. Is there any way that it can be disabled? A. A power on password can only be removed by an authorized IBM dealer. Authorized Dealers can call the IBM Personal Systems HelpCenter Technical Support Group for instructions. Q. I am having problems with my suspend/resume function with the ThinkPad 7xx/7xxC. What can be done to fix this? A. First verify whether the system has a Power-on password. If so enter it and that should allow you to resume. If it does not, see the troubleshooting section in the ThinkPad Guide To Operations appendix. Q. What is the "port replicator"? A. One of the more annoying aspects of mobile computers is the necessity to disconnect all external cables before leaving, and then reconnecting them upon return. The optional ThinkPad Port Replicator eliminates this problem. The replicator is a removable module that connects to all the ports on the back of the ThinkPad, providing pass-through to matching ports on the replicator. Cables are attached to the replicator. Then when the ThinkPad has to be moved, the replicator is disconnected from the ThinkPad with all cables still attached. When the ThinkPad returns, the replicator is snapped back onto the unit. At no time are the cables removed from the replicator, saving the user much time and inconvenience. Q. What is the KeyGuard option offered for the ThinkPad 700 and 720 families? A. The KeyGuard is a black plastic overlay for the keyboard. It is intended primarily as an option for users with limited use of their hands. It allows the user to rest their hands on the keyboard without touching the keys. Users can use a pointing stick or one finger at a time to push the keys, while being prevented from accidentally depressing more than one key at a time. Q. Are the ThinkPad 700/700C, and 720/720C Micro Channel or AT bus (ISA)? A. Micro Channel. Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Q&As ThinkPad 300 Series Q&As ThinkPad 700/720 Series Q&As ThinkPad 350 Series Q&As ThinkPad 700T/710T/730T Series Q&As ThinkPad 360 Series Q&As ThinkPad 701 Series Q&As ThinkPad 500/510Cs Series Q&As ThinkPad 750/755 Series Q&As ThinkPad Software Q&As ThinkPad Family Hardware Q&As To return to the ThinkPad Q&As header, double-click here. ═══ 5.6. ThinkPad 700T/710T/730T Series Q&As ═══ The following questions relate specifically to the ThinkPad 700T, 710T, and 730T pen-tablet systems. Questions that apply to several, or all, ThinkPad models can be found in the ThinkPad Family Software Q&As and ThinkPad Family Hardware Q&As sections. Q. What's the basic difference between the ThinkPad 7xx, 7xxC and 7xxT? A. The 7xx and 7xxC are monochrome and color notebooks (otherwise essentially the same), respectively, while the 700T/710T are pen-based tablets--essentially completely different computers. Q. Who developed the ThinkPad 700T/710T tablet computers for IBM? A. The 700T/710T were developed by IBM in Boca Raton, and the handwriting recognition engine was developed by IBM's Research Division in Raleigh. Only the PenPoint and PenDOS operating systems were developed outside of IBM, by GO Corporation and CIC, respectively. Battery Q. How long is the 700T battery good for? A. Under typical usage, between 2-3 hours. Q. How long is the 710T battery good for? A. Under typical usage, between 3.1-3.8 hours, for the hard disk drive models (302/303), depending on whether backlighting is turned on or off. The PCMCIA-only model (09Y) battery will last between 3.3-4.1 hours. Q. How long does the battery take to recharge? A. With the system off, 3 hours. The battery will trickle-charge with the power on. Q. How many times can the NiCad battery be recharged before it must be replaced? A. Approximately 500 times. Q. What is the optional "half-battery" (feature code 4947)? A. It is a smaller version of the 710T NiCAD battery that weighs half as much as the regular battery, and lasts half as long. It is intended primarily for users concerned about the weight of the 710T with the standard battery. Operating Systems Q. What operating systems are available for the pen-based 700T tablet? A. From IBM, only PenPoint. PenDOS (from CIC) or Pen Windows may be available from other vendors. Q. What operating systems are available for the pen-based 710T tablet? A. PenPoint 1.01 (preloaded on 710T model 303) and PenDOS 2.0 (preloaded on model 303). Pen Windows may be available from other vendors. Q. Why so many operating system choices? A. Just as on desktop systems, no one operating system is perfect for every pen user. PenPoint is ideal for those developing custom pen applications, who don't have a compatibility "burden" to contend with. On the other hand, those who need to run the same DOS applications as their desktop units will prefer PenDOS. And those with a need for a mixture of DOS, Windows, and OS/2 programs will need the flexibility of OS/2 Pen. Q. Will my current DOS applications work with PenPoint? A. No. PenPoint is a new operating system, designed specifically for pen-based computing. As such, it requires applications specifically written for PenPoint. Q. Well, what about file compatibility, then? A. Yes, PenPoint does support the importing and exporting of data between PenPoint and many popular application data formats. Q. Will my current DOS applications work with PenDOS? A. Yes, since PenDOS runs on top of DOS 5.0. Q. How much RAM does PenPoint require? A. 4MB of RAM. Q. What are PenTops and PenCentral? A. PenTops is a PenPoint communications "client" that resides on the 700T and connects to PenCentral. PenCentral is the communications "server" that resides on a desktop PS/2. Between them the user can transfer files back and forth, via parallel, serial or modem connection. Q. Is this how I'm supposed to load software onto the 700T/710T, then? A. Either this way, or via the optional external 2.88MB/1.44MB diskette drive. Disk Drive Q. Can the external diskette drive from the 700T be used with the 710T? A. No; it is not compatible. Q. Since the 700T/710T don't come with an internal diskette drive, can I use my external drive with them? A. No, but IBM offers a special external 2.88MB/1.44MB drive for these tablet systems. Q. What kind of hard drive does the 700T use? A. The 700T uses solid-state memory drives. Q. What kind of hard drives does the 710T use? A. Two of the 710T models (302/303) include traditional 2.5" (60MB) hard drives, plus one PCMCIA Type II (which meets JEIDA guideline 4.2) slot that can accommodate one flash memory drive card. The other 710T model (09Y) has no hard disk drive bays, instead providing three PCMCIA Type II slots that can accommodate flash memory drives and other PCMCIA devices. At least one bootable PCMCIA card loaded with an operating system must be installed in one of the PCMCIA card slots. Q. What is an "SSF" card? A. This is one of the Solid State File "hard drive" cards for the 700T. Q. What is a "ThinkPad File"? A. ThinkPad File (TPF) is the term used to identify the flash memory PCMCIA "hard drives" used by the 710T. Q. Do the SSF and TPF cards allow me to interchange data between systems, like diskettes or optical cartridges? A. Yes. Like a hard drive, these drives support partitioning, subdirectories, etc., depending on the features of the operating system. The only limitation is that SSF and TPF files are not mutually interchangeable. They can only be interchanged with "like" drives (SSF with another SSF, TPF with another TPF). Q. Why solid-state, or flash memory, rather than traditional hard drives? A. Solid-state and flash memory drives are much more reliable, lighter, faster, and use less power than disk drives, and because there are no moving parts, are more rugged than disk drives--an important asset for the mobile worker, where a hand-held tablet is prone to being dropped. Q. What optional PCMCIA solid state drives are available for 710T use? A. 5MB (blank), 10MB (blank, or with PenDOS installed), and 15MB (blank, or with PenDOS or PenPoint installed). (Note: The solid state drive preloaded with PenPoint has been withdrawn from marketing, but may still be available from remarketers.) Q. With both PenDOS and PenPoint available on TPF cards, does this mean I can boot from one operating system on the hard drive one time, and then from the other OS on a TPF the next time (or even between the two OSes on two different TPFs)? A. Yes. The system will boot from the OS on the hard drive (model 302 only) unless a TPF with a bootable OS is inserted in card slot 1. (The diskless, 3-slot model will only boot from the TPF in slot 1.) So you have great flexibility in what OS you wish to boot to. Q. How much hard drive storage do PenPoint and PenDOS require? A. PenPoint uses approximately 11MB of "disk" space, whether installed on the 60MB hard drive or one of the PCMCIA flash memory drives. PenDOS uses about 5MB. Q. I received a 9990305 error when I turned on my 710T, model 09Y. What does it mean? A. It means that the 09Y, which has no built-in hard disk drive, has no bootable PCMCIA drive installed. Q. I have a 710T with a built-in hard drive, and wish to use a blank TPF card as a work drive. But when I boot the system with a TPF installed the system tries to boot from an operating system on the TPF drive, rather than my hard drive. How come? A. Just like booting a PC with a diskette in the A: drive, the 710T looks for an operating system on the removable media if inserted. To use the TPF as a work drive, simply insert the card in PCMCIA slot 2 (like B:), or wait until after the operating system boots up from the hard drive before inserting the card in slot 1. Miscellaneous Q. What is the contrast ratio for the 710T LCD, both with backlighting on and off? A. With backlighting on, the ratio is 7:1; without backlighting (to conserve battery power), it is 4.5:1. Q. The PCMCIA modems are supported in the 710T, but what about the other IBM PCMCIA cards (including network, 3270 emulation and 5250 emulation)? A. These have not been tested, and therefore are not supported. This does not, however, mean that they do not work; just that they are not guaranteed to do so. Q. I have heard that the PS/2 L40SX SIMMs are identical to those used in the 710T, despite different part numbers. Is this true, and why the different P/Ns? A. Yes, the SIMMs (80ns) are identical. The different part numbers are due to the different installation leaflets included in the two packages, because of the two computers involved. Q. Can I attach an external keyboard to the 700T? A. Yes, an IBM PS/2 keyboard, or equivalent. Q. Are the 700T/710T waterproof? A. Not water "proof," but water and dust "resistant." In other words, while they can be used in the rain, and are resistant to liquid spills, they are not designed to be immersed. Q. What other "rugged" features do the 700T/710T tablets offer? A. Magnesium case, built-in shock absorbers, an LCD protective cover, and a padded carrying case. Q. What is the "stand" option (feature code 4958)? A. It is a way to position the 710T upright, making it easier to use as a display with an external keyboard and/or mouse. Q. Does this stand act as a docking station? A. No. It adds no additional features or ports. It merely supports the 710T in an upright position. Q. What is the "battery carrier" option (feature code 4956) for? A. It is a protective sheath for the standard 710T NiCAD battery, intended to prevent accidental discharge from contact with metal objects during storage. Q. How does one set the power-saving modes for the 710T? A. Hold the Suspend/Resume switch and press the power switch. This will bring up the main menu. Select the Power Save icon. The three choices are Low (shut hard drive off after 1 minute of non-use), Medium (3 minutes), or High (do not power off hard drive). To change the settings, just touch the pen to the circle in front of the option you wish to select. For more information, refer to your User's Guide. Q. Is there an expansion unit for the 700T/710T models as there is for the 700/720/750 families? A. No. Q. Are the 700T/710T Micro Channel or AT bus (ISA)? A. AT bus. Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Q&As ThinkPad 300 Series Q&As ThinkPad 700/720 Series Q&As ThinkPad 350 Series Q&As ThinkPad 700T/710T/730T Series Q&As ThinkPad 360 Series Q&As ThinkPad 701 Series Q&As ThinkPad 500/510Cs Series Q&As ThinkPad 750/755 Series Q&As ThinkPad Software Q&As ThinkPad Family Hardware Q&As To return to the ThinkPad Q&As header, double-click here. ═══ 5.7. ThinkPad 701 Series Q&As ═══ The following questions relate specifically to the ThinkPad 701 series of systems. Questions that apply to several, or all, ThinkPad models can be found in the ThinkPad Family Software Q&As and ThinkPad Family Hardware Q&As sections. Audio Q. Speaking of the DSP, does it use the same Mwave DSP as the newer 755 models? A. No. It uses the ESS 688 Codec chip for sound. OS/2 Warp automatically recognizes this chip and assigns the correct driver. Q. Is it Sound Blaster compatible? A. It is SB-compatible at the software (device driver) level, but not the hardware. This means that OS/2 and Windows software will work fine with the Sound Blaster drivers included with the 701 for those OSes (not the ones supplied by Windows or OS/2), but many DOS programs (which write directly to the hardware registers), including most games will not be able to use the DSP for sound, even when run under OS/2 or Windows. Q. So this is why it is called "Business" audio? A. Exactly. Q. I can't seem to be able to get any sounds in Windows, but sounds work fine with DOS. What can I do? A. Try the following. It has worked with a number of users. 1. Use the configuration utility (Fn-F1) to verify that sound is enabled and everything appears to be set up correctly. 2. Edit the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM.INI file as follows: In the {auddrive.drv} section set VoiceMutes=4, VolumeMaster=28270, and VolumeMasterR=32639. Q. I plugged in a microphone, but it doesn't work. What's wrong? A. Be sure to read the online documentation for important microphone impedance and other guidelines. Battery/AC Adapter Q. What is a "Super NiCAD" battery, and why not a NiMH? A. The Super NiCAD has a higher-capacity than a standard NiCAD of the same size, and in fact nearly that of a NiMH, but at a lower cost. An optional NiMH battery is also available. Q. Does the Super NiCAD battery suffer from "battery memory" the way other NiCAD and NiMH batteries do? A. No. Where most battery cells are wired in parallel, the Super NiCAD battery is wired in series, which eliminates this problem. Q. How long does the standard battery last, and how long does it take to recharge? A. Depending on usage and the power-saving settings the battery should last between 2.5 and 7 hours in the 486DX2 models; slightly liess in the DX4 models. The battery will recharge in about 1.0-1.5 hours if the system is in suspend mode, or about 2-3 hours while the system is running. Q. The standard two-prong AC adapter is great--nice and small and light, but only supports 60Hz power. What about if I go overseas and need to run off 50Hz power? A. There is an optional three-prong AC adapter that supports international power. (You still may need one or more plug converters for the various outlet types, depending on the country, and whether your hotel or office has standard U.S. type outlets.) Q. Does the 701 series support non-disruptive battery exchange? A. Yes. If you put the system in Suspend mode first, you can exchange batteries without having to power down the system first (the whole thing only takes about 10 seconds). If you are connected to the AC adapter you don't even have to Suspend the system; and in fact don't even need to have a battery in the system at all. Q. I have an AC adapter from a ThinkPad 500/510. Can I use it with a 701, or vice versa? A. No. The polarity of the two connectors is reversed. This will result in damage to the system, the AC adapter, or both. Q. Why does the battery gauge "time remaining" amount fluctuate up and down? A. Just as many communications programs adjust to phone line conditions when displaying upload/download time remaining, so does the the battery gauge reflect current conditions. For example, while the hard drive or modem are running they draw power that is not being used when they stop. So time remaining may show 2 hours 30 minutes before using the hard drive, then 2 hours 5 minutes while using, then 2 hours 25 minutes after the drive stops. (The 2 hours 5 minutes figure was calculated assuming that the hard drive would continue to be used. Then when it stopped the new calculation reflected continued non-use of the hard drive.) Q. Why does the battery gauge "time remaining" amount increase when I disconnect the AC adapter? A. The battery time remaining number is fairly meaningless while the AC adapter is being used, because the battery is basically not being used, just recharged. Also, some things that might default to time out while running off the battery are left running while on AC power. So the hard drive, modem, and perhaps serial ports are consuming power while on AC that they wouldn't if timed out on battery. Thus the time remaining number reflects a higher "battery" power draw when on AC power than when switched to actual battery power. Communications Q. What fax standards does the DSP support? A. Class 1 and Group III, at rates up to 14.4Kbps, but not Class 2. Q. I'm using the FaxWorks program that came with the OS/2 Warp BonusPak, but I can't seem to get it to communicate faster than 9600 bps. Isn't the built-in fax/modem rated at 14.4Kbps? A. Yes it is; however it uses a Digital signal processor (DSP) from Crystal Semiconductor, and the OS/2 driver for the modem aspect of the DSP currently does not support higher than 9600bps. Q. Is the internal DSP modem software-upgradeable to a speed faster than 14.4Kbps. A. No. For faster speeds, an external serial or PCMCIA modem is required. Infrared/Serial Q. What serial port UART is used in the ThinkPad 701, a 16450 or a 16550? A. A 16550-compatible UART that controls the infrared serial port, the 9-pin serial port on the MultiPort II port replicator, and the internal fax/modem. Q. What is the maximum data transfer rate of the infrared port? A. 115Kbps (using the Hewlett-Packard infrared standard). Also supported is the Sharp standard 9600bps mode. Q. What software do I need to do infrared data transfer? A. The TranXit software is provided for this purpose. It allows you to transfer and synchronize files between notebook computers, and desktop units, with compatible infrared ports. (There are now infrared transcievers that can attach to any desktop PC and make it infrared-ready.) Q. Can I use the infrared port to print to infrared-capable printers as well? A. Yes. There are only a few infrared-ready printers so far (HP's LaserJet 5 series includes a few, for example), but there are also OEM attachments that can make any standard printer infrared-capable, such as JetEye (Extended Systems; 208-322-7575), or let you "talk" to a desktop unit, and use its printer. Q. What's the maximum transmit/receive range of the infrared port? A. One meter. Obviously it is not designed for long-distance work, but for "same desk" line-of-sight data transfer. Q. I'm trying to transfer data between my 701 and an HP 100LX palmtop, but I'm having trouble. How should I set them up? A. When using the Redirector feature of the 100LX, the 701 must be setup as the requestor. Q. I can't seem to get the infrared port to work on my ThinkPad 701 with Warp. What's wrong? A. Early ThinkPad 701s shipped before the infrared OS/2 drivers were ready. New 701s preloaded with Warp manufactured starting in May 1995 include the new driver. For those with the early models that came without the driver, or for users installing shrinkwrapped Warp on a system preloaded with DOS/Windows, this driver can be download when available. In addition, the Windows version of TranXit will not work under OS/2, but an update is planned to fix this. Call the IBM HelpCenter ThinkPad team at 800-772-2227 for details. Q. I'm having trouble getting data transferred. What's wrong? A. There are several things to check for: 1. Make sure you are no more than one meter from the other IR port. 2. Make sure the other IR port is no more than 15 degrees away from directly in front of yours (in other words there is only a 30 degree spread permitted). 3. Make sure there are no obstructions between the two IR ports. 4. Set the processor speed to 50MHz (via Fn-F1) for best results. MultiPort II/Dock II Q. I have an IBM Dock II docking station that I would like to use, but I don't see any way to connect it to the 701. Isn't it supported? A. Yes. You just need Dock II Adapter Kit (P/N 04H6196), due to the smaller size of the 701. Q. I'm having trouble setting up an IDE drive in the Dock II unit. What do I need to do? A. Only the ThinkPad 755 hard drives are automatically sensed and configured for the 701. All other IDE drives must be manually set to "slave" mode via jumpers. Refer to the hard drive documentation for jumper settings. Q. Can the MultiPort II be "hot-docked" (i.e., attached and detached while the 701 is running), like a PCMCIA card? A. No, but it can be "warm-docked." This means that although the MultiPort II must already be connected when the system is turned on. it can be disconnected while the 701 is running, but in suspend mode. Q. My MultiPort adapter has only one latch. It looks like the other one was broken off. Is it defective? A. No. The MultiPort adapter was designed to be connected with only one latch, so the other one was removed. Parallel Port/Cable Q. Is the parallel port a "standard" bi-directional port, or one of the new high-speed ones? A. The 701 series parallel port is a high-speed Enhanced Parallel Port (EPP), and the system ships with an EPP printer cable. Q. I can't figure out how to connect both the external diskette drive and the printer cable at the same time. I only see one port. A. They cannot be connected simultaneously. They both use the same 25-pin D-shell port. Q. Isn't there a "Y" cable to allow me to use the parallel port for both a printer and the floppy drive at the same time? A. No, not from IBM. Perhaps an OEM vendor sells such a cable. PCMCIA Q. Which PCMCIA controller is used in the 701? A. The 701 uses the Cirrus Logic CL6720 PCMCIA controller. Q. Is there anywhere I can find a list of supported PCMCIA cards? A. Yes. You can access this list from within the IBM PC Card Manager Utility installed on every 701 system. Q. Does the 701 support "hot-pluggable" PCMCIA cards? A. Yes, if the cards themselves support this feature. Not all do. Q. Can the PC Card Director software from the ThinkPad 755 be used with the 701? A. No, due to the differing PCMCIA controller hardware. You must use the software that comes with the 701. Power Saving Modes Q. I can't seem to get the battery to charge in Suspend mode. Isn't it supposed to? A. In Suspend mode the battery will charge if the power switch is in the "on" position, but not if it is set to "off." Q. When I return from "partial" Suspend mode, while attached to the Dock II docking unit, the system is frozen and I can't get into it. What's wrong? A. If you have a password set, the system is waiting for it, but just not displaying a password prompt panel. This is normal. Just type the password and press Enter. Q. What does "safe suspend" mean? A. That is the ability of the 701 to write the entire contents of memory to a disk file before entering Hibernation mode. This gives you the ability to exit Hibernation mode and return to the exact state of readiness as Suspend mode (subject to the limitations of Suspend mode) without having to worry about exceeding the battery time limit for Suspend mode. The limitations are that it takes longer to return from Hibernation mode than Suspend mode (due to disk access rates), and you need enough disk space free to write the entire contents of memory. In other words, if you have 16MB of RAM, you will have a 16MB hibernation file. Q. Does Hibernation mode require a special disk partition? A. No, it is only a disk file in your "regular" partition. Q. In various places the documentation refers to Manual and Auto methods of entering suspend modes. What's the difference? A. The Manual method is to close the lid, or press Fn-F4. The Automatic method is simply to let the system timeout. Preloaded Software Q. The 486DX4 models come with OS/2 Warp preloaded. Which version of Warp is it: Warp with Win-OS/2 (full-pack), or Warp (for Windows)? A. It is Warp (for windows), installed over IBM PC-DOS 6.3 and MS Windows 3.11. Q. If I don't want OS/2 on my 486DX4 model, is there any way to delete it without hurting anything else that was preloaded? A. Yes. Just follow the instructions that come with the system. Q. My 486DX2 model came with DOS/Windows preloaded. What version(s) of OS/2 can I install? A. If you don't want to delete DOS/and Windows, you can install OS/2 2.1 for Windows (and the ServicePak), or OS/2 Warp 3.0 (for Windows), or later. If you plan to remove Windows from the system, you can install OS/2 2.11 or OS/2 Warp 3.0 with Win-OS/2 ("full-pack"). It is strongly recommended that you upgrade your memory to at least 8MB before installing OS/2, for best performance. Q. I just installed OS/2 2.1 for Windows over the Windows 3.11 preloaded on my 701. Now I'm having problems with Windows sessions. What's wrong? A. Changes in the 3.11 Windows code prevent OS/2 2.1 for Windows from running correctly "as is." For a fix, download a patch called WIN311.ZIP from CompuServe (OS/2 Support forum, Library 23), the OS/2 BBS/TalkLink, the Internet anonymous ftp sites at ftp.pcco.ibm.com and software.watson.ibm.com, and other sources. For more details about this fix, refer to the "OS/2 2.x-Specific Installation and Compatibility Q&As" section in the IBM OS Assistant. TrackPoint III/Keyboard Q. I'm using the IBM Enhanced Mouse (P/N 92G7457), and I'm having problems with it. What's the matter? A. This particular mouse can't be used while the TrackPoint III is active. You must first go into the setup program and disable the TrackPoint III. Q. I'm using an IBM 8516 touch screen monitor, and I'm having problems with it. What's the matter? A. See preceding question. Q. I'm using the IBM SpaceSaver Keyboard, and I'm having problems with it. What's the matter? A. See preceding question. Video Q. What video chipset is used, and what video resolution/color combinations are supported? A. The 701 uses the Chips and Technologies CT-65545 chipset, with 1MB of video memory. It is capable of 640x480 (256 colors from a palette of 1.7M colors) on the built-in 701C active-matrix color LCD, or 640x480 (256 colors from a palette of 226K colors) on the 701Cs passive-matrix color LCD, and up to 640x480 (16.7M colors) or 1024x768 (256 colors) on an external monitor. (The models preloaded with OS/2 Warp 3.0 do not yet include a 16.7M color driver. This driver will be made available at a later time via the IBM PC Company BBS, and other electronic sources.) Q. I can't seem to get more than 16 colors on my ThinkPad 701 screen with Warp. What's wrong? A. Early ThinkPad 701s shipped before the 256 color OS/2 drivers were ready for the C&T 65545 chipset (as were the shrinkwrapped copies of Warp and Warp with Win-OS/2). New 701s preloaded with Warp manufactured starting in May 1995 include the new driver. For those with the early models that came without the driver, or for users installing shrinkwrapped Warp on a system preloaded with DOS/Windows, this driver can be downloaded from various electronic sources, as BFVIDOS2.ZIP. This driver also supports up to 16.7 million colors on an external monitor. (Users also needing the DOS/Windows drivers can download BFVIDWIN.ZIP.) Note: Do not use these drivers on other systems containing the same video chipset. They have been customized specifically for the 701, and will not work correctly on other systems. Q. How does the video panning feature work? A. Although the LCD screen is only capable of displaying 640x486 resolution, you can set up the 701 for a virtual desktop in Windows or OS/2 of 800x600 or 1024x768 resolution. Then you can "slide" this 640x480 "window" around over your desktop, enabling you to use your system as if it had a 1024x768 screen. This also solves the annoying problem of going back and forth between the LCD and a hi-res external monitor and constantly having to adjust the screen resolution in Windows or OS/2. Now when you shift from an external monitor at the same resolution as your virtual desktop, you don't have to change anything to continue working. Q. I can't seem to get the panning feature working. What's wrong? A. You must do two things to make it work: 1) Set the resolution for the LCD to something larger than 640x680; and 2) Set the display device to either "LCD" or LCD & CRT." If it is set to "CRT" only, you will get the full screen, not the panning window. Q. When I turned on my 701Cs the brightness/contrast was set correctly. After a period of time I had to adjust it. Why? A. Brightness and contrast can vary with temperature. If you operate the unit in hotter or colder temperatures than usual manual adjustment may be necessary. Q. Why don't the brightness and contrast controls work on my 701C? A. These controls only apply to the 701Cs (STN passive matrix). The brightness and contrast of the active matrix (TFT) LCD on the 701C is controlled by the system. Miscellaneous Q. Is the DX2 or DX4 processor used in the 701 upgradeable to a Pentium? The announcement letter was confusing. A. No such upgrade has been announced for the ThinkPad 701 series. The announcement wasn't very clear about specifying that the Pentium upgrade is for the ThinkPad 755CD/CE/CSE models only. Q. Are there any larger hard drives available for my system? A. Not from IBM, but there are OEM companies that offer 2.5" drives for many different laptop/notebook PCs. One such company is Laptop Solutions at 800-683-6839. Contact them for details and pricing. Other such vendors exist as well. Look at the ads near the back of most PC magazines, and especially Computer Shopper. Q. Can other ThinkPad model hard drives be interchanged with the 701? A. No. Unfortunately they will not fit. Q. I have several 701 systems, and some have one kind of diskette drive, and some have a different one. What's the difference? A. The first 9,000 701 systems came with the external diskette drive that shipped with the discontinued 510Cs subnotebook. When they ran out a different drive was used. The original drive had the eject button at the side. The newer ones are a bit smaller and have the button at the top. They are functionally identical. Q. I have tried to change my port settings, but the changes don't seem to take. What's wrong? A. Make sure you do the following: 1. Use Fn-F1 to get to the port settings. 2. Cursor down to the User Port Settings section, below the Active Port Settings, on page 3 of 4. 3. Press Enter to get to the I/O Management screen. 4. Make your changes and press Enter to return to the Comfiguration Utility screen. 5. press ESC and save the settings, then reboot the system. Your changes should be in effect after rebooting. Q. I'm concerned about security. Is there any way to secure the PCMCIA cards and removable hard drive so they can't be removed? A. Yes. There is a Kensington lock included with the 701 series that will secure both bays, as well as the MultiPort II port replicator. Q. Are there any padded carrying cases available for the 701? A. Yes. Port, Inc. makes two cases specifically for the 701 series: 1) A leather carrying case (P/N TP70100) that doubles as a briefcase (16" x 13" x 6"; 4.5 lbs) with integrated wrist rest, and has special compartments for the port replicator, diskette drive, AC adapter, spare batteries, and cables; and 2) A simple leather portfolio (TP70200) that has no pockets, but doubles as a combination typing base (to angle the keyboard and wrist rest (8.5" x 10" x 2.25; 1 lb). Both are designed to allow use of the 701 without having to remove it from the case. For more information, or to order, call either IBM PC Direct (800-IBM-2YOU), or the vendor (800-350-PORT). Q. My 701 is havine weird problems (won't hibernate, no memory count on bootup, or other symptoms), but I can't find anything wrong? What can I do? A. Sometimes this can be the result of corrupted CMOS settings. Try pressing/holding both mouse buttons during a cold boot (power off) until the POST beep. This will reset all CMOS settings to the factory defaults. This has been know to correct the above problems. If not, call technical support for assistance. Q. When I touch the left/bottom part of the keyboard my cursor jitters. What's going on? A. This only occurs when running on AC power, and is not consiered a problem that requires fixing. Q. Do I have to go through EasyServ for service, or can I have my local dealer take care of it? A. Dealers are not authorized to service ThinkPads, and can only send them to EasyServ, so you might as well save the time an effort of dealing with a middle man and go straight to EasyServ yourself. Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Q&As ThinkPad 300 Series Q&As ThinkPad 700/720 Series Q&As ThinkPad 350 Series Q&As ThinkPad 700T/710T/730T Series Q&As ThinkPad 360 Series Q&As ThinkPad 701 Series Q&As ThinkPad 500/510Cs Series Q&As ThinkPad 750/755 Series Q&As ThinkPad Software Q&As ThinkPad Family Hardware Q&As To return to the ThinkPad Q&As header, double-click here. ═══ 5.8. ThinkPad 750/755 Series Q&As ═══ The following questions relate specifically to the ThinkPad 750 and 755 series of systems. Questions that apply to several, or all, ThinkPad models can be found in the ThinkPad Family Software Q&As and ThinkPad Family Hardware Q&As sections. Q. What's the difference between the 750/750C/750Cs/750P models? A. The 750 uses a monochrome LCD, the 750C has an active-matrix color LCD, and the 750Cs has a dual-scan STN passive-matrix color LCD. The 750P uses a pen-enabled version of the mono LCD used on the 750. The pen display can pivot down over the keyboard for use like a pen tablet. The only other difference is that only the 750C supports the two video options that display TV and full-motion video on the internal color LCD. Passive matrix color screen technology is not fast enough to keep up with full-motion video without excessive "ghosting." Q. What is a ThinkPad 750Ce? I have seen it referenced in several publications (including the ThinkPad 755 announcement). A. The 750Ce is an enhanced version of the standard 750C. It is only available through a Special Bid process; not by normal remarketer or IBM PC Direct channels. Q. How do the 750 models differ from the 720 family? A. Besides the pen and passive-matrix color screens, the major enhancements in the 750 include: 1) A 486SL-33 processor, which provides slightly better performance than the 25/50MHz 486SLC2 used in the 720's. 2) More RAM: Up to 20MB of RAM, versus 16MB in the 720, also due to the difference in processor. 3) Larger, faster hard drives: 170MB and 340MB removable disk drives, versus 80MB or 160MB removable and upgradeable to 240MB non-removable. 4) Lighter weight: 5.5 lbs (750) and 6.4 lbs (750C) vs. 6.5 lbs (720) and 7.6 lbs (720C). 5) Longer battery capacity: 5.3-12.0 hrs (750) and 3.4-8.0 (750C) compared to 4.0-8.0 (720) and 2.4-4.8 (720C). 6) High-capacity diskette drive: 2.88MB instead of 1.44MB. 7) The 750's add a SoundBlaster-compatible audio chipset and audio in/out jacks. 8) The 750's allow you to remove the diskette drive to save weight, or to attach it externally to allow the insertion of an option into the diskette drive bay (such as the TV Tuner). Q. What's the difference between the 755C/755Cs models? A. The 755C has an active-matrix color LCD, and the 750Cs has a dual-scan STN passive-matrix color LCD. The only other difference is that only the 750C supports the two video options that display TV and full-motion video on the internal color LCD. Passive matrix color screen technology is not fast enough to keep up with full-motion video without excessive "ghosting." Q. How do the 755 models differ from the 750 family? A. Well, first of all the 750 family includes pen and monochrome LCD models. But aside from that (just comparing the color models), the 755 models offer faster processors (75MHz 486DX4 and 50MHz 486DX2, versus 33MHz 486SL), greater memory expansion (up to 36MB, compared to 20MB for the 750 family), higher-capacity hard drives standard, more preloaded software, and a built-in microphone. Aside from these advantages, all the other great features of the 750 series are kept, including compatibility with all of the optional components offered for the 750 models. Plus, new options, such as the 540MB and 810MB removable hard disk drives are equally compatible with the 750 family. Compatibility/Installation/Upgradeability Q. What is the "CDPD" module that is now available for the 75x product line? A. The Cellular Digital Packet Data module (P/N 71G2560) slips into the removable diskette drive bay. It provides a high-speed (14.4Kbps) data/fax modem and CDPD transceiver combined. It supports Circuit Switch data/fax over AMPC or PSTN, AMPS or PSTN voice, and CDPD communications. It includes BitFax, BitCom, and BitPhone software. The CDPD module is compatible with all 750 models, except the pen-based 750P. There is an optional handset (P/N 92F1082) available to allow use of the CDPD as a standard cellular phone. For ultimate flexibility, there is an optional kit that allows the diskette drive to be connected externally at the same time the CDPD module is installed. The CDPD module may also be interchanged with the TV Tuner module. Q. What is the "TV Tuner" module that is now available for the 75x product line? A. The TV Tuner module (P/N 66G3689) slips into the removable diskette drive bay. It allows the user to hook up and external video source, such as TV cable, VCR, Laserdisc, etc., and view it on the active matrix color LCD of the TP 750C/755C, as if on a TV screen. The TV Tuner is only available for the 750C/755C models because the active matrix screen is the only LCD technology fast enough to keep up with full-motion video. The monochrome and passive matrix screens would have unacceptable image quality, due to excessive "ghosting" of images. This module, coupled with the built-in speaker and audio chip (and the optional docking unit for CD-ROM and/or full-motion-video adapter), and large removable hard disk drives, makes the 750C the ideal traveling multimedia presentation system. For ultimate flexibility, there is an optional kit that allows the diskette drive to be connected externally at the same time the TV Tuner module is installed. The TV Tuner module may also be interchanged with the CDPD module. Q. How do I connect an external keyboard? I can't seem to find the right jack. A. You will need the optional PS/2 Keyboard/Mouse Connector cable (P/N 06G8619, F/C 1797), which allows you to connect an external keyboard or mouse. Processor Q. What's the difference between the 486SL processor used in the 750 series and the 486SLC2 used in the 720's? A. 1) Where the 486SL-33 has both an internal and external speed of 33MHz, the clock-doubling 486SLC2 runs at 50MHz internally, and 25MHz externally; so performance may be better for one processor with one set of applications, and better for the other with different applications. 2) The 486SL has a 32-bit external bus, allowing more than 16MB to be installed in a system, while the 486SLC2's 16-bit external bus limits RAM to 16MB; both processors operate internally at 32-bits. 3) The 486SLC2 has a 16K internal cache, to only 8K for the 486SL, which negates most of the advantage of the 486SL's 32-bit external bus performance-wise. Overall, performance for the two should be fairly similar; the main difference is the higher memory capacity allowed by the 486SL. Q. Are the systems upgradeable to faster processors? A. The 50MHz 486DX2-based ThinkPad 755 models are upgradeable to 75MHz 486DX4s. Video Q. Does the 750/755 family support an external monitor concurrently with the LCD? A. Yes. An external VGA or SVGA monitor can be used (up to 1024x768), and both the LCD and the monitor will be active. Q. Why are the video options (TV Tuner, Analog-to-Digital Converter) only supported on the 750C/755C models? A. The active-matrix (TFT) LCD is the only one with a refresh rate fast enough for full-motion video. Q. Why would I want to spend the extra money for the active-matrix LCD versus the STN color LCD, if I don't care about the video options? A. In addition, the TFT display has a 100:1 contrast ratio, versus 20:1 for the color STN LCD. This means a much sharper and brighter image, with a wider range of viewable angles. Also, the TFT LCD can display 256 colors out of a palette of 262,144 colors; the STN LCD displays 256 out of 4,096 colors. Thus the active-matrix LCD is capable of photorealistic imaging. Finally, the TFT screen is 10.4" (diagonal), to 9.5" for the STN LCD (about 20% more total area). This translates into larger text, larger graphics and icons, etc. All in all, better readability of the screen, and less eye-strain. Q. I am having video problems installing OS/2 2.11 (or the 2.1 ServicePak) on a ThinkPad 750. What can I do? A. Download a file called 211DDU1A.EXE from the IBM PC Company BBS. This is a video recovery disk for resetting OS/2 video drivers to VGA. It addresses installation and post-installation problems with video on the ThinkPad 750. (Or download 211DDU1B.EXE, which contains this fix, plus the following one, in one file.) Q. My color LCD seems to have a few discolored or burnt-out pixels. Should I replace the display and is this covered under warranty? A. The ThinkPad 750C/755C LCD contains more than 921,000 thin film transistors (TFTs). Even using the current state-of-the-art TFT LCD technology, a small number of missing or discolored dots is to be expected, and not considered a defect. The LCD should only be replace if the number of missing or miscolored dots causes viewing problems. Q. What is the maximum monitor weight supported by the ThinkPad Display Stand? A. 48.6 lbs (22 kg). Q. I'm trying to use the ThinkPad TV Tuner option with the ActionMedia II adapter (installed in the Dock I docking station), but I can't seem to get it to work. What's wrong? A. The ActionMedia II adapter uses an interrupt that the TP 750/755 audio chip uses, and another interrupt that the Dock I uses. So you need to change the audio chip IRQ setting from IRQ10 to IRQ5, and likewise, the DOCK I interrupt from IRQ11 to IRQ15. The audio chip setting can be changed using the PS2.EXE command and entering the System Information area, while a jumper mush be changed in the docking station to alter the IRQ. The Dock I manual explains how to change the jumper. Unlike Micro Channel systems, AT Bus PCs cannot share interrupts. Q. How do install both the ActionMedia II adapter and the Analog-to-Digital Video Adapter (which allows the AM II card to display full-motion video on the LCD screen of the 750C/755C) in the docking station if there is only one ISA slot? A. The ADV adapter does not use an adapter slot. It attaches directly to the circuit board inside the Dock I (or Dock II) unit, leaving the adapter slot available for the AM II card. Q. I can't seem to figure out how to enable Picture-In-Picture (PIP) with the TV Tuner option so that I can watch video in a window on my LCD. A. The TV Tuner, unlike the PS/2 TV product, does not support PIP video, only full-screen. Q. What's the difference between using the TV Tuner versus the PS/2 TV? A. There are several pros and cons for each product: The TV tuner fits inside the diskette bay (but the drive can be attached externally if needed), and so is portable; on the other hand, it does not support PIP, and does not offer a video out port for an external monitor. By comparison, the PS/2 TV option is an external box, about the same size as the 750, and so is much less portable, and it doesn't support video to the LCD, only an external monitor; but it does offer PIP on the monitor. So someone needing "video to go" would probably prefer the TV Tuner, while someone operating in the office, who wants to display the video on a large monitor, full-screen or PIP, might prefer the PS/2 TV. Both accept input from antenna or cable. Q. Can I use the "180-degree rotation" driver on any laptop, IBM or otherwise? A. No. The 180-degree rotation driver was designed to be used with the IBM ThinkPad 755CV/CDV only. Furthermore, they are only compatible with the Western Digital C24 display drivers. Q. I received an error message when I tried to install PCMCIA Token-ring. It said the video driver wasn't supported. Why not? A. The PCMCIA Token-ring installation program is not aware of the 180-degree rotation driver. Q. When I install the 180-degree rotation driver, will my display automatically come up upside-down? A. No. You must manually rotate the display after the installation is complete. Q. How do I rotate the image on my display? A. Here are the steps: 1. Open the System Setup folder, either from the OS/2 System folder or by clicking on the Desktop with the right mouse button and then selecting it from the menu. 2. Open the System object. The System Settings folder will open. 3. Click on the Capabilities button. The Driver Capabilities notebook will open. 4. Select one of the following from the Desktop Orientation list: 0 for right-side up 180 for upside-down 5. Close the Driver Capabilities notebook. 6. Close the System Settings notebook. 7. Shut down and then restart the computer. Q. My ThinkPad 755CV/CDV supports 65,535 colors. Will it still support them after I install this driver? A. Yes. The 180-degree rotation driver can support up to 65,535 colors. However, the driver will not support resolutions higher than 640 x 480. Q. Are there any restrictions on using the 180-degree rotation drivers for OS/2? A. Yes. Besides the limitation of no higher than 640x480 resolution, OS/2 Full-Screen sessions, DOS Full Screen sessions, OS/2 System Error dialog boxes and OS/2 System Message dialog boxes will not be displayed as rotated. PCMCIA Q. How many PCMCIA "bays" or "sockets" do the 750 models contain? A. There is one bay that can take either one Type 3 card, or two Type 1 and/or Type 2 cards at a time. Q. What considerations are there for using two PCMCIA cards at once? A. There are several: 1) Two cards have the same potential address and I/O conflict problems that two adapters would. 2) Two communications cards may have physical conflicts between the cables coming out the back of the cards. 3) When the ejection button is pressed, both cards are ejected. This might result in a communications session being interrupted, for example. Q. The PCMCIA diagnostics program doesn't see the PCMCIA cards installed in my Port Replicator I. But the cards appear to be functioning. What's wrong? A. It is merely a limitation of the diagnostics program. To test a PCMCIA card that is installed in a slot higher than 2, move the card temporarily to either slot 1 or 2. Then return it to its original location in slot 3 or 4 when finished testing. Q. I have PCMCIA cards installed in my Port Replicator I. But the drivers don't seem to be able to find them. What's wrong? A. If the cards use "point enabler" drivers, they will not be recognized in a slot number higher than 2. If possible, move those cards into slots 1 and 2, and move the other cards (if they do not require point enabler drivers) into the higher-numbered slots. Q. Is there an OS/2 driver for the Apex PCMCIA high-speed modems?? A. Yes. Call Apex at 800-841-2739 for the driver, or download it from their BBS at 510-803-2039. (All modems shipped sinceg November 1993 include this driver.) Battery and Power Management Q. What is the battery life of the Thinkpad 750 series? A. Using the PC Magazine benchmarks, which measure continuous usage with power management features disabled (i.e., worst-case scenario), the monochrome Thinkpad 750 has a battery life of 5.3 hours, the monochrome (pen) 750P lasts for 5.1 hours, the passive matrix color 750Cs is good for 3.5 hours, and the active matrix color 750C's battery life is 3.4 hours. According to the Veritest benchmark, which measures battery life in a "typical workday environment," with power management features enabled (a more realistic test), the battery in the 750 and 750P last for 12 hours, and the 750C and 750Cs for 8 hours. A big improvement over the earlier 7xx models. Depending on the hardware configuration, and the power management settings used, "real life" numbers will probably be somewhere in between. Q. What is the battery life of the Thinkpad 755 series? A. Using the PC Magazine benchmarks, which measure continuous usage with power management features disabled (i.e., worst-case scenario), the passive matrix color Thinkpad 755Cs has a battery life of 4.0 hours, and the active matrix color 750C's battery life is 3.1 hours. According to the Veritest benchmark, which measures battery life in a "typical workday environment," with power management features enabled (a more realistic test), the battery in the 755Cs and 755C systems lasts for up to 8 hours. Depending on the hardware configuration, and the power management settings used, "real life" numbers will probably be somewhere in between. Q. What does "non-disruptive battery exchange" mean? A. It means that you don't have to shut down the 750/755 to exchange batteries or risk losing whatever was running in memory. The 750/755 series allow the user to put the system in suspend mode and exchange battery packs without any loss of data or function. Q. I am having mouse problems with hibernation mode since installing OS/2 2.11 (or the 2.1 ServicePak) on a ThinkPad 750. What can I do? A. Download a file called HIBERFIX.EXE from the IBM PC Company BBS. This fix replaces the APM.SYS and MOUSE.SYS drivers. (Or download 211DDU1B.EXE, which contains this fix, plus the previous one, in one file.) Expansion Unit and Port Replicator Q. Is there a docking station available for the ThinkPad 750/755/760 series systems? A. Yes; two in fact. The IBM Dock I includes one 3.5"/5.25" drive bat, one full-length 16" ISA adapter slot, two stereo speakers, universal power supply, serial, parallel, keyboard, pointing device, SVGA, and SCSI ports, as well as audio-in/out, video-in, and speaker jacks, and an integrated handle, allowing the user to carry it with the system connected. Dock II includes all of the above, and adds a second drive bay, a second full-length 16-bit ISA slot, and two PCMCIA sockets. Q. What is the Analog-to-Digital video converter option for the Dock I and II? A. The Analog-to-Digital video converter option, when used in conjunction with an IBM ActionMedia II Display adapter in the docking unit, provides full-motion color video on the 750C TFT LCD. Q. I'm confused about the "port replicators." What are they? A. One of the more annoying aspects of mobile computers is the necessity to disconnect all external cables before leaving, and then reconnecting them upon return. The optional ThinkPad Port Replicators eliminate this problem. The Port Replicator II is a removable module that connects to all the ports on the back of the ThinkPad, providing pass-through to matching ports on the replicator. Cables are attached to the replicator. Then when the ThinkPad has to be moved, the replicator is disconnected from the ThinkPad with all cables still attached. When the ThinkPad returns, the replicator is snapped back onto the unit. At no time are the cables removed from the replicator, saving the user much time and inconvenience. The Port Replicator I is the same, but adds two PCMCIA Type II slots. Q. The performance of the CD-ROM kit for the Dock I seems slow for a dual-speed drive. Why? A. Two reasons: 1) The maximum data transfer rate of the Internal CD-ROM Installation Kit drive is 200KB/second. If higher performance is required, use an externally-attached drive connected to the SCSI port of the DOCK I. 2) Even with the existing drive, there is a faster driver provided than the default driver (IBMCDROM.SYS) automatically installed. On the same Option diskette provided with the Dock I unit, there is a driver called FDCD.SYS. Follow the installation instructions provided in the readme file. This driver will greatly improve performance for applications like video playback. Q. Do I need the CD-ROM kit for an internal drive, or can I just use any CD-ROM drive? A. You can use any SCSI CD-ROM drive (or other device) that will fit in a 1"-high bay. Also, you will need a black bezel (cover plate) that fits the 3445/3556 units if you are concerned about appearance. Multimedia Q. I am using OS/2 2.1 with MMPM/2 but I can't seem to get the audio support to work with the built-in sound chip and speakers on my 750. What's wrong? A. The OS/2 audio drivers were not ready at the time the 750 series shipped. The driver is available by calling 800-845-4263 (U.S.) or 800-565-3344 (Canada). Newly manufactured 750's and 755's now include the driver. Q. I have the ThinkPad 750/755 sound drivers for OS/2 2.1. How do I install them? A. When installing MMPM/2 on your ThinkPad 750, install the Motion Video support, but do not install any of the audio drivers shown. Next, reboot the ThinkPad. After bootup, insert the ThinkPad Audio Features diskette into the diskette drive and type: MINSTALL. When the installation panel appears, select drive A: as the source drive. An icon for the Audio Features will appear; select this icon and press the Install button. The installation program will do the rest. Q. Are there any newer ThinkPad 75x audio drivers for Warp than those shipped with the systems or included with Warp? A. Perhaps, depending on when you bought your system. The latest drivers can be downloaded from various electronic sources. Look for a file called THKPDWPx.EXE (where x represents a version number); it is self-extracting. Q. How about newer ThinkPad 75x audio drivers for DOS and Windows than those shipped with the systems? A. Yes. The latest drivers can be downloaded from various electronic sources. Look for files called TPDxxx_1.EXE and TPDxxx_2.EXE (where xxx represents a version number, such as 102) for DOS; and TPWxxx_1.EXE and TPWxxx_2.EXE for Windows 3.1x or Windows for Workgroups. The files are self-extracting. Q. I have a ThinkPad 755CD or 755CE with DOS/Windows, and Warp installed. Is there any way for me to use the Mwave sound drivers for OS/2 2.11 with Warp? A. Yes. Download THKPDWP1.EXE from the IBM PC Company BBS (919-517-0001), or other electronic sources. It is a patch for Warp to allow the OS/2 2.11 Mwave drivers to be installed and used. Q. I have a ThinkPad 755CD or 755CE with DOS/Windows, and Warp installed. But I can't get FaxWorks (part of the Warp BonusPak) to work. What's wrong? A. You need the same patch as above, which enables the Mwave chip under Warp for both sound and fax capabilities. Q. I have installed the ThinkPad 750/755 sound drivers for OS/2 2.1. When the system boots up it plays a brief tune. Is there any way to disable this, or reduce the volume? A. Yes. This is part of the bootup diagnostics run by the sound drivers. To disable diagnostics entirely, edit CONFIG.SYS to delete or "REM out" the DEVICE=d:\MMPM2\IBMAUDIO\AUDTEST2.SYS statement (where d: is the drive letter containing the MMPM2 directory). To reduce or increase the volume, change the /V= parameter to anything from 0 to 100. This indicates the percentage of full volume you wish. Or, use the /Q parameter (Quiet) to suppress the tune. Q. The ThinkPad 750/755 sound drivers include both DOS and OS/2 device drivers. If I'm using OS/2, do I need to load the DOS drivers for DOS applications? A. No. The OS/2 drivers include a "virtual" driver for DOS applications. The driver intended for DOS systems is not needed. Q. The ThinkPad 750 sound drivers work under real DOS/Windows, and with OS/2 apps, but I can't seen to get them to work for Windows apps running in a Win-OS/2 session. What's wrong? A. This is a known problem, for which there is no fix at this time. Q. My 750/755 won't shut down when I have the MIDI player and/or Digital Audio Player running with the OS/2 sound drivers. What's wrong? A. This is a known problem with the OS/2 Shutdown program. Until a fix is available, manually close these programs before beginning the Shutdown procedure. Q. Using the ThinkPad 750/755 sound drivers for OS/2, is there any way to play PCM and MIDI files concurrently? A. Yes, but you must edit the MMPM2.INI file in the \MMOS2 directory. Using a text editor, add the following line to the [ibmampmixtp01] section: VALIDCOMBINATIONS=1,2,2,1. Then save the file. This will enable concurrent play of both file types. Q. I have the ThinkPad 750 sound drivers for OS/2 2.1 installed. When I use the setup program to change the CPU speed to something less than High sometimes my audio applications fail. What's wrong? A. This is normal and unavoidable. For audio applications to work correctly, be sure the CPU speed setting is set to High. Q. I'm using the ThinkPad 750/755 sound drivers for OS/2 2.1. When I reopen the cover (or RESUME) after suspending the system while recording or playing back audio the system sometimes hangs or has other difficulties with the audio. Is there a fix for this? A. Yes. The Audio Options diskette containing the sound drivers also contains a replacement MOUSE.SYS file for OS/2. Just copy this file to the \OS2 directory on your hard disk drive and reboot the ThinkPad. This should correct the problem. If your 750 did not come with this diskette (early models were shipped before these drivers were available), call 800-845-4263 (U.S.) or 800-565-3344 (Canada) to order. Q. I'm using the ThinkPad 750/755 sound drivers for OS/2 2.1. When I reopen the cover (or RESUME) after suspending the system while playing back video the system loses audio/video synchronization. Is there a fix for this? A. Not at this time. The workaround is to avoid closing the cover during video playback. Miscellaneous Q. What is the maximum operating altitude for the ThinkPad 750/755 models? A. 10,000 feet, or equivalent air pressure (such as in a pressurized airplane cabin). Q. What is the security base (P/N 66G3684)? A. It is a cradle for the system that serves as a physical security option. It allows the user to bolt the system to the desk. It locks the system to the cradle using the hard disk drive locking mechanism. A padlock can be added by the user. The Security Base protects against removal of the hard disk drive, IC DRAM cards, and the math coprocessor. It also prevents access to the system's screw holes, system expansion port, and I/O connectors. Note: This option is not required if you have the 3545 docking station, which provides the same protection. This option is for those who desire security but don't have a docking station. Q. What is the Security Utility Diskette (P/N 49G2173)? A. This allows the user to set a Privileged Access Password (PAP) to the system in order to limit access to the system partition. Once a password is set it can prevent any tampering with the boot selection or I/O port usage, even by the Reference Diskette. If you ever forget the PAP the motherboard must be replaced because it can not be disabled. Q. What is the KeyGuard option offered for the ThinkPad 750/755/760 family? A. The KeyGuard is a black plastic overlay for the keyboard. It is intended primarily as an option for users with limited use of their hands. It allows the user to rest their hands on the keyboard without touching the keys. Users can use a pointing stick or one finger at a time to push the keys, while being prevented from accidentally depressing more than one key at a time. Q. Is the 750/755 family Micro Channel or AT bus? A. AT bus (ISA). Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Q&As ThinkPad 300 Series Q&As ThinkPad 700/720 Series Q&As ThinkPad 350 Series Q&As ThinkPad 700T/710T/730T Series Q&As ThinkPad 360 Series Q&As ThinkPad 701 Series Q&As ThinkPad 500/510Cs Series Q&As ThinkPad 750/755 Series Q&As ThinkPad 760 Series Q&As ThinkPad Software Q&As ThinkPad Family Hardware Q&As To return to the ThinkPad Q&As header, double-click here. ═══ 5.9. ThinkPad 760 Series Q&As ═══ The following questions relate specifically to the ThinkPad 760 series of systems. Questions that apply to several, or all, ThinkPad series can be found in the ThinkPad Family Software Q&As and ThinkPad Family Hardware Q&As sections. Overview Q. What is so great about the ThinkPad 760C/CD series? A. In addition to all of the advanced features in the 755 series (10.4" TFT LCD with up to 64K color support, TrackPoint III, Mwave DSP audio/fax/modem, up to 40MB RAM, up to 1.2GB hard drive, twin infrared ports, PCMCIA ports, built-in microphone and mono speaker, DX4 or P-75 processor, optional port replicators and docking units, optional Li-Ion battery, and 2X integrated CD-ROM--755CD only) the 760 series adds the following:  Choice of P-90 or P-120 processor  L2 external cache  Choice of 12.1" or 10.4" (both up to 800x600) TFT LCD (12.1" LCD has 35% larger viewing area than 10.4")  Keyboard that automatically tilts to 10-degree angle when cover opened  Integrated palm rest  Lithium Ion (Li-Ion) battery standard  720MB or 1.2GB hard drive standard  Optional second battery in UltraBay  Optional 2.88MB diskette drive in UltraBay  Optional second hard drive up to 1.2GB (using optional kit) in UltraBay  Enhanced Mwave DSP software (see below; no-cost upgrade available for Mwave-equipped 755 series users)  MIDI/Joystick support (760CD only)  Includes Total Image Video: MPEG-1/MPEG-2 HHR support, video acceleration/capture/scaling, video in/out (760CD only)  Stereo speakers (760CD only)  Volume control slide switch  Integrated 4X CD-ROM drive (760CD only) Q. What are the differences between the 760C/CD and 760L/LD models? A. The lower-cost L/LD models do not offer the 12.1" screen or P-120 processor, include an 810MB hard drive instead of the 720MB or 1.2GB drives, substitute a sound chip for the multi-function Mwave DSP chip, and come with a NiMH battery standard rather than Lithium Ion (optional). | Q. What's the big deal about an inch or two (12.1" vs. 10.4", or 10.4" vs. 9.5" or 8.4") in color LCD size? A. A fraction of an inch diagonal measure may not seem like much, but when talking about such small screens the difference is actually quite large: A 12.1" LCD has about 35% more screen area than a 10.4" LCD; while a 10.4" LCD is about 20% larger than a 9.5" screen, and 53% larger than an 8.4" screen! This translates into more easily readable text, larger graphics and icons, etc. All in all, better readability of the screen, and less eye-strain. Q. How does the preloaded software differ between the 755 and 760 series? A. The 755 and 760 series systems preloaded with SelectaSystem software are the same except for some device drivers, and include IBM DOS 7.0, Windows 3.11 and OS/2 Warp 3.0, as well as a lot of application software. Some 760 models ship with Windows 95 preloaded, along with selected applications, instead of the SelectaSystem preload. Q. My 760L/LD system came preloaded with OS/2 Warp SelectaSystem, and I keep getting a "Bad or Missing TEMP.PIF" error. What's wrong? A. Approximately 3000 ThinkPad 760L and 760LD systems accidentally shipped without the necessary OS/2 LOADDSKF.EXE and TEMP.PIF files. To replace these files, download the file DFTPF100.EXE from the IBM PC Company BBS, or other electronic sources. Mwave Q&As Q. Why would I want the voice-over-data feature of the Mwave modem? A. It allows you to communicate with another voice-over-data modem, while also talking to another person on the same one phone line. One use for this is to let IBM support check out your ThinkPad via CoSession software, while discussing the situation with you verbally. Q. Voice-over-data sounds like a handy feature if I have only one analog line. Are there any limitations to this feature? A. Yes. While VOD is enabled, the modem will only operate at speeds up to 14.4Kbps. For the full 28.8Kbps speed you will have to disable VOD. (If you have a second analog phone line, of course, you can speak on one and use the modem on the other at full speed.) Also, VOD will not work with an MNP or async connection. It requires a V.42 connection (with or without V.42bis). Finally, at present only DOS and Windows support is provided for VOD, not native OS/2 or Win-OS/2 session support. Q. When I boot from DOS/Windows the Mwave modem is automatically opened. But when I boot from OS/2 Warp it isn't. What's wrong? A. In Warp the modem isn't opened automatically. You just need to double-click on the modem icon to get it going. | Q. I can't seem to get the Mwave modem to connect reliably at high speeds to other V.34 modems. Are there any patches for this? A. Yes. Download a file called V34_178.ZIP from many electronic sources. This is an update for the Mwave 2.0 software. Battery and Power Management Q&As Q. What does "non-disruptive battery exchange" mean? A. It means that you don't have to shut down the 750/755 to exchange batteries or risk losing whatever was running in memory. The 750/755 series allow the user to put the system in suspend mode and exchange battery packs without any loss of data or function. Q. I have some ThinkPad 755 NiMH or Li-Ion batteries. Can I use them with the 760 series? A. No. They are not compatible. Infrared/Serial Port Q&As Q. What other systems will the infrared ports communicate with? A. Besides other infrared port-equipped ThinkPads and IBM PC 700 systems, they are compatible with the Omnibook 300, HP 100LX, HP 200LX, Sharp Wizard, Sharp Zaurus, and most other systems and devices that are compliant with the Infrared Data Association (IrDA) data link specification V1.0. Q. Can I use the infrared port to print to infrared-capable printers as well? A. Yes. There are only a few infrared-ready printers so far (HP's LaserJet 5 series includes a few, for example), but there are also OEM attachments that can make any standard printer infrared-capable, such as JetEye (Extended Systems; 208-322-7575), or let you "talk" to a desktop unit, and use its printer. Q. What's the maximum transmit/receive range of the infrared port? A. One meter. Obviously it is not designed for long-distance work, but for "same desk" line-of-sight data transfer. Q. What data transfer rates are supported by the infrared ports? A. They provide 57.6 Kbps to 1.152 Mbits/second data transfer rate (in IBM mode), or 9.6-115 Kbps (in HP SIR mode) or 9600bps (in Sharp ASK mode). Q. What software do I need to do infrared data transfer? A. The TranXit software is provided for this purpose. It allows you to transfer and synchronize files between notebook computers, and desktop units, with compatible infrared ports. (There are now infrared transcievers that can attach to any desktop PC and make it infrared-ready.) Q. I'm trying to transfer data between my 760 and an HP 100LX/200LX palmtop, but I'm having trouble. How should I set them up? A. When using the Redirector feature of the 100LX/200LX to exchange data at 115Kbps, the 760 must be set up as the requestor. Q. I'm having trouble getting data transferred. What's wrong? A. There are several things to check for: 1. Make sure you are no more than one meter from the other IR port. 2. Make sure the other IR port is no more than 15 degrees away from directly in front of yours (in other words there is only a 30 degree spread permitted). 3. Make sure there are no obstructions between the two IR ports (direct line-of-sight only). 4. Be sure you have loaded the appropriate software on both systems. UltraBay/Expansion Unit/Port Replicator/Port Q&As Q. Tell me more about the UltraBay. A. In a typical notebook computer there would be an internal hard drive bay and a diskette drive bay. In some of the more sophisticated notebook computers the floppy drive can be swapped for either a second battery or a second hard drive. The IBM UltraBay allows the interchangeable use of 1) the diskette drive, 2) a second hard drive, 3) a second Li-Ion battery, 4) IBM PCMCIA cartridge (which allows an additional Type III PCMCIA card to be used), and 5) in the 760CD the CD-ROM comes in the bay in place of the floppy drive (which can be attached externally). Q. Is there a docking station available for the ThinkPad 750/755/760 series systems? A. Yes; two in fact. The IBM Dock I includes one 3.5"/5.25" drive bat, one full-length 16" ISA adapter slot, two stereo speakers, universal power supply, serial, parallel, keyboard, pointing device, SVGA, and SCSI ports, as well as audio-in/out, video-in, and speaker jacks, and an integrated handle, allowing the user to carry it with the system connected. Dock II includes all of the above, and adds a second drive bay, a second full-length 16-bit ISA slot, and two PCMCIA sockets. Q. I'm confused about the "port replicators." What are they? A. One of the more annoying aspects of mobile computers is the necessity to disconnect all external cables before leaving, and then reconnecting them upon return. The optional ThinkPad Port Replicators eliminate this problem. The Port Replicator II is a removable module that connects to all the ports on the back of the ThinkPad, providing pass-through to matching ports on the replicator. Cables are attached to the replicator. Then when the ThinkPad has to be moved, the replicator is disconnected from the ThinkPad with all cables still attached. When the ThinkPad returns, the replicator is snapped back onto the unit. At no time are the cables removed from the replicator, saving the user much time and inconvenience. The Port Replicator I is the same, but adds two PCMCIA Type II slots. Q. Do I need the CD-ROM kit for an internal drive, or can I just use any CD-ROM drive? A. You can use any SCSI CD-ROM drive (or other device) that will fit in a 1"-high bay. Also, you will need a black bezel (cover plate) that fits the 3445/3446 units if you are concerned about appearance. Q. How do I connect the diskette drive externally on a 760CD/LD? I can't seem to find the right jack. A. You will need the optional Floppy Disk Drive External Attachment Kit (P/N 66G3618). Miscellaneous Q&As Q. I have some ThinkPad memory kits from earlier TP models. Can I use them with the 760 series? A. No. Earlier memory kits drew either 5V or 3.5V of power. In order to reduce battery drain, the new 760 series requires 3.3V memory. Q. What is the maximum power output during Suspend mode? A. 100 milliwatts at 12V. PCMCIA cards cannot consume more than 60 milliamps at 12V in Suspend mode. Q. What is the maximum operating altitude for the ThinkPad 760 models? A. 10,000 feet, or equivalent air pressure (such as in a pressurized airplane cabin). Q. What is the security base (P/N 66G3684)? A. It is a cradle for the system that serves as a physical security option. It allows the user to bolt the system to the desk. It locks the system to the cradle using the hard disk drive locking mechanism. A padlock can be added by the user. The Security Base protects against removal of the hard disk drive, IC DRAM cards, and the math coprocessor. It also prevents access to the system's screw holes, system expansion port, and I/O connectors. Note: This option is not required if you have the 3545 docking station, which provides the same protection. This option is for those who desire security but don't have a docking station. Q. What is the Security Utility Diskette (P/N 49G2173)? A. This allows the user to set a Privileged Access Password (PAP) to the system in order to limit access to the system partition. Once a password is set it can prevent any tampering with the boot selection or I/O port usage, even by the Reference Diskette. If you ever forget the PAP the motherboard must be replaced because it can not be disabled. Q. What is the KeyGuard option offered for the ThinkPad 750/755/760 family? A. The KeyGuard is a black plastic overlay for the keyboard. It is intended primarily as an option for users with limited use of their hands. It allows the user to rest their hands on the keyboard without touching the keys. Users can use a pointing stick or one finger at a time to push the keys, while being prevented from accidentally depressing more than one key at a time. Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Q&As ThinkPad 300 Series Q&As ThinkPad 700/720 Series Q&As ThinkPad 350 Series Q&As ThinkPad 700T/710T/730T Series Q&As ThinkPad 360 Series Q&As ThinkPad 701 Series Q&As ThinkPad 500/510Cs Series Q&As ThinkPad 750/755 Series Q&As ThinkPad 760 Series Q&As ThinkPad Software Q&As ThinkPad Family Hardware Q&As To return to the ThinkPad Q&As header, double-click here. ═══ 5.10. ThinkPad Family Software Q&As ═══ Q. I have Warp installed on my IBM ThinkPad 750 notebook computer, and I'm trying to get the IBM Dock II docking unit set up correctly for OS/2. I followed the instructions that came with the Dock II, but built-in SCSI controller isn't recognized by OS/2, so the drive isn't seen either. What's wrong? A. The documentation that ships with the Dock II is incorrect. First, it tells you to set the Interrupt level for the built-in Adaptec 1520 SCSI controller to IRQ 11--but it must be set to IRQ 9. (The documentation also says that the PCMCIA Socket Services uses IRQs 9 and 15, but it really uses 11 and 15, so there isn't a conflict with th the SCSI adapter.) Finally, it says to use the SCSI driver AHA152X.ADD from the Dock II Option diskette, but you really should use the one included with Warp (which is Resource Manager-enabled, unlike the one on the Option diskette), via Selective Install. After making these changes, reboot, and your ThinkPad should now recognize both the SCSI controller and the hard drive. Q. I am using OS/2 2.1 on a ThinkPad with PCMCIA support. If I don't have all the cards physically connected that I have drivers loading (in CONFIG.SYS) for, I get a series of error messages while OS/2 is booting saying that the hardware wasn't found, and the driver was not loaded. I can bypass all these messages by pressing Enter, but it is a nuisance. Is there a solution? A. Some drivers, such as those for the IBM Fax/Modem cards will load whether or not the hardware is present, and allow you to "hot plug" them in later with the drivers already present. Unfortunately, many other drivers do not work this way. Hopefully they will eventually. In the meantime, you might try the following as a workaround: Make one or more copies of the CONFIG.SYS file, using different names, and add or remove drivers from each one, so that you have a different CONFIG.SYS file created for each combination of adapters that you are likely to use in the office or on the road. Then each time you get ready to shut down the system run a batch file that renames the current CONFIG.SYS file to something else, and copies one of the alternate CONFIG.x files to CONFIG.SYS (or do it manually from a command prompt). This way, you will always have only the drivers you need for the adapters that are actually in the system, and won't see all those error messages saying that "device x wasn't found." Q. Is there an OS/2 driver for the Apex PCMCIA high-speed modems?? A. Yes. Call Apex at 800-841-2739 for the driver, or download it from their BBS at 510-803-2039. (All modems since starting November 1993 include this driver.) Q. I am running DOS and Windows 3.1 on my ThinkPad 750, but the power management doesn't seem to be functioning. What can I do? A. Unlike OS/2 2.1, which installs the Advanced Power Management (APM) support automatically, you must install the Windows drivers yourself. Follow the "Installing Microsoft Windows Version 3.1 or later" instructions in the 750 User's Guide for directions. Without this support, not only will power management not work, but other problems may occur, including mouse lockup after suspend/resume. Q. What software are the ThinkPad 360CE/360CSE systems preloaded with? A. The 360/360C/360Cs/360P are preloaded with IBM DOS 6.3, MS Windows 3.11, Prodigy Starter Kit, America Online Starter Kit, OAG Flight Disk, SofNet FaxWorks, Alphanet FollowFax for Windows, Lotus Organizer/cc:Mail/ScreenCam, Triton Cosession (for remote IBM HouseCall technical support), Taxi Map, Reuters Money Network, Second Nature Screen Saver, Farallon Replica, Sedona REPRINT Plus, Asymmetrix Compel PE, Puma TranXit, and IBM's PC Card Director (PCMCIA "EasyPlaying") utility. Q. What software are the ThinkPad 701C/701Cs systems preloaded with? A. The 701C/701Cs 486DX2-50 systems are preloaded with IBM DOS 6.3, MS Windows 3.11, Prodigy Starter Kit, America Online Starter Kit, SofNet FaxWorks Voice, Alphanet FollowFax for Windows, Lotus Organizer/cc:Mail/ScreenCam, Triton Cosession (for remote IBM HouseCall technical support), Taxi Map, Reuters Money Network, Sedona Reprint Plus, Asymmetrix Compel PE, TalkWorks LE, Monologue (speech recognition), Puma TranXit, and IBM's PC Card Director (PCMCIA "EasyPlaying") utility. The 701C/701Cs 486DX4-75 systems are preloaded with IBM Warp 3.0 installed over IBM DOS 6.3 and MS Windows 3.11, Prodigy Starter Kit, America Online Starter Kit, SofNet FaxWorks Voice, Alphanet FollowFax for Windows, Lotus Organizer/cc:Mail/ScreenCam, Triton Cosession (for remote IBM HouseCall technical support), Taxi Map, Reuters Money Network, Sedona Reprint Plus, Asymmetrix Compel PE, TalkWorks LE, Monologue (speech recognition), Puma TranXit, and IBM's PC Card Director (PCMCIA "EasyPlaying") utility. Q. What software are the ThinkPad 750/750C/750Cs systems preloaded with? A. The 750/750C/750Cs are preloaded with IBM DOS 6.1 and Prodigy. Q. What software are the ThinkPad 755C/755Cs systems preloaded with? A. The IBM ThinkPad 755C/755Cs systems ship with IBM DOS 6.3, Windows 3.1, America Online, CoSession Host, FaxWorks 3.0, Lotus cc&Mail and Organizer and ScreenCam, OAG (Official Airline Guide) Flight Disk, Prodigy, and several notebook utilities pre-installed on the hard disk. In addition, the 360P pen-based systems include PenDOS 2.2 and Windows for Pen Computing 1.0. Finally, Audio (755C/755Cs only), Video, and Utility diskettes are included with additional drivers and utilities. Q. What software are the ThinkPad 755CD/CE/CSE systems preloaded with? A. The 755CD/CE/CSE are preloaded with IBM DOS 6.3, MS Windows 3.11, Prodigy Starter Kit, America Online Starter Kit, OAG Flight Disk, SofNet FaxWorks, Lotus Organizer/cc:Mail/ScreenCam, Triton Cosession (for remote IBM HouseCall technical support), Taxi Map, Reuters Money Network, Second Nature Screen Saver, Farallon Replica, Alphanet FollowFax for Windows, Sedona Reprint Plus, Asymmetrix Compel PE, TalkWorks LE, Monologue (speech recognition), Puma TranXit, and IBM's PC Card Director (PCMCIA "EasyPlaying") utility. Q. What are the minimum operating system requirements for PCMCIA support? A. Versions of IBM DOS and OS/2 earlier than 5.02, and 2.1, respectively, have no native support for PCMCIA devices. MS DOS must be 6.1 or later. It is possible, though, that a PCMCIA card may include software that supports the device on earlier versions of these operating systems. Q. What is the minimum version of OS/2 required for the ThinkPad 720/720C? A. The minimum fully supported version is 2.1; however 2.0 and 2.00.1 are supported with limitations: 1) No PCMCIA support, and 2) No Advanced Power Management (APM) Support. These features are incorporated into OS/2 2.1. In addition, 2.0 won't include the Welcome Folder or Configuration Tools that come with 2.00.1. Q. What is the minimum version of OS/2 required for the ThinkPad 750/750C/750Cs/750P? A. The minimum supported version is 2.1, with APARs PJ09770 and PJ09807 installed (call 800-237-5511 to request these APARs). In addition, for pen support on the 750P, the optional Pen for OS/2 (P/N 61G1171) must be installed (call 800-3IBM-OS2 to order). Q. What versions of DOS are supported with the ThinkPad 750/750C/750Cs/750P? A. IBM DOS 5.02, J5.02/V, and 6.1; PenDOS 2.2 is also supported on the 750P for pen support. Q. My display is dim and flickers within MS Windows. If I exit and reenter Windows the screen has lines in it. How can this problem be corrected? A. You need to change the display driver from VGA to VGA [version 3.0]. This is done from within Windows. Go into the main icon and enter the Setup icon. Then enter the change System settings. Once there make the change. Q. Why is the battery life less when using Windows 3.11 than under OS/2? A. Make sure you have enabled Advanced Power Management (APM) in Windows. It is disabled by default. Q. I have purchased "Presentation" by WordPerfect and when trying to find a recognized display device it finds nothing and therefore it will not work. What should I do? A. WordPerfect is aware of the problem. Contact WordPerfect to find out whether there is a fix yet. This problem is apparently not unique to ThinkPads, but occurs on other notebooks. Q. I have installed the Mwave 2.10 drivers for Windows 95 on my ThinkPad, but sometimes I get errors when I play a .WAV sound file. What's wrong? A. There is a bug in those drivers that causes an error when WAV files of exactly 11000, 22000, or 44000 Hz are played. To correct this problem, download the file MW95WAV.EXE from the IBM PC Company BBS, or other electronic sources. Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Q&As ThinkPad 300 Series Q&As ThinkPad 700/720 Series Q&As ThinkPad 350 Series Q&As ThinkPad 700T/710T/730T Series Q&As ThinkPad 360 Series Q&As ThinkPad 701 Series Q&As ThinkPad 500/510Cs Series Q&As ThinkPad 750/755 Series Q&As ThinkPad Software Q&As ThinkPad Family Hardware Q&As To return to the ThinkPad Q&As header, double-click here. ═══ 5.11. ThinkPad Family Hardware Q&As ═══ PCMCIA Q. What is the PCMCIA Adapter/A (P/N 67G5055)? A. It is a half-sized Micro Channel adapter that allows the use of one PCMCIA Type III, or two PCMCIA Type 1 or 2 adapters to be used in a "standard" Micro Channel system. It conforms to the PCMCIA Release 2.0 and JEIDA Version 4.1 specs (and includes the Card and Socket Services 2.0). The only requirements are an empty adapter slot and DOS 5.02, or OS/2 2.1, or later. And, of course, one or more PCMCIA cards to use in the sockets. It supports hot-pluggability for cards that also support this feature. Q. So what does the PCMCIA Adapter/A do for me? A. It allows your PC to use the same PCMCIA Token-Ring or Ethernet LAN adapter, Fax/Modem, 3270/5250 emulation, memory, hard disk drive, and other cards that you use in your ThinkPad computers (and IBM PS/2 E series desktop systems). This may enable you to buy fewer of these adapters and share them between PCs as needed. Q. What is the difference between Type 1, 2, and 3 PCMCIA cards? A. Three different ANSI standard "form factors" were designed for different purposes. Type 1 cards are 3mm thick; Type 2 cards are 5mm, and Type 3 cards are 10.5 mm thick. Type 3 cards are the only ones thick enough to allow such things as hard disk drives. Type 2s are thick enough to fit all the sophisticated electronics necessary for communications adapters, while Type 1s are pretty much limited to flash memory and other memory-chip based products. Q. What ANSI standards do the PCMCIA slots conform to? A. PCMCIA Card Standard Release 2.01, and PCMCIA Card and Socket Services Specification Release 2.0 (November 1992). Q. What IBM PCMCIA cards are available for the ThinkPad family, and PS/2 E? A. IBM offers dozens of PCMCIA memory, fixed disk, emulation, fax/modem, network, and other PCMCIA products. Q. Will anyone's PCMCIA cards work in the ThinkPads and PS/2 E, or am I locked into proprietary IBM cards? A. PCMCIA is an industry standard, and as long as a vendor's Type 1, 2, or 3 card fully and correctly implements the standard, it should work in the ThinkPads. Unfortunately many of the cards on the market today do not do so. Therefore it is a good idea to contact the card vendor to find out if they have tested their card on a ThinkPad, or look for the "ThinkPad Proven" Logo. Q. Are you aware of any OEM PCMCIA cards that do work with the ThinkPad family? A. Yes, several vendors (or independent testing labs) have informed IBM that they have tested their products and have found them to be compatible with the ThinkPads. The cards include: Product Vendor (Notes) CreditCard Ethernet Adapter Release 1 Xircom Inc. (Use in top PCMCIA slot only) PCMCIA 14.4 Data/Fax Modem (CC3144) Megahertz Corp. PCMCIA High Speed 14.4 Data/14.4 Fax (PCM 1414) Apex Data Inc. PCMCIA LAN Ethernet card, Socket EA 10B2 Socket Communications Inc. PCMCIA LAN Ethernet card, Socket EA+ 10BT Socket Communications Inc. Note: This is not a complete list of products that will run on the ThinkPads. IBM has not evaluated these products and makes no comments or judgements about their function, quality, performance, etc. Q. Is there an OS/2 2.1 driver for the Apex PCMCIA high-speed modems?? A. Yes. Call Apex at 800-841-2739 for the driver, or download it from their BBS at 510-803-2039. (Modems shipped since November 1993 include this driver.) Q. Do the ThinkPads offer "hot pluggable" PCMCIA slots? A. Yes. Any PCMCIA card that was designed to be hot-pluggable will operate that way. Refer to the documentation that accompanies the card, or the vendor, for details. Q. What does "hot pluggable" mean? A. It means that, unlike traditional adapters, a card can be removed or inserted "on-the-fly" without having to power down the system. If the correct drivers are already loaded the card is immediately available for use. This means, for example, that a LAN card could be used for a while, then replaced by a fax/modem card, and then by a hard drive card; all without having to reboot. Q. I once "fried" a PCMCIA fax/modem by unintentionally plugging it into a digital phone system. Is there any way I can tell whether an RJ-11 jack will damage my fax/modem before plugging in the modem? A. Yes. IBM sells a small (pen-size), inexpensive device called the Modem Saver (P/N 73G5395) that you plug into an RJ-11 jack. It measures the current and polarity of the line, and tells you whether it is normal, reversed-polarity, or high-current. A high-current line will destroy your modem, so don't plug it in. As long as the line is not high-current, it is safe to plug in the modem; however if it is a digital phone system, there will be no dial tone and your modem will do nothing. On the other hand, if you do get a dial tone, it means that you have an analog line that you can use. In this case a reading of reversed-polarity means only that you are likely to receive a lot of line noise, resulting in decreased communication speeds. A normal line should allow the modem to perform at about the rated speed. Call 800-388-7080 to order. Mwave Audio Q. Are the audio chips used in the 701/750/755/760 series SoundBlaster compatible? A. Yes, and Windows 3.1 and OS/2 MMPM/2 compatible. It is also MCI (Media Control Interface) compatible. Q. Are the audio chips used in the 701/750/755/760 series the IBM Mwave DSP used in the Audiovation and WindSurfer adapters? A. No. The 750s and early 755s (755C/Cs) didn't use a DSP chip. But it was the same codec (compressor/decompressor) chip as used on those those adapters, and the codec chip has Mwave stamped on it, which led to some confusion. On the other hand, the newer 755s (755CD/CDV/CE/CSE/CX/CV) and the 701/760 systems do use an Mwave chip, but a newer version, the MDSP2780. It is more powerful than the old chip (60 MIPS vs. 51 MIPs), and has full SoundBlaster hardware-level compatibility (versus software-level compatibility), and other improvements. Q. What other features does the Mwave 2780 offer? A. The 2780 has the following capabilities:  44.1KHz MPC-2 16-bit audio with real-time compression  Simultaneous audio play and record  Digital audio mixing with up to 8 open .WAV files concurrently  General MIDI-compatible 32-voice wavetable synthesizer  SoundBlaster software support  14.4/14.4Kbps fax/modem (28.8Kbps modem with free Mwave 2.0 software upgrade, downloadable from IBM PC Company BBS)  Voice-over-data (VOD) feature (also called SVD, Simultaneous Voice and Data) to allow simultaneous voice conversation over same phone line as modem transfers (requires a free Mwave 2.0 software upgrade, downloadable from the IBM PC Company BBS or the ThinkPad Forum on CompuServe)  Full-duplex answering machine with variable message playback and voice compression  Full-featured telephone and speakerphone (optional feature required)  DSP is software-upgradeable to faster fax/modem speeds and other features Q. I have an Mwave-based ThinkPad. What sound card driver should I use for it? A. The system or adapter should have come with DOS/Windows and/or OS/2 drivers. If not, or if they don't work correctly, and you are forced to select a sound card from the application setup list, look for a SoundBlaster 1.5 or SoundBlaster Pro option. Mwave emulates both cards. Q. I have an Mwave-based ThinkPad. What fax card driver should I use for it? A. If the fax software doesn't offer an Mwave option, select "Generic Class 2" or another modem of this type. (If you are using the preloaded fax software, it should already be set up correctly for Mwave.) Q. I frequently play games, audio CDs, or digital audio while using the Mwave modem for transferring files, answering phones, and so on in the background. Sometimes the sound cuts out temporarily, or the modem operates at less than full 28.8Kbps speed. Why? A. Although the Mwave 2780 chip is a 60 MIPs processor, even it can become overtaxed occasionally while it is processing multiple complex commands at once. When this happens it will reduce the modem transmission speed, or temporarily suspend the audio function in order to process the other tasks. If this happens frequently, you might want to set the modem to a top speed of 19.2Kbps or even 14.4Kbps, in order to keep from exceeding the capacity of the Mwave processor. Some experimentation should allow you to determine the maximum modem speed that can be maintained for your needs without interrupting other functions. Q. What's call discrimination? A. The Mwave modem and software have the ability to distinguish between incoming data, fax, and voice calls. When the Aptiva Communication Center is running you can receive faxes and voice messages. The system will recognize them all and handle them accordingly. (Faxes go into the fax queue, while voice calls go to the answering machine function.) It will also allow for hands free (speaker phone) operation. Q. If I answer the telephone by picking up the handset, will I disrupt the computer's ability to discriminate between call types? A. No, answering the phone will not prevent Mwave's Discriminator from trying to detect if the event is a voice or Fax call. However, it is recommended that you close the Discriminator before answering calls with the telephone attached to the computer. Q. How do I prevent the speaker phone from terminating a telephone call when my computer is set to automatically suspend after a period of time with no keyboard activity? A. To avoid having your telephone calls terminated when your computer uses the Suspend/Resume Power Management feature, double-click the Power icon in the Setup group to choose a setup that does not include activation of the suspend mode when you don't use the mouse or keyboard. TrackPoint II/III Q. What is the "integrated pointing stick" I've heard about? A. The TrackPoint II and TrackPoint III are essentially miniature joysticks located on the keyboard between the G and H keys, allowing use without having to lift the hands from the "home row." They replace a mouse or trackball and are equally convenient for southpaws and righties. Q. How do the TrackPoint II and TrackPoint III differ? A. The TrackPoint III is an enhanced version of the TrackPoint II, with a non-slip rubber tip for better traction, and the ability to lock down the "mouse" buttons for easier dragging and dropping. Q. What is the advantage of using the integrated TrackPoint "pointing stick" on the keyboard, instead of a mouse or "clip-on," or a trackball? A. There are several: 1) Because it is located between the G and H keys on the "home row" a touch typist never has to raise his hands from the keyboard to "mouse around," 2) It is faster and more accurate than a trackball, 3) It doesn't require the "external" space of a mouse, 4) It doesn't have to be continually detached and reconnected, the way a clip-on does, 5) It never needs cleaning, and 6) Because it comes integrated into the keyboard, it doesn't have to be purchased separately. Q. Which ThinkPad models come with the TrackPoint II or III? A. All but the TP 300, 700, and the keyboardless pen-tablets. In addition, IBM now sells TrackPoint-equipped keyboards for using with other PCs. Q. How do I get replacement "eraser heads" for the TrackPoint II/III pointing device? A. Use part number 54G0439 (TP 750/755) or 73G3463 (TP 500/510) for TrackPoint II when calling the IBM Parts Order Center, 800-388-7080, or have an IBM Authorized Remarketer order them for you. For TrackPoint III (TP 701/755/760), use P/N 39H1354. Miscellaneous Q. Is there anywhere I can go for online technical support? A. Yes. If you have a CompuServe account, use GO THINKPAD to access the IBM support forum there. Q. I'm trying to use an IBM Auto 16/4 Token-Ring Adapter in a Dock II docking station attached to my ThinkPad, but when I boot up I get an "Adapter not installed" message. What's wrong? A. Contact the Options By IBM (OBI) hotline (800-IBM-7299) for assistance with this problem. Q. Rechargeable batteries have a finite life expectancy. Is there anywhere to recycle dead batteries? A. The Portable Rechargeable Battery Association (PRBA) has established the non-profit Rechargeable Battery Recycling Corporation (RBRC) for that express purpose. It began in Minnesota (which was the first state to require rechargeable batteries to be recycled) in April 1994. Eventually the RBRC will expand to all states. The RBRC will recycle all Nickel-Cadmium (NiCAD), Nickel-Metal Hydride (NiMH), and Sealed Lead Acid (SLA) batteries and battery packs, as well as devices with non-removable rechargeable batteries. Interested parties (users and dealers) in Minnesota can call 800-225-PRBA for collection information. Q. How do I get hi-res modes on an external monitor attached to an IBM ThinkPad computer with Warp? A. First, attach the monitor, then go into the ThinkPad setup program and change the video to CRT-only. Next, use OS/2's Selective Install to install the correct video driver for the chipset used in your particular ThinkPad model. Then Shutdown and reboot. When you go into the System object in the System Setup folder, the first will list the supported resolutions and color depths you may select from. Choose the one you want, close the Settings, and reboot the system. It should come up in the resolution/color mode you selected. Then before detaching the external monitor, change the resolution back to 640x480 using the System settings. Q. Why is the video response time so much slower in 64K or 16M-color mode than in 256-color mode? A. 256-color mode is represented by 8 bits of color information per pixel. By contrast 64K color mode requires 16 bits, and 16 million-color mode uses 24-bits per pixel; or two and three times as much data per screen, respectively. Q. What is the "IBM 15P Color Monitor in Black Livery," and what makes it specific to the ThinkPad line? A. The 9525-B01 really isn't "specific" to the ThinkPad line, it is just a standard 15P monitor, but colored black to match the ThinkPads and docking units, for a more coherent appearance. The features and price are the same as the standard model (9525-001). It can be used with any VGA/SVGA controller, if a black monitor is preferred to the "normal" pebble gray color. Q. Can I attach an IBM 8516 color touch screen display to the 7xx models and have it work as a touch screen? A. Yes, however you will have to disable the TrackPoint II pointing device first. To do so, follow the instructions in the ThinkPad User's Guide. Then use the 8516 Option Diskette (that comes with the display) to update the System Partition on the ThinkPad and the Reference Diskette that came with it. Without the Option diskette the 8516 will act as a standard 8515 color monitor. Q. Are the ThinkPads low power systems that meet the Energy Star requirements? A. Yes. They meet the requirements when using the external power supply. Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Q&As ThinkPad 300 Series Q&As ThinkPad 700/720 Series Q&As ThinkPad 350 Series Q&As ThinkPad 700T/710T/730T Series Q&As ThinkPad 360 Series Q&As ThinkPad 701 Series Q&As ThinkPad 500/510Cs Series Q&As ThinkPad 750/755 Series Q&As ThinkPad Software Q&As ThinkPad Family Hardware Q&As To return to the ThinkPad Q&As header, double-click here. ═══ 6. ThinkPad Technical Tips ═══ This section contains helpful tips, how-to documents, and introductory pieces on PS/1, PS/VP, PS/2, and ThinkPad systems, and related hardware products. Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Tips ThinkPad System BIOS Information Or, to return to the Technical Information header, double-click here. ═══ 6.1. ThinkPad System BIOS Information - Tip ═══ The following table lists the BIOS Model, Submodel, and Revision Level bytes for ThinkPad models, past and present. (Note: While the text below may appear "ragged" onscreen, it is formatted to print in a more even-looking manner.) ThinkPad System Type Model/Sub/Rev BIOS Date ThinkPad 300 Series.......(25MHz 386SL) FC / 01 / 00 - 10/14/92 ThinkPad 340.......(50/25MHz 486SLC2) F8 / 65 / 00 - ??/??/94 ThinkPad 350.......(25MHz 486SL) F8 / B3 / 00 - 06/10/93 ThinkPad 355.......(33MHz 486SX) F8 / ?? / ?? - ??/??/94 ThinkPad 360.......(33MHz 486SX) F8 / 63 / 00 - ??/??/94 ThinkPad 500.......(50/25MHz 486SLC2) FC / 01 / 00 - ??/??/?? ThinkPad 700.......(25MHz 486SLC) F8 / 5E / 00 - ??/??/92 F8 / 5E / 05 - 02/24/93 ThinkPad 700T......(20MHz 386SX) F8 / ?? / ?? - ??/??/92 ThinkPad 701.......(50MHz 486DX2) F8 / ?? / ?? - ??/??/95 ThinkPad 701.......(75MHz 486DX4) F8 / ?? / ?? - ??/??/95 ThinkPad 710T......(25MHz 486SLC) F8 / 5F / 00 - 01/29/93 ThinkPad 730T......(33MHz 486SX) F8 / ?? / ?? - ??/??/94 ThinkPad 720.......(50/25MHz 486SLC2) F8 / 60 / 00 - 01/29/93 ThinkPad 750 (except CE).(33MHz 486SL) F8 / 61 / 00 - ??/??/93 ThinkPad 750CE.....(50/25MHz 486DX2) F8 / 62 / ?? - ??/??/94 ThinkPad 755C/Cs...(50/25MHz 486DX2) F8 / 64 / ?? - 03/18/94 ThinkPad 755C/Cs...(75/25MHz 486DX4) F8 / 64 / ?? - 03/18/94 ThinkPad 755CD/CE/CSE.(75/25MHz 486DX4) F8 / ?? / ?? - ??/??/94 ThinkPad 755CV.....(75MHz Pentium) F8 / ?? / ?? - ??/??/95 ThinkPad 755CX.....(75/25MHz 486DX4) F8 / ?? / ?? - ??/??/95 To return to the PS/2 Hardware Tips header, double-click here. ═══ 7. ThinkPad Systems: Features and Technical Specs ═══ The ThinkPad Systems: Features and Technical Specifications lists the standard and optional features, as well as technical product specifications, of all ThinkPad systems; both currently marketed, and withdrawn products. This reference may also be useful for comparing ThinkPad features to that of non-IBM systems. Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: ThinkPad Systems ThinkPad 300 Series 386SL Systems ThinkPad 350 Series 486SL Systems ThinkPad 360 Series 486SL Systems ThinkPad 365 Series 486DX4 Systems ThinkPad 500 Series 486SLC2 Systems ThinkPad 510 Series 486BL2 Systems ThinkPad 700 Series 486SLC Systems ThinkPad 700T Series 386SX Systems ThinkPad 701 Series 486DX2 Systems ThinkPad 701 Series 486DX4 Systems ThinkPad 710T Series 486SLC Systems ThinkPad 720 Series 486SLC2 Systems ThinkPad 730T Series 486SX Systems ThinkPad 750 Series 486SL Systems ThinkPad 755 Series 486DX2 Systems ThinkPad 755 Series 486DX4 Systems ThinkPad 755 Series Pentium Systems ThinkPad 760 Series Pentium Systems Jump directly to the Technical Information header. ═══ 7.1. ThinkPad 300 Series 386SL Systems ═══ This section contains feature and technical specification information for the Intel 386SL-based ThinkPad 300 Series systems. Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: 25MHz Systems ThinkPad 300-065/067 Return to the ThinkPad Systems: Features and Technical Specs header. ═══ 7.1.1. ThinkPad 300 Tech Specs ═══ The ThinkPad Models 2615-065 and -067 are identical except for the hard disk drive used. Therefore both models will be covered by this one document. Differences will be indicated by model number in parentheses. Note: These models have been withdrawn from marketing. Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 300 Series 386SL Systems header. ═══ ThinkPad 300: Architecture/Memory ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 300 header. DESCRIPTION 2615-065/067 ARCHITECTURE Bus Type AT (ISA) Bus Microprocessor Intel 386SL Clock Speed 25.0/6.25 MHz (Switchable) Speed Setting Switch/Software Software Cache Controller Yes Internal/External Cache External Cache Size 64K Cache Memory Type SRAM Instruction Set 32 bit Addressing 24 Bit I/O Channel Width 16 bit Interrupt Levels 16 Type Edge-triggered Shareable No DMA Channels 7 DMA Burst Mode Supported No 24/32-bit DMA Controller 24 Upgradeable Processor No Bus Masters Supported No Interleaved Memory No Matched Memory Cycle N/A (5i) Page Memory Logic No (7a) MEMORY Standard (Motherboard) 4MB (2r) Maximum (Motherboard) 12MB Maximum (System) 12MB Total # of Motherboard Memory Sockets 2 # of Motherboard Memory Sockets Available 2 Memory Chip Speed (ns) 80 Memory Chip Type DRAM Wait States: Motherboard 0 Memory Used: Motherboard 2MB/8MB modules (Not SIMMs) ═══ ThinkPad 300: Standard Features ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 300 header. DESCRIPTION 2615-065/067 STANDARD FEATURES Bootstrap ROM Size 128K Flash ROM Size 128K ROM Shadowing ???? Rest/Resume Feature Yes Sleep Mode Supported Yes Setup/Power Management S/W Yes Advanced Power Management Support (APM) Yes Speed Setting Switch/Software No BIOS Extensions Stored on Disk No Setup & Diags Stored on Disk No Setup & Diags Stored in EEPROM Yes LCD Indicators Yes (5z) Opt. Math Coprocessor 387SL Coprocessor Speed 25MHz Standard Graphics VGA 8/16/32-bit Controller 16 Bus Master No Video RAM (VRAM) 256K DRAM External monitor port SVGA Maximum Resolution 800x600 External Display Disables LCD No - Both are active Built-in Display VGA Type LCD Dimensions (Diag/H x W) 9.5"/?x?" # of Gray Shades 64 (640x480) Backlit/Sidelit Side Supertwisted Yes Contrast Ratio 13:1 Detachable No Upgradeable to Color No (Upgrade withdrawn from marketing) Technology Thin-Film Transistor (TFT) Active Matrix Dimensions (Diag/H x W) 8.5"/5.75" x 7.625" # of Colors Concurrently 256 (640x480) Color Palette 4,096 Screen Tilt ???° Reverse Video Switch No Large Pointer Option No Maximum Graphics SVGA (external only) External Monitor Support Yes Maximum Resolution 800x600 (70Hz) Audio Volume Control ??? RS232C Serial Ports 1 UART Chip Used NS16450 Maximum Speed (bits/second) 19,200 FIFO Mode Enabled No Supports DMA Data Transfer No Maximum Ports Supported 1 Internal Modem Optional (f) Hayes-compatible Yes Asynchronous/Synchronous Yes/Yes Fax capable Yes/No (f) Group III compatible Yes Fax software included Yes Send/Receive Faxes Yes/Yes Maximum speed (bps): Data 2400 Fax 9600 Pointing Device Ports 1 Parallel Printer Ports 1 Bi-directional ??? Supports DMA Data Transfer No Maximum Ports Supported 1 External Keyboard Port Yes Token-Ring Controller No Ethernet Controller Yes Data Transfer Rate (Mbps) 10 Wiring Types 10Base-T, 10Base-2 Remote IPL feature installed ??? CMOS Clock Yes CMOS Battery Life (years) ? Replaceable Yes Diskette Drive Support Yes Hard Disk Drive Support Yes Power Source Battery/AC Adapter Both AC Adapter Yes Quick Charger Optional ( holds 2 batteries) Car Cigarette Lighter Adapter No Number of Batteries Supplied 1 Battery Type (Standard) Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) Length of Battery Charge: NiCad Approx. 4-10 hrs Battery Charges While on AC Yes Time to Recharge Battery Approx. 3 hrs Battery Discharge Software Included ??? Non-Disruptive Battery Exchange Yes ═══ ThinkPad 300: Disk/Tape Storage ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 300 header. DESCRIPTION 2615-065/067 DISK STORAGE Internal Disk/Tape Drive Bays 2 # of 2.5"/3.5"/5.25" Bays 1/1/0 # of 2.5"/3.5"/5.25" Bays Avail. 0/0/0 # of PCMCIA Slots 0 # of PCMCIA Type 1/2/3 Slots N/A Diskette Drives Standard 1x1.44MB Media Sensing No Optional Diskette Drives No Internal Drives Supported 1 External Drives Supported 0 Maximum # Diskette Drives 1 Hard Disk Drives Standard 1x80MB (065) 1x120MB (067) Maximum # of Hard Disk Drives 1 Drive Type N/A Encoding Method ??? Drive Form Factor 2.5" Optional HD Drive Sizes Available 120MB (065) (4o) Maximum Internal HD Drive Capacity 1x120MB Average Access Rate (ms) 19 (80MB) 17 (120MB) Hard Disk Data Xfer/sec Media to Buffer 1.5 MBytes (80MB) 2.25 MBytes (120MB) Buffer to System 6.5 MBytes (80MB) 9.75 MBytes (120MB) Rotational Speed (RPMs) ???? # of Heads 4 # of Platters ? (80MB) ? (120MB) Sectors per Track 38 (80MB) 53 (120MB) # of Cylinders 1096 (80MB) 1120 (120MB) Interleave Factor 1:1 Shock (Gs): Operating ?? Non-operating ??? Controller Type IDE Auto Park Yes TAPE STORAGE Internal Tape Drive Support No External Tape Drive Support No ═══ ThinkPad 300: Expansion/Operating Systems ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 300 header. DESCRIPTION 2615-033 BUILT-IN EXPANSION SLOTS Total "Adapter" Slots 1 (f) Available Slots 1 Maximum RAM with Available Slots 12MB # of Slots Required for Maximum RAM 0 # of Slots Avail after Maximum RAM 1 # of PCMCIA Slots 0 # of PCMCIA Type 1/2/3 Slots N/A EXTERNAL EXPANSION SUPPORT None OPERATING SYSTEM SUPPORT IBM PC/DOS 5.0 or later IBM OS/2 2.00.1 or later IBM AIX PS/2 No ═══ ThinkPad 300: Keyboard/Security ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 300 header. DESCRIPTION 2615-065/067 KEYBOARD 101-Key Enhanced Keyboard No (k) 84-Key Keyboard Yes (k) 78-Key Keyboard No LED Indicators on Keyboard Yes Keyboard Slope None Integrated trackball on keyboard No Integrated pointing stick on keybd No Fast Keyboard Speed Setting ??? Quiet Keyboard Operation Mode ??? Keyboard Cord Length (ft) N/A Keyboard detachable No External Keyboard Supported Yes (p) SECURITY C2 Security Enabled No Keylock-Locks Cover No Locks Keyboard No Keyboard Password ??? Power-on Password Yes Network Server Mode ??? ═══ ThinkPad 300: Physical/Environmental/Misc ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 300 header. DESCRIPTION 2615-065/067 PHYSICAL FACTORS Footprint Type Notebook Dimensions: Height 1.87" (47.5mm) Width 12.1" (307mm) Depth 8.5" (217mm) Weight (lbs): With Battery 5.9 (2.68kg) Carrying Case Optional Material Nylon ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS Power Supply (Watts) ??? World-wide (110/60,220/50) Yes Auto-Sensing/Switching Yes Amperage at: 90-265 VAC ??? Operating Range: Temperature 41-104° F (5-40° C) Rel. Humidity 10-80% Maximum Operating Altitude(ft) 10,000 Maximum Shock (Operating) 3 G's four sides, 150 ms duration (Non-operating) 15 to 30 G's four sides, 200 ms duration Maximum Vibration (Operating) 3 G's, 300 to 600 CPM (frequency) at 2 mm (Non-Operating) 1 G, 1000 CPM at 2 mm Heat (BTUs/Hour) ??? Noise (Avg dB, Operating, 1m) ?? Classification 3D MISCELLANEOUS FCC Classification B Warranty Period 1 Year International Warranty Service Yes Countries Warranty Valid In 80+ On-site/Carry-in Carry-in, or EasyServ (in U.S./Canada) Announcement Letter Numbers NDD92-545, 192-??? Date Announced 10/05/92 Date Withdrawn 10/08/93 ═══ 7.2. ThinkPad 350 Series 486SL Systems ═══ This section contains feature and technical specification information for the Intel 486SL-based ThinkPad 350 and 350C systems. Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: 25MHz Systems ThinkPad 350/350C-J0A/L0A/N0A/P0A Return to the ThinkPad Systems: Features and Technical Specs header. ═══ 7.2.1. ThinkPad 350/350C Tech Specs ═══ The ThinkPad Models 2618-J0A/L0A (350), and -N0A/P0A (350C) are identical except for the hard disk drive used, and either a monochrome or color LCD. Therefore all models will be covered by this one document. Differences will be indicated by model number in parentheses. Note: These models have been withdrawn from marketing. Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 350 Series 486SL Systems header. ═══ ThinkPad 350/350C: Architecture/Memory ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 350/350C header. DESCRIPTION 2618-J0A/L0A/N0A/P0A ARCHITECTURE Bus Type AT (ISA) Microprocessor Intel 486SL-NM Uses 3.3 Volt Technology Yes Clock Doubling No Clock Speed (MHz) 25 Internal/External Cache Internal (4u) Cache Size 8K Instruction Set 32 bit Addressing 32 Bit I/O Channel Width 32 bit Upgradeable Processor No Interrupt Levels 16 Type Edge-triggered Shareable No DMA Channels 7 DMA Burst Mode Supported No 24/32-bit DMA Controller 24 Bus Masters Supported No Interleaved Memory No Matched Memory Cycle N/A Page Memory Logic Yes MEMORY Standard (Motherboard) 4MB (9j) Maximum (Motherboard) 20MB (9k) Maximum (System) 20MB (9k) Total # of Motherboard Memory Sockets 1 # of Motherboard SIMM Sockets Available 1 Memory Chip Speed (ns) 80 Memory Chip Type CMOS DRAM Access to Memory Sockets Bottom panel drawer Wait States 0 Memory Used: Motherboard 4MB/16MB SIMMs ═══ ThinkPad 350/350C: Standard Features ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 350/350C header. DESCRIPTION 2618-J0A/L0A/N0A/P0A STANDARD FEATURES ROM Size ???K ROM Shadowing Yes Suspend/Resume Feature Yes Hibernate Feature No Sleep Mode Supported "Standby" mode Setup/Power Management S/W Yes Advanced Power Management (APM) Support Yes Processor Speed Setting Switch/Software Software BIOS Extensions Stored on Disk No Setup & Diags Stored on Disk No Setup stored in CMOS Yes LCD Indicators Yes (6a) Opt. Math Coprocessor None Coprocessor Speed N/A Standard Graphics VGA/SVGA 8/16/32-bit Controller 16 Local Bus Yes Bus Master No Video RAM Standard 512K Maximum Video RAM 512K External monitor port SVGA Maximum Resolution 1024x768x16 (75 Hz) External Display Disables LCD No - Both are active Built-in Display (J0A/L0A) Monochrome LCD (VGA) Technology Single-Twisted Nematic (STN) Passive Matrix Single/Dual-Scan Dual-Scan Dimensions (Diag/H x W) 9.5"/5.75" x 7.6" # of Gray Shades (LCD) 64 (640x480) Backlit/Sidelit Back Contrast Ratio 18:1 Detachable No Upgradeable to Color No Screen Tilt 180° Reverse Video Switch Yes Large Pointer Option Yes Built-in Display (N0A/P0A) Color LCD (VGA) Technology Single-Twisted Nematic (STN) Passive Matrix Single/Dual-Scan Dual-Scan Dimensions (Diag/H x W) 9.2"/5.5" x 7.3" # of Colors Concurrently (LCD) 256 (640x480) Color Palette 250K Backlit/Sidelit Back Contrast Ratio ??:1 Detachable No Screen Tilt 180° Maximum Graphics SVGA (external) Audio Volume Control No RS232C Serial Ports 1 UART Chip Used NS16450AF-compatible Maximum Speed (bits/second) 19,200 FIFO Mode Enabled No Supports DMA Data Transfer No Maximum Ports Supported 1 Internal Modem Optional adapter and/or PCMCIA Hayes-compatible Yes Asynchronous/Synchronous Yes/Yes Fax capable Yes Group III compatible Yes Fax software included Yes Send/Receive Faxes Yes/Yes Maximum speed (bps): Data/Fax 2400/4800/9600 adapter (P/N 60G0389) 9600/9600 adapter (60G0375) 2400/9600 PCMCIA (42G2581) 14.4/14.4 PCMCIA (42G2582) Pointing Device Ports 1 Built-in TrackPoint II on Keybd Yes Parallel Printer Ports 1 Bi-directional Yes Supports DMA Data Transfer No Enhanced Parallel Port Yes Maximum Data Transfer Rate 14 Mbits/sec Maximum Ports Supported 1 SCSI Port No CMOS Clock Yes CMOS Battery Life (years) ? Replaceable Yes Power Source Battery/AC Adapter Both AC Adapter Included Quick Charger No Car Cigarette Lighter Adapter Optional Number of Batteries Supplied 1 Battery Type (Standard) Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) Length of Battery Charge: Approx. 2.7-9.0 hrs each (J0A/L0A) (2k) Approx. 2.0-7.2 hrs each (N0A/P0A) (2k) Battery Charge in Suspend Mode > 48 hours Battery Pack Specs 2.2 AH Battery Charges While on AC Yes Time to Recharge Battery 1.0 hrs (in suspend or quick-charge mode) 2.0 hrs (during operation) Battery Discharge Software Included No Non-Disruptive Battery Exchange Yes ═══ ThinkPad 350/350C: Disk/Tape Storage ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 350/350C header. DESCRIPTION 2618-J0A/L0A/N0A/P0A DISK STORAGE Internal Disk/Tape Drive Bays 2 # of 2.5"/3.5"/5.25" Bays 1/1/0 # of 2.5"/3.5"/5.25" Bays Avail. 0/0/0 # of PCMCIA Slots 1 (4f) # of PCMCIA Type 1/2/3 Slots 0/1/0 (4f) PCMCIA Spec Supported V2.01 PCMCIA Socket Services Spec V2.0 Diskette Drives Standard 1x1.44MB Media Sensing No Optional Diskette Drives No Internal Drives Supported 1 External Drives Supported 0 Maximum # Diskette Drives 1 Hard Disk Drives Standard 1x125MB (J0A/N0A) 1x250MB (L0A/P0A) Maximum # of HD Drives (Internal) 1 Drive Type N/A Encoding Method ??? Drive Form Factor 2.5" Optional HD Drive Sizes Available None Maximum Internal HD Drive Capacity 125MB (J0A/N0A) (3n) 250MB (L0A/P0A) (3n) Average Access Rate (ms) 14 (125MB) 12 (250MB) Hard Disk Data Transfer Rate Inner Diameter/OuterDiam. (MBytes/sec) 1.19/2.24 (125MB) Inner Diameter/OuterDiam. (MBytes/sec) 2.00/3.10 (250MB) Rotational Speed (RPMs) ???? # of Heads 4 (125MB) 6 (250MB) # of Platters 2 (125MB) 3 (250MB) Sectors per Track Inner Diameter/OuterDiameter 30/60 (125MB) Inner Diameter/OuterDiameter 43/167 (250MB) # of Cylinders 1423 (125MB) 1426 (250MB) Interleave Factor 1:1 Shock (Gs): Operating ?? Non-operating ??? Controller Type IDE Auto Park Yes TAPE STORAGE Internal Tape Drive Support No External Tape Drive Support No ═══ ThinkPad 350/350C: Expansion/Operating Systems ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 350/350C header. DESCRIPTION 2618-J0A/L0A/N0A/P0A BUILT-IN EXPANSION SLOTS Total "Adapter" Slots 1 Available Slots 1 Maximum RAM with Available Slots 20MB # of Slots Required for Maximum RAM 0 # of Slots Avail after Maximum RAM 1 # of PCMCIA Slots 1 (4f) # of PCMCIA Type 1/2/3 Slots 0/1/0 (4f) EXTERNAL EXPANSION SUPPORT None OPERATING SYSTEM SUPPORT IBM PC/DOS 5.02 or later (9o) IBM OS/2 2.1 or later (9o) IBM AIX PS/2 No ═══ ThinkPad 350/350C: Keyboard/Security ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 350/350C header. DESCRIPTION 2618-J0A/L0A/N0A/P0A KEYBOARD 122-Key Keyboard No 101-Key Enhanced Keyboard No (2b) 85-Key Keyboard Yes (2b) 78-Key Keyboard No Japanese Keyboard Type 2 No External Keyboard Supported Yes (2b) LED Indicators on Keyboard No Keyboard Slope 0° (9h) Trackball Integrated into Keyboard No Pointing Stick Integrated into Keybd Yes Fast Keyboard Speed Setting Yes Quiet Keyboard Operation Yes Keyboard Cord Length (ft) N/A Keyboard detachable No SECURITY Bolt-Down Option No C2 Security Enabled No Keyboard Password Yes Keylock-Locks Cover No Locks Keyboard No Power-on Password Yes Unattended Startup Mode Yes Privileged Access Password Yes (5f) Vital Product Data (VPD) Enabled ??? (5m) ═══ ThinkPad 350/350C: Physical/Environmental/Misc ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 350/350C header. DESCRIPTION 2618-J0A/L0A/N0A/P0A PHYSICAL FACTORS Footprint Type Notebook Dimensions: Height 1.9" (48mm) (J0A/L0A) 2.0" (51mm) (N0A/P0A) Width 11.7" (297mm) Depth 8.3" (210mm) Weight (lbs): With Battery 5.2 (J0A/L0A) 5.8 (N0A/P0A) Carrying Case Optional Material Nylon ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS A/C Adapter (Watts) ?? Wall Mount AC/DC Adapter Yes World-wide (110/60,220/50) No (110/60 only) Auto-Sensing/Switching Yes Amperage at: 90-265 VAC ??? Operating Range: Temperature 50-95° F Rel. Humidity 8-80% Maximum Operating Altitude(ft) 7000 Maximum Shock (Non-operating) ?? G's Maximum Vibration (Operating) ?? G's Heat (BTUs/Hour) 136 Noise (Avg dB, Operating, 1m) 40 Classification 3D MISCELLANEOUS FCC Classification B Warranty Period 1 Year International Warranty Service Yes Countries Warranty Valid In 80+ On-site/Carry-in Carry-in, or EasyServ (in U.S./Canada) BIOS Model/Submodel/Revision F8/B3/00 BIOS Date 06/10/93 Announcement Letter Numbers PCC93-287, 193-??? Date Announced 06/29/93 Date Withdrawn N/A ═══ 7.3. ThinkPad 360 Series 486SX Systems ═══ This section contains feature and technical specification information for the IBM 486SX33-based ThinkPad 360/360Cs/360C/360P systems. Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: 33MHz Systems ThinkPad 360/360Cs/360C/360P-00D/00F/20D/20F/30D/30F/50D/50F Return to the ThinkPad Systems: Features and Technical Specs header. ═══ 7.3.1. ThinkPad 360/360C/360Cs/360P-00D/00F/20D/20F/30D/30F/50D/50F Tech Specs ═══ The ThinkPad 360-00D/00F, 360Cs-20D/20F, 360C-30D/30F and 360P-50D/50F systems are identical except for the type of LCD and the choice of hard disk drive. Therefore all models will be covered by this one document. Differences will be indicated by model type in parentheses. Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 360 Series 486SX Systems header. ═══ ThinkPad 360/360Cs/360C/360P: Architecture/Memory ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 360/360Cs/360C/360P header. DESCRIPTION 2620-00D/00F/20D/20F/30D/30F/50D/50F ARCHITECTURE Bus Type AT Microprocessor SL Enhanced Intel 486SX33 Uses 3.3 Volt Technology Yes Clock Doubling No Clock Speed (MHz) 33 Cache Controller Yes Internal/External Cache Internal (4u) Cache Size 8K Instruction Set 32 bit Addressing 32 Bit I/O Channel Width 32 bit Upgradeable Processor No Interrupt Levels 16 Type Edge-triggered Shareable No DMA Channels 7 DMA Burst Mode Supported Yes 24/32-bit DMA Controller ?? Bus Masters Supported No MEMORY Maximum System RAM 20MB (3q) RAM on Motherboard Standard Motherboard RAM 4MB (2r)(7t) Maximum Motherboard RAM 20MB (3q) Memory Sockets Total/Available 1/1 RAM Speed (ns) 70 RAM Type Supported IC DRAM (3q) IC DRAMs Supported 2MB/4MB/8MB/16MB (3q) DIMMs Supported N/A Wait States 0 ECC Support No RAM on Adapter No (3q) Interleaved Memory No Matched Memory Cycle No (5i) Page Memory Logic Yes ═══ ThinkPad 360/360Cs/360C/360P: Standard Features ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 360/360Cs/360C/360P header. DESCRIPTION 2620-00D/00F/20D/20F/30D/30F/50D/50F STANDARD FEATURES ROM Size 128KB ROM Shadowing Yes Suspend/Resume Feature Yes Power Saving Modes Supported Standby/Suspend/Hibernate Setup/Power Management S/W Yes Speed Setting Switch/Software Yes BIOS Extensions Stored on Disk No BIOS Extensions Stored on Flash ROM Yes Setup and Diags Stored on Disk No Setup and Diags Stored in Flash ROM Yes Quick POST ??? LED Indicators Yes (3e) Optional Math Coprocessor No Coprocessor Speed N/A Standard Graphics VGA (LCD) (640x480x256) 8/16/32-bit Controller 16 Local Bus Yes (VESA) Bus Master No Video RAM (VRAM) 1MB Maximum Graphics with LCD VGA External monitor port Yes Concurrent Use with External Monitor Yes - Both are active Type of Monitor Supported VGA/SVGA Maximum Resolution 1024x768 256-Colors (NI) Built-in Display (360) Monochrome LCD Technology Super Twisted Nematic (STN) Backlit Dimensions (Diag/H x W) 9.5"/5.75" x 7.6" # of Gray Shades 64 (640x480) Contrast Ratio 18:1 Video Chip Set Western Digital 90C24 Non-interlaced Yes Detachable No (pivots down over keyboard) Screen Tilt 180° Pen-Enabled No Upgradeable to Color No Reverse Video Switch In software Large Pointer Option Yes Built-in Display (360C) Color LCD Technology Thin-Film Transistor (TFT) Active Matrix Dimensions (Diag/H x W) 8.4"/?.?" x ?.?" # of Colors Concurrently 256 (640x480) Color Palette 226,000 Colors Contrast Ratio 100:1 Video Chip Set Western Digital 90C24 Non-interlaced Yes Detachable No Screen Tilt 180° Built-in Display (360Cs) Color LCD Technology Dual Scan Super Twisted Nematic (STN) LCD Backlit Dimensions (Diag/H x W) 9.5"/5.75 x 7.6" # of Colors Concurrently 256 (640x480) Color Palette 4,096 colors Contrast Ratio 20:1 Video Chip Set Western Digital 90C24 Non-interlaced Yes Detachable No Screen Tilt 180° Built-in Display (360P) Color Pen LCD (protective glass with anti-glare film) Technology Dual Scan Super Twisted Nematic (STN) Pen Backlit Dimensions (Diag/H x W) 9.5"/5.75 x 7.6" # of Colors Concurrently 256 (640x480) Color Palette 4,096 colors Contrast Ratio 18:1 Video Chip Set Western Digital 90C24 Non-interlaced Yes Detachable No Screen Tilt Folds down to flat position for pen use. Pen-Enabled Yes Pen Digitizer Type Electromagnetic Tethered/Untethered Untethered Battery Required/Supplied No/No MULTIMEDIA FEATURES (3r) Audio Adapter Optional PCMCIA TV Tuner (360C only) Optional Analog-to Digital Video Adapter Optional (requires Dock I) Internal Modem Optional PCMCIA Hayes-compatible Yes Asynchronous/Synchronous Yes/Yes Fax capable Yes Group III compatible Yes Fax software included Yes Send/Receive Faxes Yes/Yes Maximum speed (bps): Data/Fax 14.4/14.4 PCMCIA PORT REPLICATOR/DOCKING UNIT CONNECTOR Yes (7o)(7p)(7q)(7r) POINTING DEVICE PORTS 1 Built-in TrackPoint II on Keybd Yes PS/2-Type Mouse Port Yes (3t)(4v) SERIAL PORTS (RS232D) 1 Supports DMA Data Transfer No Maximum Ports Supported 1 9/25-Pin 9-pin UART Chip Used NS16550AF-compatible FIFO Mode Enabled ??? Maximum Speed (bits/second) 19,200 PARALLEL PRINTER PORTS 1 (Enhanced) Supports DMA Data Transfer No Maximum Ports Supported 1 Bi-directional Yes External Keyboard Port (2b)(4v) External Diskette Drive Port Yes (2o) SCSI Port Optional (7q)(7r) CMOS Clock Yes CMOS Battery Life (years) ? Replaceable Yes POWER SOURCE Battery/AC Adapter Both A/C Adapter Included Yes Quick Charge Feature Yes (1.5 hrs) Car Cigarette Lighter Adapter Optional, +12V only Number of Batteries Supplied 1 Battery Type Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) Battery Pack Specs 9.6VDC, 1500mAH/cell, 16 cell/pack Length of Battery Charge (hrs) 4.6 - 10.0 (00D/00F) 3.0 - 7.0 (20D/20F) 3.5 - 7.0 (30D/30F) 3.3 - 7.0 (50D/50F) Battery Charging While Operating 2.0 hours Powered Off or In Suspend Mode 1.5 hours Battery "Fuel Gauge" Software Yes Battery Discharge Utility Included No Non-Disruptive Battery Exchange Yes ═══ ThinkPad 360/360Cs/360C/360P: Disk/Tape Storage ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 360/360Cs/360C/360P header. DESCRIPTION 2620-00D/00F/20D/20F/30D/30F/50D/50F DISK STORAGE Selectable Boot ??? Bootable Physical Drives ??? Internal Drive Bays in System 2 Number of 2.5"/3.5"/5.25" 1/1/0 Number of 2.5"/3.5"/5.25" Available 0/0/0 Number of PCMCIA Type I/II/III Slots 0/0/1 (4f)(7o)(7r) Number of PCMCIA Slots Available 0/0/1 (4f)(7o)(7r) PCMCIA Specification Supported V2.01 PCMCIA Socket Services Specification V2.0 DISKETTE DRIVES Standard Drive(s) 1x1.44MB Media Sensing No Removable Yes (2o) Internal Drives Supported 1 External Drives Supported 1 (2o) Maximum Drives Supported 1 (2o) Optional Drives 5.25" 360K No 5.25" 1.2MB No 3.5" 720K No 3.5" 1.44MB No 3.5" 2.88MB Optional - U.S. only (g) Media Sensing Yes Electronic Lock/Eject Yes HARD DISK DRIVES Standard Hard Disk Controller Type IDE Adapter/Motherboard Motherboard Adapters Supported per System 0 Devices Supported per Adapter N/A Standard Hard Disk 1x170MB (00D/20D) (removable) 1x340MB (00F/20F) (removable) Encoding Method "No ID Sectoring" Drive Form Factor 2.5" Average Access Rate (ms) 14-15 ms (170MB/340MB) Hard Disk Data Transfer/second 20-32Mbits (170MB/340MB) Rotational Speed (RPMs) ??? Average Latency (ms) 7.9 Number of Heads 2 (170MB) 4 (340MB) Number of Platters 1 (170MB) 2 (340MB) Sectors per Track ??? Number of Cylinders 1575 (170MB) 2263 (340MB) Interleave Factor 1:1 Shock Rating (Gs): Operating ?? Non-operating ?? Auto Park N/A Maximum Number of Internal Hard Drives 1 (7g)(7q)(7r) Optional HD Drive Sizes Available 170MB/340MB/540MB/810MB (removable) (4o)(7g)(7q)(7r) Maximum Aggregate Capacity 1x810MB (3n)(7g)(7q)(7r) TAPE STORAGE Internal Tape Drive Support Via ThinkPad Dock I or Dock II bay External Tape Drive Support Via parallel port, or ThinkPad Dock I or Dock II bay or SCSI port ═══ ThinkPad 360/360Cs/360C/360P: Expansion/Operating Systems ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 360/360Cs/360C/360P header. DESCRIPTION 2620-00D/00F/20D/20F/30D/30F/50D/50F BUILT-IN EXPANSION SLOTS Total/Available "Adapter" Slots 0 Maximum RAM with Available Slots 20MB (3q) Number of PCMCIA Type I/II/III Slots 0/0/1 (4f)(7o)(7r) EXTERNAL EXPANSION SUPPORT IBM 3545 ThinkPad Dock I System Yes (7q) IBM 3546 ThinkPad Dock II System Yes (7r) IBM 3547 ThinkPad SelectaDock I No (7v) | IBM ThinkPad Replicator Model I Yes (7o) IBM ThinkPad Replicator Model II Yes (7p) IBM ThinkPad SelectaDock Base Model I Yes (7u) | OPERATING SYSTEM SUPPORT IBM PC/DOS 6.1 or J6.1/V, or later IBM OS/2 2.1 with APAR fixes (call 800-992-4777 to order) 2.11 with APAR PJ12413 (call 800-992-4777 to order), or later IBM OS/2 for Windows 2.1 MS DOS 6.2, or later MS Windows 3.1 or J3.1, or later MS Windows for Pen Computing V1.0 (360P only) Pen for OS/2 V1.0 (360P only) (requires OS/2 V2.1 or later) PenDOS 2.2 (360P only) ═══ ThinkPad 360/360Cs/360C/360P: Keyboard/Security ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 360/360Cs/360C/360P header. DESCRIPTION 2620-00D/00F/20D/20F/30D/30F/50D/50F KEYBOARD Keyboard Type 84-key (9s) Numeric Keypad Optional (9s) External Keyboard Supported Yes (2b) (4v) LED Indicators on Keyboard Yes (3e) Keyboard Slope 5° Trackball Integrated into Keyboard No Pointing stick integrated into keyboard Yes (TrackPoint II) Extra TrackPoint II caps Yes (3) Fast Keyboard Speed Setting Yes Quiet Keyboard Operation Mode Yes (Only mode) Keyboard Cord Length (ft) N/A SECURITY Bolt-Down Option Optional (with Security Base or Dock I or Dock II) (7q)(7r) C2 Security Enabled No Hard Disk Drive Password Yes (7m) Kensington Lock Slot ??? Keyboard Password Yes Keylock-Locks Cover Optional (with Security Base or Dock I or Dock II) (7q)(7r) Locks Keyboard Optional (with Security Base or Dock I or Dock II) (7q)(7r) Locks Entire System Optional (with Security Base or Dock I or Dock II) (7q)(7r) Power-on Password Yes Unattended Startup Mode No Privileged Access Password ??? Vital Product Data (VPD) Enabled No ═══ ThinkPad 360/360Cs/360C/360P: Physical/Environmental/Misc ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 360/360Cs/360C/360P header. DESCRIPTION 2620-00D/00F/20D/20F/30D/30F/50D/50F PHYSICAL FACTORS Footprint Type Notebook Dimensions: (Height) 1.7" (43.4mm) (00D/00F) (Height) 2.0" (51.4mm) (20D/20F) (Height) 1.9" (47.4mm) (30D/30F (Height) 2.1" (53.0mm) (50D/50F) (Width/Depth) 11.7" (297mm) / 8.3" (210mm) Weight (With Battery) 5.6 (2.5kg) (00D/00F) 6.1 (2.76kg) (20D/20F) 6.2 (2.8kg) (30D/30F) 6.8 (3.1kg) (50D/50F) Spare Battery Weight 1.2 lbs (540g) Removable Diskette Drive Weight 0.5 lbs (220g) US Travel AC Adapter 0.9 lbs (400g) Universal AC Adapter 1.5 lbs (700g) Carrying Case Optional Material Black polyurethane-coated fabric ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS AC Adapter (U.S. Only) Yes Specifications 30W, 100-125VAC, 2.0A, 50/60Hz AC Universal Adapter Optional (Standard except in U.S.) Specifications 40W, 100-240VAC, 2.0A, 50/60Hz Amperage at: 90-137 VAC 2.0 100-265 VAC 1.0 Operating Range: Temperature 41-95° F (0-8,000 ft - without diskette) 50-95° F (0-8,000 ft - with diskette in drive) 41-88° F (8-10,000 ft - without diskette) 50-88° F (8-10,000 ft - with diskette in drive) Relative Humidity 8-95% (without diskette) 8-80% (with diskette in drive) Maximum Operating Altitude(ft) 10,000 Maximum Shock (Non-operating) ?? G's Maximum Vibration (Operating) ?? G's Heat (BTUs/Hour) 102.4 Noise (Avg dB, Operating, 1m) 40 Classification 3D (office) MISCELLANEOUS Software Pre-loaded Yes (3i) Agency Approvals System Unit FCC Class-B (USA) Yes VCCI Class 2 (0 dB) Yes CISPR22B Yes UL-1950 (USA) Yes CSA C22.2 No. 950 (Canada) Yes SEMKO Yes NEMKO Yes DEMKO Yes SETI Yes UK-PTT (UK) Yes JATE Yes SASO (Saudi Arabia) Yes MOC (Korea) Yes (360/360Cs) Universal AC/DC Adapter UL-1950 (USA) Yes CSA C22.2 No. 223 (Canada) Yes SEMKO Yes NEMKO Yes DEMKO Yes SETI Yes SA Yes SEV (Switzerland) Yes OVE (Austria) Yes DENTORI Yes NOM Yes US Travel AC/DC Adapter UL-1950 (USA) Yes CSA C22.2 No. 223 (Canada) Yes Internal Audio Card option FCC Class-B (USA) Yes Warranty Period System Hardware 1 Year (optional 3 year) System Battery 1 Year Optional Features 1 Year International Warranty Service Yes (7n) Countries Warranty Service Valid In 80+ On-site/Carry-in Carry-in, or EasyServ (in U.S./Canada) Announcement Letter Numbers PCC94-396, 194-??? (00D/00F/20D/20F) PCC94-397, 194-??? (30D/30F/50D/50F) Date Announced 17May94 Date Withdrawn N/A ═══ 7.4. ThinkPad 365 Series 486DX4 Systems ═══ This section contains feature and technical specification information for the Intel 486DX4-based IBM ThinkPad 365C/CD/CS/CSD systems. Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: 486DX4-75 Systems ThinkPad 365C/365CS-2xx/3xx/W11/W12/W13 ThinkPad 365CD/365CSD-Axx/Bxx/W14/W15 Return to the ThinkPad Systems: Features and Technical Specs header. ═══ 7.4.1. ThinkPad 365C/365CS-2xx/3xx/W11/W12/W13 Tech Specs ═══ The ThinkPad Model 365C/365CS systems are identical except for the display type, preloaded software, and the size of the hard drives. Therefore all models will be covered by this one document. Differences will be indicated by model type in parentheses. Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 365 Series 486DX4 Systems header. ═══ ThinkPad 365C/365CS-2xx/3xx/W11/W12/W13: Architecture/Memory ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 365C/365CS 486DX4 Systems header. DESCRIPTION 2625-2xx/3xx/W11/W12/W13 ARCHITECTURE Bus Type AT Microprocessor 486DX4 Uses 3.3 Volt Technology Yes Clock Multiplying Yes (3X) Clock Speed (MHz) 75/25 (Internal/External) Cache Controller Yes Internal/External Cache Internal (4u) Cache Size 16KB Instruction Set 32 bit Addressing 32 Bit I/O Channel Width 32 bit Upgradeable Processor Yes Upgradeable to 486DX4-100 Interrupt Levels 15 Type Edge-triggered Shareable No DMA Channels 7 DMA Burst Mode Supported Yes 32/48-bit DMA Controller Yes Bus Masters Supported Yes MEMORY RAM on Motherboard Standard Motherboard RAM 8MB (2r)(7t) Maximum Motherboard RAM 24MB (3b) Memory Sockets Total/Available 1/1 (3b) RAM Speed (ns) 70 RAM Type Supported SO DIMMs (3b) SO DIMMs Supported 3.3V 4MB/16MB (3b) Wait States 0 ECC Support No Interleaved Memory No Matched Memory Cycle No (5i) Page Memory Logic Yes ═══ ThinkPad 365C/365CS-2xx/3xx/W11/W12/W13: Standard Features ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 365C/365CS 486DX4 Systems header. DESCRIPTION 2625-2xx/3xx/W11/W12/W13 STANDARD FEATURES ROM Size 128KB ROM Shadowing Yes Suspend/Resume Feature Yes Power Saving Modes Supported Standby/Suspend/Hibernate Setup/Power Management S/W Yes Speed Setting Switch/Software Yes BIOS Extensions Stored on Disk No BIOS Extensions Stored on Flash ROM Yes Setup and Diags Stored on Disk No Setup and Diags Stored in Flash ROM Yes Quick POST ??? LED Indicators Yes Math Coprocessor Integrated into processor Coprocessor Speed 75MHz STANDARD VIDEO CONTROLLER VGA (640x480x256K) 8/16/32-bit Controller 16 Video Chip Set Trident Cyber 9320 Local Bus Yes (VESA) Video Accelerator Yes Bus Master No Video Memory (Standard) 1MB (365C) 0.5MB (365CS) Video Memory (Maximum) 1MB (365C) 0.5MB (365CS) Maximum Graphics with LCD VGA EXTERNAL MONITOR PORT Yes Concurrent Use with External Monitor Yes - Both are active Type of Monitor Supported VGA/SVGA Maximum Resolution/Colors 1024x768/256-Colors (NI) (365C) 640x480/16M-Colors (NI) (365C) 1024x768/16-Colors (NI) (365CS) 640x480/256-Colors (NI) (365CS) BUILT-IN DISPLAY Color LCD Technology Dual Scan Twisted Nematic (DSTN) Passive Matrix (365CS) Thin-Film Transistor (TFT) Black Matrix on Array (365C) Dimensions (Diag/H x W) 10.4"/5.75" x 7.6" # of Colors Concurrently 256 Color Palette 64K Colors Contrast Ratio 100:1 (365C) 20:1 (365CS) Non-interlaced Yes Detachable No Screen Tilt 180° MULTIMEDIA FEATURES None INTERNAL MODEM Optional PCMCIA TELEPHONY FEATURES None PORT REPLICATOR/DOCKING UNIT CONNECTOR Port Replicator only POINTING DEVICE PORTS 1 Built-in TrackPoint III on Keybd Yes PS/2-Type Mouse Port Yes (3t)(4v) SERIAL PORTS (RS232C) 1 Supports DMA Data Transfer No Maximum Ports Supported 1 9/25-Pin 9-pin UART Chip Used NS16550-compatible FIFO Mode Enabled ??? Maximum Speed (bits/second) 19,200??? PARALLEL PRINTER PORTS 1 Supports DMA Data Transfer No Maximum Ports Supported 1 Bi-directional Yes EXTERNAL KEYBOARD PORT (4v) EXTERNAL DISKETTE DRIVE PORT No INFRARED TRANSCEIVERS (Front/Back) Back Data Transfer/Printing Both Supports IBM Mode (1.15 Mbps) No Supports HP Mode (115 Kbps) Yes Supports Sharp Mode (9.6 Kbps) No File Transfer Software Included Yes SCSI PORT No CMOS CLOCK Yes CMOS Battery Life (years) 5 Replaceable Yes (Dealer Only) POWER SOURCE AC Adapter Yes Battery Yes AC Adapter Included Yes (5e) Quick Charge Feature Yes Car Cigarette Lighter Adapter Optional, +12V only Number of Batteries Supplied 1 Battery Type Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) Battery Pack Specs 9.6V, 2700mAH/cell, 8 cell/pack Length of Battery Charge (hrs) 3.0 - 9.0 hours Battery Charging While Operating 6.0 hours Powered Off or In Suspend Mode 2.0 hours Battery "Fuel Gauge" Software ??? Battery Discharge Utility Included ??? Non-Disruptive Battery Exchange Yes (c) ═══ ThinkPad 365C/365CS-2xx/3xx/W11/W12/W13: Disk/Tape Storage ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 365C/365CS 486DX4 Systems header. DESCRIPTION 2625-2xx/3xx/W11/W12/W13 DISK STORAGE Selectable Boot ??? Bootable Physical Drives A:/C: Internal Drive Bays in System 2 Number of 2.5"/3.5"/5.25" 1/1/0 Number of 2.5"/3.5"/5.25" Available 0/0/0 Number of PCMCIA Type I/II/III Slots 0/0/1 (4f) Number of PCMCIA Slots Available 0/0/1 (4f) PCMCIA Specification Supported V2.01 PCMCIA Socket Services Specification V2.0 DISKETTE DRIVES Standard Drive(s) 1x1.44MB Media Sensing ??? Removable External Only Internal Drives Supported 1 External Drives Supported 0 Maximum Drives Supported 1 Optional Drives 5.25" 360K No 5.25" 1.2MB No 3.5" 720K No 3.5" 1.44MB No 3.5" 2.88MB No HARD DISK DRIVES Standard Hard Disk Controller Type IDE Adapter/Motherboard Motherboard Controllers Supported per System 1 Devices Supported per Controller Standard Hard Disk 340MB (365CS-203/W11) 540MB (365C-305/W13, 365CS-205/W12) Encoding Method "No ID Sectoring" Drive Form Factor 2.5" Average Access Rate (ms) ? Hard Disk Data Transfer/second ? Rotational Speed (RPMs) ??? Average Latency (ms) ? Number of Heads ? Number of Platters ? Sectors per Track (ID/OD) ??/?? Number of Cylinders ??? Sector Interleave 1:1 Buffer Size ???KB Shock Rating (Gs): Operating ?? Non-operating ?? Auto Park N/A Maximum Number of Internal Hard Drives 1 Optional HD Drive Sizes Available 720MB (removable) (4o) Maximum Aggregate Capacity 1x720MB (3n)(4o) CD-ROM DRIVE STANDARD No TAPE STORAGE Internal Tape Drive Support No External Tape Drive Support Via parallel port ═══ ThinkPad 365C/365CS-2xx/3xx/W11/W12/W13: Expansion/Operating Systems ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 365C/365CS 486DX4 Systems header. DESCRIPTION 2625-2xx/3xx/W11/W12/W13 BUILT-IN EXPANSION SLOTS Total/Available "Adapter" Slots 0 Maximum RAM with Available Slots 24MB (3b) Number of PCMCIA Type I/II/III Slots 0/0/1 (4f) EXTERNAL EXPANSION SUPPORT IBM 3545 ThinkPad Dock I System No (7q) IBM 3546 ThinkPad Dock II System No (7r) IBM 3547 ThinkPad SelectaDock I No (7v) | IBM ThinkPad Replicator Model I No (7o) IBM ThinkPad Replicator Model II No (7p) IBM ThinkPad SelectaDock Base Model I No (7u) | IBM ThinkPad 365 Port Replicator Yes OPERATING SYSTEM SUPPORT IBM PC/DOS 6.3 or later IBM OS/2 2.11 or later MS DOS 6.22 or later MS Windows 3.11 or later MS Windows 95 1.0 or later ═══ ThinkPad 365C/365CS-2xx/3xx/W11/W12/W13: Keyboard/Security ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 365C/365CS 486DX4 Systems header. DESCRIPTION 2625-2xx/3xx/W11/W12/W13 KEYBOARD Keyboard Type 84-key (9s) Numeric Keypad Optional (9s) External Keyboard Supported Yes (101, 84, Japanese) LED Indicators on Keyboard Yes Keyboard Slope None Trackball Integrated into Keyboard No Pointing stick integrated into keyboard Yes (TrackPoint III) Extra TrackPoint III caps Yes (3) Fast Keyboard Speed Setting ??? Quiet Keyboard Operation Mode ??? SECURITY Bolt-Down Option No C2 Security Enabled No Electronic Personalization Feature Yes (h) Hard Disk Drive Password No Kensington Lock Slot Yes Keyboard Password Yes Keylock-Locks Cover No Locks Keyboard No Locks Entire System No Power-on Password Yes Unattended Startup Mode ??? Privileged Access Password No Supervisor Password Yes Vital Product Data (VPD) Enabled ??? (5m) ═══ ThinkPad 365C/365CS-2xx/3xx/W11/W12/W13: Physical/Environmental/Misc ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 365C/365CS 486DX4 Systems header. DESCRIPTION 2625-2xx/3xx/W11/W12/W13 PHYSICAL FACTORS Footprint Type Notebook Dimensions: (Height/Width/Depth) 2.0" (49.5mm) / 11.7" (297mm) / 8.3" (210mm) Weight (With Battery) 5.8 lbs (2.64kg) (365C) 5.9 lbs (2.68kg) (365CS) Spare Battery Weight 1.04 lbs (473g) Removable Diskette Drive Weight 0.6 lbs (278g) Carrying Case Optional Material N/A ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS AC Adapter (U.S. Only) Yes Specifications 40W, 100-120VAC, 2.0A, 50/60Hz AC Adapter (Universal) Yes (Standard except in U.S.) Optional (in U.S.) Specifications 40W, 100-240VAC, 2.0A, 50/60Hz Amperage at: 90-137 VAC 2.0 (both) 100-265 VAC 2.0 (Universal Adapter only) Operating Range: Temperature 41-95° F (0-10,000 ft - without diskette) 50-95° F (0-10,000 ft - with diskette in drive) Relative Humidity 8-80% (without diskette) Maximum Operating Altitude(ft) 10,000 Maximum Shock (Non-operating) ?? G's Maximum Vibration (Operating) ?? G's Heat (BTUs/Hour) 89 Noise (Avg dB, Operating, 1m) 35 Classification 3D (office) MISCELLANEOUS Software Preloaded Yes (e) CSA Approval (Canada) C22.2 No. 950 (System Unit and AC/DC Adapter) FCC Certification (USA) Class B JRUANB-4 Approval Yes UL Approval (USA) 1950 (System Unit and AC/DC Adapter) Warranty Period 1 Year International Warranty Service Yes (7n) Countries Warranty Service Valid In 80+ On-site/Carry-in Carry-in, or EasyServ (in U.S./Canada) BIOS Model/Submodel/Revision FC/01/00 Announcement Letter Numbers PCC95-457, 195-331 Date Announced 07Nov95 Date Withdrawn N/A ═══ 7.4.2. ThinkPad 365CD/365CSD-Axx/Bxx/W14/W15 Tech Specs ═══ The ThinkPad Model 365CD/365CSD systems are identical except for the display type and preloaded software. Therefore all models will be covered by this one document. Differences will be indicated by model type in parentheses. Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 365 Series 486DX4 Systems header. ═══ ThinkPad 365CD/365CSD-Axx/Bxx/W14/W15: Architecture/Memory ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 365 Series 486DX4 Systems header. DESCRIPTION 2625-Axx/Bxx/W14/W15 ARCHITECTURE Bus Type AT Microprocessor 486DX4 Uses 3.3 Volt Technology Yes Clock Multiplying Yes (3X) Clock Speed (MHz) 75/25 (Internal/External) Cache Controller Yes Internal/External Cache Internal (4u) Cache Size 16KB Instruction Set 32 bit Addressing 32 Bit I/O Channel Width 32 bit Upgradeable Processor Yes Upgradeable to 486DX4-100 Interrupt Levels 15 Type Edge-triggered Shareable No DMA Channels 7 DMA Burst Mode Supported Yes 32/48-bit DMA Controller Yes Bus Masters Supported Yes MEMORY RAM on Motherboard Standard Motherboard RAM 8MB (2r)(7t) Maximum Motherboard RAM 24MB (3b) Memory Sockets Total/Available 1/1 (3b) RAM Speed (ns) 70 RAM Type Supported SO DIMMs (3b) SO DIMMs Supported 3.3V 4MB/16MB (3b) Wait States 0 ECC Support No Interleaved Memory No Matched Memory Cycle No (5i) Page Memory Logic Yes ═══ ThinkPad 365CD/365CSD-Axx/Bxx/W14/W15: Standard Features ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 365CD/365CSD 486DX4 Systems header. DESCRIPTION 2625-Axx/Bxx/W14/W15 STANDARD FEATURES ROM Size 128KB ROM Shadowing Yes Suspend/Resume Feature Yes Power Saving Modes Supported Standby/Suspend/Hibernate Setup/Power Management S/W Yes Speed Setting Switch/Software Yes BIOS Extensions Stored on Disk No BIOS Extensions Stored on Flash ROM Yes Setup and Diags Stored on Disk No Setup and Diags Stored in Flash ROM Yes Quick POST ??? LED Indicators Yes Math Coprocessor Integrated into processor Coprocessor Speed 75MHz STANDARD VIDEO CONTROLLER VGA (640x480x256K) 8/16/32-bit Controller 16 Video Chip Set Trident Cyber 9320 Local Bus Yes (VESA) Video Accelerator Yes Bus Master No Video Memory (Standard) 1MB Video Memory (Maximum) 1MB Maximum Graphics with LCD VGA EXTERNAL MONITOR PORT Yes Concurrent Use with External Monitor Yes - Both are active Type of Monitor Supported VGA/SVGA Maximum Resolution/Colors 1024x768/256-Colors (NI) 640x480/16M-Colors (NI) BUILT-IN DISPLAY Color LCD Technology Dual Scan Twisted Nematic (DSTN) Passive Matrix (365CSD) Thin-Film Transistor (TFT) Black Matrix on Array (365CD) Dimensions (Diag/H x W) 10.4"/5.75" x 7.6" # of Colors Concurrently 256 Color Palette 64K Colors Contrast Ratio 100:1 (365C) 20:1 (365CS) Non-interlaced Yes Detachable No Screen Tilt 180° MULTIMEDIA FEATURES Mwave DSP No SoundBlaster Compatible Yes Microphone Built-In Yes Speaker(s) Built-In Mono Stereo Audio/Voice Playback Yes Stereo Input Jack Yes Stereo Headphone/Speaker Jack Yes MIDI/Joystick Port Yes Volume Control Dial Yes Audio Drivers DOS, Windows, OS/2 5.25" CD-ROM drive 2X Enhanced Video Card No TV Tuner No Analog-to Digital Video Adapter No INTERNAL MODEM Optional PCMCIA TELEPHONY FEATURES None PORT REPLICATOR/DOCKING UNIT CONNECTOR Port Replicator only POINTING DEVICE PORTS 1 Built-in TrackPoint III on Keybd Yes PS/2-Type Mouse Port Yes (3t)(4v) SERIAL PORTS ( RS232C) 1 Supports DMA Data Transfer No Maximum Ports Supported 1 9/25-Pin 9-pin UART Chip Used NS16550-compatible FIFO Mode Enabled ??? Maximum Speed (bits/second) 19,200??? PARALLEL PRINTER PORTS 1 Supports DMA Data Transfer No Maximum Ports Supported 1 Bi-directional Yes EXTERNAL KEYBOARD PORT (4v) EXTERNAL DISKETTE DRIVE PORT Yes (3o) INFRARED TRANSCEIVERS (Front/Back) Back Data Transfer/Printing Both Supports IBM Mode (1.15 Mbps) No Supports HP Mode (115 Kbps) Yes Supports Sharp Mode (9.6 Kbps) No File Transfer Software Included Yes SCSI PORT No CMOS CLOCK Yes CMOS Battery Life (years) 5 Replaceable Yes (Dealer Only) POWER SOURCE AC Adapter Yes Battery Yes AC Adapter Included Yes (5e) Quick Charge Feature Yes Car Cigarette Lighter Adapter Optional, +12V only Number of Batteries Supplied 1 Battery Type Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) Battery Pack Specs 9.6V, 2700mAH/cell, 8 cell/pack Length of Battery Charge (hrs) 2.5 - 9.0 hours Battery Charging While Operating 6.0 hours Powered Off or In Suspend Mode 2.0 hours Battery "Fuel Gauge" Software Yes??? Battery Discharge Utility Included Yes??? Non-Disruptive Battery Exchange Yes (c) ═══ ThinkPad 365CD/365CSD-Axx/Bxx/W14/W15: Disk/Tape Storage ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 365CD/365CSD 486DX4 Systems header. DESCRIPTION 2625-Axx/Bxx/W14/W15 DISK STORAGE Selectable Boot ??? Bootable Physical Drives A:/C: Internal Drive Bays in System 2 Number of 2.5"/3.5"/5.25" 1/1/0 Number of 2.5"/3.5"/5.25" Available 0/0/0 Number of PCMCIA Type I/II/III Slots 0/0/1 (4f) Number of PCMCIA Slots Available 0/0/1 (4f) PCMCIA Specification Supported V2.01 PCMCIA Socket Services Specification V2.0 DISKETTE DRIVES Standard Drive(s) 1x1.44MB Media Sensing ??? Removable External Only Internal Drives Supported 0 External Drives Supported 1 Maximum Drives Supported 1 Optional Drives 5.25" 360K No 5.25" 1.2MB No 3.5" 720K No 3.5" 1.44MB No 3.5" 2.88MB No HARD DISK DRIVES Standard Hard Disk Controller Type IDE Adapter/Motherboard Motherboard Controllers Supported per System 1 Devices Supported per Controller 1 Standard Hard Disk 540MB (removable) Encoding Method "No ID Sectoring" Drive Form Factor 2.5" Average Access Rate (ms) ? Hard Disk Data Transfer/second ? Rotational Speed (RPMs) ??? Average Latency (ms) ? Number of Heads ? Number of Platters ? Sectors per Track (ID/OD) ??/?? Number of Cylinders ??? Sector Interleave 1:1 Buffer Size ???KB Shock Rating (Gs): Operating ?? Non-operating ?? Auto Park Yes Maximum Number of Internal Hard Drives 1 Optional HD Drive Sizes Available 720MB (removable) (4o) Maximum Aggregate Capacity 1x720MB (3n)(4o) CD-ROM DRIVE STANDARD Yes Speed 2X Data Transfer Rate 300Kbps Access Rate ??? TAPE STORAGE Internal Tape Drive Support No External Tape Drive Support Via parallel port ═══ ThinkPad 365CD/365CSD-Axx/Bxx/W14/W15: Expansion/Operating Systems ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 365CD/365CSD 486DX4 Systems header. DESCRIPTION 2625-Axx/Bxx/W14/W15 BUILT-IN EXPANSION SLOTS Total/Available "Adapter" Slots 0 Maximum RAM with Available Slots 24MB (3b) Number of PCMCIA Type I/II/III Slots 0/0/1 (4f) EXTERNAL EXPANSION SUPPORT IBM 3545 ThinkPad Dock I System No (7q) IBM 3546 ThinkPad Dock II System No (7r) IBM 3547 ThinkPad SelectaDock I No (7v) | IBM ThinkPad Replicator Model I No (7o) IBM ThinkPad Replicator Model II No (7p) IBM ThinkPad SelectaDock Base Model I No (7u) | IBM ThinkPad 365 Port Replicator Yes OPERATING SYSTEM SUPPORT IBM PC/DOS 6.3 or later IBM OS/2 2.11 or later MS DOS 6.22 or later MS Windows 3.11 or later MS Windows 95 1.0 or later ═══ ThinkPad 365CD/365CSD-Axx/Bxx/W14/W15: Keyboard/Security ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 365CD/365CSD 486DX4 Systems header. DESCRIPTION 2625-Axx/Bxx/W14/W15 KEYBOARD Keyboard Type 84-key (9s) Numeric Keypad Optional (9s) External Keyboard Supported Yes (101, 84, Japanese) LED Indicators on Keyboard Yes Keyboard Slope None Trackball Integrated into Keyboard No Pointing stick integrated into keyboard Yes (TrackPoint III) Extra TrackPoint III caps Yes (3) Fast Keyboard Speed Setting ??? Quiet Keyboard Operation Mode ??? SECURITY Bolt-Down Option No C2 Security Enabled No Electronic Personalization Feature Yes (h) Hard Disk Drive Password No Kensington Lock Slot Yes Keyboard Password Yes Keylock-Locks Cover No Locks Keyboard No Locks Entire System No Power-on Password Yes Unattended Startup Mode ??? Privileged Access Password No Supervisor Password Yes Vital Product Data (VPD) Enabled ??? (5m) ═══ ThinkPad 365CD/365CSD-Axx/Bxx/W14/W15: Physical/Environmental/Misc ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 365CD/365CSD 486DX4 Systems header. DESCRIPTION 2625-Axx/Bxx/W14/W15 PHYSICAL FACTORS Footprint Type Notebook Dimensions: (Height/Width/Depth) 2.0" (49.5mm) / 11.7" (297mm) / 8.3" (210mm) Weight (With Battery and CD-ROM) 6.3 lbs (2.86kg) (365CD) 6.4 lbs (2.90kg) (365CSD) Spare Battery Weight 1.04 lbs (473g) Removable Diskette Drive Weight 0.6 lbs (278g) Carrying Case Optional Material N/A ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS AC Adapter (U.S. Only) Yes Specifications 40W, 100-120VAC, 2.0A, 50/60Hz AC Adapter (Universal) Yes (Standard except in U.S.) Optional (in U.S.) Specifications 40W, 100-240VAC, 2.0A, 50/60Hz Amperage at: 90-137 VAC 2.0 (both AC adapters) 100-265 VAC 2.0 (Universal Adapter only) Operating Range: Temperature 41-95° F (0-10,000 ft - without diskette) 50-95° F (0-10,000 ft - with diskette in drive) Relative Humidity 8-80% (without diskette) Maximum Operating Altitude(ft) 10,000 Maximum Shock (Non-operating) ?? G's Maximum Vibration (Operating) ?? G's Heat (BTUs/Hour) 89 Noise (Avg dB, Operating, 1m) 35 Classification 3D (office) MISCELLANEOUS Software Preloaded Yes (e) CSA Approval (Canada) C22.2 No. 950 (System Unit and AC/DC Adapter) FCC Certification (USA) Class B JRUANB-4 Approval Yes UL Approval (USA) 1950 (System Unit and AC/DC Adapter) Warranty Period 1 Year International Warranty Service Yes (7n) Countries Warranty Service Valid In 80+ On-site/Carry-in Carry-in, or EasyServ (in U.S./Canada) BIOS Model/Submodel/Revision FC/01/00 Announcement Letter Numbers PCC95-457, 195-331 Date Announced 07Nov95 Date Withdrawn N/A ═══ 7.5. ThinkPad 500 Series 486SLC2 Systems ═══ This section contains feature and technical specification information for the IBM 486SLC2-based ThinkPad 500 systems. Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: 50/25MHz Systems ThinkPad 500-081/08N/171/17N Return to the ThinkPad Systems: Features and Technical Specs header. ═══ 7.5.1. ThinkPad 500 Tech Specs ═══ The ThinkPad Models 2603-081 and -171 are identical except for the hard disk drive used. Likewise the ThinkPad Models 2603-08N and -17N. The only difference between the xx1 and xxN models is in the type of battery used. Therefore all models will be covered by this one document. Differences will be indicated by model number in parentheses. Note: These models have been withdrawn from marketing. Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 500 Series 486SLC2 Systems header. ═══ ThinkPad 500: Architecture/Memory ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 500 header. DESCRIPTION 2603-081/08N/171/17N ARCHITECTURE Bus Type AT (ISA) Microprocessor IBM 486SLC2 (9p) Uses 3.3 Volt Technology Yes Clock-Doubling Yes Clock Speed (MHz) 50/25 Internal/External Cache Internal (4u) Cache Size 16K Instruction Set 32 bit Addressing 24 Bit I/O Channel Width 16 bit Upgradeable Processor No Interrupt Levels 16 Type Edge-triggered Shareable No DMA Channels 7 DMA Burst Mode Supported No 24/32-bit DMA Controller 24 Bus Masters Supported No Interleaved Memory No Matched Memory Cycle N/A Page Memory Logic No (7a) MEMORY Standard (Motherboard) 4MB (9l) Maximum (Motherboard) 12MB (9m) Maximum (System) 12MB (9m) Total # of Motherboard Memory Sockets 1 # of Motherboard Memory Sockets Avail. 1 Memory Chip Speed (ns) 80 Memory Chip Type IC DRAM Card Access to Memory Sockets Under bottom cover Wait States 0 Memory Used: Motherboard 4MB/8MB IC DRAM Cards ═══ ThinkPad 500: Standard Features ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 500 header. DESCRIPTION 2603-081/08N/171/17N STANDARD FEATURES ROM Size 128K ROM Shadowing Yes Suspend/Resume Feature Yes Hibernate Feature Yes Sleep Mode Supported "Doze" mode Setup/Power Management S/W Yes Processor Speed Setting Switch/Software Software BIOS Extensions Stored on Disk No Setup & Diags Stored on Disk No Setup stored in CMOS Yes LCD Indicators Yes (9r) Opt. Math Coprocessor None Coprocessor Speed N/A Standard Graphics VGA 8/16/32-bit Controller 16 Video Chip Used WD 90C26A/LV Local Bus No Bus Master No Video RAM Standard 512K Maximum Video RAM 512K External Monitor Port SVGA Maximum Resolution 800x600 (56 Hz) Other Resolutions 640x480 (70 Hz) Concurrent Use with External Monitor Yes - Both are active Built-in Display Monochrome LCD Technology Single-Twisted Nematic (STN) Passive Matrix Single/Dual-Scan Dual-Scan Dimensions (Diag/H x W) 7.4"/5.75" x 4.33" # of Gray Shades (LCD) 64 (640x480) Dot Pitch .23mm Backlit/Sidelit Back Contrast Ratio 18:1 Detachable No Upgradeable to Color No Screen Tilt 180° Reverse Video Switch Yes Large Pointer Option Yes (5d) Maximum Graphics SVGA Audio Volume Control No RS232C Serial Ports 1 UART Chip Used NS16550AF-compatible Maximum Speed (bits/second) 19.2K FIFO Mode Enabled ?? Supports DMA Data Transfer No Maximum Ports Supported 1 Internal Modem Optional PCMCIA Hayes-compatible Yes Asynchronous/Synchronous Yes/Yes Fax capable Yes Group III compatible Yes Fax software included Yes Send/Receive Faxes Yes/Yes Maximum speed (bps): Data/Fax 14.4/14.4 Pointing Device Ports 0 Built-in TrackPoint II on Keybd Yes PS/2-Type Mouse Port No Parallel Printer Ports 1 Bi-directional Yes Supports DMA Data Transfer No Enhanced Parallel Port Yes Maximum Data Transfer Rate 14Mbits/sec Maximum Ports Supported 1 SCSI Port No CMOS Clock Yes CMOS Battery Life (years) ??? Replaceable Yes Power Source Battery/AC Both Non-Disruptive Battery Exchange Yes Battery Discharge Utility Included ??? Battery Charges While on Adapter Yes Time to Recharge Battery 1.0 hrs (90% complete) (081/171) 3-4 hrs (100% complete) (081/171) ?-? hrs (08N/17N) Battery Charges Without Adapter Yes (081/171) No (08N/17N) Time to Recharge Battery 3.0 hrs (90% complete) (081/171) 5-6 hrs (100% complete) (081/171) N/A (08N/17N) Battery Type (Standard) Sealed Lead Acid (SLA) (081/171) (2l) NiMH (08N/17N) Number of Batteries Supplied 1 Length of Battery Charge: Approx. 2.0-9.0 hrs each (9n) (081/171) Approx. 3.5-9.0 hrs each (9n) (08N/17N) Battery Charge in Suspend Mode > 48 hours Battery Pack Specs ??? Advanced Power Management (APM) Support Yes External Rechargeable Power Pack No AC Adapter Included Quick Charger (AC Adapter) Car Cigarette Lighter Adapter No ═══ ThinkPad 500: Disk/Tape Storage ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 500 header. DESCRIPTION 2603-081/08N/171/17N DISK STORAGE Internal Disk/Tape Drive Bays 1 # of 2.5"/3.5"/5.25" Bays 1/0/0 # of 2.5"/3.5"/5.25" Bays Avail. 0/0/0 # of PCMCIA Slots 1 (4f) # of PCMCIA Type 1/2/3 Slots 0/1/0 (4f) PCMCIA Spec Supported V2.01 PCMCIA Socket Services Spec V2.0 Diskette Drives Standard 1x1.44MB (external) Media Sensing No Optional Diskette Drives No Internal Drives Supported 0 External Drives Supported 1 Maximum # Diskette Drives 1 Hard Disk Drives Standard 1x85MB (081/08N) 1x170MB (171/17N) Maximum # of HD Drives (Internal) 1 Drive Type N/A Encoding Method ??? Drive Form Factor 2.5" Optional HD Drive Sizes Available None Maximum Internal HD Drive Capacity 85MB (081/08N) (3n) 170MB (171/17N) (3n) Average Access Rate (ms) 15 (85MB) 16 (170MB) Hard Disk Data Transfer/second Media to Buffer 1.875 MBytes (85MB) ?.?? MBytes (170MB) Buffer to System 5.63 MBytes (85MB) ?.?? MBytes (170MB) Rotational Speed (RPMs) ???? # of Heads 10 # of Platters ? Sectors per Track ?? (85MB) ?? (170MB) # of Cylinders 672 (85MB) 980 (170MB) Interleave Factor 1:1 Shock (Gs): Operating ?? Non-operating ??? Controller Type IDE Auto Park Yes TAPE STORAGE Internal Tape Drive Support No External Tape Drive Support No ═══ ThinkPad 500: Expansion/Operating Systems ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 500 header. DESCRIPTION 2603-081/08N/171/17N BUILT-IN EXPANSION SLOTS Total "Adapter" Slots 1 Available Slots 1 Maximum RAM with Available Slots 12MB # of Slots Required for Maximum RAM 0 # of Slots Avail after Maximum RAM 1 # of PCMCIA Slots 1 (4f) # of PCMCIA Type 1/2/3 Slots 0/1/0 (4f) EXTERNAL EXPANSION SUPPORT None OPERATING SYSTEM SUPPORT IBM PC/DOS 5.02 or later (9o) IBM OS/2 1.30.1 or later (9o) IBM AIX PS/2 No ═══ ThinkPad 500: Keyboard/Security ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 500 header. DESCRIPTION 2603-081/08N/171/17N KEYBOARD 122-Key Keyboard No 101-Key Enhanced Keyboard No 81-Key Keyboard Yes 78-Key Keyboard No Japanese Keyboard Type 2 No External Keyboard Supported No Numeric Keypad Available No LED Indicators on Keyboard No Keyboard Slope 0° Trackball Integrated into Keyboard No Pointing Stick Integrated into Keybd Yes Fast Keyboard Speed Setting Yes Quiet Keyboard Operation Yes Keyboard Cord Length (ft) N/A Keyboard detachable No SECURITY Bolt-Down Option No C2 Security Enabled No Keyboard Password Yes Keylock-Locks Cover No Locks Keyboard No Power-on Password Yes Unattended Startup Mode Yes Privileged Access Password No (5f) Vital Product Data (VPD) Enabled No (5m) ═══ ThinkPad 500: Physical/Environmental/Misc ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 500 header. DESCRIPTION 2603-081/08N/171/17N PHYSICAL FACTORS Footprint Type Subnotebook Dimensions: Height 1.6" (41mm) Width 10.1" (258mm) Depth 7.2" (184mm) Weight (lbs): With Battery 3.8 (081) 3.9 (171) 3.4 (08N) 3.5 (17N) Carrying Case Optional (2 choices) Material Nylon ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS AC Adapter (Watts) ?? (08N/17N) World-wide (110/60,220/50) Yes Auto-Sensing/Switching Yes Self-Charging Battery (Watts) ?? (081/171) World-wide (110/60,220/50) No (110, 50/60 only) Auto-Sensing/Switching N/A Amperage at: 90-137 VAC 0.35 220-265 VAC 0.15 Operating Range: Temperature 41-104° F (5-40° C) Rel. Humidity 8-80% Maximum Operating Altitude(ft) 10,000 Maximum Shock (Non-operating) 75 G's Maximum Vibration (Operating) .33 G's (200-500Hz) Heat (BTUs/Hour) ??? Noise (Avg dB, Operating, 1m) ?? Classification ?? MISCELLANEOUS FCC Classification B CISPR-22 Approval (Australia/NZ) Class B CSA Approval 950 UL Approval 478/1950 Warranty Period 1 Year International Warranty Service Yes Countries Warranty Valid In 80+ On-site/Carry-in Carry-in, or EasyServ (in U.S./Canada) ThinkPad EasyServe Mail-In Yes BIOS Model/Submodel/Revision FC/01/00 (Phoenix BIOS) BIOS Date ??/??/?? Announcement Letter Numbers PCC93-286, 193-??? (081/171) PCC93-617, 193-??? (08N/17N) Date Announced 06/15/93 (081/171) 12/14/93 (08N/17N) Date Withdrawn 12/14/93 (081/171) ??/??/?? (08N/17N) ═══ 7.6. ThinkPad 510 Series 486BL2 Systems ═══ This section contains feature and technical specification information for the IBM 486BL2-based ThinkPad 510Cs systems. Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: 50/25MHz Systems ThinkPad 510Cs-C2U Return to the ThinkPad Systems: Features and Technical Specs header. ═══ 7.6.1. ThinkPad 510Cs Tech Specs ═══ Note: This model has been withdrawn from marketing. Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 510 Series 486BL2 Systems header. ═══ ThinkPad 510Cs: Architecture/Memory ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 510Cs header. DESCRIPTION 2604-C2U ARCHITECTURE Bus Type AT (ISA) Microprocessor IBM 486BL2-50 Uses 3.3 Volt Technology Yes Clock-Doubling Yes Clock Speed (MHz) 50/25 Internal/External Cache Internal (4u) Cache Size 16K Instruction Set 32 bit Addressing 32 Bit I/O Channel Width 32 bit Upgradeable Processor No Interrupt Levels 16 Type Edge-triggered Shareable No DMA Channels 7 DMA Burst Mode Supported No 24/32-bit DMA Controller 24 Bus Masters Supported No Interleaved Memory No Matched Memory Cycle N/A Page Memory Logic ??? MEMORY Standard (Motherboard) 4MB (9l) Maximum (Motherboard) 20MB (3l) Maximum (System) 20MB (3l) Total # of Motherboard Memory Sockets 1 # of Motherboard Memory Sockets Avail. 1 Memory Chip Speed (ns) 80 Memory Chip Type IC DRAM Card Access to Memory Sockets Under bottom cover Wait States 0 Memory Used: Motherboard 4MB/8MB/16MB IC DRAM Cards ═══ ThinkPad 510Cs: Standard Features ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 510Cs header. DESCRIPTION 2604-C2U STANDARD FEATURES ROM Size 128K ROM Shadowing Yes Suspend/Resume Feature Yes Hibernate Feature Yes Sleep Mode Supported "Doze" mode Setup/Power Management S/W Yes Processor Speed Setting Switch/Software Software BIOS Extensions Stored on Disk No Setup & Diags Stored on Disk No Setup stored in CMOS Yes LCD Indicators Yes (???) Opt. Math Coprocessor None Coprocessor Speed N/A Standard Graphics VGA Local Bus VESA 8/16/32-bit Controller 32 Video Chip Used WD 90C26A/LV Bus Master No Video RAM Standard 1MB Maximum Video RAM 1MB External Monitor Port SVGA (3k) Maximum Resolution 1024x768 NI (256 colors) Concurrent Use with External Monitor Yes - Both are active Built-in Display Color LCD Technology Single-Twisted Nematic (STN) Passive Matrix Single/Dual-Scan Single-Scan Dimensions (Diag/H x W) 7.7"/?.??" x ?.??" (viewable area) # of Colors Concurrently 256 (640x480) Backlit/Sidelit Back Contrast Ratio 14:1 Detachable No Screen Tilt 180° ??? Large Pointer Option Yes (5d) Maximum Graphics SVGA Audio Volume Control No RS232C Serial Ports 1 UART Chip Used NS16550AF-compatible Maximum Speed (bits/second) 19.2K FIFO Mode Enabled Yes Supports DMA Data Transfer No Maximum Ports Supported 1 (plus PCMCIA) Internal Modem Optional PCMCIA Hayes-compatible Yes Asynchronous/Synchronous Yes/Yes Fax capable Yes Group III compatible Yes Fax software included Yes Send/Receive Faxes Yes/Yes Maximum speed (bps): Data/Fax 14.4/14.4 Port Connector Yes (3k) Pointing Device Ports 1 (3k) Built-in TrackPoint II on Keybd Yes PS/2-Type Mouse Port Yes (3m) Parallel Printer Ports 1 Bi-directional Yes Supports DMA Data Transfer No Enhanced Parallel Port Yes Maximum Data Transfer Rate 14Mbits/sec Maximum Ports Supported 1 SCSI Port No CMOS Clock Yes CMOS Battery Life (years) 5 Replaceable No Power Source Battery/AC Both Non-Disruptive Battery Exchange Yes Battery Discharge Utility Included ??? Battery Charges While on Adapter Yes Time to Recharge Battery: Power off / suspend 1.5 hrs During operation 2.5 hrs Battery Charges Without Adapter No Time to Recharge Battery N/A Battery Type (Standard) NiMH Number of Batteries Supplied 1 Length of Battery Charge: 2.5 to 8 hrs Battery Charge in Suspend Mode > 48 hours Battery Pack Specs ??? Advanced Power Management (APM) Support Yes External Rechargeable Power Pack No AC Adapter Included Quick Charger (AC Adapter) Car Cigarette Lighter Adapter No ═══ ThinkPad 510Cs: Disk/Tape Storage ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 510Cs header. DESCRIPTION 2604-C2U DISK STORAGE Internal Disk/Tape Drive Bays 0 # of 2.5"/3.5"/5.25" Bays 0/0/0 # of 2.5"/3.5"/5.25" Bays Avail. 0/0/0 # of PCMCIA Slots 1 (4f) # of PCMCIA Type 1/2/3 Slots 0/1/0 (4f) PCMCIA PC Card Standard V2.01 PCMCIA Card and Socket Services V2.0 Diskette Drives Standard 1x1.44MB (external) (3k) Media Sensing No Optional Diskette Drives No Internal Drives Supported 0 External Drives Supported 1 (3k) Maximum # Diskette Drives 1 Hard Disk Drives Standard 1x200MB Maximum # of HD Drives (Internal) 1 Drive Type N/A Encoding Method ??? Drive Form Factor 2.5" Optional HD Drive Sizes Available None Maximum Internal HD Drive Capacity 200MB (3n) Average Access Rate (ms) 17 Average Latency (ms) 8.3 Hard Disk Data Transfer/sec Media to Buffer 13-21 MBits/sec Buffer to System 5.00 MBytes/sec Rotational Speed (RPMs) ???? # of Heads ?? # of Platters ? Sectors per Track ?? # of Cylinders 672 ?? Interleave Factor 1:1 Controller Type IDE Auto Park Yes TAPE STORAGE Internal Tape Drive Support No External Tape Drive Support No ═══ ThinkPad 510Cs: Expansion/Operating Systems ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 510Cs header. DESCRIPTION 2604-C2U BUILT-IN EXPANSION SLOTS Total "Adapter" Slots 1 Available Slots 1 Maximum RAM with Available Slots 20MB # of Slots Required for Maximum RAM 0 # of Slots Avail after Maximum RAM 1 # of PCMCIA Slots 1 (4f) # of PCMCIA Type 1/2/3 Slots 0/1/0 (4f) EXTERNAL EXPANSION SUPPORT None OPERATING SYSTEM SUPPORT IBM PC/DOS 6.1 or later (9o) MS DOS 6.2 or later (9o) IBM OS/2 2.1 or later (9o) IBM OS/2 2.1 Special Edition for Windows, or later (9o) ═══ ThinkPad 510Cs: Keyboard/Security ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 510Cs header. DESCRIPTION 2604-C2U KEYBOARD 81-Key Keyboard Yes External Keyboard Supported Yes (3k) Numeric Keypad Available Optional LED Indicators on Keyboard ?? Keyboard Slope 0° ?? Trackball Integrated into Keyboard No Pointing Stick Integrated into Keybd Yes Fast Keyboard Speed Setting Yes Quiet Keyboard Operation Yes Keyboard Cord Length (ft) N/A Keyboard detachable No SECURITY Bolt-Down Option No C2 Security Enabled No Keyboard Password Lock Yes Keylock-Locks Cover No Locks Keyboard No Power-on Password Yes Unattended Startup Mode Yes Privileged Access Password No Vital Product Data (VPD) Enabled No ═══ ThinkPad 510Cs: Physical/Environmental/Misc ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 510Cs header. DESCRIPTION 2604-C2U PHYSICAL FACTORS Footprint Type Subnotebook Dimensions: Height 1.67" (42.4mm) Width 10.11" (256.7mm) Depth 7.23" (183.7mm) Weight (lbs): With Battery 4.0 Carrying Case Optional (multiple choices) ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS AC Adapter (Watts) 35 World-wide (110/60,220/50) Yes Auto-Sensing/Switching Yes Amperage at: 90-137 VAC 0.35 ?? 220-265 VAC 0.15 ?? Operating Range: Temperature 41-104° F (5-40° C) Rel. Humidity 8-80% Maximum Operating Altitude(ft) 10,000 Maximum Shock (Non-operating) 75 G's Maximum Vibration (Operating) .5 G's (17-200Hz) Heat (BTUs/Hour) ??? Noise (Avg dB, Operating, 1m) ?? Classification ?? MISCELLANEOUS FCC Classification B CISPR-22 Approval (Australia/NZ) Class B CSA Approval 950 UL Approval 1950 Warranty Period 1 Year International Warranty Service Yes Countries Warranty Valid In 80+ On-site/Carry-in Carry-in, or EasyServ (in U.S. only) ThinkPad EasyServe Mail-In Yes Announcement Letter Numbers PCC94-295, 194-214 Date Announced 21Jun94 Date Withdrawn N/A ═══ 7.7. ThinkPad 700 Series 486SLC Systems ═══ This section contains feature and technical specification information for the IBM 486SLC-based ThinkPad 700/700C systems. Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: 25MHz Systems ThinkPad 700/700C-300/301/30B Return to the ThinkPad Systems: Features and Technical Specs header. ═══ 7.7.1. ThinkPad 700/700C Tech Specs ═══ The ThinkPad Models 9552-300/301 (700), and -30B (700C) are identical except for the hard disk drive used, and either a monochrome or color LCD. Therefore all models will be covered by this one document. Differences will be indicated by model number in parentheses. Note: These models have been withdrawn from marketing. Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 700 Series 486SLC Systems header. ═══ ThinkPad 700/700C: Architecture/Memory ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 700/700C header. DESCRIPTION 9552-300/301/30B ARCHITECTURE Bus Type Micro Channel Microprocessor IBM 486SLC (4r) Uses 3.3 Volt Technology Yes Clock Doubling No Clock Speed 25 MHz Internal/External Cache Internal (4u) Cache Size 16K Instruction Set 32 bit Addressing 24 Bit I/O Channel Width 16 bit Interrupt Levels 16 Type Level Sensitive Shareable Yes DMA Channels 15 (4m) DMA Burst Mode Supported Yes Bus Masters Supported 15 Upgradeable Processor Complex 50/25MHz IBM 486SLC2 (2c) Interleaved Memory Yes Matched Memory Cycle No Page Memory Logic No (7a) MEMORY Standard (Motherboard) 4MB (2u) Maximum (Motherboard) 16MB (9e) Maximum (System) 16MB (9e) Total # of Motherboard Memory Sockets 2 (2u) # of Motherboard SIMM Sockets Available 2 Memory Chip Speed (ns) 80 Memory Chip Type IC DRAM Access to Memory Sockets Access cover on ??? Wait States 0 Memory Used: Motherboard 2MB/4MB/8MB IC cards ═══ ThinkPad 700/700C: Standard Features ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 700/700C header. DESCRIPTION 9552-300/301/30B STANDARD FEATURES ROM Size 128K ROM Shadowing Yes Suspend/Resume Feature Yes Sleep Mode Supported Yes Setup/Power Management S/W Yes Advanced Power Management Support (APM) Yes Speed Setting Switch/Software No BIOS Extensions Stored on Disk Yes (5v) Setup & Diags Stored on Disk Yes (5v) LCD Indicators Yes (2d) Optional Math Coprocessor 387SL Coprocessor Speed 25 MHz Standard Graphics VGA 8/16/32-bit Controller 16 Bus Master No Video RAM (VRAM) 512K External monitor port VGA Maximum Resolution 640x480x256 External Display Disables LCD No - Both are active Built-in Display (300/301) Monochrome LCD Dimensions (Diag/H x W) 9.5"/5.75" x 7.6" # of Gray Shades 64 (640x480) Backlit/Sidelit Side Supertwisted Yes Contrast Ratio 18:1 Detachable No Upgradeable to Color Yes (See below for specs) Screen Tilt 180° Reverse Video Switch Yes Large Pointer Option Yes Built-in Display (30B) Color LCD Technology Thin-Film Transistor (TFT) Active Matrix Dimensions (Diag/H x W) 10.4"/6.3" x 8.3" # of Colors Concurrently 256 (640x480) Color Palette 4,096 Contrast Ratio 60:1 Detachable No Screen Tilt 180° External monitor port Yes Concurrent Use with External Monitor Yes - Both are active Type of Monitor Supported VGA (75Hz) Maximum Resolution 640x480 256-Colors (NI) Maximum Graphics VGA Audio Volume Control No RS232C Serial Ports 1 UART Chip Used NS16450 Maximum Speed (bits/second) 19,200 FIFO Mode Enabled No Supports DMA Data Transfer No Maximum Ports Supported 1 Internal Modem Optional (4z) Hayes-compatible Yes Asynchronous/Synchronous Yes/Yes Fax capable Yes Group III compatible Yes Fax software included Yes Send/Receive Faxes Yes/Yes Maximum speed (bps): Data/Fax 2400/9600 Internal (P/N 94X2555) 14.4K/14.4K Internal (42G2580) Pointing Device Ports 1 Built-in TrackPoint II on Keybd Yes Parallel Printer Ports 1 Bi-directional Yes Supports DMA Data Transfer No Maximum Ports Supported 1 CMOS Clock Yes CMOS Battery Life (years) ? Replaceable Yes SCSI Port No (4w) Power Source Battery/AC Adapter Both A/C Adapter Included Yes Car Cigarette Lighter Adapter Optional Quick Charger Optional (holds 2 batteries) Deep Discharge Feature Yes Number of Batteries Supplied 1 Battery Type (Standard) Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) Battery Pack Specs 10.8V, 1450mAH/cell, 18 cell/pack (9 series of 2 parallel) Length of Battery Charge: Approx. 3.8-7.5 hrs each (300/301) (3x)(2c) Approx. 2.0-4.0 hrs each (30B) (3x)(2c) Battery Charges While on A/C Yes Time to Recharge Battery 1.4 hrs Battery Discharge Utility Included Yes External Rechargeable Power Pack No Non-Disruptive Battery Exchange Yes ═══ ThinkPad 700/700C: Disk/Tape Storage ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 700/700C header. DESCRIPTION 9552-300/301/30B DISK STORAGE Internal Disk/Tape Drive Bays 2 # of 2.5"/3.5"/5.25" Bays 1/1/0 # of 2.5"/3.5"/5.25" Bays Available 0/0/0 # of PCMCIA Slots 0 # of PCMCIA Type 1/2/3 Slots N/A Diskette Drives Standard 1x1.44MB Media Sensing No Optional Diskette Drives No Internal Drives Supported 1 External Drives Supported 0 Maximum # Diskette Drives 1 Hard Disk Drives Standard 1x80MB (300) 1x120MB (301/30B) Maximum # of HD Drives (Internal) 1 (4w) Drive Type N/A Encoding Method ??? Drive Form Factor 2.5" Average Access Rate (ms) 19 (80MB) 17 (120MB) Hard Disk Data Transfer/Second Media to Buffer 1.5 MBytes (80MB) 2.25 MBytes (120MB) Buffer to System 6.5 MBytes (80MB) 9.75 MBytes (120MB) Rotational Speed (RPMs) ???? # of Heads 4 # of Platters ? (80MB) 2 (120MB) Sectors per Track 38 (80MB) 53 (120MB) # of Cylinders 1096 (80MB) 1120 (120MB) Interleave Factor 1:1 Shock (Gs): Operating ?? Non-operating ??? Controller Type IDE Auto Park Yes Optional HD Drive Sizes Available 160MB (300) (4o)(4w) 240MB (300/301/30B) (4o)(4w) 340MB (300/301/30B) (4o)(4w) Maximum Internal HD Capacity 1x340MB (4o) TAPE STORAGE Internal Tape Drive Support No External Tape Drive Support Via 3550 SCSI port ═══ ThinkPad 700/700C: Expansion/Operating Systems ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 700/700C header. DESCRIPTION 9552-300/301/30B BUILT-IN EXPANSION SLOTS Total "Adapter" Slots 1 (4z) Available Slots 1 Maximum RAM with Available Slots 16MB (8q) # of PCMCIA Slots 0 # of PCMCIA Type 1/2/3 Slots N/A EXTERNAL EXPANSION SUPPORT IBM 3550 Model 1 Expansion Unit No IBM 3550 Model 2 Expansion Unit Yes (4w) # of Drive Bays Provided 1 5.25"/3.5" Bay Yes Full-height/Half-height/Slimline size Half-height # of Adapter Slots Provided 2 # of Long/Short Slots 2/0 # of 8/16/32-bit Slots 0/2/0 (3a) # of Slots with Video Extension 0 IBM Expansion Cartridge Yes # of Drive Bays Provided 0 # of Adapter Slots Provided 1 (6p) # of Long/Short Slots 0/1 # of 8/16/32-bit Slots 0/1/0 (3a) # of Slots with Video Extension 0 Available Slots 1 OPERATING SYSTEM SUPPORT IBM PC/DOS 5.02 or later IBM OS/2 2.00.1 or later IBM AIX PS/2 No ═══ ThinkPad 700/700C: Keyboard/Security ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 700/700C header. DESCRIPTION 9552-300/301/30B KEYBOARD 122-Key Keyboard No 101-Key Enhanced Keyboard Yes (9g) 84-Key Keyboard Yes (9g) Japanese Keyboard Type 2 No External Keyboard Supported Yes (101, 84, Japanese) (4t) Keyboard Slope 5° Trackball Integrated into Keyboard No Pointing stick integrated into keybd Yes Fast Keyboard Speed Setting Yes Quiet Keyboard Operation Mode Yes Keyboard Cord Length (ft) N/A Keyboard detachable No SECURITY C2 Security Enabled No Vital Product Data (VPD) Enabled Yes (5m) Keylock-Locks Cover Optional (With Security Base or 3550) Locks Keyboard No Bolt-Down Option Optional (With Security Base or 3550) Keyboard Password Yes Power-on Password Yes Unattended Startup Mode Yes Privileged Access Password Yes (5f) ═══ ThinkPad 700/700C: Physical/Environmental/Misc ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 700/700C header. DESCRIPTION 9552-300/301/30B PHYSICAL FACTORS Footprint Type Notebook Dimensions: Height 1.9" (48mm) (300/301) 2.2" (56mm) (30B) Width 11.7" (297mm) Depth 8.3" (210mm) Weight (lbs): With Battery 6.5 (300/301) 7.6 (30B) Carrying Case Optional Material Nylon ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS A/C Adapter (Watts) 25 (300/301) 40 (30B) World-wide (110/60,220/50) Yes Auto-Sensing/Switching Yes Amperage at: 90-265 VAC ??? Operating Range: Temperature 41-95° F Rel. Humidity 8-95% Maximum Operating Altitude(ft) 8000 Heat (BTUs/Hour) 85 (300/301) 136 (30B) Noise (Avg dB, Operating, 1m) 40 Classification 3D MISCELLANEOUS FCC Classification B Warranty Period 3 Years Int'l Traveler's Warranty Service Yes Countries Warranty Valid In 80+ On-site/Carry-in Carry-in, or EasyServ (in U.S./Canada) BIOS Model/Submodel/Revision F8/5E/00 BIOS Date ??/??/92 Announcement Letter Numbers NDD92-546, 193-??? Date Announced 10/05/92 Date Withdrawn 10/08/93 ═══ 7.8. ThinkPad 700T Series 386SX Tablet Systems ═══ This section contains feature and technical specification information for the Intel 386SX-based ThinkPad 700T Pen Tablet systems. Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: 20MHz Systems ThinkPad 700T-001/002 Return to the ThinkPad Systems: Features and Technical Specs header. ═══ 7.8.1. ThinkPad 700T Tech Specs ═══ The ThinkPad Models 2521-001 and -002 are identical except for the amount of memory installed. Therefore both models will be covered by this one document. Differences will be indicated by model number in parentheses. Note: These models have been withdrawn from marketing. Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 700T Series 386SX Systems header. ═══ ThinkPad 700T: Architecture/Memory ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 700T header. DESCRIPTION 2521-001/002 ARCHITECTURE Bus Type AT (ISA) Microprocessor Intel 386SX Clock Speed 20 MHz Cache Controller No Internal/External Cache No Instruction Set 32 bit Addressing 24 Bit I/O Channel Width 16 bit Interrupt Levels 16 Type Edge-triggered Shareable No DMA Channels 7 DMA Burst Mode Supported No 24/32-bit DMA Controller 24 Upgradeable Processor No Bus Masters Supported No Interleaved Memory No Matched Memory Cycle N/A (5i) Page Memory Logic No (7a) MEMORY Standard (Motherboard) 4MB (001) (2r) 8MB (002) (2r) Maximum (Motherboard) 8MB Model 001 requires replacement of 4MB card with 8MB card. Maximum (System) 8MB Total # of Motherboard Memory Sockets 1 # of Motherboard Memory Sockets Available 0 Memory Chip Speed (ns) ?? Memory Chip Type DRAM Wait States: Motherboard 0-2 Memory Used: Motherboard 8MB IC DRAM Card (Not SIMM) ═══ ThinkPad 700T: Standard Features ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 700T header. DESCRIPTION 2521-001/002 STANDARD FEATURES ROM Size 128K ROM Shadowing Yes Sleep Mode Supported ??? Setup/Power Management S/W Power Management Advanced Power Management Support (APM) Yes BIOS Extensions Stored on Disk No Setup & Diags Stored on Disk No Setup & Diags Stored in EEPROM No LCD Indicators No Opt. Math Coprocessor No Coprocessor Speed N/A Standard Graphics VGA 8/16/32-bit Controller 16 Bus Master No Video RAM (VRAM/DRAM) ??? Built-in Display VGA Type Transflective LCD Dimensions (Diag/H x W) 10"/?x?" # of Gray Shades 8 (640x480) Backlit/Sidelit Back Supertwisted Yes Contrast Ratio 3:1 Etched Glass Yes Detachable No Upgradeable to Color No Screen Tilt N/A Reverse Video Switch No Large Pointer Option No External monitor port Yes External Display Disables LCD No Maximum Graphics VGA Pen Digitizer Type Electromagnetic Tethered/Untethered Untethered Battery Required/Supplied Yes/Yes Audio Volume Control No RS232C Serial Ports 1 UART Chip Used NS16550AF-compatible Maximum Speed (bits/second) 19,200 FIFO Mode Enabled ??? Supports DMA Data Transfer No Maximum Ports Supported 1 Internal Modem Yes Hayes-Compatible Yes Asynchronous/Synchronous Yes/Yes Fax capable Yes/No (f) Group III compatible Yes Fax software included Yes Send/Receive Faxes Yes/Yes Maximum speed (bps): Data 2400 Fax 9600 Pointing Device Ports 1 Parallel Printer Ports 1 Bi-directional ??? Supports DMA Data Transfer No Maximum Ports Supported 1 External Keyboard Port Yes External Diskette Drive Port Yes CMOS Clock Yes CMOS Battery Life (years) ? Replaceable ??? Diskette Drive Support Yes Hard Disk Drive Support Yes (Solid State only) Power Source Battery/AC Adapter Both AC Adapter Yes Quick Charger Optional (holds 2 batteries) Car Cigarette Lighter Adapter Yes Number of Batteries Supplied 1 Battery Type (Standard) NiCAD Length of Battery Charge: Approx. 3 hrs Battery Charges While on A/C Yes Time to Recharge Battery Approx. 3 hrs Battery Gauge Utility Included Yes Battery Discharge Utility Included ??? Non-Disruptive Battery Exchange Yes ═══ ThinkPad 700T: Disk/Tape Storage ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 700T header. DESCRIPTION 2521-001/002 DISK STORAGE Internal Disk/Tape Drive Bays 0 # of 2.5"/3.5"/5.25" Bays 0/0/0 # of 2.5"/3.5"/5.25" Bays Avail. 0/0/0 # of Solid State Disk Drive Bays 2 # of Solid State Drive Bays Avail. 0 # of PCMCIA Slots 0 # of PCMCIA Type 1/2/3 Slots N/A Diskette Drives Standard 0 Media Sensing N/A Optional Diskette Drives 5.25" 360K No 5.25" 1.2MB No 3.5" 720K No 3.5" 1.44MB No 3.5" 2.88MB Yes (g) Internal Drives Supported 0 External Drives Supported 1 Maximum # Diskette Drives 1 Hard Disk Drives Standard 2x10MB Maximum # of Hard Disk Drives 2 Drive Type Solid State memory card Encoding Method N/A Drive Form Factor Credit Card Optional HD Drive Sizes Available 10MB (4o) Maximum Internal HD Drive Capacity 20MB Average Access Rate (ms) ?? Hard Disk Data Xfer/sec ??? Mb??? Rotational Speed (RPMs) N/A # of Heads N/A # of Platters N/A Sectors per Track N/A # of Cylinders N/A Interleave Factor N/A Shock (Gs): Operating ?? Non-operating ??? Controller Type ??? Auto Park N/A TAPE STORAGE Internal Tape Drive Support No External Tape Drive Support No ═══ ThinkPad 700T: Expansion/Operating Systems ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 700T header. DESCRIPTION 2521-001/002 BUILT-IN EXPANSION SLOTS Total "Adapter" Slots 1 # of PCMCIA Slots 0 # of PCMCIA Type 1/2/3 Slots N/A Available Slots 0 Maximum RAM with Available Slots 8MB # of Slots Required for Maximum 0 # of Slots Avail after Maximum 0 EXTERNAL EXPANSION SUPPORT None OPERATING SYSTEM SUPPORT IBM PC/DOS No IBM OS/2 No IBM AIX PS/2 No PenDOS 1.0 or later ═══ ThinkPad 700T: Keyboard/Security ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 700T header. DESCRIPTION 2521-001/002 KEYBOARD 101-Key Enhanced Keyboard No 84-Key Keyboard No 78-Key Keyboard No Keyboard detachable N/A LED Indicators on Keyboard N/A Keyboard Slope N/A Integrated trackball on keyboard N/A Integrated pointing stick on keybd N/A Fast Keyboard Speed Setting N/A Quiet Keyboard Operation Mode N/A Keyboard Cord Length (ft) N/A External Keyboard Supported Yes (2b) SECURITY C2 Security Enabled No Keylock-Locks Cover No Locks Keyboard No Keyboard Password ??? Power-on Password ??? Network Server Mode ??? Ruggedness Magnesium Case Yes Shock Absorbers Yes Rubber Grommets (Water Resistant) Yes Solid State Hard Drive Yes LCD Protective Cover Yes Padded Carrying Case Yes ═══ ThinkPad 700T: Physical/Environmental/Misc ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 700T header. DESCRIPTION 2521-001/002 PHYSICAL FACTORS Footprint Type Tablet Dimensions: Height 1.6" (42mm) Length 12.4" (314mm) Width 9.4" (239mm) Weight (lbs): With Battery 6.3 (2.8Kg) Carrying Case Included Material Padded Nylon ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS A/C Adapter (Watts) N/A World-wide (110/60,220/50) Yes Auto-Sensing/Switching Yes Amperage at: 90-265 VAC ??? Operating Range: Temperature 41-95° F Rel. Humidity 5-95% Maximum Operating Altitude(ft) 8,000 Maximum Shock (Non-operating) 50 G's for 3ms Maximum Vibration (Operating) 30 G's for 9ms Heat (BTUs/Hour) ??? Noise (Avg dB, Operating, 1m) ?? Classification 1 (1e) MISCELLANEOUS Software Preloaded PenPoint Operating System Yes IBM Handwriting Recognition Yes Power Management Software Yes File Transfer Software Yes FCC Classification B Warranty Period 1 Year International Warranty Service Yes Countries Warranty Valid In 80+ On-site/Carry-in Carry-in, or EasyServ (in U.S./Canada) BIOS Model/Submodel/Revision F8/??/?? BIOS Date ??/??/92 Announcement Letter Numbers NDD92-642, 192-??? | Date Announced 17Nov92 Date Withdrawn 30Apr93 ═══ 7.9. ThinkPad 701 Series 486DX2 Systems ═══ This section contains feature and technical specification information for the Intel 486DX2-based IBM ThinkPad 701C/701CS systems. Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: 486DX2-50 Systems ThinkPad 701C/701CS-US2/US5/UT2/UT52 Return to the ThinkPad Systems: Features and Technical Specs header. ═══ 7.9.1. ThinkPad 701C/701CS-US2/US5/UT2/UT52 Tech Specs ═══ The ThinkPad Model 701C/701CS systems are identical except for the choice of color display, and the size of the hard drives. Therefore all models will be covered by this one document. Differences will be indicated by model type in parentheses. Note: These models have been withdrawn from marketing. Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 701 Series 486DX2 Systems header. ═══ ThinkPad 701C/701CS-US2/US5/UT2/UT52: Architecture/Memory ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 701C/701CS 486DX2 Systems header. DESCRIPTION 2630-US2/US5/UT2/UT52 ARCHITECTURE Bus Type ISA Microprocessor Intel 486DX2 Uses 3.3 Volt Technology Yes Clock Multiplying Yes (2X) Clock Speed (MHz) 50/25 (Internal/External) Cache Controller Yes Internal/External Cache Internal (4u) Cache Size 16KB Instruction Set 32 bit Addressing 32 Bit I/O Channel Width 32 bit Upgradeable Processor No Interrupt Levels 15 Type Edge-triggered Shareable No DMA Channels 7 DMA Burst Mode Supported Yes 32/48-bit DMA Controller Yes Bus Masters Supported Yes MEMORY RAM on Motherboard Standard Motherboard RAM 4MB (2r)(7t) Maximum Motherboard RAM 36MB (3b) Memory Sockets Total/Available 1/1 (3b) RAM Speed (ns) 70 RAM Type Supported SO DIMMs (3b) SO DIMMs Supported 3.3V 4MB/8MB/16MB/32MB (3b) Wait States 0 ECC Support No Interleaved Memory No Matched Memory Cycle No (5i) Page Memory Logic Yes ═══ ThinkPad 701C/701CS-US2/US5/UT2/UT52: Standard Features ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 701C/701CS 486DX2 Systems header. DESCRIPTION 2630-US2/US5/UT2/UT52 STANDARD FEATURES ROM Size 128KB ROM Shadowing Yes Suspend/Resume Feature Yes Power Saving Modes Supported Standby/Suspend/Hibernate Setup/Power Management S/W Yes Speed Setting Switch/Software Yes BIOS Extensions Stored on Disk No BIOS Extensions Stored on Flash ROM Yes Setup and Diags Stored on Disk No Setup and Diags Stored in Flash ROM Yes Quick POST ??? LED Indicators Yes Math Coprocessor Integrated into processor Coprocessor Speed 50MHz STANDARD VIDEO CONTROLLER SVGA/VGA 8/16/32-bit Controller 16 Video Chip Set Chips and Technology CT-65545 Local Bus Yes (VESA) Video Accelerator Yes Bus Master No Video Memory (Standard) 1MB Video Memory (Maximum) 1MB Maximum Graphics with LCD VGA EXTERNAL MONITOR PORT Yes Concurrent Use with External Monitor Yes - Both are active Type of Monitor Supported SVGA/VGA Maximum Resolution/Colors 640x480/64K-Colors (NI) BUILT-IN DISPLAY Color LCD Technology Thin-Film Transistor (TFT) Black Matrix on Array (701C) Dual-Scan Super-Twisted Nematic (STN) Passive Matrix (701CS) Dimensions (Diag/H x W) 10.4"/5.75" x 7.6" # of Colors Concurrently 256 Color Palette 64K Colors Contrast Ratio 100:1 (701C) 20:1 (701CS) Non-interlaced Yes Detachable No Screen Tilt 180° MULTIMEDIA FEATURES Mwave DSP No SoundBlaster Compatible Yes (ESS 688 chip) Microphone Built-In Yes Speaker(s) Built-In Mono Stereo Audio/Voice Playback Yes Stereo Input Jack Yes Stereo Headphone/Speaker Jack Yes MIDI/Joystick Port ??? Volume Control Dial Yes Audio Drivers DOS, Windows, OS/2 (not Win-OS/2 sessions) 5.25" CD-ROM drive No Enhanced Video Card No TV Tuner No Analog-to Digital Video Adapter Optional (requires Dock II) INTERNAL MODEM Yes (14.4K data/fax built-in) Hayes-compatible Yes Asynchronous/Synchronous Yes/Yes FAX capable Yes Group III compatible Yes FAX software included Yes Send/Receive Faxes Yes/Yes Maximum speed (bps): Data/Fax 14.4/14.4 PCMCIA TELEPHONY FEATURES Answering Machine Yes Full-Duplex ??? Full-Featured Speaker/Telephone Yes/Yes PORT REPLICATOR/DOCKING UNIT CONNECTOR Yes (3p)(7r) POINTING DEVICE PORTS 1 Built-in TrackPoint III on Keybd Yes PS/2-Type Mouse Port Yes (3t)(4v) SERIAL PORTS (RS232C) 1 Supports DMA Data Transfer No Maximum Ports Supported 1 9/25-Pin 9-pin UART Chip Used NS16550-compatible FIFO Mode Enabled ??? Maximum Speed (bits/second) 19,200??? PARALLEL PRINTER PORTS 1 Supports DMA Data Transfer No Maximum Ports Supported 1 Bi-directional Yes EXTERNAL KEYBOARD PORT (4v) EXTERNAL DISKETTE DRIVE PORT Yes (drive is external) INFRARED TRANSCEIVERS (Front/Back) Back Data Transfer/Printing Both Supports IBM Mode (1.15 Mbps) No Supports HP Mode (115 Kbps) Yes Supports Sharp Mode (9.6 Kbps) No File Transfer Software Included Yes SCSI PORT Optional (7r) CMOS CLOCK Yes CMOS Battery Life (years) 5 Replaceable Yes (Dealer Only) POWER SOURCE AC Adapter Yes Battery Yes AC Adapter Included Yes Quick Charge Feature Yes Car Cigarette Lighter Adapter Optional, +12V only Number of Batteries Supplied 1 Battery Type Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) Battery Pack Specs 10.8VDC at 1.5 AH Length of Battery Charge (hrs) 2.5 - 8.0 hours Battery Charging While Operating 1.5 hours Powered Off or In Suspend Mode 1.5 hours Battery "Fuel Gauge" Software ??? Battery Discharge Utility Included ??? Non-Disruptive Battery Exchange Yes (c) ═══ ThinkPad 701C/701CS-US2/US5/UT2/UT52: Disk/Tape Storage ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 701C/701CS 486DX2 Systems header. DESCRIPTION 2630-US2/US5/UT2/UT52 DISK STORAGE Selectable Boot ??? Bootable Physical Drives A:/C: Internal Drive Bays in System 2 Number of 2.5"/3.5"/5.25" 1/1/0 Number of 2.5"/3.5"/5.25" Available 0/0/0 Number of PCMCIA Type I/II/III Slots 0/0/1 (4f)(7r) Number of PCMCIA Slots Available 0/0/1 (4f)(7r) PCMCIA Specification Supported V2.01 PCMCIA Socket Services Specification V2.0 DISKETTE DRIVES Standard Drive(s) 1x1.44MB Media Sensing ??? Removable External Only Internal Drives Supported 0 External Drives Supported 1 Maximum Drives Supported 1 Optional Drives 5.25" 360K No 5.25" 1.2MB No 3.5" 720K No 3.5" 1.44MB No 3.5" 2.88MB No HARD DISK DRIVES Standard Hard Disk Controller Type IDE Adapter/Motherboard Motherboard Controllers Supported per System 1 Devices Supported per Controller 2 (via Dock II) (7r) Standard Hard Disk 360MB (701C-UT2/701CS-US2) (removable) 540MB (701C-UT5/701CS-US5) (removable) Encoding Method "No ID Sectoring" Drive Form Factor 2.5" Average Access Rate (ms) 13ms Hard Disk Data Transfer/second 25-43MB/s Rotational Speed (RPMs) ??? Average Latency (ms) 7.5 Number of Heads 16 Number of Platters ? Sectors per Track (ID/OD) 63 Number of Cylinders 700 (360MB) 1050 (540MB) Sector Interleave 1:1 Buffer Size ???KB Shock Rating (Gs): Operating ?? Non-operating ?? Auto Park N/A Maximum Number of Internal Hard Drives 1 (7r) Optional HD Drive Sizes Available 540MB, 720MB (removable) (4o)(7r) Maximum Aggregate Capacity 1x720MB (3n)(7r) CD-ROM DRIVE STANDARD No TAPE STORAGE Internal Tape Drive Support Via ThinkPad Dock I or Dock II bay External Tape Drive Support Via parallel port, or ThinkPad Dock I or Dock II bay or SCSI port ═══ ThinkPad 701C/701CS-US2/US5/UT2/UT52: Expansion/Operating Systems ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 701C/701CS 486DX2 Systems header. DESCRIPTION 2630-US2/US5/UT2/UT52 BUILT-IN EXPANSION SLOTS Total/Available "Adapter" Slots 0 Maximum RAM with Available Slots 20MB (3b) Number of PCMCIA Type I/II/III Slots 0/0/1 (4f)(7o)(7r) EXTERNAL EXPANSION SUPPORT IBM 3545 ThinkPad Dock I System No (7q) IBM 3546 ThinkPad Dock II System No (7r) IBM 3547 ThinkPad SelectaDock I No (7v) | IBM ThinkPad Replicator Model I No (7o) IBM ThinkPad Replicator Model II No (7p) IBM ThinkPad SelectaDock Base Model I No (7u) | IBM MultiPort II Port Replicator Yes (3p) OPERATING SYSTEM SUPPORT IBM PC/DOS 6.3 or later IBM OS/2 2.11 or later MS DOS 6.22 or later MS Windows 3.11 or later ═══ ThinkPad 701C/701CS-US2/US5/UT2/UT52: Keyboard/Security ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 701C/701CS 486DX2 Systems header. DESCRIPTION 2630-US2/US5/UT2/UT52 KEYBOARD Keyboard Type 84-key (9s) Expanding Yes (8r) | Numeric Keypad Optional (9s) External Keyboard Supported Yes (101, 84, Japanese) LED Indicators on Keyboard Yes Keyboard Slope None Trackball Integrated into Keyboard No Pointing stick integrated into keyboard Yes (TrackPoint III) Extra TrackPoint III caps Yes (4) Fast Keyboard Speed Setting ??? Quiet Keyboard Operation Mode ??? SECURITY Bolt-Down Option Optional (with Dock II) (7r) C2 Security Enabled No Electronic Personalization Feature No Hard Disk Drive Password No Kensington Lock Slot No Keyboard Password Yes Keylock-Locks Cover Optional (with Dock II) (7r) Locks Keyboard Optional (with Dock II) (7r) Locks Entire System Optional (with Dock II) (7r) Microsaver Security Connector Yes Power-on Password Yes Unattended Startup Mode ??? Privileged Access Password No Supervisor Password ??? Vital Product Data (VPD) Enabled ??? (5m) ═══ ThinkPad 701C/701CS-US2/US5/UT2/UT52: Physical/Environmental/Misc ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 701C/701CS 486DX2 Systems header. DESCRIPTION 2630-US2/US5/UT2/UT52 PHYSICAL FACTORS Footprint Type Small Dimensions: (Height/Width/Depth) 1.7" (44.0mm) / 9.7" (247mm) / 7.9" (201mm) Weight (With Battery) 5.2 lbs (2.3kg) Spare Battery Weight 0.6 lbs (266g) Removable Diskette Drive Weight 0.5 lbs (255g) Carrying Case Optional Material N/A ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS AC Adapter (U.S. Only) Yes Specifications 40W, 100-120VAC, 2.0A, 50/60Hz AC Adapter (Universal ) Yes (Standard except in U.S.) Optional (in U.S.) Specifications 40W, 100-240VAC, 2.0A, 50/60Hz Amperage at: 90-137 VAC 2.0 (both) 100-265 VAC 2.0 (Universal Adapter only) Operating Range: Temperature 41-95° F (0-8,000 ft - without diskette) 50-95° F (0-8,000 ft - with diskette in drive) 41-88° F (8-10,000 ft - without diskette) 50-88° F (8-10,000 ft - with diskette in drive) Relative Humidity 8-95% (without diskette) 8-80% (with diskette in drive) Maximum Operating Altitude(ft) 10,000 Maximum Shock (Non-operating) ?? G's Maximum Vibration (Operating) ?? G's Heat (BTUs/Hour) 136 Noise (Avg dB, Operating, 1m) 40 Classification 3D (office) MISCELLANEOUS Software Preloaded Yes (j) CSA Approval (Canada) C22.2 No. 950 (System Unit and AC/DC Adapter) FCC Certification (USA) Class B (includes CDPD module) UL Approval (USA) 1950 (System Unit and AC/DC Adapter) Warranty Period 3 Years (battery 1 Year) International Warranty Service Yes (7n) Countries Warranty Service Valid In 80+ On-site/Carry-in Carry-in, or EasyServ (in U.S./Canada) Announcement Letter Numbers PCC95-070, 195-??? Date Announced 07Mar95 Date Withdrawn N/A ═══ 7.10. ThinkPad 701 Series 486DX4 Systems ═══ This section contains feature and technical specification information for the Intel 486DX4-based IBM ThinkPad 701C/701CS systems. Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: 486DX4-75 Systems ThinkPad 701C/701CS-00D/00F2SU/2TU/5SU/5TU/7SU/7TU Return to the ThinkPad Systems: Features and Technical Specs header. ═══ 7.10.1. ThinkPad 701C/701CS-00D/00F2SU/2TU/5SU/5TU/7SU/7TU Tech Specs ═══ The ThinkPad Model 701C/701CS systems are identical except for the choice of color display, and the size of the hard drives. Therefore all models will be covered by this one document. Differences will be indicated by model type in parentheses. Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 701 Series 486DX4 Systems header. ═══ ThinkPad 701C/701CS-00D/00F2SU/2TU/5SU/5TU/7SU/7TU: Architecture/Memory ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 701C/701CS 486DX4 Systems header. DESCRIPTION 9545-00D/00F2SU/2TU/5SU/5TU/7SU/7TU ARCHITECTURE Bus Type ISA Microprocessor Intel 486DX4 Uses 3.3 Volt Technology Yes Clock Multiplying Yes (3X) Clock Speed (MHz) 75/25 (Internal/External) Cache Controller Yes Internal/External Cache Internal (4u) Cache Size 16KB Instruction Set 32 bit Addressing 32 Bit I/O Channel Width 32 bit Upgradeable Processor No Interrupt Levels 15 Type Edge-triggered Shareable No DMA Channels 7 DMA Burst Mode Supported Yes 32/48-bit DMA Controller Yes Bus Masters Supported Yes MEMORY RAM on Motherboard Standard Motherboard RAM 8MB (2r)(7t) Maximum Motherboard RAM 24MB (3b) Memory Sockets Total/Available 1/1 (3b) RAM Speed (ns) 70 RAM Type Supported SO DIMMs (3b) SO DIMMs Supported 3.3V 4MB/8MB/16MB/32MB (3b) Wait States 0 ECC Support No Interleaved Memory No Matched Memory Cycle No (5i) Page Memory Logic Yes ═══ ThinkPad 701C/701CS-00D/00F2SU/2TU/5SU/5TU/7SU/7TU: Standard Features ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 701C/701CS 486DX4 Systems header. DESCRIPTION 9545-00D/00F2SU/2TU/5SU/5TU/7SU/7TU STANDARD FEATURES ROM Size 128KB ROM Shadowing Yes Suspend/Resume Feature Yes Power Saving Modes Supported Standby/Suspend/Hibernate Setup/Power Management S/W Yes Speed Setting Switch/Software Yes BIOS Extensions Stored on Disk No BIOS Extensions Stored on Flash ROM Yes Setup and Diags Stored on Disk No Setup and Diags Stored in Flash ROM Yes Quick POST ??? LED Indicators Yes Math Coprocessor Integrated into processor Coprocessor Speed 75MHz STANDARD VIDEO CONTROLLER SVGA/VGA 8/16/32-bit Controller 16 Video Chip Set Chips and Technology CT-65545 Local Bus Yes (VESA) Video Accelerator Yes Bus Master No Video Memory (Standard) 1MB Video Memory (Maximum) 1MB Maximum Graphics with LCD VGA EXTERNAL MONITOR PORT Yes Concurrent Use with External Monitor Yes - Both are active Type of Monitor Supported VGA/SVGA Maximum Resolution/Colors 640x480/64K-Colors (NI) BUILT-IN DISPLAY Color LCD Technology Thin-Film Transistor (TFT) Black Matrix on Array (701C) Dual-Scan Super-Twisted Nematic (STN) Passive Matrix (701CS) Dimensions (Diag/H x W) 10.4"/5.75" x 7.6" # of Colors Concurrently 256 Color Palette 64K Colors Contrast Ratio 100:1 (701C) 20:1 (701CS) Non-interlaced Yes Detachable No Screen Tilt 180° MULTIMEDIA FEATURES Mwave DSP No SoundBlaster Compatible Yes (ESS 688 chip) Microphone Built-In Yes Speaker(s) Built-In Mono Stereo Audio/Voice Playback Yes Stereo Input Jack Yes Stereo Headphone/Speaker Jack Yes MIDI/Joystick Port ??? Volume Control Dial Yes Audio Drivers DOS, Windows, OS/2 (not Win-OS/2 sessions) 5.25" CD-ROM drive No Enhanced Video Card No TV Tuner No Analog-to Digital Video Adapter Optional (requires Dock II) INTERNAL MODEM Yes (14.4K data/fax built-in) Hayes-compatible Yes Asynchronous/Synchronous Yes/Yes FAX capable Yes Group III compatible Yes FAX software included Yes Send/Receive Faxes Yes/Yes Maximum speed (bps): Data/Fax 14.4/14.4 PCMCIA TELEPHONY FEATURES Answering Machine Yes Full-Duplex ??? Full-Featured Speaker/Telephone Yes/Yes PORT REPLICATOR/DOCKING UNIT CONNECTOR Yes (3p)(7r) POINTING DEVICE PORTS 1 Built-in TrackPoint III on Keybd Yes PS/2-Type Mouse Port Yes (3t)(4v) SERIAL PORTS (RS232C) 1 Supports DMA Data Transfer No Maximum Ports Supported 1 9/25-Pin 9-pin UART Chip Used NS16550-compatible FIFO Mode Enabled ??? Maximum Speed (bits/second) 19,200??? PARALLEL PRINTER PORTS 1 Supports DMA Data Transfer No Maximum Ports Supported 1 Bi-directional Yes EXTERNAL KEYBOARD PORT (4v) EXTERNAL DISKETTE DRIVE PORT Yes (drive is external) INFRARED TRANSCEIVERS (Front/Back) Back Data Transfer/Printing Both Supports IBM Mode (1.15 Mbps) No Supports HP Mode (115 Kbps) Yes Supports Sharp Mode (9.6 Kbps) No File Transfer Software Included Yes SCSI PORT Optional (7r) CMOS CLOCK Yes CMOS Battery Life (years) 5 Replaceable Yes (Dealer Only) POWER SOURCE AC Adapter Yes Battery Yes AC Adapter Included Yes Quick Charge Feature Yes Car Cigarette Lighter Adapter Optional, +12V only Number of Batteries Supplied 1 Battery Type Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) Battery Pack Specs 10.8VDC at 1.5 AH Length of Battery Charge (hrs) 2.5 - 8.0 hours Battery Charging While Operating 1.5 hours Powered Off or In Suspend Mode 1.5 hours Battery "Fuel Gauge" Software Yes??? Battery Discharge Utility Included Yes??? Non-Disruptive Battery Exchange Yes (c) ═══ ThinkPad 701C/701CS-00D/00F2SU/2TU/5SU/5TU/7SU/7TU: Disk/Tape Storage ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 701C/701CS 486DX4 Systems header. DESCRIPTION 9545-00D/00F2SU/2TU/5SU/5TU/7SU/7TU DISK STORAGE Selectable Boot ??? Bootable Physical Drives A:/C: Internal Drive Bays in System 2 Number of 2.5"/3.5"/5.25" 1/1/0 Number of 2.5"/3.5"/5.25" Available 0/0/0 Number of PCMCIA Type I/II/III Slots 0/0/1 (4f)(7r) Number of PCMCIA Slots Available 0/0/1 (4f)(7r) PCMCIA Specification Supported V2.01 PCMCIA Socket Services Specification V2.0 DISKETTE DRIVES Standard Drive(s) 1x1.44MB Media Sensing No??? Removable External Only Internal Drives Supported 0 External Drives Supported 1 Maximum Drives Supported 1 Optional Drives 5.25" 360K No 5.25" 1.2MB No 3.5" 720K No 3.5" 1.44MB No 3.5" 2.88MB No HARD DISK DRIVES Standard Hard Disk Controller Type IDE Adapter/Motherboard Motherboard Controllers Supported per System 1 Devices Supported per Controller 2 (via Dock II) (7r) Standard Hard Disk 360MB (701C-2TU/701CS-2SU) (removable) 540MB (701C-5TU/701CS-5SU) (removable) 720MB (701C-7TU/701CS-7SU) (removable) Encoding Method "No ID Sectoring" Drive Form Factor 2.5" Average Access Rate (ms) 13ms Hard Disk Data Transfer/second 25-43MB/s Rotational Speed (RPMs) ??? Average Latency (ms) 7.9 Number of Heads 16 Number of Platters ? Sectors per Track (ID/OD) 63 Number of Cylinders 700 (360MB) 1050 (540MB) 1400 (720MB) Sector Interleave 1:1 Buffer Size ???KB Shock Rating (Gs): Operating ?? Non-operating ?? Auto Park N/A Maximum Number of Internal Hard Drives 1 (7r) Optional HD Drive Sizes Available 540MB, 720MB (removable) (4o)(7r) Maximum Aggregate Capacity 1x720MB (3n)(7r) CD-ROM DRIVE STANDARD No TAPE STORAGE Internal Tape Drive Support Via ThinkPad Dock II bay External Tape Drive Support Via parallel port, or ThinkPad Dock II bay or SCSI port ═══ ThinkPad 701C/701CS-00D/00F2SU/2TU/5SU/5TU/7SU/7TU: Expansion/Operating Systems ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 701C/701CS 486DX4 Systems header. DESCRIPTION 9545-00D/00F2SU/2TU/5SU/5TU/7SU/7TU BUILT-IN EXPANSION SLOTS Total/Available "Adapter" Slots 0 Maximum RAM with Available Slots 24MB (3b) Number of PCMCIA Type I/II/III Slots 0/0/1 (4f)(7r) EXTERNAL EXPANSION SUPPORT IBM 3545 ThinkPad Dock I System No (7q) IBM 3546 ThinkPad Dock II System No (7r) IBM 3547 ThinkPad SelectaDock I No (7v) | IBM ThinkPad Replicator Model I No (7o) IBM ThinkPad Replicator Model II No (7p) IBM ThinkPad SelectaDock Base Model I No (7u) | IBM MultiPort II Port Replicator Yes (3p) OPERATING SYSTEM SUPPORT IBM PC/DOS 6.3 or later IBM OS/2 2.11 or later MS DOS 6.22 or later MS Windows 3.11 or later ═══ ThinkPad 701C/701CS-00D/00F2SU/2TU/5SU/5TU/7SU/7TU: Keyboard/Security ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 701C/701CS 486DX4 Systems header. DESCRIPTION 9545-00D/00F2SU/2TU/5SU/5TU/7SU/7TU KEYBOARD Keyboard Type 84-key (9s) Expanding Yes (8r) | Numeric Keypad Optional (9s) External Keyboard Supported Yes (101, 84, Japanese) LED Indicators on Keyboard Yes Keyboard Slope None Trackball Integrated into Keyboard No Pointing stick integrated into keyboard Yes (TrackPoint III) Extra TrackPoint III caps Yes (4) Fast Keyboard Speed Setting ??? Quiet Keyboard Operation Mode ??? SECURITY Bolt-Down Option Optional (with Dock II) (7r) C2 Security Enabled No Electronic Personalization Feature No Hard Disk Drive Password No Kensington Lock Slot No Keyboard Password Yes Keylock-Locks Cover Optional (with Dock II) (7r) Locks Keyboard Optional (with Dock II) (7r) Locks Entire System Optional (with Dock II) (7r) Microsaver Security Connector Yes Power-on Password Yes Unattended Startup Mode ??? Privileged Access Password No Supervisor Password ??? Vital Product Data (VPD) Enabled ??? (5m) ═══ ThinkPad 701C/701CS-00D/00F2SU/2TU/5SU/5TU/7SU/7TU: Physical/Environmental/Misc ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 701C/701CS 486DX4 Systems header. DESCRIPTION 9545-00D/00F2SU/2TU/5SU/5TU/7SU/7TU PHYSICAL FACTORS Footprint Type Small Dimensions: (Height/Width/Depth) 1.7" (44.0mm) / 9.7" (247mm) / 7.9" (201mm) Weight (With Battery) 5.2 lbs (2.3kg) Spare Battery Weight 0.6 lbs (266g) Removable Diskette Drive Weight 0.5 lbs (255g) Carrying Case Optional Material N/A ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS AC Adapter (U.S. Only) Yes Specifications 40W, 100-120VAC, 2.0A, 50/60Hz AC Adapter (Universal ) Yes (Standard except in U.S.) Optional (in U.S.) Specifications 40W, 100-240VAC, 2.0A, 50/60Hz Amperage at: 90-137 VAC 2.0 (both) 100-265 VAC 2.0 (Universal Adapter only) Operating Range: Temperature 41-95° F (0-8,000 ft - without diskette) 50-95° F (0-8,000 ft - with diskette in drive) 41-88° F (8-10,000 ft - without diskette) 50-88° F (8-10,000 ft - with diskette in drive) Relative Humidity 8-95% (without diskette) 8-80% (with diskette in drive) Maximum Operating Altitude(ft) 10,000 Maximum Shock (Non-operating) ?? G's Maximum Vibration (Operating) ?? G's Heat (BTUs/Hour) 136 Noise (Avg dB, Operating, 1m) 40 Classification 3D (office) MISCELLANEOUS Software Preloaded Yes (l) CSA Approval (Canada) C22.2 No. 950 (System Unit and AC/DC Adapter) FCC Certification (USA) Class B (includes CDPD module) UL Approval (USA) 1950 (System Unit and AC/DC Adapter) Warranty Period 3 Years (battery 1 Year) International Warranty Service Yes (7n) Countries Warranty Service Valid In 80+ On-site/Carry-in Carry-in, or EasyServ (in U.S./Canada) Announcement Letter Numbers PCC95-070, 195-??? (2SU/2TU/5SU/5TU) PCC95-352, 195-??? (7SU/7TU) Date Announced 07Mar95 (2SU/2TU/5SU/5TU) 05Sep95 (7SU/7TU) Date Withdrawn N/A ═══ 7.11. ThinkPad 710T Series 486SLC Tablet Systems ═══ This section contains feature and technical specification information for the IBM 486SLC-based ThinkPad 710T Pen Tablet systems. Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: 25MHz Systems ThinkPad 710T-09Y/302/303 Return to the ThinkPad Systems: Features and Technical Specs header. ═══ 7.11.1. ThinkPad 710T Tech Specs ═══ The ThinkPad Models 2523-09Y, -302 and -303 are identical except for the presence or absence of a hard disk drive and the number of PCMCIA slots. Therefore both models will be covered by this one document. Differences will be indicated by model number in parentheses. Note: These models have been withdrawn from marketing. Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 710T Series 486SLC Systems header. ═══ ThinkPad 710T: Architecture/Memory ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 710T header. DESCRIPTION 2523-09Y/302/303 ARCHITECTURE Bus Type AT (ISA) Microprocessor IBM 486SLC Clock Speed 25 MHz Cache Controller Yes Internal/External Cache Internal Cache Size 16K Instruction Set 32 bit Addressing 24 Bit I/O Channel Width 16 bit Interrupt Levels 16 Type Edge-triggered Shareable No DMA Channels 7 DMA Burst Mode Supported No 24/32-bit DMA Controller 24 Upgradeable Processor No Bus Masters Supported No Interleaved Memory No Matched Memory Cycle N/A (5i) Page Memory Logic No (7a) MEMORY Standard (Motherboard) 4MB (2r) (7t) Maximum (Motherboard) 12MB Maximum (System) 12MB Total # of Motherboard Memory Sockets 1 # of Motherboard Memory Sockets Available 1 Memory Chip Speed (ns) ?? Memory Chip Type DRAM Wait States: Motherboard 0 Memory Used: Motherboard 2MB/4MB/8MB CMOS SIMMs ═══ ThinkPad 710T: Standard Features ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 710T header. DESCRIPTION 2523-09Y/302/303 STANDARD FEATURES ROM Size 128K ROM Shadowing Yes Sleep Mode Supported Yes Setup/Power Management S/W Both Advanced Power Management Support (APM) Yes BIOS Extensions Stored on Disk No Setup & Diags Stored on Disk No Setup & Diags Stored in EEPROM Yes Quick POST Yes LCD Indicators No Opt. Math Coprocessor No Coprocessor Speed N/A Standard Graphics VGA 8/16/32-bit Controller 16 Bus Master No Video RAM (VRAM/DRAM) ??? Built-in Display VGA Type Transflective LCD (2a) Dimensions (Diag/H x W) 9.5"/?x?" # of Gray Shades 8 (640x480) Backlit/Sidelit Back Supertwisted Yes Contrast Ratio 3:1 Etched Glass Yes Detachable No Upgradeable to Color No Screen Tilt N/A Reverse Video Switch No Large Pointer Option No External monitor port Yes External Display Disables LCD No Type of Monitor Supported Color VGA Number of Colors Supported 16 Maximum Graphics VGA Pen Digitizer Type Electromagnetic Tethered/Untethered Untethered Battery Required/Supplied No/No Audio Volume Control No RS232C Serial Ports 1 UART Chip Used NS16550AF-compatible Maximum Speed (bits/second) 19,200 FIFO Mode Enabled ??? Supports DMA Data Transfer No Maximum Ports Supported 1 Internal Modem Optional (PCMCIA Card) Hayes-Compatible Yes Asynchronous/Synchronous Yes/Yes Fax capable Yes/No Group III compatible Yes Fax software included Yes Send/Receive Faxes Yes/Yes Maximum speed (bps): Data 2400 Fax 9600 Pointing Device Ports 1 Parallel Printer Ports 1 Bi-directional ??? Supports DMA Data Transfer No Maximum Ports Supported 1 External Keyboard Port Yes External Diskette Drive Port Yes Diskette Drive Support Yes Hard Disk Drive Support Yes (302/303) SCSI Port No CMOS Clock Yes CMOS Battery Life (years) ? Replaceable ??? PCMCIA Only (09Y) Power Source Battery/AC Adapter Both AC Adapter Yes Quick Charger Optional (holds 2 batteries) Car Cigarette Lighter Adapter Yes Number of Batteries Supplied 1 Battery Type (Standard) NiCAD Length of Battery Charge: 3.3-4.1 hrs (09Y) (v) 3.1-3.8 hrs (302/303) (v) Battery Charge in Suspend Mode > 48 hours Battery Charges While on AC Yes Time to Recharge Battery Approx. 3 hrs Battery Gauge Utility Included Yes (303) Battery Discharge Software Included ??? Non-Disruptive Battery Exchange Yes ═══ ThinkPad 710T: Disk/Tape Storage ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 710T header. DESCRIPTION 2523-09Y/302/303 DISK STORAGE Internal Disk/Tape Drive Bays 0 (09Y) 1 (302/303) # of 2.5"/3.5"/5.25" Bays 1/0/0 # of 2.5"/3.5"/5.25" Bays Available 0/0/0 # of PCMCIA Slots 3 (09Y) (4f) 1 (302/303) (4f) # of PCMCIA Type 1/2/3 Slots 0/3/0 (09Y) (4f) 0/1/0 (302/303) (4f) Selectable Boot No Bootable Physical Drives PCMCIA Slot 1 (09Y) C:, PCMCIA Slot 1 (302/303) Diskette Drives Standard 0 Media Sensing N/A Optional Diskette Drives 5.25" 360K No 5.25" 1.2MB No 3.5" 720K No 3.5" 1.44MB No 3.5" 2.88MB Yes (g) Internal Drives Supported 0 External Drives Supported 1 Maximum # Diskette Drives 1 Hard Disk Drives Standard 0 (09Y) (9v) 1x60MB IDE (302/303) Maximum # of Hard Disk Drives 1 Flash (09Y) 1 Disk Drive/1 Flash (302/302) Drive Types IDE/Flash Encoding Method N/A Drive Form Factor 2.5" (60MB) Optional HD Drive Sizes Available 5MB PCMCIA (Flash Memory) 10MB PCMCIA (Flash Memory) 15MB PCMCIA (Flash Memory) Maximum Internal HD Drive Capacity 45MB (09Y) (r) 75MB (302/303) (m) Average Access Rate (ms) 18.5 (60MB) Hard Disk Data Xfer/sec 15.1 Mbits (60MB) Rotational Speed (RPMs) ??? Average Latency (ms) 8.33 (60MB) # of Heads 2 (60MB) # of Platters 1 (60MB) Sectors per Track 50 (60MB) # of Cylinders 1248 (60MB) Interleave Factor ??? (60MB) Shock (Gs): Operating ?? Non-operating ??? Controller Type IDE (302/303) Auto Park N/A TAPE STORAGE Internal Tape Drive Support No External Tape Drive Support No ═══ ThinkPad 710T: Expansion/Operating Systems ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 710T header. DESCRIPTION 2523-09Y/302/303 BUILT-IN EXPANSION SLOTS Total "Adapter" Slots # of PCMCIA Slots 3 (09Y) 1 (302/303) # of PCMCIA Type 1/2/3 Slots 0/3/0 (09Y) (4f) 0/1/0 (302/303) (4f) Available PCMCIA Slots 3 (09Y) (4f) 1 (302/303) (4f) Maximum RAM with Available Slots 12MB # of Slots Required for Maximum 0 # of Slots Avail after Maximum 3 (09Y) 1 (302/303) EXTERNAL EXPANSION SUPPORT None OPERATING SYSTEM SUPPORT IBM PC/DOS No IBM OS/2 No IBM AIX PS/2 No PenDOS 2.0 or later PenPoint 1.01 or later ═══ ThinkPad 710T: Keyboard/Security ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 710T header. DESCRIPTION 2523-09Y/302/303 KEYBOARD (9t) External Keyboard Supported Yes (2b) SECURITY C2 Security Enabled No Keylock-Locks Cover No Locks Keyboard No Keyboard Password Yes Power-on Password Yes Network Server Mode ??? Ruggedness Magnesium Case Yes Shock Absorbers Yes Rubber Grommets (Water Resistant) Yes Flash Memory Hard Drive Yes LCD Protective Cover Yes Padded Carrying Case Yes ═══ ThinkPad 710T: Physical/Environmental/Misc ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 710T header. DESCRIPTION 2523-09Y/302/303 PHYSICAL FACTORS Footprint Type Tablet Dimensions: Height 1.4" (36mm) Width 11.6" (297mm) Depth 9.6" (244mm) Weight (lbs): With Battery 5.5 (2.5Kg) (09y) 5.8 (2.6Kg) (302/303) Weight (lbs): With Half-Battery 4.9 (2.2Kg) (09y) 5.2 (2.3Kg) (302/303) Carrying Case Included Material Padded Nylon ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS A/C Adapter (Watts) 20 World-wide (110/60,220/50) Yes Auto-Sensing/Switching Yes Amperage at: 90-265 VAC ??? Operating Range: Temperature 41-95° F Rel. Humidity 5-95% Maximum Operating Altitude(ft) 8,000 Maximum Shock (Non-operating) ?? G's Maximum Vibration (Operating) ?? G's Heat (BTUs/Hour) ??? Noise (Avg dB, Operating, 1m) ?? Classification 1 (1e) MISCELLANEOUS Software Preloaded PenDOS Operating System Yes (302) PenPoint Operating System Yes (303) IBM Handwriting Recognition Yes (302/303) Power Management Software Yes (302/303) File Transfer Software Yes (302/303) FCC Classification B Warranty Period 1 Year International Warranty Service Yes Countries Warranty Valid In 80+ On-site/Carry-in Carry-in, or EasyServ (in U.S./Canada) BIOS Model/Submodel/Revision F8/??/?? BIOS Date ??/??/93 Announcement Letter Numbers PCC93-121, 193-??? Date Announced 03/02/93 Date Withdrawn N/A (09Y/302) 02/22/94 (303) ═══ 7.12. ThinkPad 720 Series 486SLC2 Systems ═══ This section contains feature and technical specification information for the IBM 486SLC2-based ThinkPad 720/720C systems. Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: 50/25MHz Systems ThinkPad 720/720C-307/308/30J Return to the ThinkPad Systems: Features and Technical Specs header. ═══ 7.12.1. ThinkPad 720/720C Tech Specs ═══ The ThinkPad Models 9552-307/308 (720), and -30J (720C) are identical except for the hard disk drive used, and a monochrome or color LCD. Therefore all models will be covered by this one document. Differences will be indicated by model number in parentheses. Note: These models have been withdrawn from marketing. Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 720 Series 486SLC2 Systems header. ═══ ThinkPad 720/720C: Architecture/Memory ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 720/720C header. DESCRIPTION 9552-307/308/30J ARCHITECTURE Bus Type Micro Channel Microprocessor IBM 486SLC2 (2g) Uses 3.3 Volt Technology Yes Clock Doubling Yes Clock Speed (MHz) 50/25 Internal/External Cache Internal (4u) Cache Size 16K Instruction Set 32 bit Addressing 24 Bit I/O Channel Width 16 bit Interrupt Levels 16 Type Level Sensitive Shareable Yes DMA Channels 15 (4m) DMA Burst Mode Supported Yes Bus Masters Supported 15 Upgradeable Processor Complex No Interleaved Memory Yes Matched Memory Cycle No Page Memory Logic No (7a) MEMORY Standard (Motherboard) 4MB (2u) Maximum (Motherboard) 16MB (9e) Maximum (System) 16MB (9e) Total # of Motherboard Memory Sockets 2 (2u) # of Motherboard Memory Sockets Available 2 Memory Chip Speed (ns) 80 Memory Chip Type IC DRAM Access to Memory Sockets Access cover on bottom left side of case Wait States 0 Memory Used: Motherboard 2MB/4MB/8MB IC cards ═══ ThinkPad 720/720C: Standard Features ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 720/720C header. DESCRIPTION 9552-307/308/30J STANDARD FEATURES ROM Size 128K ROM Shadowing Yes Suspend/Resume Feature Yes Sleep Mode Supported Yes Setup/Power Management S/W Yes Advanced Power Management Support (APM) Yes Speed Setting Switch/Software No BIOS Extensions Stored on Disk Yes (5v) Setup & Diags Stored on Disk Yes (5v) LCD Indicators Yes (2d) Optional Math Coprocessor 387SL Coprocessor Speed 25 MHz Standard Graphics VGA 8/16/32-bit Controller 16 Bus Master No Video RAM (VRAM) 512K External monitor port Yes Concurrent Use with External Monitor Yes - Both are active Type of Monitor Supported VGA (75Hz) Maximum Resolution 640x480 256-Colors (NI) Built-in Display (307/308) Monochrome LCD Dimensions (Diag/H x W) 9.5"/5.75" x 7.6" # of Gray Shades 64 (640x480) Backlit/Sidelit Side Supertwisted Yes Contrast Ratio 18:1 Detachable No Upgradeable to Color Yes (See below for specs) Screen Tilt 180° Reverse Video Switch Yes Large Pointer Option Yes Built-in Display (30J) Color LCD Technology Thin-Film Transistor (TFT) Active Matrix Dimensions (Diag/H x W) 10.4"/6.3" x 8.3" # of Colors Concurrently 256 (640x480) Color Palette 4,096 Contrast Ratio 100:1 Detachable No Screen Tilt 180° Maximum Graphics VGA Audio Volume Control No RS232C Serial Ports 1 UART Chip Used NS16550AF-compatible Maximum Speed (bits/second) 19,200 FIFO Mode Enabled No Supports DMA Data Transfer No Maximum Ports Supported 1 Internal Modem Optional PCMCIA Hayes-compatible Yes Asynchronous/Synchronous Yes/Yes Fax capable Yes Group III compatible Yes Fax software included Yes Send/Receive Faxes Yes/Yes Maximum speed (bps): Data/Fax 14.4/14.4 PCMCIA Pointing Device Ports 1 Built-in TrackPoint II on Keyboard Yes Parallel Printer Ports 1 Bi-directional Yes Supports DMA Data Transfer No Maximum Ports Supported 1 External Keyboard Port (4t) CMOS Clock Yes CMOS Battery Life (years) ? Replaceable Yes SCSI Port No (4w) Power Source Battery/AC Adapter Both A/C Adapter Included Yes Deep Discharge Feature Yes Quick Charger Optional (holds 2 batteries) Car Cigarette Lighter Adapter Optional Number of Batteries Supplied 1 Battery Type (Standard) Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) Battery Pack Specs 10.8V, 1450mAH/cell, 18 cell/pack (9 series of 2 parallel) Length of Battery Charge: Approx. 4-8 hrs each (720) (4d)(2c) Approx. 2.4-4.8 hrs each (720C) (4d)(2c) Battery Charges While on A/C Yes Time to Recharge Battery 1.5 hrs Battery Discharge Utility Included Yes External Rechargeable Power Pack No Non-Disruptive Battery Exchange Yes ═══ ThinkPad 720/720C: Disk/Tape Storage ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 720/720C header. DESCRIPTION 9552-307/308/30J DISK STORAGE Internal Disk/Tape Drive Bays 2 Number of 2.5"/3.5"/5.25" Bays 1/1/0 Number of 2.5"/3.5"/5.25" Bays Available 0/0/0 Number of PCMCIA Type I/II/III Slots 0/0/1 (4f) Number of PCMCIA Slots Available 0/0/1 (4f) PCMCIA Specification Supported V2.01 PCMCIA Socket Services Specification V2.0 Diskette Drives Standard 1x1.44MB Media Sensing No Removable No Optional Diskette Drives No Internal Drives Supported 1 External Drives Supported 0 Maximum # Diskette Drives 1 Hard Disk Drives Standard 1x120MB (307) 1x160MB (308/30J) Maximum # of HD Drives (Internal) 1 (4w) Drive Type N/A Encoding Method ??? Drive Form Factor 2.5" Average Access Rate (ms) 17 (120MB) 15 (160MB) 12 (240MB) Hard Disk Data Transfer Rate (MBytes/sec) 1.89 (120MB) Inner Diameter/Outer Diam. (MBytes/sec) 2.00/3.00 (160MB) Inner Diameter/Outer Diam. (MBytes/sec) 2.01/3.13 (240MB) Rotational Speed (RPMs) ???? Number of Heads 4 (120MB/160MB) 6 (240MB) Number of Platters (Disks) 2 (120MB/160MB) 3 (240MB) Sectors per Track 50 (120MB) Inner Diameter/Outer Diameter 48/72 (160MB) Inner Diameter/Outer Diameter 43/67 (240MB) Number of Cylinders 1242 (120MB) 1575 (160MB) 1418 (240MB) Interleave Factor 1:1 Shock (Gs): Operating ?? Non-operating ??? Controller Type IDE Auto Park Yes Optional HD Drive Sizes Available 160MB (307) (4o)(4w) 240MB (307/308/30J) (4o)(4w) 340MB (307/308/30J) (4o)(4w) Maximum Internal HD Capacity 1x340MB (4j)(4o) TAPE STORAGE Internal Tape Drive Support No External Tape Drive Support Via 3550 Docking Station SCSI port 5.25" QIC SCSI Tape Drive Yes 5.25" 4mm SCSI Tape Drive Yes 5.25" 8mm SCSI Tape Drive Yes ═══ ThinkPad 720/720C: Expansion/Operating Systems ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 720/720C header. DESCRIPTION 9552-307/308/30J BUILT-IN EXPANSION SLOTS Total/Available "Adapter" Slots 0 Maximum RAM with Available Slots 16MB (8q) Number of PCMCIA Type I/II/III Slots 0/0/1 (4f) EXTERNAL EXPANSION SUPPORT IBM 3550 Model 1 Expansion Unit No IBM 3550 Model 2 Expansion Unit Yes (4w) Number of Drive Bays Provided 1 5.25"/3.5" Bay Yes Full-height/Half-height/Slimline size Half-height Number of Adapter Slots Provided 2 (Micro Channel) # of Long/Short Slots 2/0 # of 8/16/32-bit Slots 0/2/0 (3a) # of Slots with Video Extension 0 IBM Expansion Cartridge Yes # of Drive Bays Provided 0 # of Adapter Slots Provided 1 (6p) # of Long/Short Slots 0/1 # of 8/16/32-bit Slots 0/1/0 (3a) # of Slots with Video Extension 0 Available Slots 1 OPERATING SYSTEM SUPPORT IBM PC/DOS 5.0 (with limitations) (4g) 5.02 or later IBM OS/2 2.0/2.00.1 (with limitations) (4h) 2.1 or later IBM AIX PS/2 No ═══ ThinkPad 720/720C: Keyboard/Security ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 720/720C header. DESCRIPTION 9552-307/308/30J KEYBOARD 101-Key Enhanced Keyboard Yes (9g) 84-Key Keyboard Yes (9g) External Keyboard Supported Yes (101, 84, Japanese) (4t) Keyboard Slope 5° Trackball Integrated into Keyboard No Pointing stick integrated into keybd Yes Fast Keyboard Speed Setting Yes Quiet Keyboard Operation Mode Yes Keyboard Cord Length (ft) N/A Keyboard detachable No SECURITY C2 Security Enabled No Vital Product Data (VPD) Enabled Yes (5m) Keylock-Locks Cover Optional (With Security Base or 3550 Expansion Unit) Locks Keyboard No Bolt-Down Option Optional (With Security Base or 3550 Expansion Unit) Keyboard Password Yes Power-on Password Yes Unattended Startup Mode Yes Privileged Access Password Yes (5f) ═══ ThinkPad 720/720C: Physical/Environmental/Misc ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 720/720C header. DESCRIPTION 9552-307/308/30J PHYSICAL FACTORS Footprint Type Notebook Dimensions: Height 1.9" (48mm) (720) 2.2" (56mm) (720C) Width 11.7" (297mm) Depth 8.3" (210mm) Weight (lbs): With Battery 6.5 (720) 7.6 (720C) Carrying Case Optional Material Nylon ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS A/C Adapter (Watts) 40 World-wide (110/60,220/50) Yes Auto-Sensing/Switching Yes Amperage at: 90-265 VAC ??? Operating Range: Temperature 41-95° F Rel. Humidity 8-95% Maximum Operating Altitude(ft) 8000 Maximum Shock (Non-operating) 50 G's for 3ms Maximum Vibration (Operating) 30 G's for 9ms Heat (BTUs/Hour) 136 Noise (Avg dB, Operating, 1m) 40 Classification 3D MISCELLANEOUS FCC Classification B Warranty Period 3 Years Int'l Traveler's Warranty Service Yes Countries Warranty Valid In 80+ On-site/Carry-in Carry-in, or EasyServ (in U.S./Canada) BIOS Model/Submodel/Revision F8/60/00 BIOS Date 01/29/93 Announcement Letter Numbers PCC93-229, 193-??? Date Announced 05/04/93 Date Withdrawn 03/22/94 ═══ 7.13. ThinkPad 730T Series 486SX Tablet Systems ═══ This section contains feature and technical specification information for the 486SX-based ThinkPad 730T Pen Tablet systems. Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: 33MHz Systems ThinkPad 730T-801/901/80F/90F/80F/90F Return to the ThinkPad Systems: Features and Technical Specs header. ═══ 7.13.1. ThinkPad 730T Tech Specs ═══ The ThinkPad Models 2524-801/901/80F/90F/80F/90F are identical except for the amount of IC DRAM installed (4MB or 8MB) and whether or not a PCMCIA hard disk drive is installed. Therefore both models will be covered by this one document. Differences will be indicated by model number in parentheses. Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 730T Series 486SX Systems header. ═══ ThinkPad 730T: Architecture/Memory ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 730T header. DESCRIPTION 2324-801/901/80F/90F/80F/90F ARCHITECTURE Bus Type AT (ISA) Microprocessor 486SX (SL-Enhanced) Uses 3.3 Volt Technology Yes Clock-Doubling No Clock Speed (MHz) 33 Cache Controller Yes Internal/External Cache Internal Cache Size 16K Instruction Set 32 bit Addressing 24 Bit I/O Channel Width 16 bit Interrupt Levels 16 Type Edge-triggered Shareable No DMA Channels 8 DMA Burst Mode Supported No Bus Masters Supported No 24/32-bit DMA Controller 24 Upgradeable Processor No Interleaved Memory No MEMORY Maximum System RAM 20MB (801/80F) (2q) 24MB (901/90F) (2q) RAM on Motherboard Standard Motherboard RAM 4MB (801/80F) (2q)(2r) 8MB (901/90F) (2q)(2r) Maximum Motherboard RAM 20MB (801/80F) (2q) 24MB (901/90F) (2q) Memory Sockets Total/Available 1/1 (Uses same socket as PCMCIA card) RAM Speed (ns) 70 RAM Type Supported IC DRAM IC DRAMs Supported 4MB/8MB/16MB (2q)(2y) Wait States 0 RAM on Adapter No (2q) Interleaved Memory No Matched Memory Cycle No (5i) Page Memory Logic Yes ═══ ThinkPad 730T: Standard Features ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 730T header. DESCRIPTION 2324-801/901/80F/90F/80F/90F STANDARD FEATURES ROM Size 256KB Flash Memory for POST/BIOS ROM Shadowing ??? Suspend/Resume Feature Yes Power Saving Modes Supported ??? Setup/Power Management S/W Both Advanced Power Management Support (APM) Yes SurePath BIOS ??? BIOS Extensions Stored on Disk ??? Setup and Diags Stored on Disk ??? Setup and Diags Stored in EEPROM Yes Quick POST Yes LED Indicators Yes (3j) Optional Math Coprocessor No Coprocessor Speed N/A Standard Graphics VGA Local Bus (VESA/PCI) No Video Chip Set ??? 8/16/32-bit Controller 16 Bus Master No Video RAM Standard/Maximum 256K/256K External monitor port Yes (2p) Concurrent Use with External Monitor Yes - Both are active Type of Monitor Supported VGA Maximum Resolution 640x480 16-Colors Built-in Display VGA Type Transflective LCD (2a) Dimensions (Diagonal/H x W) 9.5"/?x?" # of Gray Shades 16 (640x480) Backlit/Sidelit Back Supertwisted Yes Contrast Ratio 3:1 Etched Glass Yes Detachable No Upgradeable to Color No Screen Tilt N/A Reverse Video Switch No Large Pointer Option No Maximum Graphics VGA (2p) Pen Digitizer Type Electromagnetic Tethered/Untethered Untethered Battery Required/Supplied No/No Audio Volume Control No SERIAL PORTS (RS232C) 1 (2p) Supports DMA Data Transfer ??? Maximum Ports Supported 1 (plus PCMCIA) 9/25-Pin 9-pin UART Chip Used Compatible with NS16450A or NS16550AF FIFO Mode Enabled N/A Maximum Speed (bits/second) ??? Internal Modem PCMCIA Port Replicator Connector (2p) POINTING DEVICE PORT 1 (2p) PARALLEL PRINTER PORTS 1 (Enhanced) (2p) Supports DMA Data Transfer No Maximum Ports Supported 1 Bi-directional Switchable from/to bidirectional and unidirectional External Keyboard Port Yes (2p) External Diskette Drive Port Yes (2p) Diskette Drive Support Yes (2p) Hard Disk Drive Support Yes (PCMCIA) CMOS Clock Yes CMOS Battery Life (years) ? Replaceable ??? Power Source Battery/AC Adapter Both AC Adapter Included Yes Quick Charge Feature Yes Quick Charger Optional (holds 2 batteries) Deep Discharge Feature Yes Car Cigarette Lighter Adapter Optional, +12V only Number of Batteries Supplied 2 Battery Type NiMH (6 cell with 6S2Px2 configuration) Battery Pack Specs ???AHr @ 9.6V Length of Battery Charge: Approx. 4 to 10 hrs (two batteries) Battery Charging While Operating ?.? hours Powered Off or In Suspend Mode 1.5 hours Battery Discharge Software Included ??? Battery Charges While on A/C Yes Time to Recharge Battery 1.5 hrs Non-Disruptive Battery Exchange ??? ═══ ThinkPad 730T: Disk/Tape Storage ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 730T header. DESCRIPTION 2324-801/901/80F/90F/80F/90F DISK STORAGE Selectable Boot No Bootable Physical Drives PCMCIA Slot 1 Internal Drive Bays on System 0 Number of 2.5"/3.5"/5.25" 0/0/0 Number of 2.5"/3.5"/5.25" Avail 0/0/0 Number of PCMCIA Type I/II/III Slots 0/0/2 (2y)(9x) Number of PCMCIA Slots Available 0/0/2 (2y)(9x) PCMCIA Spec Supported V2.01 PCMCIA Socket Services Specification V2.0 DISKETTE DRIVES Standard Drive(s) 0 Internal Drives Supported 0 External Drives Supported 1 (2p) Maximum Drives Supported 1 (2p) Optional Drives 5.25" 360K No 5.25" 1.2MB No 3.5" 720K No 3.5" 1.44MB No 3.5" 2.88MB Yes (g) Media Sensing Yes Electronic Lock/Eject Yes HARD DISK DRIVES Standard Hard Disk Controller Type PCMCIA Adapter/Motherboard Motherboard Controllers Supported per System 1 Devices Supported per Controller 3 (2y) Standard Hard Disk 0 (801/901/80F/90F) (9u) 105MB PCMCIA (80F/90F) (9u) Encoding Method RLL (105MB) Drive Form Factor 1.8" Average Access Rate (ms) 15 ms (105MB) Hard Disk Data Transfer/second 2.5 MBytes (105MB) Rotational Speed (RPMs) ??? (105MB) Average Latency (ms) 7.9 (105MB) Number of Heads 2 (105MB) Number of Platters 1 (105MB) Sectors per Track ??? (105MB) Number of Cylinders 1575 (105MB) Interleave Factor 1:1 Shock Rating (Gs): Operating ?? (105MB) Non-operating ?? (105MB) MTBF (Power On Hours) 250,000 (105MB) Auto Park Yes Maximum Number of Internal Hard Drives 2 PCMCIA (9u) Optional HD Drive Sizes Available 40MB/105MB (9u)(9w)(9x) 5MB/10MB/15MB ThinkPad File (TPF) Flash Memory Type II (9u) Maximum Aggregate Capacity 2x105MB (9w)(9x) TAPE STORAGE Internal Tape Drive Support No External Tape Drive Support No ═══ ThinkPad 730T: Expansion/Operating Systems ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 730T header. DESCRIPTION 2524-801/901/80F/90F/80F/90F BUILT-IN EXPANSION SLOTS Adapter Slots (Total/Available) PCMCIA (9x) Maximum RAM with Available Slots 20MB (801) (2q)(9w) 24MB (901) (2q)(9w) Adapter Slots Available after Max. RAM (9w) EXTERNAL EXPANSION SUPPORT None OPERATING SYSTEM SUPPORT IBM PC/DOS (9y) IBM OS/2 (9y) IBM AIX PS/2 No IBM Pen for OS/2 (4e) 1.0 or later (9y) PenDOS 2.0 or later (9y) PenRight! 1.0 or later (9y) Windows for Pen Computing 1.0 or later (9y) ═══ ThinkPad 730T: Keyboard/Security ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 730T header. DESCRIPTION 2324-801/901/80F/90F/80F/90F KEYBOARD (9t) External Keyboard Supported Yes (2b) SECURITY Bolt-Down Feature No C2 Security Enabled No Keyboard Password Yes Keylock: Locks Cover No Locks Keyboard No LogicLock Security No Power-on Password Yes Unattended Startup Mode ??? Privileged Access Password No (5f) Vital Product Data (VPD) Enabled No Ruggedness Flash Memory Hard Drive Optional LCD Protective Cover ??? Magnesium Case ??? Padded Carrying Case Optional Rubber Grommets (Water Resistant) ??? Shock Absorbers ??? ═══ ThinkPad 730T: Physical/Environmental/Misc ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 730T header. DESCRIPTION 2324-801/901/80F/90F/80F/90F PHYSICAL FACTORS Footprint Type Tablet Dimensions: (Height/Width/Depth) 1.4" (35mm) / 10.6" (269mm) / 8.3" (210mm) Weight (lbs): With One Battery 3.5 (1.6Kg) With Both Batteries 3.9 (1.8Kg) Carrying Case Included Material Padded Nylon ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS A/C Adapter (Watts) 20 World-wide (110/60,220/50) Yes Auto-Sensing/Switching Yes Amperage at: 90-137 VAC ??? 180-265 VAC ??? Operating Range: Temperature -4 to 140° F ; -20 to 60° C Rel. Humidity 5-95% Maximum Operating Altitude(ft) 7,000 Maximum Shock (Non-operating) ?? G's Maximum Vibration (Operating) ?? G's Heat (BTUs/Hour) 86 Noise (Avg dB, Operating, 1m) 40 Classification 3D (Office) (1e) MISCELLANEOUS Software Preloaded (9y) FCC Classification B CSA Yes UL Yes CSA C22.2 No. 950-M-1989 Yes Warranty Period 3 Years International Warranty Service Yes Countries Warranty Valid In 80+ On-site/Carry-in Carry-in, or EasyServ (in U.S./Canada) BIOS Model/Submodel/Revision F8/??/?? BIOS Date ??/??/?? Announcement Letter Numbers PCC93-212, 194-??? Date Announced 17May94 Date Withdrawn N/A ═══ 7.14. ThinkPad 750 Series 486SL Systems ═══ This section contains feature and technical specification information for the IBM 486SL-based ThinkPad 750/750C/750Cs/750P systems. The ThinkPad Models 9545-006/008 (750), -206/208 (750Cs), -306/308 (750C), and -40C/40E (750P) are identical except for the fixed disk drive used, either a monochrome or color LCD, and whether it uses the keyboard or pen for input. Therefore all models will be covered by this one document. Differences will be indicated by model number or type in parentheses. Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: 33Mhz Systems ThinkPad 750/750C/750Cs/750P-006/008/206/208/306/308/40C/40E Return to the ThinkPad Systems: Features and Technical Specs header. ═══ 7.14.1. ThinkPad 750/750C/750Cs/750P-006/008/206/208/306/308/40C/40E Tech Specs ═══ Note: These models have been withdrawn from marketing. Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 750 Series 486SL Systems header. ═══ ThinkPad 750/750C/750Cs/750P: Architecture/Memory ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 750/750C/750Cs/750P header. DESCRIPTION 9545-006/008/206/208/306/308/40C/40E ARCHITECTURE Bus Type AT (ISA) Microprocessor Intel 486SL Uses 3.3 Volt Technology Yes Clock Doubling No Clock Speed (MHz) 33 Internal/External Cache Internal (4u) Cache Size 8K Instruction Set 32 bit Addressing 32 Bit I/O Channel Width 32 bit Interrupt Levels 16 Type Edge-triggered Shareable No DMA Channels 7 DMA Burst Mode Supported Yes Bus Masters Supported No Upgradeable Processor Complex No Interleaved Memory No Matched Memory Cycle No (5i) Page Memory Logic Yes MEMORY Standard (System Board) 4MB (2u) Maximum (System Board) 20MB (7e) Maximum (System) 20MB (7e) Total # of Motherboard Memory Sockets 1 (4s) # of Motherboard Memory Sockets Available 1 Memory Chip Speed (ns) 70 Memory Chip Type IC DRAM Access to Memory Sockets Under keyboard Wait States 0 Memory Used: Motherboard 2MB/4MB/8MB/16MB IC cards ═══ ThinkPad 750/750C/750Cs/750P: Standard Features ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 750/750C/750Cs/750P header. DESCRIPTION 9545-006/008/206/208/306/308/40C/40E STANDARD FEATURES ROM Size 128KB ROM Shadowing Yes Suspend/Resume Feature Yes Power Saving Modes Supported Standby/Suspend/Hibernate Setup/Power Management S/W Yes Advanced Power Management Support (APM) Yes Speed Setting Switch/Software Yes BIOS Extensions Stored on Disk No Setup & Diags Stored on Disk No LCD Indicators Yes Math Coprocessor Integrated in processor Coprocessor Speed 33MHz STANDARD GRAPHICS VGA (LCD) (640x480x256) 8/16/32-bit Controller 16 Local Bus Yes Bus Master No Video RAM (VRAM) 1MB Maximum Graphics with LCD VGA EXTERNAL MONITOR PORT Yes Concurrent Use with External Monitor Yes - Both are active Type of Monitor Supported VGA/SVGA (9z) Maximum Resolution 1024x768 256-Colors (NI) BUILT-IN DISPLAY (750,750P) Monochrome LCD Dimensions (Diag/H x W) 9.5"/5.75" x 7.6" # of Gray Shades 64 (640x480) Backlit/Sidelit Back Supertwisted Yes Contrast Ratio 18:1 Video Chip Set Western Digital 90C24 Non-interlaced Yes Detachable No (pivots down over keyboard) Pen-Enabled Yes (750P) Pen Digitizer Type (750P) Electromagnetic Tethered/Untethered Untethered Battery Required/Supplied No/No Upgradeable to Pen (750) Yes Upgradeable to Color (750) Yes (See 750C below for specs) Screen Tilt 180° Reverse Video Switch In software Large Pointer Option Yes BUILT-IN DISPLAY (750Cs) Color LCD Technology Super Twisted Nematic (STN) Passive Matrix Single/Dual-Scan Dual-Scan Dimensions (Diag/H x W) 9.5"/5.75 x 7.6" # of Colors Concurrently 256 (640x480) Color Palette 4096 Colors Contrast Ratio 20:1 Video Chip Set Western Digital 90C24 Detachable No Screen Tilt 180° Built-in Display (750C) Color LCD Technology Thin-Film Transistor (TFT) Active Matrix Dimensions (Diag/H x W) 10.4"/6.3" x 8.3" # of Colors Concurrently 256 (640x480) Color Palette 262,144 Colors Contrast Ratio 100:1 Video Chip Set Western Digital 90C24 Non-interlaced Yes Detachable No Screen Tilt 180° MULTIMEDIA FEATURES (3f) 16-bit Audio Codec Chip Built-In Yes Microphone Optional Speaker Built-In Yes Stereo Audio/Voice Playback Yes Stereo Input Jack Yes Stereo Headphone/Speaker Jack Yes Volume Control Yes Audio Drivers DOS, Windows, OS/2 (except Win-OS/2) TV Tuner (750C only) Optional Analog-to Digital Video Adapter Optional ( requires Dock I) RS232C Serial Ports 1 UART Chip Used NS16550AF-compatible Maximum Speed (bits/second) 19,200 FIFO Mode Enabled No Supports DMA Data Transfer No Maximum Ports Supported 1 INTERNAL MODEM Optional PCMCIA Hayes-compatible Yes Asynchronous/Synchronous Yes/Yes Fax capable Yes Group III compatible Yes Fax software included Yes Send/Receive Faxes Yes/Yes Maximum speed (bps): Data/Fax 14.4/14.4 PCMCIA PORT REPLICATOR/DOCKING UNIT CONNECTOR Yes POINTING DEVICE PORTS 1 Built-in TrackPoint II on Keybd Yes PS/2-Type Mouse Port Yes PARALLEL PRINTER PORTS 1 (Enhanced) Bi-directional Yes Supports DMA Data Transfer No Maximum Ports Supported 1 EXTERNAL KEYBOARD PORT (4v) EXTERNAL DISKETTE DRIVE PORT Yes (2o) SCSI PORT Optional (7q)(7r) CMOS CLOCK Yes CMOS Battery Life (years) 5 Replaceable Yes POWER SOURCE Battery/AC Adapter Both AC Adapter Yes, 40W (Optional 50W) Quick Charger Optional Deep Discharge Feature Yes Car Cigarette Lighter Adapter Yes Number of Batteries Supplied 1 Battery Type (Standard) Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) Battery Pack Specs 3.3AHr @ 9.6V Length of Battery Charge: Approx. 3.4-8 hrs (750C) Approx. 3.5-8 hrs (750Cs) Approx. 5.1-12 hrs (750P) Approx. 5.3-12 hrs (750) Battery Charges While on A/C Yes Time to Recharge Battery 1.5-2.0 hrs External Rechargeable Power Pack Optional Battery Discharge Utility Included Yes Non-Disruptive Battery Exchange Yes ═══ ThinkPad 750/750C/750Cs/750P: Disk/Tape Storage ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 750/750C/750Cs/750P header. DESCRIPTION 9545-006/008/206/208/306/308/40C/40E DISK STORAGE Internal Disk/Tape Drive Bays 2 # of 2.5"/3.5"/5.25" Bays 1/1/0 # of 2.5"/3.5"/5.25" Bays Available 0/0/0 # of PCMCIA Slots 1 or 2 (4f) # of PCMCIA Type I/II/III Slots 0/0/1 (4f) PCMCIA Spec Supported V2.01/V2.10 PCMCIA Socket Services Spec V2.0 Diskette Drives Standard 1x2.88MB Media Sensing Yes Optional Diskette Drives No Internal Drives Supported 1 (2o) External Drives Supported 1 (2o) Maximum # Diskette Drives 1 Hard Disk Drives Standard 1x170MB (006/206/306/40C) 1x340MB (008/208/308/40E) Maximum Number of Internal HD 1 (7g)(7q)(7r) Drive Type IDE Encoding Method "No ID Sectoring" Drive Form Factor 2.5" Average Access Rate (ms) 15 (170MB) 14 (340MB) Average Latency (ms) 7.9 Sector Buffer Size 32K Hard Disk Data Transfer Rate Inner Diameter/Outer Diam. (MBytes/sec) 16.2/24.0 (170MB) Inner Diameter/Outer Diam. (MBytes/sec) 20.0/32.0 (340MB) Rotational Speed (RPMs) ???? # of Heads 4 # of Platters 2 Sectors per Track Inner Diameter/Outer Diameter 48/72 (170MB) Inner Diameter/Outer Diameter 60/90 (340MB) # of Cylinders 1575 (170MB) 2263 (340MB) Interleave Factor 1:1 Shock (Gs): Operating ?? Non-operating ??? Controller Type IDE Auto Park Yes Optional HD Sizes Available 170MB/340MB/540MB/810MB (removable) (4o)(7g)(7q)(7r) Maximum Internal HD Capacity 1x810MB (3n)(7g)(7q)(7r) TAPE STORAGE Internal Tape Drive Support Via ThinkPad Dock I or Dock II bay External Tape Drive Support Via parallel port, or ThinkPad Dock I or Dock II bay or SCSI port ═══ ThinkPad 750/750C/750Cs/750P: Expansion/Operating Systems ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 750/750C/750Cs/750P header. DESCRIPTION 9545-006/008/206/208/306/308/40C/40E BUILT-IN EXPANSION SLOTS Total "Adapter" Slots 0 Available Slots 0 Maximum RAM with Available Slots 20MB # of Slots Required for Maximum RAM 0 # of Slots Avail after Maximum RAM 0 # of PCMCIA Slots 1 or 2 (4f) # of PCMCIA Type 1/2/3 Slots 0/0/1 (4f) (7i) EXTERNAL EXPANSION SUPPORT IBM 3545 ThinkPad Dock I System Yes (7q) IBM 3546 ThinkPad Dock II System Yes (7r) IBM 3547 ThinkPad SelectaDock I No (7v) | IBM ThinkPad Replicator Model I Yes (7o) IBM ThinkPad Replicator Model II Yes (7p) IBM ThinkPad SelectaDock Base Model I Yes (7u) | OPERATING SYSTEM SUPPORT IBM PC/DOS 5.02 or later J5.02/V or later PenDOS 2.01 or later (750P) 6.1 or later IBM OS/2 2.1 with APAR fixes PJ09087 and PJ09770 (avail from 800-992-4777) IBM Pen for OS/2 1.0 (750P) ═══ ThinkPad 750/750C/750Cs/750P: Keyboard/Security ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 750/750C/750Cs/750P header. DESCRIPTION 9545-006/008/206/208/306/308/40C/40E KEYBOARD Keyboard Type 84-key (9s) Numeric Keypad Optional (9s) External Keyboard Supported Yes (101, 84, Japanese) LED Indicators on Keyboard Yes Keyboard Slope 5° Trackball Integrated into Keyboard No Pointing stick integrated into keyboard Yes (TrackPoint II) Extra TrackPoint II caps Yes (3) Fast Keyboard Speed Setting Yes Quiet Keyboard Operation Mode Yes (Only mode) Keyboard Cord Length (ft) N/A Keyboard detachable Yes SECURITY Bolt-Down Feature Optional (with Security Base or Dock I or Dock II) (7q)(7r) C2 Security Enabled No Hard Disk Drive Password Yes (7m) Keyboard Password Yes Keylock-Locks Cover Optional (with Security Base or Dock I or Dock II) (7q)(7r) Locks Keyboard Optional (with Security Base or Dock I or Dock II) (7q)(7r) Power-on Password Yes Unattended Startup Mode No Privileged Access Password Yes Vital Product Data (VPD) Enabled Yes (5m) ═══ ThinkPad 750/750C/750Cs/750P: Physical/Environmental/Misc ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 750/750C/750Cs/750P header. DESCRIPTION 9545-006/008/206/208/306/308/40C/40E PHYSICAL FACTORS Footprint Type Notebook Dimensions: Height 1.7" (43mm) (750) 2.0" (51mm) (750C/750Cs) 2.1" (53mm) (750P) Width 11.7" (297mm) Depth 8.3" (210mm) Weight (lbs): With Battery 5.5 (750) 6.2 (750Cs) 6.4 (750C) 6.6 (750P) Carrying Case Yes Material Black polyurethane-coated fabric ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS A/C Adapter (Watts) 40 (Optional 50W) World-wide (110/60,220/50) Yes Auto-Sensing/Switching Yes Amperage at: 90-137 VAC 2.0 at: 100-265 VAC 1.0 Operating Range: Temperature 41-95° F (0-8,000 ft - without diskette) 50-95° F (0-8,000 ft - with diskette in drive) 41-88° F (8-10,000 ft - without diskette) 50-88° F (8-10,000 ft - with diskette in drive) Relative Humidity 8-95% (without diskette) 8-80% (with diskette in drive) Maximum Operating Altitude (ft) 10,000 Maximum Shock (Non-operating) ?? G's Maximum Vibration (Operating) ?? G's Heat (BTUs/Hour) 136 Noise (Avg dB, Operating, 1m) 40 Classification 3D (office) MISCELLANEOUS CE Approval EN55022, EN50082-1 (AC Adapter) CISPR Approval 22 Class B CSA Approval (Canada) C22.2 No. 950 DEMKO, NEMKO, SEMKO, SETI No DENTORI Approval Yes (for Quick Charger) FCC Classification (USA) B (includes CDPD module) GS (TCA) Yes IEC Approval 950 ISO Approval 9241/3 NOM Approval Yes (for Quick Charger) OeVE Approval (Austria) Yes (for Dock I, AC, QC) PTT Approval (UK) NS/G/23/J/100003 Royal Spanish Decree N. 1250 Yes SA Approval Yes (for AC, QC) SASO Approval (Saudi Arabia) Yes SEV Approval (Switzerland) Yes (AC Adapter) UL Approval (USA) 1950 VCCI Approval (Japan) Class 2 (0 dB) Warranty Period 3 Years International Warranty Service Yes (7n) Countries Warranty Service Valid In 80+ On-site/Carry-in Carry-in, or EasyServ (in U.S./Canada) BIOS Model/Submodel/Revision F8/??/?? BIOS Dates 10Aug93 28Feb94 Announcement Letter Numbers PCC93-423, 193-??? Date Announced 08Sep93 Date Withdrawn N/A ═══ 7.15. ThinkPad 755 Series 486DX2 Systems ═══ This section contains feature and technical specification information for the IBM 486DX2-based ThinkPad 755C/755Cs systems. Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: 50/25MHz Systems ThinkPad 755C/755Cs-E0C/E0E/E0G/F0C/F0E/F0G Return to the ThinkPad Systems: Features and Technical Specs header. ═══ 7.15.1. ThinkPad 755C/755Cs-E0C/E0E/E0G/F0C/F0E/F0G Tech Specs ═══ The ThinkPad Model 755C-F0C/F0E/F0G and 755Cs-E0C/E0E/E0G systems are identical except for the type of color LCD and the choice of hard disk drive. Therefore all models will be covered by this one document. Differences will be indicated by model type in parentheses. Note: These models have been withdrawn from marketing. Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 755 Series 486DX2 Systems header. ═══ ThinkPad 755C/755Cs-E0C/E0E/E0G/F0C/F0E/F0G: Architecture/Memory ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 755C/755Cs-E0C/E0E/E0G/F0C/F0E/F0G header. DESCRIPTION 9545-E0C/E0E/E0G/F0C/F0E/F0G ARCHITECTURE Bus Type AT Microprocessor SL Enhanced Intel 486DX2 Uses 3.3 Volt Technology Yes Clock Multiplying Yes (2X) Clock Speed (MHz) 50/25 (Internal/External) Cache Controller Yes Internal/External Cache Internal (4u) Cache Size 8K Instruction Set 32 bit Addressing 32 Bit I/O Channel Width 32 bit Upgradeable Processor 75MHz 486DX4 Interrupt Levels 16 Type Edge-triggered Shareable No DMA Channels 7 DMA Burst Mode Supported Yes 24/32-bit DMA Controller ?? Bus Masters Supported No MEMORY RAM on Motherboard Standard Motherboard RAM 4MB (2r)(7t) Maximum Motherboard RAM 36MB (3h) Memory Sockets Total/Available 1/1 (3h) RAM Speed (ns) 70 RAM Type Supported IC DRAM or DIMMs (3h) IC DRAMs Supported 2MB/4MB/8MB/16MB (3h) DIMMs Supported 4MB/16MB (3h) Wait States 0 ECC Support No Interleaved Memory No Matched Memory Cycle No (5i) Page Memory Logic Yes ═══ ThinkPad 755C/755Cs-E0C/E0E/E0G/F0C/F0E/F0G: Standard Features ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 755C/755Cs-E0C/E0E/E0G/F0C/F0E/F0G header. DESCRIPTION 9545-E0C/E0E/E0G/F0C/F0E/F0G STANDARD FEATURES ROM Size 128KB ROM Shadowing Yes Suspend/Resume Feature Yes Power Saving Modes Supported Standby/Suspend/Hibernate Setup/Power Management S/W Yes Speed Setting Switch/Software Yes BIOS Extensions Stored on Disk No BIOS Extensions Stored on Flash ROM Yes Setup and Diags Stored on Disk No Setup and Diags Stored in Flash ROM Yes Quick POST ??? LED Indicators Yes (3e) Optional Math Coprocessor Integrated Coprocessor Speed 50MHz Standard Graphics VGA (LCD) (640x480x256) 8/16/32-bit Controller 16 Video Chip Set Western Digital 90C24A2 Rev.D Local Bus Yes Bus Master No Video RAM (VRAM) 1MB Maximum Graphics with LCD VGA External monitor port Yes Concurrent Use with External Monitor Yes - Both are active Type of Monitor Supported VGA/SVGA Maximum Resolution 1024x768 256-Colors (NI) Built-in Display (755Cs) Color LCD Technology Dual Scan Super Twisted Nematic (STN) Dimensions (Diag/H x W) 9.5"/5.75 x 7.6" # of Colors Concurrently 256 (640x480) Color Palette 4,096 Colors Contrast Ratio 20:1 Non-interlaced Yes Detachable No Screen Tilt 180° Built-in Display (755C) Color LCD Technology Thin-Film Transistor (TFT) Active Matrix Dimensions (Diag/H x W) 10.4"/6.3" x 8.3" # of Colors Concurrently 256 (640x480) Color Palette 262,144 Colors Contrast Ratio 100:1 Non-interlaced Yes Detachable No Screen Tilt 180° MULTIMEDIA FEATURES (3g) 16-bit Audio Codec Chip Built-In Yes Chip Set Used Analog Devices (AD1848) Microphone Built-In Yes Speaker Built-In Yes Stereo Audio/Voice Playback Yes Stereo Input Jack Yes Stereo Headphone/Speaker Jack Yes Volume Control Yes Audio Drivers DOS, Windows, OS/2 (except Win-OS/2) TV Tuner (755C only) Optional Analog-to Digital Video Adapter Optional (requires Dock I) Internal Modem Optional PCMCIA Hayes-compatible Yes Asynchronous/Synchronous Yes/Yes Fax capable Yes Group III compatible Yes Fax software included Yes Send/Receive Faxes Yes/Yes Maximum speed (bps): Data/Fax 14.4/14.4 PCMCIA PORT REPLICATOR/DOCKING UNIT CONNECTOR Yes POINTING DEVICE PORTS 1 Built-in TrackPoint II on Keybd Yes PS/2-Type Mouse Port Yes (3t) (4v) SERIAL PORTS (RS232C) 1 Supports DMA Data Transfer No Maximum Ports Supported 1 9/25-Pin 9-pin UART Chip Used NS16550AF-compatible FIFO Mode Enabled ??? Maximum Speed (bits/second) 19,200 PARALLEL PRINTER PORTS 1 Supports DMA Data Transfer No Maximum Ports Supported 1 Bi-directional Yes External Keyboard Port (4v) External Diskette Drive Port Yes (2o) SCSI Port Optional (7q)(7r) CMOS Clock Yes CMOS Battery Life (years) 5 Replaceable Yes (Dealer Only) POWER SOURCE Battery/AC Adapter Both AC Adapter Included Yes (5e) Quick Charge Feature Yes Car Cigarette Lighter Adapter Optional, +12V only Number of Batteries Supplied 1 Battery Type Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) Battery Pack Specs 9.6V, 1700mAH/cell, 16 cell/pack Length of Battery Charge (hrs) 3.1 - 8.0 (755C) 4.0 - 8.0 (755Cs) Battery Charging While Operating 2.0 hours Powered Off or In Suspend Mode 1.5 hours Battery "Fuel Gauge" Software Yes Battery Discharge Utility Included Yes Non-Disruptive Battery Exchange Yes (c) ═══ ThinkPad 755C/755Cs-E0C/E0E/E0G/F0C/F0E/F0G: Disk/Tape Storage ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 755C/755Cs-E0C/E0E/E0G/F0C/F0E/F0G header. DESCRIPTION 9545-E0C/E0E/E0G/F0C/F0E/F0G DISK STORAGE Selectable Boot ??? Bootable Physical Drives ??? Internal Drive Bays in System 2 Number of 2.5"/3.5"/5.25" 1/1/0 Number of 2.5"/3.5"/5.25" Available 0/0/0 Number of PCMCIA Type I/II/III Slots 0/0/1 (4f)(7o)(7r) Number of PCMCIA Slots Available 0/0/1 (4f)(7o)(7r) PCMCIA Specification Supported V2.01 PCMCIA Socket Services Specification V2.0 DISKETTE DRIVES Standard Drive(s) 1x1.44MB Media Sensing No Removable Yes (2o) Internal Drives Supported 1 External Drives Supported 1 (2o) Maximum Drives Supported 1 (2o) Optional Drives 5.25" 360K No 5.25" 1.2MB No 3.5" 720K No 3.5" 1.44MB No 3.5" 2.88MB Optional - U.S. only (d) Media Sensing Yes Electronic Lock/Eject Yes HARD DISK DRIVES Standard Hard Disk Controller Type IDE Adapter/Motherboard Motherboard Controllers Supported per System 1 Devices Supported per Controller 1 Standard Hard Disk 170MB (E0C/F0C) (removable) 340MB (E0E/F0E) (removable) 540MB (E0G/F0G) (removable) Encoding Method "No ID Sectoring" Drive Form Factor 2.5" Average Access Rate (ms) 14-15 ms (170MB/340MB) 14 ms (540MB) Hard Disk Data Transfer/second 20-32Mbits (170MB/340MB) 24.5-35.8 (540MB) Rotational Speed (RPMs) ??? Average Latency (ms) 7.9 Number of Heads 2 (170MB) 4 (340MB/540MB) Number of Platters 1 (170MB) 2 (340MB/540MB) Sectors per Track (ID/OD) 60/90 (170MB/340MB) 78/112 (540MB) Number of Cylinders 2263 (170MB/340MD) 2787 (540MB) Sector Interleave 1:1 Buffer Size 32KB Shock Rating (Gs): Operating ?? Non-operating ?? Auto Park N/A Maximum Number of Internal Hard Drives 1 (7g)(7q)(7r) Optional HD Drive Sizes Available 170MB/340MB/540MB/810MB (removable) (4o)(7g)(7q)(7r) Maximum Aggregate Capacity 1x810MB (3n)(7g)(7q)(7r) TAPE STORAGE Internal Tape Drive Support Via ThinkPad Dock I or Dock II bay External Tape Drive Support Via parallel port, or ThinkPad Dock I or Dock II bay or SCSI port ═══ ThinkPad 755C/755Cs-E0C/E0E/E0G/F0C/F0E/F0G: Expansion/Operating Systems ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 755C/755Cs-E0C/E0E/E0G/F0C/F0E/F0G header. DESCRIPTION 9545-E0C/E0E/E0G/F0C/F0E/F0G BUILT-IN EXPANSION SLOTS Total/Available "Adapter" Slots 0 Maximum RAM with Available Slots 36MB (3h) Number of PCMCIA Type I/II/III Slots 0/0/1 (4f)(7o)(7r) EXTERNAL EXPANSION SUPPORT IBM 3545 ThinkPad Dock I System Yes (7q) IBM 3546 ThinkPad Dock II System Yes (7r) IBM 3547 ThinkPad SelectaDock I No (7v) | IBM ThinkPad Replicator Model I Yes (7o) IBM ThinkPad Replicator Model II Yes (7p) IBM ThinkPad SelectaDock Base Model I Yes (7u) | OPERATING SYSTEM SUPPORT IBM PC/DOS 6.1 or J6.1/V, or later IBM OS/2 2.1 with APAR fixes (call 800-992-4777 to order), or later MS DOS 6.2, or later MS Windows 3.1 or J3.1, or later ═══ ThinkPad 755C/755Cs-E0C/E0E/E0G/F0C/F0E/F0G: Keyboard/Security ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 755C/755Cs-E0C/E0E/E0G/F0C/F0E/F0G header. DESCRIPTION 9545-E0C/E0E/E0G/F0C/F0E/F0G KEYBOARD Keyboard Type 84-key (9s) Numeric Keypad Optional (9s) External Keyboard Supported Yes (101, 84, Japanese) LED Indicators on Keyboard Yes Keyboard Slope 5° Trackball Integrated into Keyboard No Pointing stick integrated into keyboard Yes (TrackPoint II) Extra TrackPoint II caps Yes (3) Fast Keyboard Speed Setting Yes Quiet Keyboard Operation Mode Yes (Only mode) Keyboard Cord Length (ft) N/A SECURITY Bolt-Down Option Optional (with Security Base or Dock I or Dock II) (7q)(7r) C2 Security Enabled No Electronic Personalization Feature Yes (h) Hard Disk Drive Password Yes (7m) Kensington Lock Slot Yes Keyboard Password Yes Keylock-Locks Cover Optional (with Security Base or Dock I or Dock II) (7q)(7r) Locks Keyboard Optional (with Security Base or Dock I or Dock II) (7q)(7r) Locks Entire System Optional (with Security Base or Dock I or Dock II) (7q)(7r) Power-on Password Yes Unattended Startup Mode No Privileged Access Password Yes Supervisor Password Yes Vital Product Data (VPD) Enabled Yes (5m) ═══ ThinkPad 755C/755Cs-E0C/E0E/E0G/F0C/F0E/F0G: Physical/Environmental/Misc ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 755C/755Cs-E0C/E0E/E0G/F0C/F0E/F0G header. DESCRIPTION 9545-E0C/E0E/E0G/F0C/F0E/F0G PHYSICAL FACTORS Footprint Type Notebook Dimensions: (Height/Width/Depth) 2.0" (51.4mm) / 11.7" (297.7mm) / 8.3" (210.7mm) Weight (With Battery) 6.1 lbs (2.8kg) (755Cs) 6.4 lbs (2.9kg) (755C) Spare Battery Weight 1.3 lbs (576g) Removable Diskette Drive Weight 0.5 lbs (213g) Carrying Case Yes Material Black polyurethane-coated fabric ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS AC Adapter (U.S. Only) Yes Specifications 40W, 100-120VAC, 2.0A, 50/60Hz AC Universal Adapter Optional (Standard except in U.S.) Specifications 40W, 100-240VAC, 2.0A, 50/60Hz Amperage at: 90-137 VAC 2.0 100-265 VAC 1.0 Operating Range: Temperature 41-95° F (0-8,000 ft - without diskette) 50-95° F (0-8,000 ft - with diskette in drive) 41-88° F (8-10,000 ft - without diskette) 50-88° F (8-10,000 ft - with diskette in drive) Relative Humidity 8-95% (without diskette) 8-80% (with diskette in drive) Maximum Operating Altitude(ft) 10,000 Maximum Shock (Non-operating) ?? G's Maximum Vibration (Operating) ?? G's Heat (BTUs/Hour) 136 Noise (Avg dB, Operating, 1m) 40 Classification 3D (office) MISCELLANEOUS Software Pre-loaded Yes (3i) CISPR Approval 22 Class B CSA Approval (Canada) C22.2 No. 950 (System Unit and AC/DC Adapter) DEMKO, NEMKO, SEMKO, SETI, JATE Yes (System Unit and AC/DC Adapter) DENTORI Approval Yes (AC/DC Adapter) FCC Classification (USA) B (includes CDPD module) NOM Approval (Mexico) Yes (AC/DC Adapter) OVE Approval (Austria) Yes (AC/DC Adapter) PTT Approval (UK) NS/G/23/J/100003 SA Approval Yes (AC/DC Adapter) SASO Approval (Saudi Arabia) Yes SEV Approval (Switzerland) Yes (AC/DC Adapter) UL Approval (USA) 1950 VCCI Approval (Japan) Class 2 (0 dB) Warranty Period 3 Years (battery 1 Year) International Warranty Service Yes (7n) Countries Warranty Service Valid In 80+ On-site/Carry-in Carry-in, or EasyServ (in U.S./Canada) BIOS Model/Submodel/Revision F8/??/?? BIOS Dates 18Mar94 Announcement Letter Numbers PCC94-221, 194-??? Date Announced 17May94 Date Withdrawn N/A ═══ 7.16. ThinkPad 755 Series 486DX4 Systems ═══ This section contains feature and technical specification information for the IBM 486DX4-based ThinkPad 755 systems. Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: 75/25MHz Systems 100/33MHz Systems ThinkPad 755C/755Cs-K0C/K0E/K0G/L0C/L0E/L0G ThinkPad 755CD/755CE/755CSE-6Bx/7Bx/9Bx ThinkPad 755CDV/755CV-8BJ/ABJ/ABK Return to the ThinkPad Systems: Features and Technical Specs header. ═══ 7.16.1. ThinkPad 755C/755Cs-K0C/K0E/K0G/L0C/L0E/L0G Tech Specs ═══ The ThinkPad Model 755C-L0C/L0E/L0G and 755Cs-K0C/K0E/K0G systems are identical except for the type of color LCD and the choice of hard disk drive. Therefore all models will be covered by this one document. Differences will be indicated by model type in parentheses. Note: These models have been withdrawn from marketing. Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 755 Series 486DX4 Systems header. ═══ ThinkPad 755C/755Cs-K0C/K0E/K0G/L0C/L0E/L0G: Architecture/Memory ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 755C/755Cs-K0C/K0E/K0G/L0C/L0E/L0G header. DESCRIPTION 9545-K0C/K0E/K0G/L0C/L0E/L0G ARCHITECTURE Bus Type AT Microprocessor SL Enhanced Intel 486DX4 Uses 3.3 Volt Technology Yes Clock Multiplying Yes (3X) Clock Speed (MHz) 75/25 (Internal/External) Cache Controller Yes Internal/External Cache Internal (4u) Cache Size 16K Instruction Set 32 bit Addressing 32 Bit I/O Channel Width 32 bit Upgradeable Processor No Interrupt Levels 16 Type Edge-triggered Shareable No DMA Channels 7 DMA Burst Mode Supported Yes 24/32-bit DMA Controller ?? Bus Masters Supported No MEMORY RAM on Motherboard Standard Motherboard RAM 4MB (2r)(7t) Maximum Motherboard RAM 36MB (3h) Memory Sockets Total/Available 1/1 (3h) RAM Speed (ns) 70 RAM Type Supported IC DRAM or DIMMs (3h) IC DRAMs Supported 2MB/4MB/8MB/16MB (3h) DIMMs Supported 4MB/16MB (3h) Wait States 0 ECC Support No Interleaved Memory No Matched Memory Cycle No (5i) Page Memory Logic Yes ═══ ThinkPad 755C/755Cs-K0C/K0E/K0G/L0C/L0E/L0G: Standard Features ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 755C/755Cs-K0C/K0E/K0G/L0C/L0E/L0G header. DESCRIPTION 9545-K0C/K0E/K0G/L0C/L0E/L0G STANDARD FEATURES ROM Size 128KB ROM Shadowing Yes Suspend/Resume Feature Yes Power Saving Modes Supported Standby/Suspend/Hibernate Setup/Power Management S/W Yes Speed Setting Switch/Software Yes BIOS Extensions Stored on Disk No BIOS Extensions Stored on Flash ROM Yes Setup and Diags Stored on Disk No Setup and Diags Stored in Flash ROM Yes Quick POST ??? LED Indicators Yes (3e) Optional Math Coprocessor Integrated Coprocessor Speed 75MHz Standard Graphics VGA (LCD) (640x480x256) 8/16/32-bit Controller 16 Video Chip Set Western Digital 90C24A2 Rev.D Local Bus Yes Bus Master No Video RAM (VRAM) 1MB Maximum Graphics with LCD VGA External monitor port Yes Concurrent Use with External Monitor Yes - Both are active (3s) Type of Monitor Supported VGA/SVGA Maximum Resolution 1024x768 256-Colors (NI) Built-in Display (755C) Color LCD Technology Thin-Film Transistor (TFT) Active Matrix Dimensions (Diag/H x W) 10.4"/6.3" x 8.3" # of Colors Concurrently 256 (640x480) Color Palette 262,144 Colors Contrast Ratio 100:1 Non-interlaced Yes Detachable No Screen Tilt 180° Built-in Display (755Cs) Color LCD Technology Dual Scan Super Twisted Nematic (STN) Dimensions (Diag/H x W) 9.5"/5.75 x 7.6" # of Colors Concurrently 256 (640x480) Color Palette 4,096 Colors Contrast Ratio 20:1 Non-interlaced Yes Detachable No Screen Tilt 180° MULTIMEDIA FEATURES (3g) 16-bit Audio Codec Chip Built-In Yes Chip Set Used Analog Devices (AD1848) Microphone Built-In Yes Speaker Built-In Yes Stereo Audio/Voice Playback Yes Stereo Input Jack Yes Stereo Headphone/Speaker Jack Yes Volume Control Yes Audio Drivers DOS, Windows, OS/2 (except Win-OS/2) TV Tuner (755C only) Optional Analog-to Digital Video Adapter Optional (requires Dock I) Internal Modem Optional PCMCIA Hayes-compatible Yes Asynchronous/Synchronous Yes/Yes Fax capable Yes Group III compatible Yes Fax software included Yes Send/Receive Faxes Yes/Yes Maximum speed (bps): Data/Fax 14.4/14.4 PCMCIA PORT REPLICATOR/DOCKING UNIT CONNECTOR Yes POINTING DEVICE PORTS 1 Built-in TrackPoint II on Keybd Yes PS/2-Type Mouse Port Yes (3t) (4v) SERIAL PORTS (RS232C) 1 Supports DMA Data Transfer No Maximum Ports Supported 1 9/25-Pin 9-pin UART Chip Used NS16550AF-compatible FIFO Mode Enabled ??? Maximum Speed (bits/second) 19,200 PARALLEL PRINTER PORTS 1 Supports DMA Data Transfer No Maximum Ports Supported 1 Bi-directional Yes External Keyboard Port (4v) External Diskette Drive Port Yes (2o) SCSI Port Optional (7q)(7r) CMOS Clock Yes CMOS Battery Life (years) 5 Replaceable Yes (Dealer Only) POWER SOURCE Battery/AC Adapter Both AC Adapter Included Yes (5e) Quick Charge Feature Yes Car Cigarette Lighter Adapter Optional, +12V only Number of Batteries Supplied 1 Battery Type Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) Battery Pack Specs 9.6V, 1700mAH/cell, 16 cell/pack Length of Battery Charge (hrs) 3.1 - 8.0 (755C) 4.0 - 8.0 (755Cs) Battery Charging While Operating 2.0 hours Powered Off or In Suspend Mode 1.5 hours Battery "Fuel Gauge" Software Yes Battery Discharge Utility Included Yes Non-Disruptive Battery Exchange Yes (c) ═══ ThinkPad 755C/755Cs-K0C/K0E/K0G/L0C/L0E/L0G: Disk/Tape Storage ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 755C/755Cs-K0C/K0E/K0G/L0C/L0E/L0G header. DESCRIPTION 9545-K0C/K0E/K0G/L0C/L0E/L0G DISK STORAGE Selectable Boot ??? Bootable Physical Drives ??? Internal Drive Bays in System 2 Number of 2.5"/3.5"/5.25" 1/1/0 Number of 2.5"/3.5"/5.25" Available 0/0/0 Number of PCMCIA Type I/II/III Slots 0/0/1 (4f)(7o)(7r) Number of PCMCIA Slots Available 0/0/1 (4f)(7o)(7r) PCMCIA Specification Supported V2.01 PCMCIA Socket Services Specification V2.0 DISKETTE DRIVES Standard Drive(s) 1x1.44MB Media Sensing No Removable Yes (2o) Internal Drives Supported 1 External Drives Supported 1 (2o) Maximum Drives Supported 1 (2o) Optional Drives 5.25" 360K No 5.25" 1.2MB No 3.5" 720K No 3.5" 1.44MB No 3.5" 2.88MB Optional - U.S. only (d) Media Sensing Yes Electronic Lock/Eject Yes HARD DISK DRIVES Standard Hard Disk Controller Type IDE Adapter/Motherboard Motherboard Adapters Supported per System 0 Devices Supported per Adapter N/A Standard Hard Disk 170MB (K0C/L0C) (removable) 340MB (K0E/L0E) (removable) 540MB (K0G/L0G) (removable) Encoding Method "No ID Sectoring" Drive Form Factor 2.5" Average Access Rate (ms) 14-15 ms (170MB/340MB) 14 ms (540MB) Hard Disk Data Transfer/second 20-32Mbits (170MB/340MB) 24.5-35.8 (540MB) Rotational Speed (RPMs) ??? Average Latency (ms) 7.9 Number of Heads 2 (170MB) 4 (340MB/540MB) Number of Platters 1 (170MB) 2 (340MB/540MB) Sectors per Track (ID/OD) 60/90 (170MB/340MB) 78/112 (540MB) Number of Cylinders 2263 (170MB/340MD) 2787 (540MB) Sector Interleave 1:1 Buffer Size 32KB Shock Rating (Gs): Operating ?? Non-operating ?? Auto Park N/A Maximum Number of Internal Hard Drives 1 (7g)(7q)(7r) Optional HD Drive Sizes Available 170MB/340MB/540MB/810MB (removable) (4o)(7g)(7q)(7r) Maximum Aggregate Capacity 1x810MB (3n)(7g)(7q)(7r) TAPE STORAGE Internal Tape Drive Support Via ThinkPad Dock I or Dock II bay External Tape Drive Support Via parallel port, or ThinkPad Dock I or Dock II bay or SCSI port ═══ ThinkPad 755C/755Cs-K0C/K0E/K0G/L0C/L0E/L0G: Expansion/Operating Systems ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 755C/755Cs-K0C/K0E/K0G/L0C/L0E/L0G header. DESCRIPTION 9545-K0C/K0E/K0G/L0C/L0E/L0G BUILT-IN EXPANSION SLOTS Total/Available "Adapter" Slots 0 Maximum RAM with Available Slots 36MB (3h) Number of PCMCIA Type I/II/III Slots 0/0/1 (4f)(7o)(7r) EXTERNAL EXPANSION SUPPORT IBM 3545 ThinkPad Dock I System Yes (7q) IBM 3546 ThinkPad Dock II System Yes (7r) IBM 3547 ThinkPad SelectaDock I No (7v) | IBM ThinkPad Replicator Model I Yes (7o) IBM ThinkPad Replicator Model II Yes (7p) IBM ThinkPad SelectaDock Base Model I Yes (7u) | OPERATING SYSTEM SUPPORT IBM PC/DOS 6.1 or J6.1/V, or later IBM OS/2 2.1 with APAR fixes (call 800-992-4777 to order), or later MS DOS 6.2, or later MS Windows 3.1 or J3.1, or later ═══ ThinkPad 755C/755Cs-K0C/K0E/K0G/L0C/L0E/L0G: Keyboard/Security ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 755C/755Cs-K0C/K0E/K0G/L0C/L0E/L0G header. DESCRIPTION 9545-K0C/K0E/K0G/L0C/L0E/L0G KEYBOARD Keyboard Type 84-key (9s) Numeric Keypad Optional (9s) External Keyboard Supported Yes (101, 84, Japanese) LED Indicators on Keyboard Yes Keyboard Slope 5° Trackball Integrated into Keyboard No Pointing stick integrated into keyboard Yes (TrackPoint II) Extra TrackPoint II caps Yes (3) Fast Keyboard Speed Setting Yes Quiet Keyboard Operation Mode Yes (Only mode) Keyboard Cord Length (ft) N/A SECURITY Bolt-Down Option Optional (with Security Base or Dock I or Dock II) (7q)(7r) C2 Security Enabled No Electronic Personalization Feature Yes (h) Hard Disk Drive Password Yes (7m) Kensington Lock Slot Yes Keyboard Password Yes Keylock-Locks Cover Optional (with Security Base or Dock I or Dock II) (7q)(7r) Locks Keyboard Optional (with Security Base or Dock I or Dock II) (7q)(7r) Locks Entire System Optional (with Security Base or Dock I or Dock II) (7q)(7r) Power-on Password Yes Unattended Startup Mode No Privileged Access Password Yes Supervisor Password Yes Vital Product Data (VPD) Enabled Yes (5m) ═══ ThinkPad 755C/755Cs-K0C/K0E/K0G/L0C/L0E/L0G: Physical/Environmental/Misc ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Return to the ThinkPad 755C/755Cs-K0C/K0E/K0G/L0C/L0E/L0G header. DESCRIPTION 9545-K0C/K0E/K0G/L0C/L0E/L0G PHYSICAL FACTORS Footprint Type Notebook Dimensions: (Height/Width/Depth) 2.0" (51.4mm) / 11.7" (297.7mm) / 8.3" (210.7mm) Weight (With Battery) 6.1 lbs (2.8kg) (755Cs) 6.4 lbs (2.9kg) (755C) Spare Battery Weight 1.3 lbs (576g) Removable Diskette Drive Weight 0.5 lbs (213g) Carrying Case Yes Material Black polyurethane-coated fabric ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS AC Adapter (U.S. Only) Yes Specifications 40W, 100-120VAC, 2.0A, 50/60Hz AC Universal Adapter Optional (Standard except in U.S.) Specifications 40W, 100-240VAC, 2.0A, 50/60Hz Amperage at: 90-137 VAC 2.0 100-265 VAC 1.0 Operating Range: Temperature 41-95° F (0-8,000 ft - without diskette) 50-95° F (0-8,000 ft - with diskette in drive) 41-88° F (8-10,000 ft - without diskette) 50-88° F (8-10,000 ft - with diskette in drive) Relative Humidity 8-95% (without diskette) 8-80% (with diskette in drive) Maximum Operating Altitude(ft) 10,000 Maximum Shock (Non-operating) ?? G's Maximum Vibration (Operating) ?? G's Heat (BTUs/Hour) 136 Noise (Avg dB, Operating, 1m) 40 Classification 3D (office) MISCELLANEOUS Software Pre-loaded Yes (3i) CISPR Approval 22 Class B CSA Approval (Canada) C22.2 No. 950 (System Unit and AC/DC Adapter) DEMKO, NEMKO, SEMKO, SETI, JATE Yes (System Unit and AC/DC Adapter) DENTORI Approval Yes (AC/DC Adapter) FCC Classification (USA) B (includes CDPD module) NOM Approval (Mexico) Yes (AC/DC Adapter) OVE Approval (Austria) Yes (AC/DC Adapter) PTT Approval (UK) NS/G/23/J/100003 SA Approval Yes (AC/DC Adapter) SASO Approval (Saudi Arabia) Yes SEV Approval (Switzerland) Yes (AC/DC Adapter) UL Approval (USA) 1950 VCCI Approval (Japan) Class 2 (0 dB) Warranty Period 3 Years (battery 1 Year) International Warranty Service Yes (7n) Countries Warranty Service Valid In 80+ On-site/Carry-in Carry-in, or EasyServ (in U.S./Canada) BIOS Model/Submodel/Revision F8/??/?? BIOS Dates 18Mar94 Announcement Letter Numbers PCC94-221, 194-??? Date Announced 17May94 Date Withdrawn N/A ═══ 7.16.2. ThinkPad 755CD/755CE/755CSE-6Bx/7Bx/9Bx Tech Specs ═══ The ThinkPad Model 755CD/755CE/755CSE systems are identical except for the CD-ROM drive in the 755CD models, type of color LCD, and the size of the hard drives. Therefore all models will be covered by this one document. Differences will be indicated by model type in parentheses. Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 755 Series 486DX4 Systems header. ═══ ThinkPad 755CD/755CE/755CSE-6Bx/7Bx/9Bx: Architecture/Memory ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 755CD/755CE/755CSE 486DX4 Systems header. DESCRIPTION 9545-6Bx/7Bx/9Bx ARCHITECTURE Bus Type AT Microprocessor Intel 486DX4 Uses 3.3 Volt Technology Yes Clock Multiplying Yes (3X) Clock Speed (MHz) 100/33 (Internal/External) Cache Controller Yes Internal/External Cache Internal (4u) Cache Size 16KB Instruction Set 32 bit Addressing 32 Bit I/O Channel Width 32 bit Upgradeable Processor Yes Upgradeable to Pentium-75 Interrupt Levels 15 Type Edge-triggered Shareable No DMA Channels 7 DMA Burst Mode Supported Yes 32/48-bit DMA Controller Yes Bus Masters Supported Yes MEMORY RAM on Motherboard Standard Motherboard RAM 8MB (2r)(7t) Maximum Motherboard RAM 40MB (3h) Memory Sockets Total/Available 1/1 (3h) RAM Speed (ns) 70 RAM Type Supported IC DRAM or DIMMs (3h) IC DRAMs Supported 2MB/4MB/8MB/16MB (3h) DIMMs Supported 4MB/8MB/16MB (3h) Wait States 0 ECC Support No Interleaved Memory No Matched Memory Cycle No (5i) Page Memory Logic Yes ═══ ThinkPad 755CD/755CE/755CSE-6Bx/7Bx/9Bx: Standard Features ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 755CD/755CE/755CSE 486DX4 Systems header. DESCRIPTION 9545-6Bx/7Bx/9Bx STANDARD FEATURES ROM Size 128KB ROM Shadowing Yes Suspend/Resume Feature Yes Power Saving Modes Supported Standby/Suspend/Hibernate Setup/Power Management S/W Yes Speed Setting Switch/Software Yes BIOS Extensions Stored on Disk No BIOS Extensions Stored on Flash ROM Yes Setup and Diags Stored on Disk No Setup and Diags Stored in Flash ROM Yes Quick POST ??? LED Indicators Yes (3e) Optional Math Coprocessor Integrated Coprocessor Speed 100MHz STANDARD VIDEO CONTROLLER VGA (LCD-TFT) (640x480x64K) 8/16/32-bit Controller 16 Video Chip Set Western Digital 90C24A2 Local Bus Yes (VESA) Video Accelerator Yes Bus Master No Video Memory (Standard) 1MB Video Memory (Maximum) 1MB Maximum Graphics with LCD VGA EXTERNAL MONITOR PORT Yes Concurrent Use with External Monitor Yes - Both are active Type of Monitor Supported VGA/SVGA Maximum Resolution/Colors 1024x768/256-Colors (NI) BUILT-IN DISPLAY Color LCD Technology Thin-Film Transistor (TFT) Black Matrix on Array (755CD/CE) Dual-Scan Super-Twisted Nematic (STN) Passive Matrix (755CSE) Dimensions (Diag/H x W) 10.4"/5.75" x 7.6" # of Colors Concurrently 64K (755CD/CE) 256 (755CSE) Color Palette 64K Colors (755CD/CE) 4K Colors (755CSE) Contrast Ratio 100:1 (755C/CD) 20:1 (755CSE) Non-interlaced Yes Detachable No Screen Tilt 180° MULTIMEDIA FEATURES Mwave DSP Yes Million Instructions/Second 60 MIPS SoundBlaster Compatible Yes Microphone Built-In Yes Speaker(s) Built-In Mono (755CE/755CSE) 5W Stereo (755CD) Stereo Audio/Voice Playback Yes Stereo Input Jack Yes Stereo Headphone/Speaker Jack Yes MIDI/Joystick Port Yes (755CD) Volume Control Dial Yes Audio Drivers DOS, Windows, OS/2 (not Win-OS/2 sessions) 5.25" CD-ROM drive Yes (755CD) No (755CE/755CSE) Enhanced Video Card Yes (755CD) (b) TV Tuner Optional Analog-to Digital Video Adapter Optional (requires Dock I/II) INTERNAL MODEM Mwave (built-in) Hayes-compatible Yes Asynchronous/Synchronous Yes/Yes FAX capable Yes Group III compatible Yes FAX software included Yes Send/Receive Faxes Yes/Yes Maximum speed (bps): Data/Fax 28.8/14.4 (Mwave) TELEPHONY FEATURES Answering Machine Yes (Mwave) Full-Duplex Yes (Mwave) Full-Featured Speaker/Telephone Yes/Yes (Mwave) PORT REPLICATOR/DOCKING UNIT CONNECTOR Yes POINTING DEVICE PORTS 1 Built-in TrackPoint III on Keybd Yes PS/2-Type Mouse Port Yes (3t)(4v) SERIAL PORTS (RS232C) 1 Supports DMA Data Transfer No Maximum Ports Supported 1 9/25-Pin 9-pin UART Chip Used NS16550-compatible FIFO Mode Enabled ??? Maximum Speed (bits/second) 19,200??? PARALLEL PRINTER PORTS 1 Supports DMA Data Transfer No Maximum Ports Supported 1 Bi-directional Yes EXTERNAL KEYBOARD PORT (4v) EXTERNAL DISKETTE DRIVE PORT Yes (2o) INFRARED TRANSCEIVERS (Front/Back) Both Data Transfer/Printing Both Supports IBM Mode (1.15 Mbps) Yes Supports HP Mode (115 Kbps) Yes Supports Sharp Mode (9.6 Kbps) Yes File Transfer Software Included Yes SCSI PORT Optional (7q)(7r) CMOS CLOCK Yes CMOS Battery Life (years) 5 Replaceable Yes (Dealer Only) POWER SOURCE AC Adapter Yes (755CD/755CE/755CSE) Battery Yes (755CD) AC Adapter Included Yes (5e) Quick Charge Feature Yes Car Cigarette Lighter Adapter Optional, +12V only Number of Batteries Supplied 1 Battery Type Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) Battery Pack Specs 8.4V, 1800mAH/cell, 14 cell/pack Length of Battery Charge (hrs) 3.3 - 10.0 hours (755CE/755CSE) 3.0 - 9.0 hours (755CD) Battery Charging While Operating 1.7 hours Powered Off or In Suspend Mode 1.2 hours Battery "Fuel Gauge" Software Yes??? Battery Discharge Utility Included Yes??? Non-Disruptive Battery Exchange Yes (c) ═══ ThinkPad 755CD/755CE/755CSE-6Bx/7Bx/9Bx: Disk/Tape Storage ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 755CD/755CE/755CSE 486DX4 Systems header. DESCRIPTION 9545-6Bx/7Bx/9Bx DISK STORAGE Selectable Boot ??? Bootable Physical Drives A:/C: Internal Drive Bays in System 2 Number of 2.5"/3.5"/5.25" 1/1/0 Number of 2.5"/3.5"/5.25" Available 0/0/0 (2o) Number of PCMCIA Type I/II/III Slots 0/0/1 (4f)(7o)(7r) Number of PCMCIA Slots Available 0/0/1 (4f)(7o)(7r) PCMCIA Specification Supported V2.01 PCMCIA Socket Services Specification V2.0 DISKETTE DRIVES Standard Drive(s) 1x1.44MB Media Sensing No??? Removable Yes (2o) Internal Drives Supported 1 External Drives Supported 1 (2o) Maximum Drives Supported 1 (2o) Optional Drives 5.25" 360K No 5.25" 1.2MB No 3.5" 720K No 3.5" 1.44MB No 3.5" 2.88MB Optional - U.S. only (d) Media Sensing Yes Electronic Lock/Eject No ULTRABAY Yes HARD DISK DRIVES Standard Hard Disk Controller Type IDE Adapter/Motherboard Motherboard Controllers Supported per System 1 Devices Supported per Controller 2 (via Dock I/II) (7q)(7r) Standard Hard Disk 340MB (755CE-7BC/755CSE-6BC) (removable) 540MB (755CD-9BD/755CE-7BD/755CSE-6BD) (removable) 810MB (755CD-9BE/755CE-7BE/755CSE-6BE) (removable) Encoding Method "No ID Sectoring" Drive Form Factor 2.5" Average Access Rate (ms) 14-15 ms (340MB/540MB/810MB) Hard Disk Data Transfer/second 20-32 Mbits (340MB) 24.5-35.8 Mbits (540MB) 24.9-36 Mbits (810MB) Rotational Speed (RPMs) ??? Average Latency (ms) 7.9 Number of Heads ? Number of Platters ? Sectors per Track (ID/OD) ??/?? Number of Cylinders ??? Sector Interleave 1:1 Buffer Size ???KB Shock Rating (Gs): Operating ?? Non-operating ?? Auto Park N/A Maximum Number of Internal Hard Drives 1 (7g)(7q)(7r) Optional HD Drive Sizes Available 1.2GB (removable) (4o)(7g)(7q)(7r) Maximum Aggregate Capacity 2x1.2GB (3n)(7g)(7q)(7r) CD-ROM DRIVE STANDARD Yes (755CD) Speed 2X Data Transfer Rate 300Kbps Access Rate 2??ms TAPE STORAGE Internal Tape Drive Support Via ThinkPad Dock I or Dock II bay External Tape Drive Support Via parallel port, or ThinkPad Dock I or Dock II bay or SCSI port ═══ ThinkPad 755CD/755CE/755CSE-6Bx/7Bx/9Bx: Expansion/Operating Systems ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 755CD/755CE/755CSE 486DX4 Systems header. DESCRIPTION 9545-6Bx/7Bx/9Bx BUILT-IN EXPANSION SLOTS Total/Available "Adapter" Slots 0 Maximum RAM with Available Slots 40MB (3h) Number of PCMCIA Type I/II/III Slots 0/0/1 (4f)(7o)(7r) EXTERNAL EXPANSION SUPPORT IBM 3545 ThinkPad Dock I System Yes (7q) IBM 3546 ThinkPad Dock II System Yes (7r) IBM 3547 ThinkPad SelectaDock I No (7v) | IBM ThinkPad Replicator Model I Yes (7o) IBM ThinkPad Replicator Model II Yes (7p) IBM ThinkPad SelectaDock Base Model I Yes (7u) | OPERATING SYSTEM SUPPORT IBM PC/DOS 6.3 or later IBM OS/2 2.11 or later MS DOS 6.22 or later MS Windows 3.11 or later ═══ ThinkPad 755CD/755CE/755CSE-6Bx/7Bx/9Bx: Keyboard/Security ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 755CD/755CE/755CSE 486DX4 Systems header. DESCRIPTION 9545-6Bx/7Bx/9Bx KEYBOARD Keyboard Type 84-key (9s) Numeric Keypad Optional (9s) External Keyboard Supported Yes (101, 84, Japanese) LED Indicators on Keyboard Yes (3e) Keyboard Slope None Trackball Integrated into Keyboard No Pointing stick integrated into keyboard Yes (TrackPoint III) Extra TrackPoint III caps Yes (3) Fast Keyboard Speed Setting Yes??? Quiet Keyboard Operation Mode Yes (Only mode)??? SECURITY Bolt-Down Option Optional (with Security Base or Dock I or Dock II) (7q)(7r) C2 Security Enabled No Electronic Personalization Feature Yes (h) Hard Disk Drive Password Yes (7m) Kensington Lock Slot Yes Keyboard Password Yes Keylock-Locks Cover Optional (with Security Base or Dock I or Dock II) (7q)(7r) Locks Keyboard Optional (with Security Base or Dock I or Dock II) (7q)(7r) Locks Entire System Optional (with Security Base or Dock I or Dock II) (7q)(7r) Power-on Password Yes Unattended Startup Mode No??? Privileged Access Password No Supervisor Password Yes Vital Product Data (VPD) Enabled Yes (5m) ═══ ThinkPad 755CD/755CE/755CSE-6Bx/7Bx/9Bx: Physical/Environmental/Misc ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 755CD/755CE/755CSE 486DX4 Systems header. DESCRIPTION 9545-6Bx/7Bx/9Bx PHYSICAL FACTORS Footprint Type Notebook Dimensions: (Height/Width/Depth) 2.3" (57.1mm) / 11.7" (297mm) / 8.3" (210mm) (755CD) 2.0" (49.8mm) / 11.7" (297mm) / 8.3" (210mm) (755CE/755CSE) Weight (With Battery) 7.3 lbs (3.3kg) (755CD) 6.4 lbs (2.9kg) (755CS/755CSE) Spare Battery Weight 1.2 lbs (525g) Removable Diskette Drive Weight 0.5 lbs (213g) Carrying Case Optional Material N/A ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS AC Adapter (U.S. Only) Yes Specifications 40W, 100-120VAC, 2.0A, 50/60Hz AC Universal Adapter Yes (Standard except in U.S.) Optional (in U.S.) Specifications 40W, 100-240VAC, 2.0A, 50/60Hz Amperage at: 90-137 VAC 2.0 (both) 100-265 VAC 2.0 (Universal Adapter only) Operating Range: Temperature 41-95° F (0-8,000 ft - without diskette) 50-95° F (0-8,000 ft - with diskette in drive) 41-88° F (8-10,000 ft - without diskette) 50-88° F (8-10,000 ft - with diskette in drive) Relative Humidity 8-95% (without diskette) 8-80% (with diskette in drive) Maximum Operating Altitude(ft) 10,000 Maximum Shock (Non-operating) ?? G's Maximum Vibration (Operating) ?? G's Heat (BTUs/Hour) 136 Noise (Avg dB, Operating, 1m) 40 Classification 3D (office) MISCELLANEOUS Software Preloaded Yes (e) CISPR Approval 22 Class B CSA Approval (Canada) C22.2 No. 950 (System Unit and AC/DC Adapter) DEMKO Yes (System Unit and AC/DC Adapter) DENTORI Approval Yes (AC/DC Adapter) FCC Certification (USA) Class B (includes CDPD module) JATE Yes (System Unit) NEMKO Yes (System Unit and AC/DC Adapter) NOM Approval (Mexico) Yes (AC/DC Adapter) OVE Approval (Austria) Yes (AC/DC Adapter) PTT Approval (UK) NS/G/23/J/100003 SA Approval Yes (AC/DC Adapter) SASO Approval (Saudi Arabia) Yes SEMKO Yes (System Unit and AC/DC Adapter) SETI Yes (System Unit and AC/DC Adapter) SEV Approval (Switzerland) Yes (AC/DC Adapter) UL Approval (USA) 1950 (System Unit and AC/DC Adapter) VCCI Approval (Japan) Class 2 (0 dB) Warranty Period 3 Years (battery 1 Year) International Warranty Service Yes (7n) Countries Warranty Service Valid In 80+ On-site/Carry-in Carry-in, or EasyServ (in U.S./Canada) BIOS Model/Submodel/Revision FC/01/00 Announcement Letter Numbers PCC94-527, 194-??? Date Announced 17Oct94 Date Withdrawn N/A ═══ 7.16.3. ThinkPad 755CDV/755CV-8BJ/ABJ/ABK Tech Specs ═══ The ThinkPad Model 755CDV/755CV systems are identical except for the CD-ROM drive in the 755CDV models, and the size of the hard drives. Therefore all models will be covered by this one document. Differences will be indicated by model type in parentheses. The primary difference between the CDV/CV models and the "standard" CD/CX models is the use of advanced LCD projection screen technology. Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 755 Series 486DX4 Systems header. ═══ ThinkPad 755CDV/755CV-8BJ/ABJ/ABK: Architecture/Memory ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 755CDV/755CV 486DX4 Systems header. DESCRIPTION 9545-8BJ/ABJ/ABK ARCHITECTURE Bus Type AT Microprocessor Intel 486DX4 Uses 3.3 Volt Technology Yes Clock Multiplying Yes (3X) Clock Speed (MHz) 100/33 (Internal/External) Cache Controller Yes Internal/External Cache Internal (4u) Cache Size 16KB Instruction Set 32 bit Addressing 32 Bit I/O Channel Width 32 bit Upgradeable Processor Yes Upgradeable to Pentium-75 Interrupt Levels 15 Type Edge-triggered Shareable No DMA Channels 7 DMA Burst Mode Supported Yes 32/48-bit DMA Controller Yes Bus Masters Supported Yes MEMORY RAM on Motherboard Standard Motherboard RAM 8MB (2r)(7t) Maximum Motherboard RAM 40MB (3h) Memory Sockets Total/Available 1/1 (3h) RAM Speed (ns) 70 RAM Type Supported IC DRAM or DIMMs (3h) IC DRAMs Supported 2MB/4MB/8MB/16MB (3h) DIMMs Supported 4MB/8MB/16MB (3h) Wait States 0 ECC Support No Interleaved Memory No Matched Memory Cycle No (5i) Page Memory Logic Yes ═══ ThinkPad 755CDV/755CV-8BJ/ABJ/ABK: Standard Features ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 755CDV/755CV 486DX4 Systems header. DESCRIPTION 9545-8BJ/ABJ/ABK STANDARD FEATURES ROM Size 128KB ROM Shadowing Yes Suspend/Resume Feature Yes Power Saving Modes Supported Standby/Suspend/Hibernate Setup/Power Management S/W Yes Speed Setting Switch/Software Yes BIOS Extensions Stored on Disk No BIOS Extensions Stored on Flash ROM Yes Setup and Diags Stored on Disk No Setup and Diags Stored in Flash ROM Yes Quick POST ??? LED Indicators Yes (3e) Math Coprocessor Integrated into processor Coprocessor Speed 100MHz STANDARD VIDEO CONTROLLER SVGA/VGA (640x480x64K) 8/16/32-bit Controller 16 Video Chip Set Western Digital 90C24A2 Local Bus Yes (VESA) Video Accelerator Yes Bus Master No Video Memory (Standard) 1MB Video Memory (Maximum) 1MB Maximum Graphics with LCD VGA EXTERNAL MONITOR PORT Yes Concurrent Use with External Monitor Yes - Both are active Type of Monitor Supported VGA/SVGA Maximum Resolution/Colors 1024x768/256-Colors (NI) BUILT-IN DISPLAY Color LCD Technology Thin-Film Transistor (TFT) Black Matrix on Array Dimensions (Diag/H x W) 10.4"/5.75" x 7.6" # of Colors Concurrently 64K Color Palette 64K Colors Contrast Ratio 100:1 Non-interlaced Yes Detachable Yes (i) Screen Tilt 180° MULTIMEDIA FEATURES Mwave DSP Yes Million Instructions/Second 60 MIPS SoundBlaster Compatible Yes Microphone Built-In Yes Speaker(s) Built-In 5W Stereo Stereo Audio/Voice Playback Yes Stereo Input Jack Yes Stereo Headphone/Speaker Jack Yes MIDI/Joystick Port Yes (ABJ/ABK) Volume Control Dial Yes Audio Drivers DOS, Windows, OS/2 (not Win-OS/2 sessions) 5.25" CD-ROM drive Yes (ABJ/ABK) No (8BJ) Works as Video Projection Panel Yes (9b) Enhanced Video Card Yes (ABJ/ABK) (b) TV Tuner Optional Analog-to Digital Video Adapter Optional (requires Dock I/II) Wireless Remote Controller Included INTERNAL MODEM Mwave (built-in) Hayes-compatible Yes Asynchronous/Synchronous Yes/Yes FAX capable Yes Group III compatible Yes FAX software included Yes Send/Receive Faxes Yes/Yes Maximum speed (bps): Data/Fax 28.8/14.4 (Mwave) TELEPHONY FEATURES Answering Machine Yes (Mwave) Full-Duplex Yes (Mwave) Full-Featured Speaker/Telephone Yes/Yes (Mwave) PORT REPLICATOR/DOCKING UNIT CONNECTOR Yes POINTING DEVICE PORTS 1 Built-in TrackPoint III on Keybd Yes PS/2-Type Mouse Port Yes (3t)(4v) SERIAL PORTS (RS232C) 1 Supports DMA Data Transfer No Maximum Ports Supported 1 9/25-Pin 9-pin UART Chip Used NS16550-compatible FIFO Mode Enabled ??? Maximum Speed (bits/second) 19,200??? PARALLEL PRINTER PORTS 1 Supports DMA Data Transfer No Maximum Ports Supported 1 Bi-directional Yes EXTERNAL KEYBOARD PORT (4v) EXTERNAL DISKETTE DRIVE PORT Yes (UltraBay) INFRARED TRANSCEIVERS (Front/Back) Both Data Transfer/Printing Both Supports IBM Mode (1.15 Mbps) Yes Supports HP Mode (115 Kbps) Yes Supports Sharp Mode (9.6 Kbps) Yes File Transfer Software Included Yes SCSI PORT Optional (7q)(7r) CMOS CLOCK Yes CMOS Battery Life (years) 5 Replaceable Yes (Dealer Only) POWER SOURCE AC Adapter Yes Battery Yes AC Adapter Included Yes (5e) Quick Charge Feature Yes Car Cigarette Lighter Adapter Optional, +12V only Number of Batteries Supplied 1 Battery Type Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) Battery Pack Specs 8.4V, 1800mAH/cell, 14 cell/pack Length of Battery Charge (hrs) 2.5 - 8.0 hours Battery Charging While Operating 1.7 hours Powered Off or In Suspend Mode 1.2 hours Battery "Fuel Gauge" Software ??? Battery Discharge Utility Included Yes Non-Disruptive Battery Exchange Yes (c) ═══ ThinkPad 755CDV/755CV-8BJ/ABJ/ABK: Disk/Tape Storage ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 755CDV/755CV 486DX4 Systems header. DESCRIPTION 9545-8BJ/ABJ/ABK DISK STORAGE Selectable Boot ??? Bootable Physical Drives A:/C: Internal Drive Bays in System 2 Number of 2.5"/3.5"/5.25" 1/1/0 Number of 2.5"/3.5"/5.25" Available 0/0/0 (UltraBay) Number of PCMCIA Type I/II/III Slots 0/0/1 (4f)(7o)(7r) Number of PCMCIA Slots Available 0/0/1 (4f)(7o)(7r) PCMCIA Specification Supported V2.01 PCMCIA Socket Services Specification V2.0 DISKETTE DRIVES Standard Drive(s) 1x1.44MB Media Sensing No??? Removable Yes (UltraBay) Internal Drives Supported 1 External Drives Supported 1 (UltraBay) Maximum Drives Supported 1 (UltraBay) Optional Drives 5.25" 360K No 5.25" 1.2MB No 3.5" 720K No 3.5" 1.44MB No 3.5" 2.88MB Optional - U.S. only (d) Media Sensing Yes Electronic Lock/Eject Yes??? ULTRABAY Yes HARD DISK DRIVES Standard Hard Disk Controller Type IDE Adapter/Motherboard Motherboard Controllers Supported per System 1 Devices Supported per Controller 2 (via Dock I/II) (7q)(7r) Standard Hard Disk 540MB (8BJ/ABJ) (removable) 810MB (ABK) (removable) Encoding Method "No ID Sectoring" Drive Form Factor 2.5" Average Access Rate (ms) 14-15 ms Hard Disk Data Transfer/second 24.5-35.8 Mbits (540MB) 24.9-36.0 Mbits (810MB) Rotational Speed (RPMs) ??? Average Latency (ms) 7.9 Number of Heads 2 (810MB) Number of Platters 1 (810MB) Sectors per Track (ID/OD) ??/?? Number of Cylinders ??? Sector Interleave 1:1 Buffer Size ???KB Shock Rating (Gs): Operating ?? Non-operating ?? Auto Park N/A Maximum Number of Internal Hard Drives 1 (7g)(7q)(7r) Optional HD Drive Sizes Available 1.2GB (removable) (4o)(7g)(7q)(7r) Maximum Aggregate Capacity 2x1.2GB (3n)(7g)(7q)(7r) CD-ROM DRIVE STANDARD Yes (ABJ/ABK) Speed 2X Data Transfer Rate 300Kbps Access Rate 2??ms TAPE STORAGE Internal Tape Drive Support Via ThinkPad Dock I or Dock II bay External Tape Drive Support Via parallel port, or ThinkPad Dock I or Dock II bay or SCSI port ═══ ThinkPad 755CDV/755CV-8BJ/ABJ/ABK: Expansion/Operating Systems ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 755CDV/755CV 486DX4 Systems header. DESCRIPTION 9545-8BJ/ABJ/ABK BUILT-IN EXPANSION SLOTS Total/Available "Adapter" Slots 0 Maximum RAM with Available Slots 40MB (3h) Number of PCMCIA Type I/II/III Slots 0/0/1 (4f)(7o)(7r) EXTERNAL EXPANSION SUPPORT IBM 3545 ThinkPad Dock I System Yes (7q) IBM 3546 ThinkPad Dock II System Yes (7r) IBM 3547 ThinkPad SelectaDock I No (7v) | IBM ThinkPad Replicator Model I Yes (7o) IBM ThinkPad Replicator Model II Yes (7p) IBM ThinkPad SelectaDock Base Model I Yes (7u) | OPERATING SYSTEM SUPPORT IBM PC/DOS 6.3 or later IBM OS/2 2.11 or later MS DOS 6.22 or later MS Windows 3.11 or later MS Windows 95 1.0 or later ═══ ThinkPad 755CDV/755CV-8BJ/ABJ/ABK: Keyboard/Security ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 755CDV/755CV 486DX4 Systems header. DESCRIPTION 9545-8BJ/ABJ/ABK KEYBOARD Keyboard Type 84-key (9s) Numeric Keypad Optional (9s) External Keyboard Supported Yes (101, 84, Japanese) LED Indicators on Keyboard Yes (3e) Keyboard Slope None Trackball Integrated into Keyboard No Pointing stick integrated into keyboard Yes (TrackPoint III) Extra TrackPoint III caps Yes (3) Fast Keyboard Speed Setting ??? Quiet Keyboard Operation Mode ??? SECURITY Bolt-Down Option Optional (with Security Base or Dock I or Dock II) (7q)(7r) C2 Security Enabled No Electronic Personalization Feature Yes (h) Hard Disk Drive Password Yes (7m) Kensington Lock Slot Yes Keyboard Password Yes Keylock-Locks Cover Optional (with Security Base or Dock I or Dock II) (7q)(7r) Locks Keyboard Optional (with Security Base or Dock I or Dock II) (7q)(7r) Locks Entire System Optional (with Security Base or Dock I or Dock II) (7q)(7r) Power-on Password Yes Unattended Startup Mode ??? Privileged Access Password No Supervisor Password Yes Vital Product Data (VPD) Enabled Yes (5m) ═══ ThinkPad 755CDV/755CV-8BJ/ABJ/ABK: Physical/Environmental/Misc ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 755CDV/755CV 486DX4 Systems header. DESCRIPTION 9545-8BJ/ABJ/ABK PHYSICAL FACTORS Footprint Type Notebook Dimensions: (Height/Width/Depth) 2.3" (57.1mm) / 11.7" (297mm) / 8.3" (210mm) (ABJ/ABK) 2.0" (49.8mm) / 11.7" (297mm) / 8.3" (210mm) (8BJ) Weight (With Battery) 7.5 lbs (3.4kg) (ABJ/ABK) 6.6 lbs (3.0kg) (8BJ) Spare Battery Weight 1.2 lbs (525g) Removable Diskette Drive Weight 0.5 lbs (213g) Carrying Case Optional Material N/A ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS AC Adapter (U.S. Only) Yes Specifications 40W, 100-120VAC, 2.0A, 50/60Hz AC Universal Adapter Yes (Standard except in U.S.) Optional (in U.S.) Specifications 40W, 100-240VAC, 2.0A, 50/60Hz Amperage at: 90-137 VAC 2.0 (both) 100-265 VAC 2.0 (Universal Adapter only) Operating Range: Temperature 41-95° F (0-8,000 ft - without diskette) 50-95° F (0-8,000 ft - with diskette in drive) 41-88° F (8-10,000 ft - without diskette) 50-88° F (8-10,000 ft - with diskette in drive) Relative Humidity 8-95% (without diskette) 8-80% (with diskette in drive) Maximum Operating Altitude(ft) 10,000 Maximum Shock (Non-operating) ?? G's Maximum Vibration (Operating) ?? G's Heat (BTUs/Hour) 136 Noise (Avg dB, Operating, 1m) 40 Classification 3D (office) MISCELLANEOUS Software Preloaded Yes (9q) CISPR Approval 22 Class B CSA Approval (Canada) C22.2 No. 950 (System Unit and AC/DC Adapter) DEMKO Yes (System Unit and AC/DC Adapter) DENTORI Approval Yes (AC/DC Adapter) FCC Certification (USA) Class B (includes CDPD module) JATE Yes (System Unit) NEMKO Yes (System Unit and AC/DC Adapter) NOM Approval (Mexico) Yes (AC/DC Adapter) OVE Approval (Austria) Yes (AC/DC Adapter) PTT Approval (UK) NS/G/23/J/100003 SA Approval Yes (AC/DC Adapter) SASO Approval (Saudi Arabia) Yes SEMKO Yes (System Unit and AC/DC Adapter) SETI Yes (System Unit and AC/DC Adapter) SEV Approval (Switzerland) Yes (AC/DC Adapter) UL Approval (USA) 1950 (System Unit and AC/DC Adapter) VCCI Approval (Japan) Class 2 (0 dB) Warranty Period 3 Years (battery 1 Year) International Warranty Service Yes (7n) Countries Warranty Service Valid In 80+ On-site/Carry-in Carry-in, or EasyServ (in U.S./Canada) BIOS Model/Submodel/Revision FC/01/00 BIOS Dates ??????? Announcement Letter Numbers PCC95-183, 195-133 (8BJ) PCC95-254, 195-??? (ABJ/ABK) Date Announced 05May95 (8BJ) 20Jun95 (ABJ/ABK) Date Withdrawn ??/??/?? ═══ 7.17. ThinkPad 755 Series Pentium Systems ═══ This section contains feature and technical specification information for the Intel Pentium-based IBM ThinkPad 755 systems. Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Pentium 75MHz Systems ThinkPad 755CD/755CX-FBK/FBL/HBD/HBE/HBL/SBJ/SBK ThinkPad 755CDV/755CV-EBK/EBL/GBK/GBL Return to the ThinkPad Systems: Features and Technical Specs header. ═══ 7.17.1. ThinkPad 755CD/755CX-FBK/FBL/HBD/HBE/HBL/SBJ/SBK Tech Specs ═══ The ThinkPad Model 755CD/755CX systems are identical except for the CD-ROM drive in the 755CD models, type of color LCD, and the size of the hard drives. Therefore all models will be covered by this one document. Differences will be indicated by model type in parentheses. Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 755 Series Pentium Systems header. ═══ ThinkPad 755CD/755CX-FBK/FBL/HBD/HBE/HBL/SBJ/SBK: Architecture/Memory ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 755CD/755CX Pentium Systems header. DESCRIPTION 9545-FBK/FBL/HBD/HBE/HBL/SBJ/SBK ARCHITECTURE Bus Type AT Microprocessor Pentium (P54C) Uses 3.3 Volt Technology Yes Clock Multiplying Yes (1.5X) Clock Speed (MHz) 75/50 (Internal/External) Cache Controller Yes Internal/External Cache Internal (4u) Cache Size 16KB Instruction Set 32 bit Addressing 32 Bit I/O Channel Width 32 bit Upgradeable Processor Yes Upgradeable to Pentium-90 Interrupt Levels 15 Type Edge-triggered Shareable No DMA Channels 7 DMA Burst Mode Supported Yes 32/48-bit DMA Controller Yes Bus Masters Supported Yes MEMORY RAM on Motherboard Standard Motherboard RAM 8MB (2r)(7t) Maximum Motherboard RAM 40MB (3h) Memory Sockets Total/Available 1/1 (3h) RAM Speed (ns) 70 RAM Type Supported IC DRAM or DIMMs (3h) IC DRAMs Supported 2MB/4MB/8MB/16MB (3h) DIMMs Supported 4MB/8MB/16MB (3h) Wait States 0 ECC Support No Interleaved Memory No Matched Memory Cycle No (5i) Page Memory Logic Yes ═══ ThinkPad 755CD/755CX-FBK/FBL/HBD/HBE/HBL/SBJ/SBK: Standard Features ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 755CD/755CX Pentium Systems header. DESCRIPTION 9545-FBK/FBL/HBD/HBE/HBL/SBJ/SBK STANDARD FEATURES ROM Size 128KB ROM Shadowing Yes Suspend/Resume Feature Yes Power Saving Modes Supported Standby/Suspend/Hibernate Setup/Power Management S/W Yes Speed Setting Switch/Software Yes BIOS Extensions Stored on Disk No BIOS Extensions Stored on Flash ROM Yes Setup and Diags Stored on Disk No Setup and Diags Stored in Flash ROM Yes Quick POST ??? LED Indicators Yes (3e) Math Coprocessor Integrated into processor Coprocessor Speed 75MHz STANDARD VIDEO CONTROLLER VGA (640x480x64K) (Fxx/Sxx) SVGA (800x600x64K) (Hxx) 8/16/32-bit Controller 16 Video Chip Set Western Digital 90C24A2 Local Bus Yes (VESA) Video Accelerator Yes Bus Master No Video Memory (Standard) 1MB Video Memory (Maximum) 1MB Maximum Graphics with LCD VGA (Fxx/Sxx) SVGA (Hxx) EXTERNAL MONITOR PORT Yes Concurrent Use with External Monitor Yes - Both are active Type of Monitor Supported VGA/SVGA Maximum Resolution/Colors 1024x768/256-Colors (NI) BUILT-IN DISPLAY Color LCD Technology Thin-Film Transistor (TFT) Black Matrix on Array Dimensions (Diag/H x W) 10.4"/5.75" x 7.6" # of Colors Concurrently 64K Color Palette 64K Colors Contrast Ratio 100:1 Non-interlaced Yes Detachable No Screen Tilt 180° MULTIMEDIA FEATURES Yes (Fxx/Hxx) No (Sxx) Mwave DSP Yes Million Instructions/Second 60 MIPS SoundBlaster Compatible Yes Microphone Built-In Yes Speaker(s) Built-In Mono (HBD/HBE/HBL/SBJ/SBK) 0.5W Stereo (FBK/FBL) Stereo Audio/Voice Playback Yes Stereo Input Jack Yes Stereo Headphone/Speaker Jack Yes MIDI/Joystick Port Yes (FBK/FBL) Volume Control Dial Yes Audio Drivers DOS, Windows, OS/2 (not Win-OS/2 sessions) 5.25" CD-ROM drive Yes (FBK/FBL) Enhanced Video Card Yes (FBK/FBL) (b) TV Tuner Optional Analog-to Digital Video Adapter Optional (requires Dock I/II) INTERNAL MODEM Yes Mwave (built-in) (Fxx/Hxx) No (Sxx) Hayes-compatible Yes Asynchronous/Synchronous Yes/Yes FAX capable Yes Group III compatible Yes FAX software included Yes Send/Receive Faxes Yes/Yes Maximum speed (bps): Data/Fax 28.8/14.4 (Mwave) TELEPHONY FEATURES Yes (Fxx/Hxx) No (Sxx) Answering Machine Yes (Mwave) Full-Duplex Yes (Mwave) Full-Featured Speaker/Telephone Yes/Yes (Mwave) PORT REPLICATOR/DOCKING UNIT CONNECTOR Yes POINTING DEVICE PORTS 1 Built-in TrackPoint III on Keybd Yes PS/2-Type Mouse Port Yes (3t)(4v) SERIAL PORTS (RS232C) 1 Supports DMA Data Transfer No Maximum Ports Supported 1 9/25-Pin 9-pin UART Chip Used NS16550-compatible FIFO Mode Enabled ??? Maximum Speed (bits/second) 19,200??? PARALLEL PRINTER PORTS 1 Supports DMA Data Transfer No Maximum Ports Supported 1 Bi-directional Yes EXTERNAL KEYBOARD PORT (4v) EXTERNAL DISKETTE DRIVE PORT Yes (UltraBay) INFRARED TRANSCEIVERS (Front/Back) Both Data Transfer/Printing Both Supports IBM Mode (1.15 Mbps) Yes Supports HP Mode (115 Kbps) Yes Supports Sharp Mode (9.6 Kbps) Yes File Transfer Software Included Yes SCSI PORT Optional (7q)(7r) CMOS CLOCK Yes CMOS Battery Life (years) 5 Replaceable Yes (Dealer Only) POWER SOURCE AC Adapter Yes Battery Yes AC Adapter Included Yes (5e) Quick Charge Feature Yes Car Cigarette Lighter Adapter Optional, +12V only Number of Batteries Supplied 1 Battery Type Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) Battery Pack Specs 8.4V, 1800mAH/cell, 14 cell/pack Length of Battery Charge (hrs) 2.5 - 8.0 hours (FBK/FBL) 2.6 - 8.0 hours (HBD/HBE/HBL/SBJ/SBK) Battery Charging While Operating 1.7 hours Powered Off or In Suspend Mode 1.2 hours Battery "Fuel Gauge" Software Yes??? Battery Discharge Utility Included Yes??? Non-Disruptive Battery Exchange Yes (c) ═══ ThinkPad 755CD/755CX-FBK/FBL/HBD/HBE/HBL/SBJ/SBK: Disk/Tape Storage ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 755CD/755CX Pentium Systems header. DESCRIPTION 9545-FBK/FBL/HBD/HBE/HBL/SBJ/SBK DISK STORAGE Selectable Boot ??? Bootable Physical Drives A:/C: Internal Drive Bays in System 2 Number of 2.5"/3.5"/5.25" 1/1/0 Number of 2.5"/3.5"/5.25" Available 0/0/0 (UltraBay) Number of PCMCIA Type I/II/III Slots 0/0/1 (4f)(7o)(7r) Number of PCMCIA Slots Available 0/0/1 (4f)(7o)(7r) PCMCIA Specification Supported V2.01 PCMCIA Socket Services Specification V2.0 DISKETTE DRIVES Standard Drive(s) 1x1.44MB Media Sensing ??? Removable Yes (UltraBay) Internal Drives Supported 1 External Drives Supported 1 (UltraBay) Maximum Drives Supported 1 (UltraBay) Optional Drives 5.25" 360K No 5.25" 1.2MB No 3.5" 720K No 3.5" 1.44MB No 3.5" 2.88MB Optional - U.S. only (d) Media Sensing Yes Electronic Lock/Eject ??? ULTRABAY Yes HARD DISK DRIVES Standard Hard Disk Controller Type IDE Adapter/Motherboard Motherboard Controllers Supported per System 1 Devices Supported per Controller 2 (via Dock I/II) (7q)(7r) Standard Hard Disk 540MB (HBD/SBJ) (removable) 810MB (FBK/HBE/SBK) (removable) 1.2GB (FBL/HBL) (removable) Encoding Method "No ID Sectoring" Drive Form Factor 2.5" Average Access Rate (ms) 14-15 ms (340MB/540MB/810MB) 12-13 ms (1.2GB) Hard Disk Data Transfer/second 24.5-35.8 Mbits (540MB) 24.9-36 Mbits (810MB) 36.5-57.3Mbits (1.2GB) Rotational Speed (RPMs) ??? Average Latency (ms) 7.9 (540/810MB) 6.1 (1.2GB) Number of Heads 2 (810MB) 4 (1.2GB) Number of Platters 1 (810MB) 2 (1.2GB) Sectors per Track (ID/OD) ??/?? Number of Cylinders ??? Sector Interleave 1:1 Buffer Size ???KB Shock Rating (Gs): Operating ?? Non-operating ?? Auto Park N/A Maximum Number of Internal Hard Drives 1 (7g)(7q)(7r) Optional HD Drive Sizes Available 1.2GB (removable) (4o)(7g)(7q)(7r) Maximum Aggregate Capacity 2x1.2GB (3n)(7g)(7q)(7r) CD-ROM DRIVE STANDARD Yes (FBK/FBL) Speed 2X Data Transfer Rate 300Kbps Access Rate 2??ms TAPE STORAGE Internal Tape Drive Support Via ThinkPad Dock I or Dock II bay External Tape Drive Support Via parallel port, or ThinkPad Dock I or Dock II bay or SCSI port ═══ ThinkPad 755CD/755CX-FBK/FBL/HBD/HBE/HBL/SBJ/SBK: Expansion/Operating Systems ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 755CD/755CX Pentium Systems header. DESCRIPTION 9545-FBK/FBL/HBD/HBE/HBL/SBJ/SBK BUILT-IN EXPANSION SLOTS Total/Available "Adapter" Slots 0 Maximum RAM with Available Slots 40MB (3h) Number of PCMCIA Type I/II/III Slots 0/0/1 (4f)(7o)(7r) EXTERNAL EXPANSION SUPPORT IBM 3545 ThinkPad Dock I System Yes (7q) IBM 3546 ThinkPad Dock II System Yes (7r) IBM 3547 ThinkPad SelectaDock I No (7v) | IBM ThinkPad Replicator Model I Yes (7o) IBM ThinkPad Replicator Model II Yes (7p) IBM ThinkPad SelectaDock Base Model I Yes (7u) | OPERATING SYSTEM SUPPORT IBM PC/DOS 6.3 or later IBM OS/2 2.11 or later MS DOS 6.22 or later MS Windows 3.11 or later MS Windows 95 1.0 or later ═══ ThinkPad 755CD/755CX-FBK/FBL/HBD/HBE/HBL/SBJ/SBK: Keyboard/Security ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 755CD/755CX Pentium Systems header. DESCRIPTION 9545-FBK/FBL/HBD/HBE/HBL/SBJ/SBK KEYBOARD Keyboard Type 84-key (9s) Numeric Keypad Optional (9s) External Keyboard Supported Yes (101, 84, Japanese) LED Indicators on Keyboard Yes (3e) Keyboard Slope None Trackball Integrated into Keyboard No Pointing stick integrated into keyboard Yes (TrackPoint III) Extra TrackPoint III caps Yes (3) Fast Keyboard Speed Setting ??? Quiet Keyboard Operation Mode ??? SECURITY Bolt-Down Option Optional (with Security Base or Dock I or Dock II) (7q)(7r) C2 Security Enabled No Electronic Personalization Feature Yes (h) Hard Disk Drive Password Yes (7m) Kensington Lock Slot Yes Keyboard Password Yes Keylock-Locks Cover Optional (with Security Base or Dock I or Dock II) (7q)(7r) Locks Keyboard Optional (with Security Base or Dock I or Dock II) (7q)(7r) Locks Entire System Optional (with Security Base or Dock I or Dock II) (7q)(7r) Power-on Password Yes Unattended Startup Mode ??? Privileged Access Password No Supervisor Password Yes Vital Product Data (VPD) Enabled Yes (5m) ═══ ThinkPad 755CD/755CX-FBK/FBL/HBD/HBE/HBL/SBJ/SBK: Physical/Environmental/Misc ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 755CD/755CX Pentium Systems header. DESCRIPTION 9545-FBK/FBL/HBD/HBE/HBL/SBJ/SBK PHYSICAL FACTORS Footprint Type Notebook Dimensions: (Height/Width/Depth) 2.3" (57.1mm) / 11.7" (297mm) / 8.3" (210mm) (FBK/FBL) 2.0" (49.8mm) / 11.7" (297mm) / 8.3" (210mm) (HBD/HBE/HBL/SBJ/SBK) Weight (With Battery) 7.3 lbs (3.3kg) (FBK/FBL) 6.6 lbs (3.0kg) (HBD/HBE/HBL/SBJ/SBK) Spare Battery Weight 1.2 lbs (525g) Removable Diskette Drive Weight 0.5 lbs (213g) Carrying Case Optional Material N/A ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS AC Adapter (U.S. Only) Yes Specifications 40W, 100-120VAC, 2.0A, 50/60Hz AC Adapter (Universal) Yes (Standard except in U.S.) Optional (in U.S.) Specifications 40W, 100-240VAC, 2.0A, 50/60Hz Amperage at: 90-137 VAC 2.0 (both) 100-265 VAC 2.0 (Universal Adapter only) Operating Range: Temperature 41-95° F (0-8,000 ft - without diskette) 50-95° F (0-8,000 ft - with diskette in drive) 41-88° F (8-10,000 ft - without diskette) 50-88° F (8-10,000 ft - with diskette in drive) Relative Humidity 8-95% (without diskette) 8-80% (with diskette in drive) Maximum Operating Altitude(ft) 10,000 Maximum Shock (Non-operating) ?? G's Maximum Vibration (Operating) ?? G's Heat (BTUs/Hour) 136 Noise (Avg dB, Operating, 1m) 40 Classification 3D (office) MISCELLANEOUS Software Preloaded Yes (3u) CISPR Approval 22 Class B CSA Approval (Canada) C22.2 No. 950 (System Unit and AC/DC Adapter) DEMKO Yes (System Unit and AC/DC Adapter) DENTORI Approval Yes (AC/DC Adapter) FCC Certification (USA) Class B (includes CDPD module) JATE Yes (System Unit) NEMKO Yes (System Unit and AC/DC Adapter) NOM Approval (Mexico) Yes (AC/DC Adapter) OVE Approval (Austria) Yes (AC/DC Adapter) PTT Approval (UK) NS/G/23/J/100003 SA Approval Yes (AC/DC Adapter) SASO Approval (Saudi Arabia) Yes SEMKO Yes (System Unit and AC/DC Adapter) SETI Yes (System Unit and AC/DC Adapter) SEV Approval (Switzerland) Yes (AC/DC Adapter) UL Approval (USA) 1950 (System Unit and AC/DC Adapter) VCCI Approval (Japan) Class 2 (0 dB) Warranty Period 3 Years (battery 1 Year) International Warranty Service Yes (7n) Countries Warranty Service Valid In 80+ On-site/Carry-in Carry-in, or EasyServ (in U.S./Canada) BIOS Model/Submodel/Revision FC/01/00 Announcement Letter Numbers PCC95-184, 195-??? (HBD/HBE) PCC95-253, 195-??? (SBJ/SBK) PCC95-353, 195-??? (HBL) PCC95-354, 195-??? (FBK/FBL) Date Announced 09May95 (HBD/HBE) 20Jun95 (SBJ/SBK) 05Sep95 (FBK/FBL/HBL) Date Withdrawn ??/??/?? ═══ 7.17.2. ThinkPad 755CDV/755CV-EBK/EBL/GBK/GBL Tech Specs ═══ The ThinkPad Model 755CDV/755CV systems are identical except for the CD-ROM drive in the 755CDV models, and the size of the hard drives. Therefore all models will be covered by this one document. Differences will be indicated by model type in parentheses. The primary difference between the CDV/CV models and the "standard" CD/CX models is the use of advanced LCD projection screen technology. Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 755 Series Pentium Systems header. ═══ ThinkPad 755CDV/755CV-EBK/EBL/GBK/GBL: Architecture/Memory ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 755CDV/755CV Pentium Systems header. DESCRIPTION 9545-EBK/EBL/GBK/GBL ARCHITECTURE Bus Type AT Microprocessor Pentium (P54C) Uses 3.3 Volt Technology Yes Clock Multiplying Yes (1.5X) Clock Speed (MHz) 75/50 (Internal/External) Cache Controller Yes Internal/External Cache Internal (4u) Cache Size 16KB Instruction Set 32 bit Addressing 32 Bit I/O Channel Width 32 bit Upgradeable Processor Yes Upgradeable to Pentium-90 Interrupt Levels 15 Type Edge-triggered Shareable No DMA Channels 7 DMA Burst Mode Supported Yes 32/48-bit DMA Controller Yes Bus Masters Supported Yes MEMORY RAM on Motherboard Standard Motherboard RAM 8MB (2r)(7t) Maximum Motherboard RAM 40MB (3h) Memory Sockets Total/Available 1/1 (3h) RAM Speed (ns) 70 RAM Type Supported IC DRAM or DIMMs (3h) IC DRAMs Supported 2MB/4MB/8MB/16MB (3h) DIMMs Supported 4MB/8MB/16MB (3h) Wait States 0 ECC Support No Interleaved Memory No Matched Memory Cycle No (5i) Page Memory Logic Yes ═══ ThinkPad 755CDV/755CV-EBK/EBL/GBK/GBL: Standard Features ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 755CDV/755CV Pentium Systems header. DESCRIPTION 9545-EBK/EBL/GBK/GBL STANDARD FEATURES ROM Size 128KB ROM Shadowing Yes Suspend/Resume Feature Yes Power Saving Modes Supported Standby/Suspend/Hibernate Setup/Power Management S/W Yes Speed Setting Switch/Software Yes BIOS Extensions Stored on Disk No BIOS Extensions Stored on Flash ROM Yes Setup and Diags Stored on Disk No Setup and Diags Stored in Flash ROM Yes Quick POST ??? LED Indicators Yes (3e) Math Coprocessor Integrated into processor Coprocessor Speed 75MHz STANDARD VIDEO CONTROLLER VGA (640x480x64K) 8/16/32-bit Controller 16 Video Chip Set Western Digital 90C24A2 Local Bus Yes (VESA) Video Accelerator Yes Bus Master No Video Memory (Standard) 1MB Video Memory (Maximum) 1MB Maximum Graphics with LCD VGA EXTERNAL MONITOR PORT Yes Concurrent Use with External Monitor Yes - Both are active Type of Monitor Supported VGA/SVGA Maximum Resolution/Colors 1024x768/256-Colors (NI) BUILT-IN DISPLAY Color LCD Technology Thin-Film Transistor (TFT) Black Matrix on Array Dimensions (Diag/H x W) 10.4"/5.75" x 7.6" # of Colors Concurrently 64K Color Palette 64K Colors Contrast Ratio 100:1 Non-interlaced Yes Detachable No Screen Tilt 180° MULTIMEDIA FEATURES Mwave DSP Yes Million Instructions/Second 60 MIPS SoundBlaster Compatible Yes Microphone Built-In Yes Speaker(s) Built-In .5W Stereo (755CD) Stereo Audio/Voice Playback Yes Stereo Input Jack Yes Stereo Headphone/Speaker Jack Yes MIDI/Joystick Port Yes (GBK/GBL) Volume Control Dial Yes Audio Drivers DOS, Windows, OS/2 (not Win-OS/2 sessions) 5.25" CD-ROM drive Yes (GBK/GBL) No (EBK/EBL) Works as Video Projection Panel Yes (9b) Enhanced Video Card Yes (b) (GBK/GBL) TV Tuner Optional Analog-to Digital Video Adapter Optional (requires Dock I/II) Wireless Remote Controller Included INTERNAL MODEM Mwave (built-in) Hayes-compatible Yes Asynchronous/Synchronous Yes/Yes FAX capable Yes Group III compatible Yes FAX software included Yes Send/Receive Faxes Yes/Yes Maximum speed (bps): Data/Fax 28.8/14.4 (Mwave) TELEPHONY FEATURES Answering Machine Yes (Mwave) Full-Duplex Yes (Mwave) Full-Featured Speaker/Telephone Yes/Yes (Mwave) PORT REPLICATOR/DOCKING UNIT CONNECTOR Yes POINTING DEVICE PORTS 1 Built-in TrackPoint III on Keybd Yes PS/2-Type Mouse Port Yes (3t)(4v) SERIAL PORTS (RS232C) 1 Supports DMA Data Transfer No Maximum Ports Supported 1 9/25-Pin 9-pin UART Chip Used NS16550-compatible FIFO Mode Enabled ??? Maximum Speed (bits/second) 19,200??? PARALLEL PRINTER PORTS 1 Supports DMA Data Transfer No Maximum Ports Supported 1 Bi-directional Yes EXTERNAL KEYBOARD PORT (4v) EXTERNAL DISKETTE DRIVE PORT Yes (UltraBay) INFRARED TRANSCEIVERS (Front/Back) Both Data Transfer/Printing Both Supports IBM Mode (1.15 Mbps) Yes Supports HP Mode (115 Kbps) Yes Supports Sharp Mode (9.6 Kbps) Yes File Transfer Software Included Yes SCSI PORT Optional (7q)(7r) CMOS CLOCK Yes CMOS Battery Life (years) 5 Replaceable Yes (Dealer Only) POWER SOURCE AC Adapter Yes Battery Yes AC Adapter Included Yes (5e) Quick Charge Feature Yes Car Cigarette Lighter Adapter Optional, +12V only Number of Batteries Supplied 1 Battery Type Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) Battery Pack Specs 8.4V, 1800mAH/cell, 14 cell/pack Length of Battery Charge (hrs) 2.5 - 8.0 hours Battery Charging While Operating 1.7 hours Powered Off or In Suspend Mode 1.2 hours Battery "Fuel Gauge" Software ??? Battery Discharge Utility Included ??? Non-Disruptive Battery Exchange Yes (c) ═══ ThinkPad 755CDV/755CV-EBK/EBL/GBK/GBL: Disk/Tape Storage ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 755CDV/755CV Pentium Systems header. DESCRIPTION 9545-EBK/EBL/GBK/GBL DISK STORAGE Selectable Boot ??? Bootable Physical Drives A:/C: Internal Drive Bays in System 2 Number of 2.5"/3.5"/5.25" 1/1/0 Number of 2.5"/3.5"/5.25" Available 0/0/0 (UltraBay) Number of PCMCIA Type I/II/III Slots 0/0/1 (4f)(7o)(7r) Number of PCMCIA Slots Available 0/0/1 (4f)(7o)(7r) PCMCIA Specification Supported V2.01 PCMCIA Socket Services Specification V2.0 DISKETTE DRIVES Standard Drive(s) 1x1.44MB Media Sensing ??? Removable Yes (UltraBay) Internal Drives Supported 1 External Drives Supported 1 (UltraBay) Maximum Drives Supported 1 (UltraBay) Optional Drives 5.25" 360K No 5.25" 1.2MB No 3.5" 720K No 3.5" 1.44MB No 3.5" 2.88MB Optional - U.S. only (d) Media Sensing Yes Electronic Lock/Eject ??? ULTRABAY Yes HARD DISK DRIVES Standard Hard Disk Controller Type IDE Adapter/Motherboard Motherboard Controllers Supported per System 1 Devices Supported per Controller 2 (via Dock I/II) (7q)(7r) Standard Hard Disk 810MB (EBK/GBK) (removable) 1.2GB (EBL/GBL) (removable) Encoding Method "No ID Sectoring" Drive Form Factor 2.5" Average Access Rate (ms) 14-15 ms (540MB/810MB) 12-13 ms (1.2GB) Hard Disk Data Transfer/second 24.5-35.8 Mbits (540MB) 24.9-36 Mbits (810MB) 36.5-57.3Mbits (1.2GB) Rotational Speed (RPMs) ??? Average Latency (ms) 7.9 (540/810MB) 6.1 (1.2GB) Number of Heads 2 (810MB) 4 (1.2GB) Number of Platters 1 (810MB) 2 (1.2GB) Sectors per Track (ID/OD) ??/?? Number of Cylinders ??? Sector Interleave 1:1 Buffer Size ???KB Shock Rating (Gs): Operating ?? Non-operating ?? Auto Park N/A Maximum Number of Internal Hard Drives 1 (7g)(7q)(7r) Optional HD Drive Sizes Available 1.2GB (removable) (4o)(7g)(7q)(7r) Maximum Aggregate Capacity 2x1.2GB (3n)(7g)(7q)(7r) CD-ROM DRIVE STANDARD Yes (GBK/GBL) Speed 2X Data Transfer Rate 300Kbps Access Rate 2??ms TAPE STORAGE Internal Tape Drive Support Via ThinkPad Dock I or Dock II bay External Tape Drive Support Via parallel port, or ThinkPad Dock I or Dock II bay or SCSI port ═══ ThinkPad 755CDV/755CV-EBK/EBL/GBK/GBL: Expansion/Operating Systems ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 755CDV/755CV Pentium Systems header. DESCRIPTION 9545-EBK/EBL/GBK/GBL BUILT-IN EXPANSION SLOTS Total/Available "Adapter" Slots 0 Maximum RAM with Available Slots 40MB (3h) Number of PCMCIA Type I/II/III Slots 0/0/1 (4f)(7o)(7r) EXTERNAL EXPANSION SUPPORT IBM 3545 ThinkPad Dock I System Yes (7q) IBM 3546 ThinkPad Dock II System Yes (7r) IBM 3547 ThinkPad SelectaDock I No (7v) | IBM ThinkPad Replicator Model I Yes (7o) IBM ThinkPad Replicator Model II Yes (7p) IBM ThinkPad SelectaDock Base Model I Yes (7u) | OPERATING SYSTEM SUPPORT IBM PC/DOS 6.3 or later IBM OS/2 2.11 or later MS DOS 6.22 or later MS Windows 3.11 or later MS Windows 95 1.0 or later ═══ ThinkPad 755CDV/755CV-EBK/EBL/GBK/GBL: Keyboard/Security ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 755CDV/755CV Pentium Systems header. DESCRIPTION 9545-EBK/EBL/GBK/GBL KEYBOARD Keyboard Type 84-key (9s) Numeric Keypad Optional (9s) External Keyboard Supported Yes (101, 84, Japanese) LED Indicators on Keyboard Yes (3e) Keyboard Slope None Trackball Integrated into Keyboard No Pointing stick integrated into keyboard Yes (TrackPoint III) Extra TrackPoint III caps Yes (3) Fast Keyboard Speed Setting ??? Quiet Keyboard Operation Mode ??? SECURITY Bolt-Down Option Optional (with Security Base or Dock I or Dock II) (7q)(7r) C2 Security Enabled No Electronic Personalization Feature Yes (h) Hard Disk Drive Password Yes (7m) Kensington Lock Slot Yes Keyboard Password Yes Keylock-Locks Cover Optional (with Security Base or Dock I or Dock II) (7q)(7r) Locks Keyboard Optional (with Security Base or Dock I or Dock II) (7q)(7r) Locks Entire System Optional (with Security Base or Dock I or Dock II) (7q)(7r) Power-on Password Yes Unattended Startup Mode ??? Privileged Access Password No Supervisor Password Yes Vital Product Data (VPD) Enabled Yes (5m) ═══ ThinkPad 755CDV/755CV-EBK/EBL/GBK/GBL: Physical/Environmental/Misc ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 755CDV/755CV Pentium Systems header. DESCRIPTION 9545-EBK/EBL/GBK/GBL PHYSICAL FACTORS Footprint Type Notebook Dimensions: (Height/Width/Depth) 2.3" (57.1mm) / 11.7" (297mm) / 8.3" (210mm) (GBK/GBL) 2.0" (49.8mm) / 11.7" (297mm) / 8.3" (210mm) (EBK/EBL) Weight (With Battery) 7.5 lbs (3.4kg) (GBK/GBL) 6.6 lbs (3.0kg) (EBK/EBL) Spare Battery Weight 1.2 lbs (525g) Removable Diskette Drive Weight 0.5 lbs (213g) Carrying Case Optional Material N/A ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS AC Adapter (U.S. Only) Yes Specifications 40W, 100-120VAC, 2.0A, 50/60Hz AC Adapter (Universal) Yes (Standard except in U.S.) Optional (in U.S.) Specifications 40W, 100-240VAC, 2.0A, 50/60Hz Amperage at: 90-137 VAC 2.0 (both) 100-265 VAC 2.0 (Universal Adapter only) Operating Range: Temperature 41-95° F (0-8,000 ft - without diskette) 50-95° F (0-8,000 ft - with diskette in drive) 41-88° F (8-10,000 ft - without diskette) 50-88° F (8-10,000 ft - with diskette in drive) Relative Humidity 8-95% (without diskette) 8-80% (with diskette in drive) Maximum Operating Altitude(ft) 10,000 Maximum Shock (Non-operating) ?? G's Maximum Vibration (Operating) ?? G's Heat (BTUs/Hour) 136 Noise (Avg dB, Operating, 1m) 40 Classification 3D (office) MISCELLANEOUS Software Preloaded Yes (3u) CISPR Approval 22 Class B CSA Approval (Canada) C22.2 No. 950 (System Unit and AC/DC Adapter) DEMKO Yes (System Unit and AC/DC Adapter) DENTORI Approval Yes (AC/DC Adapter) FCC Certification (USA) Class B (includes CDPD module) JATE Yes (System Unit) NEMKO Yes (System Unit and AC/DC Adapter) NOM Approval (Mexico) Yes (AC/DC Adapter) OVE Approval (Austria) Yes (AC/DC Adapter) PTT Approval (UK) NS/G/23/J/100003 SA Approval Yes (AC/DC Adapter) SASO Approval (Saudi Arabia) Yes SEMKO Yes (System Unit and AC/DC Adapter) SETI Yes (System Unit and AC/DC Adapter) SEV Approval (Switzerland) Yes (AC/DC Adapter) UL Approval (USA) 1950 (System Unit and AC/DC Adapter) VCCI Approval (Japan) Class 2 (0 dB) Warranty Period 3 Years (battery 1 Year) International Warranty Service Yes (7n) Countries Warranty Service Valid In 80+ On-site/Carry-in Carry-in, or EasyServ (in U.S./Canada) BIOS Model/Submodel/Revision FC/01/00 Announcement Letter Numbers PCC95-353, 195-??? (EBK/EBL) PCC95-355, 195-??? (GBK/GBL) Date Announced 05Sep95 Date Withdrawn N/A ═══ 7.18. ThinkPad 760 Series Pentium Systems ═══ This section contains feature and technical specification information for the Intel Pentium-based IBM ThinkPad 760C/760CD/760L systems. Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: 9546-xxx Systems 9547-xxx Systems  ThinkPad 760C/760CD-U1x/U2x  ThinkPad 760E/760ED-U3A/U3B/U3L/U4A/U4B |  ThinkPad 760L/760LD-U0x/U3x  ThinkPad 760EL/760ELD-U3F/U4F/U4H/U4R/U4S/U6F/U6G/U6R | Return to the ThinkPad Systems: Features and Technical Specs header. ═══ 7.18.1. ThinkPad 760C/760CD-U11/U13/U1A/U1C/U21/U22/U27/U28/U2A/U2B/U2H/U2J Tech Specs ═══ The ThinkPad Model 760C/760CD systems are identical except for the CD-ROM drive in the 760CD models, LCD screen size, processor speed, and the size of the hard drives. Therefore all models will be covered by this one document. Differences will be indicated by model type in parentheses. Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 760 Series Pentium Systems header. ═══ ThinkPad 760C/760CD-U11/U13/U1A/U1C/U21/U22/U27/U28/U2A/U2B/U2H/U2J: Architecture/Memory ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad ThinkPad 760C/760CD-U11/U13/U1A/U1C/U21/U22/U27/U28/U2A/U2B/U2H/U2J Tech Specs header. DESCRIPTION 9546-U11/U13/U1A/U1C/U21/U22/U27/U28/U2A/U2B/U2H/U2J ARCHITECTURE Bus Type AT Microprocessor Pentium (P54LM) Uses 2.9 Volt Technology Yes Clock Multiplying Yes (1.5X) (760C-U21/U22/U2A/U2B, 760CD-U11/U1A) Yes (2X) (760C-U27/U28/U2H/U2J, 760CD-U13/U1C) Clock Speed (MHz) 90/60 (Internal/External) (760C-U21/U22/U2A/U2B, 760CD-U11/U1A) 120/60 (Internal/External) (760C-U27/U28/U2H/U2J, 760CD-U13/U1C) Cache Controller Yes Internal/External Cache Internal (4u) Cache Size 16KB Instruction Set 32 bit Addressing 32 Bit I/O Channel Width 32 bit Upgradeable Processor Yes Upgradeable to Pentium 120 (760C-U21/U22/U2A/U2B, 760CD-U11/U1A) Interrupt Levels 15 Type Edge-triggered Shareable No DMA Channels 7 DMA Burst Mode Supported Yes 32/48-bit DMA Controller Yes Bus Masters Supported Yes MEMORY RAM on Motherboard Standard Motherboard RAM 8MB (2r)(7t) Maximum Motherboard RAM 40MB (3h) Memory Sockets Total/Available 1/1 (3h) RAM Speed (ns) 70 RAM Type Supported IC DRAM or DIMMs (3h) IC DRAMs Supported 2MB/4MB/8MB/16MB (3h) DIMMs Supported 4MB/8MB/16MB (3h) Wait States 0 ECC Support No Interleaved Memory No Matched Memory Cycle No (5i) Page Memory Logic Yes ═══ ThinkPad 760C/760CD-U11/U13/U1A/U1C/U21/U22/U27/U28/U2A/U2B/U2H/U2J: Standard Features ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad ThinkPad 760C/760CD-U11/U13/U1A/U1C/U21/U22/U27/U28/U2A/U2B/U2H/U2J Tech Specs header. DESCRIPTION 9546-U11/U13/U1A/U1C/U21/U22/U27/U28/U2A/U2B/U2H/U2J STANDARD FEATURES ROM Size 128KB ROM Shadowing Yes Suspend/Resume Feature Yes Power Saving Modes Supported Standby/Suspend/Hibernate Setup/Power Management S/W Yes Speed Setting Switch/Software Yes BIOS Extensions Stored on Disk No BIOS Extensions Stored on Flash ROM Yes Setup and Diags Stored on Disk No Setup and Diags Stored in Flash ROM Yes Quick POST ??? LED Indicators Yes Math Coprocessor Integrated into processor Coprocessor Speed 90MHz (760C-U21/U22/U2A/U2B, 760CD-U11/U1A) 120MHz (760C-U27/U28/U2H/U2J, 760CD-U13/U1C) STANDARD VIDEO CONTROLLER SVGA (800x600x64K) 8/16/32-bit Controller 16 Video Chip Set Trident Cyber 9320 Local Bus Yes (VESA) Video Accelerator Yes Bus Master No Video Memory (Standard) 1MB Video Memory (Maximum) 1MB Maximum Graphics with LCD SVGA EXTERNAL MONITOR PORT Yes Concurrent Use with External Monitor Yes - Both are active Type of Monitor Supported VGA/SVGA Maximum Resolution/Colors 1024x768/256-Colors (NI) BUILT-IN DISPLAY Color LCD Technology Thin-Film Transistor (TFT) Black Matrix on Array Dimensions (Diag/H x W) 10.4"/5.75" x 7.6" (760C-U22/U2B) 12.1"/??" x ??" (760C-U21/U27/U28/U2A/U2H/U2J, 760CD) # of Colors Concurrently 64K Color Palette 64K Colors Contrast Ratio 100:1 Non-interlaced Yes Detachable No Screen Tilt 180° MULTIMEDIA FEATURES Mwave DSP Yes Million Instructions/Second 60 MIPS SoundBlaster Compatible Yes Microphone Built-In Yes Speaker(s) Built-In Stereo Stereo Audio/Voice Playback Yes Stereo Input Jack Yes Stereo Headphone/Speaker Jack Yes MIDI/Joystick Port Yes (760CD) MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 Processor Yes (MPEG-2 Half Horizontal Resolution-HHR) (760CD) Volume Control Dial Yes Audio Drivers DOS, Windows, OS/2 (not Win-OS/2 sessions) 5.25" CD-ROM drive Yes (760CD) Enhanced Video Card Yes (760CD) (b) TV Tuner Optional Analog-to Digital Video Adapter Optional (requires Dock I/II) INTERNAL MODEM Mwave (built-in) Hayes-compatible Yes Asynchronous/Synchronous Yes/Yes FAX capable Yes Group III compatible Yes FAX software included Yes Send/Receive Faxes Yes/Yes Maximum speed (bps): Data/Fax 28.8/14.4 (Mwave) TELEPHONY FEATURES Answering Machine Yes (Mwave) Full-Duplex Yes (Mwave) Full-Featured Speaker/Telephone Yes/Yes (Mwave) PORT REPLICATOR/DOCKING UNIT CONNECTOR Yes POINTING DEVICE PORTS 1 Built-in TrackPoint III on Keybd Yes PS/2-Type Mouse Port Yes (3t)(4v) SERIAL PORTS (RS232C) 1 Supports DMA Data Transfer No Maximum Ports Supported 1 9/25-Pin 9-pin UART Chip Used NS16550A-compatible FIFO Mode Enabled ??? Maximum Speed (bits/second) 115,200 PARALLEL PRINTER PORTS 1 Supports DMA Data Transfer No Supports ECP/EPP Transfers Yes/Yes Maximum Ports Supported 1 Bi-directional Yes EXTERNAL KEYBOARD PORT (4v) EXTERNAL DISKETTE DRIVE PORT Yes (UltraBay) INFRARED TRANSCEIVERS (Front/Back) Both Data Transfer/Printing Both Supports IBM Mode (1.15 Mbps) Yes Supports HP Mode (115 Kbps) Yes Supports Sharp Mode (9.6 Kbps) Yes File Transfer Software Included Yes SCSI PORT Optional (7q)(7r) CMOS CLOCK Yes CMOS Battery Life (years) 5 Replaceable Yes (Dealer Only) POWER SOURCE AC Adapter Yes Battery Yes AC Adapter Included Yes (5e) Quick Charge Feature Yes Car Cigarette Lighter Adapter Optional, +12V only Number of Batteries Supplied 1 Maximum Batteries Supported 2 (UltraBay) Battery Type Lithium-Ion (Li-Ion) Battery Pack Specs 10.8V, 710mAH/cell, 12 cell/pack Length of Battery Charge (hrs) One Battery (12.1" SVGA) 3.5 - 9.0 hours (760C-U21/U27/U28/U2A/U2H/U2J) Two Batteries (12.1" SVGA) 7.0 - 18.0 hours (760C-U21/U27/U28/U2A/U2H/U2J) One Battery (10.4" SVGA) 3.8 - 10.0 hours (760C-U22/U2B) Two Batteries (10.4" SVGA) 7.6 - 20.0 hours (760C-U22/U2B) One Battery (12.1" SVGA) 3.1 - 9.0 hours (760CD) Two Batteries (12.1" SVGA) 6.2 - 18.0 hours (760CD) Battery Charging While Operating 2.0 - 3.0 hours Powered Off or In Suspend Mode 1.5 - 2.5 hours Battery "Fuel Gauge" Software ??? Battery Discharge Utility Included ??? Non-Disruptive Battery Exchange Yes (c) ═══ ThinkPad 760C/760CD-U11/U13/U1A/U1C/U21/U22/U27/U28/U2A/U2B/U2H/U2J: Disk/Tape Storage ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad ThinkPad 760C/760CD-U11/U13/U1A/U1C/U21/U22/U27/U28/U2A/U2B/U2H/U2J Tech Specs header. DESCRIPTION 9546-U11/U13/U1A/U1C/U21/U22/U27/U28/U2A/U2B/U2H/U2J DISK STORAGE Selectable Boot ??? Bootable Physical Drives A:/C: Internal Drive Bays in System 2 Number of 2.5"/3.5"/5.25" 1/1/0 Number of 2.5"/3.5"/5.25" Available 0/0/0 (UltraBay) Number of PCMCIA Type I/II/III Slots 0/0/1 (4f)(7o)(7r) Number of PCMCIA Slots Available 0/0/1 (4f)(7o)(7r) PCMCIA Specification Supported V2.01 PCMCIA Socket Services Specification V2.0 DISKETTE DRIVES Standard Drive(s) 1x1.44MB Media Sensing ??? Removable Yes (UltraBay) Internal Drives Supported 1 External Drives Supported 1 (UltraBay) Maximum Drives Supported 1 (UltraBay) Optional Drives 5.25" 360K No 5.25" 1.2MB No 3.5" 720K No 3.5" 1.44MB No 3.5" 2.88MB Optional - U.S. only (d) Media Sensing Yes Electronic Lock/Eject ??? ULTRABAY Yes HARD DISK DRIVES Standard Hard Disk Controller Type IDE Adapter/Motherboard Motherboard Controllers Supported per System 1 Devices Supported per Controller 2 (via Dock I/II) (7q)(7r) Standard Hard Disk (Removable) 720MB (760C-U21/U22/U27/U2A/U2B/U2H) 1.08MB (760C-U28/U2J) 1.2GB (760CD) Encoding Method "No ID Sectoring" Drive Form Factor 2.5" Average Access Rate (ms) 13-14 ms (720MB) 8.1 ms (1.08GB) 12-13 ms (1.2GB) Hard Disk Data Transfer/second 26.9-39.5 Mbits/sec (720MB) ??.?-??.? Mbits/sec (1.08GB) 36.3-57.0 Mbits/sec (1.2GB) Rotational Speed (RPMs) ??? Average Latency (ms) 7.5 (720MB) ?.? (1.08GB) 6.1 (1.2GB) Number of Heads ? (720MB) ? (1.08GB) 4 (1.2GB) Number of Platters ? (720MB) ? (1.08GB) 2 (1.2GB) Sectors per Track (ID/OD) ??/?? Number of Cylinders ??? Sector Interleave 1:1 Buffer Size ??K (720MB) 64K (1.08GB) ??4K (1.2GB) Shock Rating (Gs): Operating ?? Non-operating ?? Auto Park N/A Maximum Number of Internal Hard Drives 2 (7g)(7q)(7r)(UltraBay) Maximum Aggregate Capacity 2 x 1.08GB (760C) (3n)(7g)(7q)(7r)(UltraBay) 2 x 1.2GB (760CD) (3n)(7g)(7q)(7r)(UltraBay) CD-ROM DRIVE STANDARD Yes (760CD) Speed 4X Data Transfer Rate 600Kbps Access Rate ???ms TAPE STORAGE Internal Tape Drive Support Via ThinkPad Dock I or Dock II bay External Tape Drive Support Via parallel port, or ThinkPad Dock I or Dock II SCSI port ═══ ThinkPad 760C/760CD-U11/U13/U1A/U1C/U21/U22/U27/U28/U2A/U2B/U2H/U2J: Expansion/Operating Systems ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad ThinkPad 760C/760CD-U11/U13/U1A/U1C/U21/U22/U27/U28/U2A/U2B/U2H/U2J Tech Specs header. DESCRIPTION 9546-U11/U13/U1A/U1C/U21/U22/U27/U28/U2A/U2B/U2H/U2J BUILT-IN EXPANSION SLOTS Total/Available "Adapter" Slots 0 Maximum RAM with Available Slots 40MB (3h) Number of PCMCIA Type I/II/III Slots 0/0/1 (4f)(7o)(7r) EXTERNAL EXPANSION SUPPORT IBM 3545 ThinkPad Dock I System Yes (7q) IBM 3546 ThinkPad Dock II System Yes (7r) IBM ThinkPad Replicator Model I Yes (7o) IBM ThinkPad Replicator Model II Yes (7p) OPERATING SYSTEM SUPPORT IBM PC/DOS 6.3 or later IBM OS/2 2.11 or later MS DOS 6.22 or later MS Windows 3.11 or later MS Windows 95 1.0 or later ═══ ThinkPad 760C/760CD-U11/U13/U1A/U1C/U21/U22/U27/U28/U2A/U2B/U2H/U2J: Keyboard/Security ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad ThinkPad 760C/760CD-U11/U13/U1A/U1C/U21/U22/U27/U28/U2A/U2B/U2H/U2J Tech Specs header. DESCRIPTION 9546-U11/U13/U1A/U1C/U21/U22/U27/U28/U2A/U2B/U2H/U2J KEYBOARD Keyboard Type 84-key (9s) Numeric Keypad Optional (9s) External Keyboard Supported Yes (101, 84, Japanese) LED Indicators on Keyboard Yes Popup Tilt Keyboard Yes Keyboard Slope ??° Palm Rest Yes Trackball Integrated into Keyboard No Pointing stick integrated into keyboard Yes (TrackPoint III) Extra TrackPoint III caps Yes (3) Fast Keyboard Speed Setting ??? Quiet Keyboard Operation Mode ??? SECURITY Bolt-Down Option Optional (with Security Base or Dock I or Dock II) (7q)(7r) C2 Security Enabled No Electronic Personalization Feature Yes (h) Hard Disk Drive Password Yes (7m) Kensington Lock Slot Yes Keyboard Password Yes Keylock-Locks Cover Optional (with Security Base or Dock I or Dock II) (7q)(7r) Locks Keyboard Optional (with Security Base or Dock I or Dock II) (7q)(7r) Locks Entire System Optional (with Security Base or Dock I or Dock II) (7q)(7r) Power-on Password Yes Unattended Startup Mode No??? Privileged Access Password No Supervisor Password Yes Vital Product Data (VPD) Enabled Yes (5m) ═══ ThinkPad 760C/760CD-U11/U13/U1A/U1C/U21/U22/U27/U28/U2A/U2B/U2H/U2J: Physical/Environmental/Misc ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad ThinkPad 760C/760CD-U11/U13/U1A/U1C/U21/U22/U27/U28/U2A/U2B/U2H/U2J Tech Specs header. DESCRIPTION 9546-U11/U13/U1A/U1C/U21/U22/U27/U28/U2A/U2B/U2H/U2J PHYSICAL FACTORS Footprint Type Notebook Dimensions: (Height/Width/Depth) 2.1" (54.3mm) / 11.7" (297mm) / 8.3" (210mm) (760CD) 2.0" (48.7mm) / 11.7" (297mm) / 8.3" (210mm) (760C-U21/U27/U28/U2A/U2H/U2J) 1.7" (44.2mm) / 11.7" (297mm) / 8.3" (210mm) (760C-U22/U2B) Weight (With Battery) 6.8 lbs (3.09kg) (760C-U21/U27/U28/U2A/U2H/U2J) 6.1 lbs (2.78kg) (760C-U22/U2B) 7.5 lbs (3.39kg) (760CD) Spare Battery Weight 0.9 lbs (400g) Removable Diskette Drive Weight 0.5 lbs (213g) Carrying Case Optional Material N/A ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS AC Adapter (U.S. Only) Yes Specifications 40W, 100-120VAC, 2.0A, 50/60Hz AC Adapter (Universal) Yes (Standard except in U.S.) Optional (in U.S.) Specifications 40W, 100-240VAC, 2.0A, 50/60Hz Amperage at: 90-137 VAC 2.0 (both) 100-265 VAC 2.0 (Universal Adapter only) Operating Range: Temperature 41-95° F (0-8,000 ft - without diskette) 50-95° F (0-8,000 ft - with diskette in drive) 41-88° F (8-10,000 ft - without diskette) 50-88° F (8-10,000 ft - with diskette in drive) Relative Humidity 8-95% (without diskette) 8-80% (with diskette in drive) Maximum Operating Altitude(ft) 10,000 Maximum Shock (Non-operating) ?? G's Maximum Vibration (Operating) ?? G's Heat (BTUs/Hour) 136 Noise (Avg dB, Operating, 1m) 40 Classification 3D (office) MISCELLANEOUS Software Preloaded DOS-Windows-OS/2 SelectaSystem Yes (3u) (760C-U21/U22/U27/U28, 760CD-U11/U13) Windows 95 Yes (3v) (760C-U2A/U2B/U2H/U2J, 760CD-U1A/U1C) CISPR Approval 22 Class B CSA Approval (Canada) C22.2 No. 950 (System Unit and AC/DC Adapter) DEMKO Yes (System Unit and AC/DC Adapter) FCC Certification (USA) Class B (includes CDPD module) JATE Yes (System Unit) NOM Approval (Mexico) Yes (AC/DC Adapter) OVE Approval (Austria) Yes (AC/DC Adapter) PTT Approval (UK) NS/G/23/J/100003 SASO Approval (Saudi Arabia) Yes SEMKO Yes (System Unit and AC/DC Adapter) UL Approval (USA) 1950 (System Unit and AC/DC Adapter) VCCI Approval (Japan) Class 2 (0 dB) Warranty Period 3 Years (battery 1 Year) International Warranty Service Yes (7n) Countries Warranty Service Valid In 80+ On-site/Carry-in Carry-in, or EasyServ (in U.S./Canada) Announcement Letter Numbers PCC95-417, 195-??? (U11/U1A/U21/U22/U27/U2A/U2B/U2H) PCC96-035, 196-??? (U13/U1C/U28/U2J) Date Announced 06Oct95 (U11/U1A/U21/U22/U27/U2A/U2B/U2H) 30Jan96 (U13/U1C/U28/U2J) Date Withdrawn N/A ═══ 7.18.2. ThinkPad 760E/760ED-U3A/U3B/U3L/U4A/U4B Tech Specs ═══ | The ThinkPad Model 760E/760ED systems are identical except for the CD-ROM drive in the 760ED models, processor speed, software preloaded, and the size of the hard drives. Therefore all models will be covered by this one document. Differences will be indicated by model type in parentheses. Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 760 Series Pentium Systems header. ═══ ThinkPad 760E/760ED-U3A/U3B/U3L/U4A/U4B: Architecture/Memory ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad ThinkPad 760E/760ED-U3A/U3B/U3L/U4A/U4B Tech Specs header. DESCRIPTION 9546-U3A/U3B/U3L/U4A/U4B ARCHITECTURE Bus Type PCI/ISA Microprocessor Pentium (P54LM) Uses 2.9 Volt Technology Yes Clock Multiplying Yes (2X) Clock Speed (MHz) 120/60 (Internal/External) (760E-U3B/U3L/U4B) 133/66 (Internal/External) (760E-U4A, 760ED-U3A) Cache Controller Yes Internal/External Cache Internal (4u) Cache Size 16KB Instruction Set 32 bit Addressing 32 Bit I/O Channel Width 32 bit Upgradeable Processor Yes Upgradeable to Pentium 133 (760E-U3B/U3L/U4B) Interrupt Levels 15 Type (ISA) Edge-triggered, non-shareable Type (PCI) Level-sensitive, shareable Maximum Bus Data Transfer Rates ISA Burst Transfer Mode 5 Mbytes/second PCI Burst Transfer Mode 132 Mbytes/second DMA Channels 7 DMA Burst Mode Supported Yes 32/48-bit DMA Controller Yes Bus Masters Supported Yes MEMORY RAM on Motherboard Standard Motherboard RAM 8MB (760E-U3B/U3L/U4B) (2r)(7t) 16MB (760E-U4A, 760ED-U3A) (2r)(7t) Maximum Motherboard RAM 72MB (760E-U3B/U3L/U4B (3c) 80MB (760E-U4A, 760ED-U3A) (3c) Memory Sockets Total/Available 2/2 (3c) RAM Speed (ns) 70 RAM Type Supported 64-bit EDO DIMMs (3c) DIMMs Supported 8MB/16MB/32MB (3c) Wait States 0 ECC/Parity Support No Interleaved Memory No Page Memory Logic Yes ═══ ThinkPad 760E/760ED-U3A/U3B/U3L/U4A/U4B: Standard Features ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad ThinkPad 760E/760ED-U3A/U3B/U3L/U4A/U4B Tech Specs header. DESCRIPTION 9546-U3A/U3B/U3L/U4A/U4B STANDARD FEATURES ROM Size 128KB ROM Shadowing Yes Suspend/Resume Feature Yes Power Saving Modes Supported Standby/Suspend/Hibernate Setup/Power Management S/W Yes Speed Setting Switch/Software Yes BIOS Extensions Stored on Disk No BIOS Extensions Stored on Flash ROM Yes Setup and Diags Stored on Disk No Setup and Diags Stored in Flash ROM Yes Quick POST ??? LED Indicators Yes Math Coprocessor Integrated into processor Coprocessor Speed 120MHz (760E-U3B/U3L/U4B) 133MHz (760E-U4A, 760ED-U3A) STANDARD VIDEO CONTROLLER SVGA (800x600x64K, 1024x768x256) (760E) SVGA (800x600x256K, 1024x768x64K) (760ED) 8/16/32-bit Controller 32 Video Chip Set ??? Local Bus Yes (PCI) Video Accelerator Yes Bus Master Yes Video Memory (Standard) 1MB (760E) 2MB (760ED) Video Memory (Maximum) 1MB (760E) 2MB (760ED) Maximum Graphics with LCD SVGA EXTERNAL MONITOR PORT Yes Concurrent Use with External Monitor Yes - Both are active Type of Monitor Supported VGA/SVGA Maximum Resolution/Colors 1024x768/256-Colors (760E) 1024x768/64K-Colors (760ED) 1280x1024/256-Colors (760ED) BUILT-IN DISPLAY Color LCD Technology Thin-Film Transistor (TFT) Black Matrix on Array Dimensions (Diag/H x W) 12.1"/??" x ??" # of Colors Concurrently 64K Color Palette 64K Colors Contrast Ratio 100:1 Non-interlaced Yes Detachable No Screen Tilt 180° MULTIMEDIA FEATURES Mwave DSP Yes Million Instructions/Second 60 MIPS SoundBlaster Compatible Yes Microphone Built-In Yes Speaker(s) Built-In Stereo Stereo Audio/Voice Playback Yes Stereo Input Jack Yes Stereo Headphone/Speaker Jack Yes MIDI/Joystick Port Yes (760ED) MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 Processor Yes (MPEG-2 Half Horizontal Resolution-HHR) (760ED) Volume Control Dial Yes Audio Drivers DOS, Windows, OS/2 (not Win-OS/2 sessions) 5.25" CD-ROM drive Yes (760ED) Upgradeable to CD-ROM Yes (760E-U3B/U3L) Enhanced Video Card Yes (760ED) (b) INTERNAL MODEM Mwave (built-in) Hayes-compatible Yes Asynchronous/Synchronous Yes/Yes FAX capable Yes Group III compatible Yes FAX software included Yes Send/Receive Faxes Yes/Yes Maximum speed (bps): Data/Fax 28.8/14.4 (Mwave) TELEPHONY FEATURES Answering Machine Yes (Mwave) Full-Duplex Yes (Mwave) Full-Featured Speaker/Telephone Yes/Yes (Mwave) PORT REPLICATOR/DOCKING UNIT CONNECTOR Yes POINTING DEVICE PORTS 1 Built-in TrackPoint III on Keybd Yes PS/2-Type Mouse Port Yes (3t)(4v) SERIAL PORTS (RS232C) 1 Supports DMA Data Transfer No Maximum Ports Supported 1 9/25-Pin 9-pin UART Chip Used NS16550A-compatible FIFO Mode Enabled ??? Maximum Speed (bits/second) 115,200 PARALLEL PRINTER PORTS 1 Supports DMA Data Transfer No Supports ECP/EPP Transfers Yes/Yes Maximum Ports Supported 1 Bi-directional Yes EXTERNAL KEYBOARD PORT (4v) EXTERNAL DISKETTE DRIVE PORT Yes (UltraBay) INFRARED TRANSCEIVERS (Front/Back) Both Data Transfer/Printing Both Supports IBM Mode (1.15 Mbps) Yes Supports HP Mode (115 Kbps) Yes Supports Sharp Mode (9.6 Kbps) Yes File Transfer Software Included Yes SCSI PORT ??? (7q)(7r)(7v) CMOS CLOCK Yes CMOS Battery Life (years) 5 Replaceable Yes (Dealer Only) POWER SOURCE AC Adapter Yes Battery Yes AC Adapter Included Yes (5e) Quick Charge Feature Yes Car Cigarette Lighter Adapter Optional, +12V only Number of Batteries Supplied 1 Maximum Batteries Supported 2 (UltraBay) Battery Type Lithium-Ion (Li-Ion) Battery Pack Specs 10.8V, 3.0 AH, 740 mAH/cell, 12 cell/pack Length of Battery Charge (hrs) One Battery (12.1" SVGA) ?.? - ?.? hours (760E Two Batteries (12.1" SVGA) ?.? - ??.? hours (760E) One Battery (12.1" SVGA) ?.? - ?.? hours (760ED) Two Batteries (12.1" SVGA) ?.? - ??.? hours (760ED) Battery Charging While Operating ?.? - ?.? hours Powered Off or In Suspend Mode ?.? - ?.? hours Battery "Fuel Gauge" Software ??? Battery Discharge Utility Included ??? Non-Disruptive Battery Exchange Yes (c) ═══ ThinkPad 760E/760ED-U3A/U3B/U3L/U4A/U4B: Disk/Tape Storage ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad ThinkPad 760E/760ED-U3A/U3B/U3L/U4A/U4B Tech Specs header. DESCRIPTION 9546-U3A/U3B/U3L/U4A/U4B DISK STORAGE Selectable Boot ??? Bootable Physical Drives A:/C: Internal Drive Bays in System 2 Number of 2.5"/3.5"/5.25" 1/1/0 Number of 2.5"/3.5"/5.25" Available 0/0/0 (UltraBay) Number of PCMCIA Type I/II/III Slots 0/0/1 (4f)(7o)(7r)(7v) Number of PCMCIA Slots Available 0/0/1 (4f)(7o)(7r)(7v) PCMCIA Specification Supported V2.01 PCMCIA Socket Services Specification V2.0 DISKETTE DRIVES Standard Drive(s) 1x1.44MB Media Sensing ??? Removable Yes (UltraBay) Internal Drives Supported 1 External Drives Supported 1 (UltraBay) Maximum Drives Supported 1 (UltraBay) Optional Drives 5.25" 360K No 5.25" 1.2MB No 3.5" 720K No 3.5" 1.44MB No 3.5" 2.88MB Optional - U.S. only (d) Media Sensing Yes Electronic Lock/Eject ??? ULTRABAY Yes HARD DISK DRIVES Standard Hard Disk Controller Type IDE Adapter/Motherboard Motherboard Controllers Supported per System 1 Devices Supported per Controller 2 (via Dock I/II, SelectaDock I) (7q)(7r) Standard Hard Disk (Removable) 1.08MB (760E-U4A) 1.2GB (760E-U3B/U3L/U4A/U4B, 760ED-U3A) Encoding Method "No ID Sectoring" Drive Form Factor 2.5" Average Access Rate (ms) 8.1 ms (1.08GB) 12-13 ms (1.2GB) Hard Disk Data Transfer/second ??.?-??.? Mbits/sec (1.08GB) 36.3-57.0 Mbits/sec (1.2GB) Rotational Speed (RPMs) ??? Average Latency (ms) ?.? (1.08GB) 6.1 (1.2GB) Number of Heads ? (1.08GB) 4 (1.2GB) Number of Platters ? (1.08GB) 2 (1.2GB) Sectors per Track (ID/OD) ??/?? Number of Cylinders ??? Sector Interleave 1:1 Buffer Size 64K (1.08GB) ???K (1.2GB) Shock Rating (Gs): Operating ?? Non-operating ?? Auto Park N/A Maximum Number of Internal Hard Drives 2 (7g)(7q)(7r)(UltraBay) Maximum Aggregate Capacity 1 x 1.08GB, plus 1 x 1.2GB (760E-U4A) (3n)(7g)(7q)(7r)(UltraBay) 2 x 1.2GB (760E-U3B/U3L/U4A/U4B, 760ED-U3A) (3n)(7g)(7q)(7r) (UltraBay) CD-ROM DRIVE STANDARD Yes (760ED) Speed 4X Data Transfer Rate 600Kbps Access Rate ???ms TAPE STORAGE Internal Tape Drive Support Via ThinkPad Dock I, Dock II, or SelectaDock bay External Tape Drive Support Via parallel port, or ThinkPad Dock I or Dock II, or SelectaDock SCSI port ═══ ThinkPad 760E/760ED-U3A/U3B/U3L/U4A/U4B: Expansion/Operating Systems ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad ThinkPad 760E/760ED-U3A/U3B/U3L/U4A/U4B Tech Specs header. DESCRIPTION 9546-U3A/U3B/U3L/U4A/U4B BUILT-IN EXPANSION SLOTS Number of PCMCIA Type I/II/III Slots 0/0/1 (4f)(7o)(7r) CardBus-Compatible Slots Yes EXTERNAL EXPANSION SUPPORT IBM 3545 ThinkPad Dock I System Yes (7q) IBM 3546 ThinkPad Dock II System Yes (7r) IBM 3547 ThinkPad SelectaDock I Yes (7v) IBM ThinkPad Replicator Model I Yes (7o) IBM ThinkPad Replicator Model II Yes (7p) IBM ThinkPad SelectaDock Base Model I Yes (7u) OPERATING SYSTEM SUPPORT IBM PC/DOS 7.0, J7.0/V, or later IBM OS/2 Warp 3.0 or later MS DOS 6.22 or later MS Windows/Windows for Workgroups 3.11, J3.1, or later MS Windows 95 1.0 or later MS Windows NT 3.51 or later ═══ ThinkPad 760E/760ED-U3A/U3B/U3L/U4A/U4B: Keyboard/Security ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad ThinkPad 760E/760ED-U3A/U3B/U3L/U4A/U4B Tech Specs header. DESCRIPTION 9546-U3A/U3B/U3L/U4A/U4B KEYBOARD Keyboard Type 84-key (9s) Numeric Keypad Optional (9s) External Keyboard Supported Yes (101, 84, Japanese) LED Indicators on Keyboard Yes Popup Tilt Keyboard Yes Keyboard Slope ??° Palm Rest Yes Trackball Integrated into Keyboard No Pointing stick integrated into keyboard Yes (TrackPoint III) Extra TrackPoint III caps Yes (3) Fast Keyboard Speed Setting ??? Quiet Keyboard Operation Mode ??? SECURITY Bolt-Down Option Optional (with Security Base or Dock I or Dock II) (7q)(7r) C2 Security Enabled No Electronic Personalization Feature Yes (h) Hard Disk Drive Password Yes (7m) Kensington Lock Slot Yes Keyboard Password Yes Keylock-Locks Cover Optional (with Security Base or Dock I or Dock II) (7q)(7r) Locks Keyboard Optional (with Security Base or Dock I or Dock II) (7q)(7r) Locks Entire System Optional (with Security Base or Dock I or Dock II) (7q)(7r) Power-on Password Yes Unattended Startup Mode No??? Privileged Access Password No Supervisor Password Yes Vital Product Data (VPD) Enabled Yes (5m) ═══ ThinkPad 760E/760ED-U3A/U3B/U3L/U4A/U4B: Physical/Environmental/Misc ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad ThinkPad 760E/760ED-U3A/U3B/U3L/U4A/U4B Tech Specs header. DESCRIPTION 9546-U3A/U3B/U3L/U4A/U4B PHYSICAL FACTORS Footprint Type Notebook Dimensions: (Height/Width/Depth) 1.92" (48.7mm) / 11.7" (297mm) / 8.3" (210mm) (760E-U4A/U4B) 2.14" (54.3mm) / 11.7" (297mm) / 8.3" (210mm) (760E-U3B/U3L, 760ED-U3A) Weight (With Battery) 6.76 lbs (3.07kg) (760E-U4A/U4B) 7.06 lbs (3.20kg) (760E-U3B/U3L) 7.38 lbs (3.35kg) (760ED) Spare Battery Weight 0.88 lbs (400g) Removable Diskette Drive Weight 0.47 lbs (213g) Removable CD-ROM Drive Weight 0.82 lbs (370g) Carrying Case Optional Material N/A ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS AC Adapter (U.S. Only) Yes Specifications 40W, 100-120VAC, 2.0A, 50/60Hz AC Adapter (Universal) Yes (Standard except in U.S.) Optional (in U.S.) Specifications 40W, 100-240VAC, 2.0A, 50/60Hz Amperage at: 90-137 VAC 2.0 (both) 100-265 VAC 2.0 (Universal Adapter only) Operating Range: Temperature 41-95° F (0-8,000 ft - without diskette) 50-95° F (0-8,000 ft - with diskette in drive) 41-88° F (8-10,000 ft - without diskette) 50-88° F (8-10,000 ft - with diskette in drive) Relative Humidity 8-95% (without diskette) 8-80% (with diskette in drive) Maximum Operating Altitude(ft) 10,000 Maximum Shock (Non-operating) ?? G's Maximum Vibration (Operating) ?? G's Heat (BTUs/Hour) 136 Noise (Avg dB, Operating, 1m) 40 Classification 3D (office) MISCELLANEOUS Software Preloaded None (760E-U3L) Windows 95 (3v) (760E-U3B/U4A/U4B, 760ED-U3A) CISPR Approval 22 Class B CSA Approval (Canada) C22.2 No. 950 (System Unit and AC Adapter) DEMKO Yes (System Unit and AC Adapter) FCC Certification (USA) Class B JATE Yes (System Unit) NOM Approval (Mexico) Yes (AC Adapter) OVE Approval (Austria) Yes (AC Adapter) PTT Approval (UK) NS/G/23/J/100003 SASO Approval (Saudi Arabia) Yes SEMKO Yes (System Unit and AC Adapter) UL Approval (USA) 1950 (System Unit and AC Adapter) VCCI Approval (Japan) Class 2 (0 dB) Warranty Period 3 Years (battery 1 Year) International Warranty Service Yes (7n) Countries Warranty Service Valid In 80+ On-site/Carry-in Carry-in, or EasyServ (in U.S./Canada) Announcement Letter Numbers PCC96-190, 196-??? Date Announced 23Apr96 Date Withdrawn N/A ═══ 7.18.3. ThinkPad 760L/760LD-U01/U0A/U0R/U31/U3A/U3R Tech Specs ═══ The ThinkPad Model 760L/760LD systems are identical except for the CD-ROM drive in the 760CD models, and the software preloaded. Therefore all models will be covered by this one document. Differences will be indicated by model type in parentheses. Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 760 Series Pentium Systems header. ═══ ThinkPad 760L/760LD-U01/U0A/U0R/U31/U3A/U3R: Architecture/Memory ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad ThinkPad 760L/760LD-U01/U0A/U0R/U31/U3A/U3R Tech Specs header. DESCRIPTION 9547-U01/U0A/U0R/U31/U3A/U3R ARCHITECTURE Bus Type AT Microprocessor Pentium (P54LM) Uses 2.9 Volt Technology Yes Clock Multiplying Yes (1.5X) Clock Speed (MHz) 90/60 (Internal/External) Cache Controller Yes Internal/External Cache Internal (4u) Cache Size 16KB Instruction Set 32 bit Addressing 32 Bit I/O Channel Width 32 bit Upgradeable Processor No Upgradeable to N/A Interrupt Levels 15 Type Edge-triggered Shareable No DMA Channels 7 DMA Burst Mode Supported Yes 32/48-bit DMA Controller Yes Bus Masters Supported Yes MEMORY RAM on Motherboard Standard Motherboard RAM 8MB (2r)(7t) Maximum Motherboard RAM 40MB (3h) Memory Sockets Total/Available 1/1 (3h) RAM Speed (ns) 70 RAM Type Supported IC DRAM or DIMMs (3h) IC DRAMs Supported 2MB/4MB/8MB/16MB (3h) DIMMs Supported 4MB/8MB/16MB (3h) Wait States 0 ECC Support No Interleaved Memory No Matched Memory Cycle No (5i) Page Memory Logic Yes ═══ ThinkPad 760L/760LD-U01/U0A/U0R/U31/U3A/U3R: Standard Features ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad ThinkPad 760L/760LD-U01/U0A/U0R/U31/U3A/U3R Tech Specs header. DESCRIPTION 9547-U01/U0A/U0R/U31/U3A/U3R STANDARD FEATURES ROM Size 128KB ROM Shadowing Yes Suspend/Resume Feature Yes Power Saving Modes Supported Standby/Suspend/Hibernate Setup/Power Management S/W Yes Speed Setting Switch/Software Yes BIOS Extensions Stored on Disk No BIOS Extensions Stored on Flash ROM Yes Setup and Diags Stored on Disk No Setup and Diags Stored in Flash ROM Yes Quick POST ??? LED Indicators Yes Math Coprocessor Integrated into processor Coprocessor Speed 90MHz STANDARD VIDEO CONTROLLER SVGA (640x480x16M) 8/16/32-bit Controller 16 Video Chip Set Trident Cyber 9320 Local Bus Yes (VESA) Video Accelerator Yes Bus Master No Video Memory (Standard) 1MB Video Memory (Maximum) 1MB Maximum Graphics with LCD SVGA EXTERNAL MONITOR PORT Yes Concurrent Use with External Monitor Yes - Both are active Type of Monitor Supported VGA/SVGA Maximum Resolution/Colors 1024x768/256-Colors (NI) BUILT-IN DISPLAY Color LCD Technology Thin-Film Transistor (TFT) Black Matrix on Array Dimensions (Diag/H x W) 10.4"/5.75" x 7.6" # of Colors Concurrently 16M Color Palette 16M Colors Contrast Ratio 100:1 Non-interlaced Yes Detachable No Screen Tilt 180° MULTIMEDIA FEATURES Mwave DSP No SoundBlaster Compatible Yes (ESS 688 chip) Microphone Built-In Yes Speaker(s) Built-In Yes Stereo Audio/Voice Playback No Stereo Input Jack No Stereo Headphone/Speaker Jack No MIDI/Joystick Port No MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 Processor No Volume Control Slider Yes Audio Drivers N/A 5.25" CD-ROM drive Yes (760LD) Enhanced Video Card No TV Tuner No Analog-to Digital Video Adapter Optional (requires Dock I/II) INTERNAL MODEM Optional PCMCIA TELEPHONY FEATURES No PORT REPLICATOR/DOCKING UNIT CONNECTOR Yes (7o)(7p)(7q)(7r) POINTING DEVICE PORTS 1 Built-in TrackPoint III on Keybd Yes PS/2-Type Mouse Port Yes (3t)(4v) SERIAL PORTS (RS232C) 1 Supports DMA Data Transfer No Maximum Ports Supported 1 9/25-Pin 9-pin UART Chip Used NS16550A-compatible FIFO Mode Enabled Yes Maximum Speed (bits/second) 115,200 PARALLEL PRINTER PORTS 1 Supports DMA Data Transfer No Supports ECP/EPP Transfers Yes/Yes Maximum Ports Supported 1 Bi-directional Yes EXTERNAL KEYBOARD PORT (4v) EXTERNAL DISKETTE DRIVE PORT Yes (UltraBay) INFRARED TRANSCEIVERS (Front/Back) Both Data Transfer/Printing Both Supports IBM Mode (1.15 Mbps) Yes Supports HP Mode (115 Kbps) Yes Supports Sharp Mode (9.6 Kbps) Yes File Transfer Software Included Yes SCSI PORT Optional (7q)(7r) CMOS CLOCK Yes CMOS Battery Life (years) 5 Replaceable Yes (Dealer Only) POWER SOURCE AC Adapter Yes Battery Yes AC Adapter Included Yes (5e) Quick Charge Feature Yes Car Cigarette Lighter Adapter Optional, +12V only Number of Batteries Supplied 1 Maximum Batteries Supported 2 (UltraBay) Battery Type NiMH standard, Lithium-Ion optional Battery Pack Specs 8.4V, 3.5AH, 1800mAH/cell, 12 cell/pack (NIMH) 10.8V, 2.8AH, 710mAH/cell, 12 cell/pack (L-Ion) Length of Battery Charge (hrs) (NiMH) One Battery ?.? - ??.? hours (760L) Two Batteries ?.? - ??.? hours (760L) One Battery ?.? - ?.? hours (760LD) Two Batteries ?.? - ??.? hours (760LD) Battery Charging While Operating ?.? - ?.? hours Powered Off or In Suspend Mode ?.? - ?.? hours Battery "Fuel Gauge" Software ??? Battery Discharge Utility Included ??? Non-Disruptive Battery Exchange Yes (c) ═══ ThinkPad 760L/760LD-U01/U0A/U0R/U31/U3A/U3R: Disk/Tape Storage ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad ThinkPad 760L/760LD-U01/U0A/U0R/U31/U3A/U3R Tech Specs header. DESCRIPTION 9547-U01/U0A/U0R/U31/U3A/U3R DISK STORAGE Selectable Boot ??? Bootable Physical Drives A:/C: Internal Drive Bays in System 2 Number of 2.5"/3.5"/5.25" 1/1/0 Number of 2.5"/3.5"/5.25" Available 0/0/0 (UltraBay) Number of PCMCIA Type I/II/III Slots 0/0/1 (4f)(7o)(7r) Number of PCMCIA Slots Available 0/0/1 (4f)(7o)(7r) PCMCIA Specification Supported V2.01 PCMCIA Socket Services Specification V2.0 DISKETTE DRIVES Standard Drive(s) 1x1.44MB Media Sensing ??? Removable Yes (UltraBay) Internal Drives Supported 1 External Drives Supported 1 (UltraBay) Maximum Drives Supported 1 (UltraBay) Optional Drives 5.25" 360K No 5.25" 1.2MB No 3.5" 720K No 3.5" 1.44MB No 3.5" 2.88MB Optional - U.S. only (d) Media Sensing Yes Electronic Lock/Eject ??? ULTRABAY Yes HARD DISK DRIVES Standard Hard Disk Controller Type IDE Adapter/Motherboard Motherboard Controllers Supported per System 1 Devices Supported per Controller 2 (via Dock I/II) (7q)(7r) Standard Hard Disk (Removable) 810MB Encoding Method "No ID Sectoring" Drive Form Factor 2.5" Average Access Rate (ms) 12.5 ms Hard Disk Data Transfer/second ??.?-??.? Mbits/sec Rotational Speed (RPMs) ??? Average Latency (ms) 7.5 Number of Heads ? Number of Platters ? Sectors per Track (ID/OD) ??/?? Number of Cylinders ??? Sector Interleave 1:1 Buffer Size ???KB Shock Rating (Gs): Operating ?? Non-operating ?? Auto Park N/A Maximum Number of Internal Hard Drives 2 (7g)(7q)(7r)(UltraBay) Maximum Aggregate Capacity 2 x 1.08GB (760L) (3n)(7g)(7q)(7r)(UltraBay) 2 x 1.2GB (760LD) (3n)(7g)(7q)(7r)(UltraBay) CD-ROM DRIVE STANDARD Yes (760LD) Speed 4X Data Transfer Rate 600Kbps Access Rate ???ms TAPE STORAGE Internal Tape Drive Support Via ThinkPad Dock I or Dock II bay External Tape Drive Support Via parallel port, or ThinkPad Dock I or Dock II SCSI port ═══ ThinkPad 760L/760LD-U01/U0A/U0R/U31/U3A/U3R: Expansion/Operating Systems ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad ThinkPad 760L/760LD-U01/U0A/U0R/U31/U3A/U3R Tech Specs header. DESCRIPTION 9547-U01/U0A/U0R/U31/U3A/U3R BUILT-IN EXPANSION SLOTS Total/Available "Adapter" Slots 0 Maximum RAM with Available Slots 40MB (3h) Number of PCMCIA Type I/II/III Slots 0/0/1 (4f)(7o)(7r) EXTERNAL EXPANSION SUPPORT IBM 3545 ThinkPad Dock I System Yes (7q) IBM 3546 ThinkPad Dock II System Yes (7r) IBM 3547 ThinkPad SelectaDock I No (7v) | IBM ThinkPad Replicator Model I Yes (7o) IBM ThinkPad Replicator Model II Yes (7p) IBM ThinkPad SelectaDock Base Model I Yes (7u) | OPERATING SYSTEM SUPPORT IBM PC/DOS 6.3 or later IBM OS/2 2.11 or later MS DOS 6.22 or later MS Windows 3.11 or later MS Windows 95 1.0 or later ═══ ThinkPad 760L/760LD-U01/U0A/U0R/U31/U3A/U3R: Keyboard/Security ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad ThinkPad 760L/760LD-U01/U0A/U0R/U31/U3A/U3R Tech Specs header. DESCRIPTION 9547-U01/U0A/U0R/U31/U3A/U3R KEYBOARD Keyboard Type 84-key (9s) Numeric Keypad Optional (9s) External Keyboard Supported Yes (101, 84, Japanese) LED Indicators on Keyboard Yes Popup Tilt Keyboard Yes Keyboard Slope ??° Palm Rest Yes Trackball Integrated into Keyboard No Pointing stick integrated into keyboard Yes (TrackPoint III) Extra TrackPoint III caps Yes (3) Fast Keyboard Speed Setting ??? Quiet Keyboard Operation Mode ??? SECURITY Bolt-Down Option Optional (with Security Base or Dock I or Dock II) (7q)(7r) C2 Security Enabled No Electronic Personalization Feature Yes (h) Hard Disk Drive Password Yes (7m) Kensington Lock Slot Yes Keyboard Password Yes Keylock-Locks Cover Optional (with Security Base or Dock I or Dock II) (7q)(7r) Locks Keyboard Optional (with Security Base or Dock I or Dock II) (7q)(7r) Locks Entire System Optional (with Security Base or Dock I or Dock II) (7q)(7r) Power-on Password Yes Unattended Startup Mode No??? Privileged Access Password No Supervisor Password Yes Vital Product Data (VPD) Enabled Yes (5m) ═══ ThinkPad 760L/760LD-U01/U0A/U0R/U31/U3A/U3R: Physical/Environmental/Misc ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad ThinkPad 760L/760LD-U01/U0A/U0R/U31/U3A/U3R Tech Specs header. DESCRIPTION 9547-U01/U0A/U0R/U31/U3A/U3R PHYSICAL FACTORS Footprint Type Notebook Dimensions: (Height/Width/Depth) 1.96" (49.8mm) / 11.7" (297mm) / 8.3" (210mm) (760LD) 1.74" (44.2mm) / 11.7" (297mm) / 8.3" (210mm) (760L) Weight (With Battery) 6.51 lbs (2.95kg) (760L) 7.11 lbs (3.22kg) (760LD) Spare Battery Weight 0.9 lbs (400g) Removable Diskette Drive Weight 0.5 lbs (213g) Carrying Case Optional Material N/A ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS AC Adapter (U.S. Only) Yes Specifications 40W, 100-120VAC, 2.0A, 50/60Hz AC Adapter (Universal) Yes (Standard except in U.S.) Optional (in U.S.) Specifications 40W, 100-240VAC, 2.0A, 50/60Hz Amperage at: 90-137 VAC 2.0 (both) 100-265 VAC 2.0 (Universal Adapter only) Operating Range: Temperature 41-95° F (0-8,000 ft - without diskette) 50-95° F (0-8,000 ft - with diskette in drive) 41-88° F (8-10,000 ft - without diskette) 50-88° F (8-10,000 ft - with diskette in drive) Relative Humidity 8-95% (without diskette) 8-80% (with diskette in drive) Maximum Operating Altitude(ft) 10,000 Maximum Shock (Non-operating) ?? G's Maximum Vibration (Operating) ?? G's Heat (BTUs/Hour) 136 Noise (Avg dB, Operating, 1m) 40 Classification 3D (office) MISCELLANEOUS Software Preloaded None 760L-U0R, 760LD-U3R DOS-Windows-OS/2 SelectaSystem Yes (3u) (760L-U01, 760LD-U31) Windows 95 Yes (3v) (760L-U0A, 760LD-U3A) CISPR Approval 22 Class B CSA Approval (Canada) C22.2 No. 950 (System Unit and AC/DC Adapter) DEMKO Yes (System Unit and AC/DC Adapter) FCC Certification (USA) Class B (includes CDPD module) JATE Yes (System Unit) NOM Approval (Mexico) Yes (AC/DC Adapter) OVE Approval (Austria) Yes (AC/DC Adapter) PTT Approval (UK) NS/G/23/J/100003 SASO Approval (Saudi Arabia) Yes SEMKO Yes (System Unit and AC/DC Adapter) UL Approval (USA) 1950 (System Unit and AC/DC Adapter) VCCI Approval (Japan) Class 2 (0 dB) Warranty Period 3 Years (battery 1 Year) International Warranty Service Yes (7n) Countries Warranty Service Valid In 80+ On-site/Carry-in Carry-in, or EasyServ (in U.S./Canada) Announcement Letter Numbers PCC96-074, 196-??? Date Announced 20Feb96 Date Withdrawn N/A ═══ 7.18.4. ThinkPad 760EL/760ELD-U3F/U4F/U4H/U4R/U4S/U6F/U6G/U6R Tech Specs ═══ | The ThinkPad Model 760EL/760ELD systems are identical except for the choice of DSTN or TFT LCD, the CD-ROM drive in the 760ELD model, and the software preloaded. Therefore all models will be covered by this one document. Differences will be indicated by model type in parentheses. Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad 760 Series Pentium Systems header. ═══ ThinkPad 760EL/760ELD-U3F/U4F/U4H/U4R/U4S/U6F/U6G/U6R: Architecture/Memory ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad ThinkPad 760EL/760ELD-U3F/U4F/U4H/U4R/U4S/U6F/U6G/U6R Tech Specs header. DESCRIPTION 9547-U3F/U4F/U4H/U4R/U4S/U6F/U6G/U6R ARCHITECTURE Bus Type PCI/ISA Microprocessor Pentium (P54LM) Uses 2.9 Volt Technology Yes Clock Multiplying Yes (2X) Clock Speed (MHz) 100/66 (Internal/External) (760EL-U6G, 760ELD-U3F) 120/60 (Internal/External) (760EL-U4F/U4S/U6F/U6R) 133/66 (Internal/External) (760EL-U4H/U4R) Cache Controller Yes Internal/External Cache Internal (4u) Cache Size 16KB Instruction Set 32 bit Addressing 32 Bit I/O Channel Width 32 bit Upgradeable Processor Yes Upgradeable to Pentium 133 (760EL-U4F/U4S/U6F/U6G/U6R, 760ELD-U3F) Interrupt Levels 15 Type (ISA) Edge-triggered, non-shareable Type (PCI) Level-sensitive, shareable Maximum Bus Data Transfer Rates ISA Burst Transfer Mode 5 Mbytes/second PCI Burst Transfer Mode 132 Mbytes/second DMA Channels 7 DMA Burst Mode Supported Yes 32/48-bit DMA Controller Yes Bus Masters Supported Yes MEMORY RAM on Motherboard Standard Motherboard RAM 8MB (760E-U4F/U4S/U6F/U6G/U6R, 760ELD-U3F) (2r)(7t) 16MB (760E-U4H/U4R) (2r)(7t) Maximum Motherboard RAM 72MB (760E-U4F/U4S/U6F/U6G/U6R, 760ELD-U3F) (3c) 80MB (760E-U4H/U4R) (3c) Memory Sockets Total/Available 2/2 (3c) RAM Speed (ns) 70 RAM Type Supported 64-bit EDO DIMMs (3c) DIMMs Supported 8MB/16MB/32MB (3c) Wait States 0 ECC/Parity Support No Interleaved Memory No Page Memory Logic Yes ═══ ThinkPad 760EL/760ELD-U3F/U4F/U4H/U4R/U4S/U6F/U6G/U6R: Standard Features ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad ThinkPad 760EL/760ELD-U3F/U4F/U4H/U4R/U4S/U6F/U6G/U6R Tech Specs header. DESCRIPTION 9547-U3F/U4F/U4H/U4R/U4S/U6F/U6G/U6R STANDARD FEATURES ROM Size 128KB ROM Shadowing Yes Suspend/Resume Feature Yes Power Saving Modes Supported Standby/Suspend/Hibernate Setup/Power Management S/W Yes Speed Setting Switch/Software Yes BIOS Extensions Stored on Disk No BIOS Extensions Stored on Flash ROM Yes Setup and Diags Stored on Disk No Setup and Diags Stored in Flash ROM Yes Quick POST ??? LED Indicators Yes Math Coprocessor Integrated into processor Coprocessor Speed 100 (760EL-U6G, 760ELD-U3F) 120 (760EL-U4F/U4S/U6F/U6R) 133 (760EL-U4H/U4R) STANDARD VIDEO CONTROLLER SVGA (800x600x64K, 1024x768x256) 8/16/32-bit Controller 16 Video Chip Set ??? Local Bus Yes (PCI) Video Accelerator Yes Bus Master No Video Memory (Standard) 1MB Video Memory (Maximum) 1MB Maximum Graphics with LCD SVGA EXTERNAL MONITOR PORT Yes Concurrent Use with External Monitor Yes - Both are active Type of Monitor Supported VGA/SVGA Maximum Resolution/Colors 1024x768x256-Colors (NI) BUILT-IN DISPLAY Color LCD (760EL-U4F/U4H/U4R/U4S, 760ELD-U3F) Technology Thin-Film Transistor (TFT) Black Matrix on Array Dimensions (Diag/H x W) 12.1"/??" x ??" # of Colors Concurrently 64K Color Palette 64K Colors Contrast Ratio 100:1 Non-interlaced Yes Detachable No Screen Tilt 180° BUILT-IN DISPLAY Color LCD (760EL-U6F/U6G/U6R) Technology Dual Scan Twisted Nematic (DSTN) Passive Matrix Black Matrix on Array Dimensions (Diag/H x W) 11.3"/??" x ??" # of Colors Concurrently 256 Color Palette ??? Colors Contrast Ratio 20:1 Non-interlaced Yes Detachable No Screen Tilt 180° MULTIMEDIA FEATURES Mwave DSP No SoundBlaster Pro Compatible Yes (ESS 688 chip) Microphone Built-In Yes Speaker(s) Built-In Yes Stereo Audio/Voice Playback No Stereo Input Jack No Stereo Headphone/Speaker Jack No MIDI/Joystick Port No MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 Processor No Volume Control Slider Yes Audio Drivers N/A 5.25" CD-ROM drive Yes (760ELD) Upgradeable to CD-ROM Yes (760E) Enhanced Video Card No INTERNAL MODEM Optional PCMCIA TELEPHONY FEATURES No PORT REPLICATOR/DOCKING UNIT CONNECTOR Yes (7o)(7p)(7q)(7r) POINTING DEVICE PORTS 1 Built-in TrackPoint III on Keybd Yes PS/2-Type Mouse Port Yes (3t)(4v) SERIAL PORTS (RS232C) 1 Supports DMA Data Transfer No Maximum Ports Supported 1 9/25-Pin 9-pin UART Chip Used NS16550A-compatible FIFO Mode Enabled Yes Maximum Speed (bits/second) 115,200 PARALLEL PRINTER PORTS 1 Supports DMA Data Transfer No Supports ECP/EPP Transfers Yes/Yes Maximum Ports Supported 1 Bi-directional Yes EXTERNAL KEYBOARD PORT (4v) EXTERNAL DISKETTE DRIVE PORT Yes (UltraBay) INFRARED TRANSCEIVERS (Front/Back) Both Data Transfer/Printing Both Supports IBM Mode (1.15 Mbps) Yes Supports HP Mode (115 Kbps) Yes Supports Sharp Mode (9.6 Kbps) Yes File Transfer Software Included Yes SCSI PORT Optional (7q)(7r) CMOS CLOCK Yes CMOS Battery Life (years) 5 Replaceable Yes (Dealer Only) POWER SOURCE AC Adapter Yes Battery Yes AC Adapter Included Yes (5e) Quick Charge Feature Yes Car Cigarette Lighter Adapter Optional, +12V only Number of Batteries Supplied 1 Maximum Batteries Supported 2 (UltraBay) Battery Type Lithium-Ion (Li-Ion) Battery Pack Specs 10.8V, 2.8AH, 710mAH/cell, 12 cell/pack Length of Battery Charge (hrs) One Battery ?.? - ??.? hours (760EL) Two Batteries ?.? - ??.? hours (760EL) One Battery ?.? - ?.? hours (760ELD) Two Batteries ?.? - ??.? hours (760ELD) Battery Charging While Operating ?.? - ?.? hours Powered Off or In Suspend Mode ?.? - ?.? hours Battery "Fuel Gauge" Software ??? Battery Discharge Utility Included ??? Non-Disruptive Battery Exchange Yes (c) ═══ ThinkPad 760EL/760ELD-U3F/U4F/U4H/U4R/U4S/U6F/U6G/U6R: Disk/Tape Storage ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad ThinkPad 760EL/760ELD-U3F/U4F/U4H/U4R/U4S/U6F/U6G/U6R Tech Specs header. DESCRIPTION 9547-U3F/U4F/U4H/U4R/U4S/U6F/U6G/U6R DISK STORAGE Selectable Boot ??? Bootable Physical Drives A:/C: Internal Drive Bays in System 2 Number of 2.5"/3.5"/5.25" 1/1/0 Number of 2.5"/3.5"/5.25" Available 0/0/0 (UltraBay) Number of PCMCIA Type I/II/III Slots 0/0/1 (4f)(7o)(7r) Number of PCMCIA Slots Available 0/0/1 (4f)(7o)(7r) PCMCIA Specification Supported V2.01 PCMCIA Socket Services Specification V2.0 DISKETTE DRIVES Standard Drive(s) 1x1.44MB Media Sensing ??? Removable Yes (UltraBay) Internal Drives Supported 1 External Drives Supported 1 (UltraBay) Maximum Drives Supported 1 (UltraBay) Optional Drives 5.25" 360K No 5.25" 1.2MB No 3.5" 720K No 3.5" 1.44MB No 3.5" 2.88MB Optional - U.S. only (d) Media Sensing Yes Electronic Lock/Eject ??? ULTRABAY Yes HARD DISK DRIVES Standard Hard Disk Controller Type IDE Adapter/Motherboard Motherboard Controllers Supported per System 1 Devices Supported per Controller 2 (via Dock I/II) (7q)(7r) Standard Hard Disk (Removable) 810MB (760EL-U6F/U6G/U6R, 760ELD-U3F) 1.08MB (760EL-U4F/U4H/U4R/U4S) Encoding Method "No ID Sectoring" Drive Form Factor 2.5" Average Access Rate (ms) 12.5 ms (810MB) 8.1 ms (1.08GB) Hard Disk Data Transfer/second ??.?-??.? Mbits/sec Rotational Speed (RPMs) ??? Average Latency (ms) 7.5 (810MB) ?.? (1.08GB) Number of Heads ? Number of Platters ? Sectors per Track (ID/OD) ??/?? Number of Cylinders ??? Sector Interleave 1:1 Buffer Size ???KB (810MB) 64K (1.08GB) Shock Rating (Gs): Operating ?? Non-operating ?? Auto Park N/A Maximum Number of Internal Hard Drives 2 (7g)(7q)(7r)(UltraBay) Maximum Aggregate Capacity 2 x 1.2GB (3n)(7g)(7q)(7r)(UltraBay) CD-ROM DRIVE STANDARD Yes (760ELD) Speed 4X Data Transfer Rate 600Kbps Access Rate ???ms TAPE STORAGE Internal Tape Drive Support Via ThinkPad Dock I or Dock II bay External Tape Drive Support Via parallel port, or ThinkPad Dock I or Dock II SCSI port ═══ ThinkPad 760EL/760ELD-U3F/U4F/U4H/U4R/U4S/U6F/U6G/U6R: Expansion/Operating Systems ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad ThinkPad 760EL/760ELD-U3F/U4F/U4H/U4R/U4S/U6F/U6G/U6R Tech Specs header. DESCRIPTION 9547-U3F/U4F/U4H/U4R/U4S/U6F/U6G/U6R BUILT-IN EXPANSION SLOTS Number of PCMCIA Type I/II/III Slots 0/0/1 (4f)(7o)(7r) EXTERNAL EXPANSION SUPPORT IBM 3545 ThinkPad Dock I System Yes (7q) IBM 3546 ThinkPad Dock II System Yes (7r) IBM 3547 ThinkPad SelectaDock I Yes (7v) IBM ThinkPad Replicator Model I Yes (7o) IBM ThinkPad Replicator Model II Yes (7p) IBM ThinkPad SelectaDock Base Model I Yes (7u) OPERATING SYSTEM SUPPORT IBM PC/DOS 6.3 or later IBM OS/2 2.11 or later MS DOS 6.22 or later MS Windows 3.11 or later MS Windows 95 1.0 or later ═══ ThinkPad 760EL/760ELD-U3F/U4F/U4H/U4R/U4S/U6F/U6G/U6R: Keyboard/Security ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad ThinkPad 760EL/760ELD-U3F/U4F/U4H/U4R/U4S/U6F/U6G/U6R Tech Specs header. DESCRIPTION 9547-U3F/U4F/U4H/U4R/U4S/U6F/U6G/U6R KEYBOARD Keyboard Type 84-key (9s) Numeric Keypad Optional (9s) External Keyboard Supported Yes (101, 84, Japanese) LED Indicators on Keyboard Yes Popup Tilt Keyboard Yes Keyboard Slope ??° Palm Rest Yes Trackball Integrated into Keyboard No Pointing stick integrated into keyboard Yes (TrackPoint III) Extra TrackPoint III caps Yes (3) Fast Keyboard Speed Setting ??? Quiet Keyboard Operation Mode ??? SECURITY Bolt-Down Option Optional (with Security Base or Dock I or Dock II) (7q)(7r) C2 Security Enabled No Electronic Personalization Feature Yes (h) Hard Disk Drive Password Yes (7m) Kensington Lock Slot Yes Keyboard Password Yes Keylock-Locks Cover Optional (with Security Base or Dock I or Dock II) (7q)(7r) Locks Keyboard Optional (with Security Base or Dock I or Dock II) (7q)(7r) Locks Entire System Optional (with Security Base or Dock I or Dock II) (7q)(7r) Power-on Password Yes Unattended Startup Mode No??? Privileged Access Password No Supervisor Password Yes Vital Product Data (VPD) Enabled Yes (5m) ═══ ThinkPad 760EL/760ELD-U3F/U4F/U4H/U4R/U4S/U6F/U6G/U6R: Physical/Environmental/Misc ═══ Choose the section to which you wish to jump, below: Sections Architecture/Memory Standard Features Disk/Tape Storage Expansion/Operating Systems Keyboard/Security Physical/Environmental/Misc Jump directly to the ThinkPad ThinkPad 760EL/760ELD-U3F/U4F/U4H/U4R/U4S/U6F/U6G/U6R Tech Specs header. DESCRIPTION 9547-U3F/U4F/U4H/U4R/U4S/U6F/U6G/U6R PHYSICAL FACTORS Footprint Type Notebook Dimensions: (Height/Width/Depth) 1.98" (50.4mm) / 11.7" (297mm) / 8.3" (210mm) (760EL-U6F/U6G/U6R) 2.14" (54.3mm) / 11.7" (297mm) / 8.3" (210mm) (760EL-U4F/U4H/U4R/U4S, 760ELD-U3F) Weight (With Battery) 6.7 lbs (3.04kg) (760E-U4A/U4B) 7.03 lbs (3.19kg) (760E-U3B/U3L) 7.28 lbs (3.30kg) (760ED) Spare Battery Weight 0.88 lbs (400g) Removable Diskette Drive Weight 0.47 lbs (213g) Removable CD-ROM Drive Weight 0.82 lbs (370g) Carrying Case Optional Material ??? ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS AC Adapter (U.S. Only) Yes Specifications 40W, 100-120VAC, 2.0A, 50/60Hz AC Adapter (Universal) Yes (Standard except in U.S.) Optional (in U.S.) Specifications 40W, 100-240VAC, 2.0A, 50/60Hz Amperage at: 90-137 VAC 2.0 (both) 100-265 VAC 2.0 (Universal Adapter only) Operating Range: Temperature 41-95° F (0-8,000 ft - without diskette) 50-95° F (0-8,000 ft - with diskette in drive) 41-88° F (8-10,000 ft - without diskette) 50-88° F (8-10,000 ft - with diskette in drive) Relative Humidity 8-95% (without diskette) 8-80% (with diskette in drive) Maximum Operating Altitude(ft) 10,000 Maximum Shock (Non-operating) ?? G's Maximum Vibration (Operating) ?? G's Heat (BTUs/Hour) 136 Noise (Avg dB, Operating, 1m) 40 Classification 3D (office) MISCELLANEOUS Software Preloaded None (760EL-U4R/U4S/U6R) Windows 95 (3v) (760EL-U4F/U4H/U6F/U6G, 760ELD-U3F) CISPR Approval 22 Class B CSA Approval (Canada) C22.2 No. 950 (System Unit and AC Adapter) DEMKO Yes (System Unit and AC Adapter) FCC Certification (USA) Class B JATE Yes (System Unit) NOM Approval (Mexico) Yes (AC Adapter) OVE Approval (Austria) Yes (AC Adapter) PTT Approval (UK) NS/G/23/J/100003 SASO Approval (Saudi Arabia) Yes SEMKO Yes (System Unit and AC Adapter) UL Approval (USA) 1950 (System Unit and AC Adapter) VCCI Approval (Japan) Class 2 (0 dB) Warranty Period 3 Years (battery 1 Year) International Warranty Service Yes (7n) Countries Warranty Service Valid In 80+ On-site/Carry-in Carry-in, or EasyServ (in U.S./Canada) Announcement Letter Numbers PCC96-187, 196-??? Date Announced 23Apr96 Date Withdrawn N/A ═══ ═══ ______________________________ This - See how easy it is? Now press the ESC key (or double-click on the icon in the upper left corner of this window), to close this panel. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ Help - The Action Bar Help option may be selected for information on using the Help facility. In addition, you may press the F1 key for more information on a specific topic. Help is context-sensitive, so if you highlight a menu option, and press F1, you will get help for that menu option. Pressing F1 on an entry panel will get help on those selection choices. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ Bookmark - When you place a bookmark on a topic, it is added to a list of bookmarks you have previously set. You can view the list, and you can remove one or all bookmarks from the list. If you have not set any bookmarks, the list is empty. To set a bookmark, do the following: 1. Select a topic from the Contents. 2. When that topic appears, choose the Bookmark option from the Services pull-down. 3. If you want to change the name used for the bookmark, type the new name in the field. 4. Click on the Place radio button (or press the Up or Down Arrow key to select it). 5. Click on OK (or select it and press Enter). The bookmark is then added to the bookmark list. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ Search - You can specify a word or phrase to be searched. You can also limit the search to a set of topics by first marking the topics on the Contents list. Multiple topics may be marked. To mark a topic, simply hold the Ctrl key and click on a topic with the mouse. You will notice that the topic highlighting bar will be enlarged. This indicates that the topic has been marked. To unmark a topic, just repeat this procedure. To search for a word or phrase in all topics, do the following: 1. Choose the Search option from the Services pulldown. 2. Type the word or words to be searched. (An asterisk (*) can be used before and/or after the search string to perform a wildcard search on a portion of a word.) 3. Click on All sections (or press the Up or Down Arrow keys to select it). 4. Click on Search (or select it and press Enter) to begin the search. 5. The list of topics where the word or phrase appears is displayed. If you do not get a "hit" on a phrase, try just one of the words in the phrase. You may have better luck that way. Double-clicking on a topic heading will display the contents of that section, and the search criteria will be highlighted in red, to make them easier to find. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ Print - You can print one or more topics. You can also print a set of topics by first marking the topics on the Contents list. Multiple topics may be marked. To mark a topic, simply hold the Ctrl key and click on a topic with the mouse. You will notice that the topic highlighting will be enlarged. This indicates that the topic has been marked. To unmark a topic, just repeat this procedure. To print the document Contents list, do the following: 1. Choose Print from the Services pull-down. 2. Click on Contents (or press the Up or Down Arrow key to select it). 3. Click on Print (or select it and press Enter). 4. The Contents list is printed on your printer. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ Copy - You can copy a topic you are viewing into a temporary file named TEXT.TMP. You can later edit that file by using a text editor, such as the System Editor or Enhanced Editor supplied with OS/2. To copy a topic, do the following: 1. Expand the Contents list and select a topic. 2. When the topic appears, choose Copy to file from the Services pull-down. 3. The system puts the text pertaining to that topic in the temporary TEXT.TMP file. For information on one of the other choices in the Services pull-down, highlight the choice and press the F1 key. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ Options - You can control the appearance of the Contents list. To expand the Contents and show all levels for all topics, choose Expand All from the Options pulldown. You can also press the Ctrl and * keys together. For information on one of the other choices in the Options pull-down, highlight the choice and press the F1 key. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ IBM OS/2 BBS (USA) - Run by IBM, on a subscription basis. The OS/2 BBS enables you to access OS/2 technical information, exchange messages with other OS/2 users, and submit program defects to IBM. Monitored by IBM support personnel. For subscription and access information, call 800-547-1283. Only available in the USA and Puerto Rico. Similar programs may be available in other countries. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ IBM PC Company BBS - 100+ phone lines. Run by IBM. The IBM PCC BBS features product conferences on PC and PS/2 products, DOS and OS/2, AIX and RS/6000, and more. There are also product announcements, downloadable program and text files, and OS/2 device drivers. The latest version of the PC Assistant can always be found on this BBS. Connection information:  Telephone Number: 919-517-0001  Internal Tie Line: 255-0001  Modem Speeds: 300-14,400 bps  Modems Available: USR Courier HST Dual-Standard V.32bis rack-mounted  Parity/Data Bits/Stop Bits: N,8,1  Hours of Operation: 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week  BBS Software: Multi-Net (OS/2-based), OS/2 LAN Server (Token-Ring network), Quadron serial port drivers (for ARTIC Portmaster multiport adapters).  FTP: ftp.pcco.ibm.com  WWW: http://www.pc.ibm.com  SysOp: Dav Coleman  Usage Charge: None ═══ ═══ ______________________________ OS/2 Shareware BBS - Catering to OS/2 users and developers; openly available on seven phone lines with an additional nine lines and Internet access for subscribing callers. More than 10,500 OS/2 specific files available for download totalling over 2.0 gigabytes of data in 30 file areas. Special file areas supporting specific software vendors are also available. Full access given on first call with no upload/download ratios enforced. 8,600 active callers from 33 countries. Currently taking over 36,000 calls a month (April 1995). Connected to five computer networks. Carrying 64 OS/2-related message conferences. Connection information:  Main Telephone Number: 703-385-4325  Additional Phone Number: 703-385-8450 (Only for callers with subscriber level access)  Modems Available: USR 28.8K bps Sportster; Microcom V.FC 28.8K bps.  Modem Speeds: 300-28,800  Parity/Data Bits/Stop Bits: N,8,1  Hours of Operation: 24 hours/7 days  BBS Software: Maximus (OS/2-based)  Fidonet Address: 1:109/347  FTP Site: bbs.os2bbs.com  Web site: http://www.os2bbs.com  Sysop: Pete Norloff  Usage Charge: (see below) The following contributions are requested for access to the Subscriber phone number. 6 month 12 month access access $27 $48 Download Minutes Mbytes Phone Per Day Per day Lines Non-contributor access: 30 1.0 7 Subscriber access: 120 20.0 16 (plus Internet access) New callers have immediate full free access on the open node, with the above time and download limits. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (Mwave) The Mwave MDSP2780 chipset, a 60 MIPS processor, has the following capabilities:  44.1KHz MPC-2 16-bit audio with real-time compression  Simultaneous audio play and record  Digital audio mixing with up to 8 open .WAV files concurrently  General MIDI-compatible 32-voice wavetable synthesizer  SoundBlaster software support  28.8/14.4Kbps fax/modem (28.8Kbps data, 14.4Kbps fax; 28.8Kbps modem requires free Mwave 2.0 software upgrade, downloadable from the IBM PC Company BBS (919-517-0001) or the ThinkPad Forum on CompuServe)  Voice-Over-Data (VOD) feature (also called SVD, Simultaneous Voice and Data) to allow simultaneous voice conversation over same phone line as modem transfers (requires the free Mwave 2.0 software upgrade)  Full-duplex answering machine with variable message playback and voice compression  Full-featured telephone and speakerphone (optional feature required)  DSP is software-upgradeable to faster fax/modem speeds and other features ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (b) The enhanced video card used in the 755CD/CDV, 760CD/ED/EDL provides for: |  Additional video acceleration (interpolative scaling or smoothing)  Composite IN and S-Video IN for still image motion video capture, and overlay  Composite OUT and S-Video OUT to TV ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (c) For non-disruptive battery exchange, first place the ThinkPad in Suspend or Hibernate mode. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (d) Either internal or external (with the proper attachment kit) use. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (e) The IBM ThinkPad 755CD/CE/CSE systems ship with IBM DOS 6.3, Windows 3.11, America Online, CoSession Host, FaxWorks 3.0, Lotus cc&Mail/Organizer/ScreenCam, OAG (Official Airline Guide) Flight Disk, Prodigy, and several notebook utilities pre-installed on the hard disk. In addition, the 755CD systems include Asymetrix Digital Video Producer (video overlay and capture). Finally, Audio, Video, and Utility diskettes are included with additional drivers and utilities. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (f) The one available "slot" is dedicated to the optional 9600/2400 bps Fax/Modem, or the optional 2400 bps data modem. They are mutually exclusive. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (g) External attachment only. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (h) The Electronic Personalization Feature is like a name tag for your ThinkPad. Your name, address, or phone number appear each time the system is powered on, in case the system is lost or stolen. The message appears with a password prompt. Stored in non-volatile memory. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (i) The 755CDV/CV models provides data projection capability. Removing the LCD cover and putting the computer on an overhead projector, reproduces information from the LCD screen onto the larger overhead screen. Problems projecting information right-side-up, due to work surface area and design of overhead projector, may be solved by adjusting the position of the 755CDV, or by using a video driver setup to rotate information on the LCD screen. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (j) TP 701C/701Cs DX2 Preload Bundle - The following software comes preloaded on these systems: IBM DOS 6.3, MS Windows 3.11, Prodigy Starter Kit, America Online Starter Kit, SofNet FaxWorks Voice, Alphanet FollowFax for Windows, Lotus Organizer/cc:Mail/ScreenCam, Triton CoSession (for remote IBM HouseCall technical support), Taxi Map, Reuters Money Network, Sedona Reprint Plus, Asymmetrix Compel PE, TalkWorks LE, Monologue (speech recognition), Puma TranXit, and IBM's PC Card Director (PCMCIA "EasyPlaying") utility. REPRINT (Remote Electronic PRINTing) Plus is a service that uses preloaded telecommunications software and a modem to send full-color or black and white documents to participating Sir Speedy print stores for printing. This service is ideal for mobile users without access to a printer while on the road. (This service is only available in North America.) ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (k) Supports an external keypad sold by CNF; not available from IBM. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (l) TP 701C/701Cs DX4 SelectaSystem Bundle - The following software comes preloaded on these systems: IBM Warp 3.0 installed over IBM DOS 6.3 and MS Windows 3.11, Prodigy Starter Kit, America Online Starter Kit, SofNet FaxWorks Voice, Alphanet FollowFax for Windows, Lotus Organizer/cc:Mail/ScreenCam, Triton Cosession (for remote IBM HouseCall technical support), Taxi Map, Reuters Money Network, Sedona Reprint Plus, Asymmetrix Compel PE, TalkWorks LE, Monologue (speech recognition), Puma TranXit, and IBM's PC Card Director (PCMCIA "EasyPlaying") utility. REPRINT (Remote Electronic PRINTing) Plus is a service that uses preloaded telecommunications software and a modem to send full-color or black and white documents to participating Sir Speedy print stores for printing. This service is ideal for mobile users without access to a printer while on the road. (This service is only available in North America.) ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (m) One 60MB hard disk drive and one 15MB PCMCIA card. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (p) The PS/2 Model N45 and ThinkPad 300 Series support the following external keyboards:  Cherry 102  Compaq PS/2  IBM 101  NDL Honeywell  Zenith 101  Zenith 101 Alps  Zenith 102 Honeywell ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (r) Three 15MB PCMCIA cards. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (v) Depending on whether backlighting is enabled or disabled. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (1e) No fan or other noise source. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (2a) Transflective means that some ambient light is reflected back to the user, increasing the apparent brightness of the screen. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (2b) The following external keyboards are supported:  IBM 101/102 (or compatible)  ThinkPad SpaceSaving Keyboard (P/N 84G2524 F/C 2298) ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (2c) Upgrading to the 486SLC2 will result in a 10% battery charge loss versus the standard 486SLC, due to the additional power draw of the 486SLC2. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (2d) The ten LCD indicators include: Speaker, Battery Power Status, Battery Charging, Diskette Drive In-Use, Hard Disk Drive In-Use, Numeric Lock, Caps Lock, Scroll Lock, Suspend Mode, Power On. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (2g) The IBM 486SLC2 processor runs internally at twice the speed of the system (50/25MHz), producing performance approximately equivalent to an Intel 33MHz 486DX, due to the 16K internal cache, clock-doubling, and optimized instruction set. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (2k) Using the PC Magazine benchmarks which measure continuous usage with power management features disabled (i.e., worst-case scenario), The ThinkPad 350 has a battery life of 2.7 hours, and the 350C's battery life is 2.0 hours. According to the Veritest benchmark, which measures battery life in a "typical workday environment", with power management features enabled, the battery in the 350 lasts 9.0 hours, while the 350C is good for 7.2 hours. These increased capacities are due to sophisticated intelligent power management, more extensive use of 3.3V technology, and the much lower power consumption of the passive matrix color LCD, compared to the active matrix color LCD used by the 720C. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (2l) All customers owning these models may return them for a modification to allow them to use the replacement NiMH batteries. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (2o) The internal diskette drive may be removed and attached externally (using attachment kit P/N 66G3618), in order to free up the bay for a CDPD Communications Module, or TV Tuner Module (750C/755C/755CE only). To use the CDPD or TV Modules on a 755CD you would have to remove the CD-ROM drive. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (2p) The included Port Replicator attaches to the integrated 200-pin connector on the system and provides the following external ports: 1) VGA; 2) Serial - compatible with NS16450A or 16550; 3) Enhanced Parallel; 4) 26-pin Diskette drive connector; 5) DIN 6-pin Keyboard/Mouse connector; 6) Connector for AC adapter. NOTE: The ThinkPad Model 730T does not support a mouse device; the Stylus Pen should be used as the pointing device. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (2q) The first 4MB (Model 801) or the first 8MG (Model 901) is soldered to the motherboard. Additional memory is added via the IC DRAM PCMCIA cards. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (2r) The top 128K is reserved for High-Performance BIOS (also called ROM Shadowing, or Shadow ROM), and is therefore Not available to the operating system. There is no way to disable High-Performance BIOS to free up this memory. So the POST memory count will reflect 128K less than the installed total. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (2u) The first 4MB of RAM is soldered to the system board. Other memory is added via the appropriate memory upgrade kits. ═══ ═══                                (2y) 4MB, 8MB and 16MB non-Parity IC DRAM cards are supported in the dedicated internal memory expansion sockets; only one such card can be used with this system. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (3a) All 16-bit slots support 8- or 16-bit adapters; all 32-bit slots support 8-, 16-, or 32-bit adapters. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (3b) The IBM ThinkPad 365 and 701 systems have one memory slot per system, which accepts Small Outline Dual Inline Memory Module (SO DIMM) technology. With the one 4MB or 16MB SO DIMM, up to 24MB of system memory is possible. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (3c) The IBM ThinkPad 760E/ED/EL/ELD systems have two memory slots per system. Using 8MB/16MB/32MB 64-bit Small Outline EDO DRAM DIMMs, up to 72MB or 80MB of system memory is possible. (Two 32MB DIMMs, plus the 8MB or 16MB soldered onto the motherboard). ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (3e) 11 LED indicators on the ThinkPad 755 series include: Battery Charging, Battery Power Status, Caps Lock, Diskette Drive In-use, Hard Disk In-use, Num Lock, PCMCIA Card In-use, Power On, Scroll Lock, Speaker, and Suspend Mode. The IBM ThinkPad 360 series comes with all the above LED indicators EXCEPT the Speaker LED. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (3f) For a full multimedia implementation, the IBM Traveling Multimedia bundle (P/N 2304954) consists of a standard ThinkPad 750C (340MB), with the following additional features: Adds 8MB IC DRAM card (for 12MB RAM total), 14.4 PCMCIA data/fax modem card, 3545 Dock I docking unit, CD-ROM/XA drive (double-speed, Photo CD multi-speed), Windows 3.1, Asymetrix Compel and MediaBlitz! packages, LapLink V, WinFax Pro, and the ThinkPad Dock I nylon carrying case. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (3g) For a full multimedia implementation, the IBM Traveling Multimedia bundle (P/N 2337289) consists of a standard ThinkPad 755C (540MB), with the following additional features: Memory Module Kit and 4MB DIMM (for 8MB RAM total), 14.4 Kbps PCMCIA data/fax modem card, 3545 Dock I docking unit, CD-ROM/XA drive (double-speed, multi-session Photo CD), Asymetrix Compel and MediaBlitz! packages, ClickART 2000, LapLink V, MM Products Sound Effects Library, Picture Factory, ProPoint, TalkWorks, and the ThinkPad Dock I nylon carrying case. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (3h) The IBM ThinkPad 755, and 760C/CD systems have one memory slot per system. Using 2MB/4MB/8MB/16MB IC DRAM optional feature cards, up to 24MB of system memory is possible. The ThinkPad 755/760 systems also support the IBM Memory Module Adapter which uses Dual Inline Memory Module (DIMM) technology. With the IBM Memory Module Adapter and 4MB or 16MB DIMMs, up to 40MB of system memory is possible. But, these features are mutually exclusive. Either one IC DRAM card or one Memory Module adapter (which holds up to two DIMMs) may be installed. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (3i) The IBM ThinkPad 360 Series and 755C/755Cs systems ship with IBM DOS 6.3, Windows 3.1, America Online, CoSession Host, FaxWorks 3.0, Lotus cc&Mail and Organizer and ScreenCam, OAG (Official Airline Guide) Flight Disk, Prodigy, and several notebook utilities pre-installed on the hard disk. In addition, the 360P pen-based systems include PenDOS 2.2 and Windows for Pen Computing 1.0. Finally, Audio (755C/755Cs only), Video, and Utility diskettes are included with additional drivers and utilities. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (3j) The 4 LED indicators include: Battery Pack 1 Status, Battery Pack 2 Status, PCMCIA In-Use, and Power On. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (3k) The detachable MultiPort port replicator, standard with ThinkPad 510Cs, provides serial, keyboard/mouse, SVGA and external diskette-drive ports for easy connection/disconnection of external device cables. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (3l) Using one 16MB low-power IC DRAM Card, P/N 8189113 or equivalent. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (3m) Requires a low-power mouse, like the IBM Miniature Mouse, P/N 07G0033. Standard mice will blow the keyboard/mouse port fuse. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (3n) Plus PCMCIA hard disk drives and solid state memory drives. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (3o) The CD-ROM drive takes the place of the diskette drive on the ThinkPad 365CD/CSD, so an external diskette drive is provided. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (3p) The ThinkPad 701 series comes standard with the MultiPort II port replicator. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (3q) The IBM ThinkPad 360 Series systems have one memory slot per system. Using optional IC DRAM feature cards, up to 20MB of system memory is possible. Either a parity IC DRAM card (PS/2 2MB/4MB/8MB or ThinkPad 16MB IC DRAM card) or a non-parity IC DRAM card (ThinkPad 4MB/8MB/16MB Basic IC DRAM card) may be used. The IBM ThinkPad 360 Series does not use the parity bit of an IC DRAM card. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (3r) For a full multimedia implementation, the IBM Traveling Multimedia bundle (P/N 2337290) consists of a standard ThinkPad 360Cs (340MB), with the following additional features: Memory Module Kit and 4MB DIMM (for 8MB RAM total), 14.4 Kbps PCMCIA data/fax modem card, 3545 Dock I docking unit, CD-ROM/XA drive (double-speed, multi-session Photo CD), Asymetrix Compel and MediaBlitz! packages, ClickART 2000, LapLink V, MM Products Sound Effects Library, Picture Factory, ProPoint, TalkWorks, and the ThinkPad Dock I nylon carrying case. In addition the included ThinkPad 360Cs comes with built-in audio with stereo in/out jacks. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (3s) Dual display mode is not supported when IBM 9514/9515/9518 displays are attached to the IBM ThinkPad 360C (TFT display model). Lines may extend across the LCD screen. Set the display mode to 'CRT' and watch the IBM 9514/9515/9518 display and not the system display. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (3t) This system supports only the PS/2 Miniature Mouse (P/N 07G0033 F/C 5443) or other equivalent low power pointing device. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (3u) TP 755CD/CDV/CV/CX, 760C/CD Preload Bundle - The following software comes preloaded on these systems: IBM Warp 3.0 installed over IBM DOS 7.0 and MS Windows 3.11, Prodigy Starter Kit, America Online Starter Kit, SofNet FaxWorks Voice, Alphanet FollowFax for Windows, Lotus Organizer/cc:Mail/ScreenCam, Triton Cosession (for remote IBM HouseCall technical support), Taxi Map, Reuters Money Network, Sedona Reprint Plus, Mind Path Presentation F/X Pro (presentation remote control), Asymmetrix Compel PE, TalkWorks LE, Monologue (speech recognition), Puma TranXit, and IBM's PC Card Director (PCMCIA "EasyPlaying") utility. REPRINT (Remote Electronic PRINTing) Plus is a service that uses preloaded telecommunications software and a modem to send full-color or black and white documents to participating Sir Speedy print stores for printing. This service is ideal for mobile users without access to a printer while on the road. (This service is only available in North America.) ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (3v) ThinkPad Windows 95 Preload Bundle - The following software comes preloaded on these systems: MS Windows 95, Prodigy Starter Kit, CompuServe Online, Starter Kit for Windows, SofNet FaxWorks for Windows, Lotus Organizer/cc:Mail/ScreenCam, Triton Cosession (for remote IBM HouseCall technical support), Puma TranXit, NetFinity for Windows, and various device drivers and utilities. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (3x) Using the PC Magazine benchmarks, which measure continuous usage with power management features disabled (i.e., worst-case scenario), the Thinkpad 700 has a battery life of 3.8 hours, and the 700C's battery life is 2 hours. According to the Veritest benchmark, which measures battery life in a "typical workday environment", with power management features enabled, the battery in the 700 lasts 7.5 hours, while the 700C is good for 4 hours. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (4d) Using the PC Magazine benchmarks, which measure continuous usage with power management features disabled (i.e., worst-case scenario), the Thinkpad 720 has a battery life of 4 hours, and the 700C's battery life is 2.4 hours. According to the Veritest benchmark, which measures battery life in a "typical workday environment", with power management features enabled, the battery in the 700 lasts 8 hours, while the 700C is good for 4.8 hours. More sophisticated intelligent power management, more extensive use of 3.3 volt components, and a reduction in power consumption of the color LCD contributed to the 20% improvement in 720/720C battery life compared to the 700/700C, using exactly the same battery. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (4e) To use Pen for OS/2 a minimum of 8MB of RAM is required. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (4f) A Type II socket can hold either (1) Type I or (1) Type II PCMCIA card. A Type III socket can hold either (1) Type III card, or (2) Type I or II cards. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (4g) DOS 5.0 is supported, with the following limitation: No Suspend/Resume with PCMCIA cards installed, unless using Windows 3.1. This support is incorporated into DOS 5.02. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (4h) OS/2 2.0/2.00.1 are supported, with the following limitations: 1) No PCMCIA support, and 2) No Advanced Power Management (APM) Support. These features are incorporated into OS/2 2.1. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (4j) Plus an optional PCMCIA Type II Flash Memory drive, or Type III hard disk drive, if desired. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (4m) Up to 15 DMA devices may be installed in the system, of which up to 8 may be transferring data at one time. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (4o) Requires replacing the standard drive with an optional drive. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (4r) IBM's 25MHz 486SLC processor has all the same features as the 50/25MHz 486SLC2, except clock doubling. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (4s) The external 1.2MB diskette drive option, external 360KB diskette drive, and second 1.44MB diskette drive are mutually exclusive. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (4t) The IBM Keyboard/Mouse Connector option (P/N 54G0441) is required to attach an external keyboard to this system. It consists of a Y-cable allowing both devices to connect to the same port. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (4u) A small internal cache is faster than a larger external cache, due to the delay in accessing an external cache. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (4v) The IBM Keyboard/Mouse Connector option (P/N 54G0441) is required to attach an external keyboard and/or an external mouse to this system. It consists of a Y-cable allowing both devices to connect to the same port. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (4w) The attachment of an optional 3550 Expansion Unit (Model 1 or 2, as appropriate), provides these systems with two full-length 16-bit Micro Channel slots, one half-height 5.25/3.5" drive bay, and one SCSI port. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (4z) The one available "slot" is dedicated to the optional 9600/2400 bps Data/Fax Modem, or the optional 14,400bps High-Speed Data/Fax modem. They are mutually exclusive. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (5d) The large pointer driver (LRGPTR10.EXE) may be downloaded from the IBM PC Company BBS (919-517-0001) and other sources. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (5e) The optional 50W Universal Power Supply (P/N 66G3541) should be used when both of the IBM ThinkPad Port Replicator Model I's PCMCIA slots are used, in addition to the PCMCIA slots on the ThinkPad. The standard 40-Watt PS may not provide sufficient for a "fully loaded" PCMCIA environment. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (5f) In addition to the ordinary power on password, the Privileged Access Password (PAP) allows the user to set the boot drive to C:, which prevents unauthorized users from booting to drive A: to run their own applications. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (5i) Matched Memory Cycles are only enabled when adapter memory is used. Motherboard memory does not require Matched Memory Cycles. This system does not use adapter memory. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (5m) Vital Product Data information allows a network server to poll a workstation for its serial number, model/submodel ID, motherboard serial number, manufacturing ID, motherboard FRU number, and motherboard part number. This allows the server to check for unauthorized systems connected to the network. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (5v) This system reserves a 3MB disk partition for the storage of BIOS extensions, and the Reference Diskette and Option Diskette files. This area of disk is not visible to the operating system, making the disk size appear 3MB smaller than the stated capacity. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (5z) The fourteen LCD indicators include: AC Power Operation, Standby Mode enabled, Battery Power Operation, Hard Disk Drive Activity, Floppy Diskette Drive Activity, Port Replicator Attached, External Video Enabled, Modem Enabled, LAN Controller Enabled, Speaker Enabled, Num Lock Active, Caps Lock Active, Pad Lock Active, and Scroll Lock Active. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (6a) The seven LCD indicators include: Battery Charging, Caps Lock, Diskette Drive in Use, Hard Drive in Use, Num Lock, Scroll Lock, and Suspend/Resume. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (6p) The optional external PS/2 Expansion Cartridge, P/N 54G0180, offers one additional half-length adapter slot for 3270 and 5250 emulation cards, network adapters, and others. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (7a) Page Memory Logic is not utilized by the Intel 386SX/386SL, or IBM 386SLC/486SLC/486SLC2 processors. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (7e) This model requires the use of special Integrated Circuit (IC) DRAM cards, including 07G1419 (2MB), 07G1420 (4MB), 07G1421 (8MB), and 66G5109 (16MB). ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (7g) Additional hard drives can be added via the following docking options: IBM ThinkPad Dock I, IBM ThinkPad Dock II, or IBM ThinkPad Port Replicator Model I (via one Type III PCMCIA hard drive). ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (7i) The IBM ThinkPad Port Replicator Model I provides additional PCMCIA slots (2 Type II or 1 Type III). ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (7m) The Hard Disk Drive Password (HDP) is a new feature of the ThinkPad 360/750/755/760 series systems. Once HDP is set, data on the HDD cannot be accessed without the correct HDP. Because the HDP is stored in the HDD, the data remains protected even if the HDD is removed to another system. The HDP is not supported when the ThinkPad 755/760 systems are installed in the IBM ThinkPad Dock I; simply remove the HDP before installing the disk drive in the IBM ThinkPad Dock I. The hard disk drive is secured by the IBM ThinkPad Dock I security lock and tie-down capability. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (7n) The International Warranty Service - Customers who travel or need to move IBM products to another country are able to register the product(s) for IBM International Warranty Service. Upon registering with the Internaltional Warranty Service Office (IWSO), IBM will issue an International Warranty Service Certificate that will be honored virtually worldwide, which IBM or IBM resellers sell and service IBM PC Products. During the original warranty period, customers will be provided service through the service delivery methods available for their specific IBM system in the servicing country. For more information on IBM International Warranty Service in the United States and Canada, or to register your IBM PC systems, please contact IBM at 800-497-7426. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (7o) The optional IBM ThinkPad Port Replicator Model I is a hardware module that attaches to the back of the IBM ThinkPad 360/750/755/760 series through the system bus connector. It simply snaps on and off, and has the following ports: mouse, keyboard, SVGA, parallel (enhanced), serial, FDD, and DC power. This provides cable management because all the cables attach to this slice, instead of the ThinkPad itself. This model also has two Type II or one Type III PCMCIA slots. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (7p) The optional IBM ThinkPad Port Replicator Model II is a hardware module that attaches to the back of the IBM ThinkPad 360/750/755/760 series through the system bus connector. It simply snaps on and off, and has the following ports: mouse, keyboard, SVGA, parallel (enhanced), serial, diskette drive, and DC power. This provides cable management because all the cables attach to this module, instead of the IBM ThinkPad itself. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (7q) The IBM ThinkPad Dock I has one full size AT card slot and one bay. The bay can accommodate slim high (1") 3.5" or 5.25" SCSI storage technology (e.g., hard disk drive or CD-ROM). All ports of the IBM ThinkPad 360/750/755/760 series are replicated. The Dock I also features a SCSI port, audio, speaker, Video In (for analog to digital optional feature card), FDD and a headphone jack. Integrated in the unit are two stereo speakers. The ThinkPads can be easily removed from the Dock I or the entire system can be removed from the desktop without moving the CRT. The ThinkPads can be locked in the Dock I, and access to the internal card slot and bay can be denied along with access to the external bays and PCMCIA cards of the ThinkPad. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (7r) The IBM ThinkPad Dock II has two full-size ISA card slots, two drive bays, and two PCMCIA slots. The bays can accommodate slim (1") 3.5" or 5.25" IDE or SCSI storage devices (e.g., hard disk drive or CD-ROM). All ports of the IBM ThinkPad 360/750/755/760 series (and the ThinkPad 701 series, using the optional Dock II Adapter Kit) are replicated. The Dock II also features a SCSI port, audio, speaker, Video In (for analog to digital optional feature card), FDD and a headphone jack. Integrated in the unit are two stereo speakers. The ThinkPads can be easily removed from the Dock II or the entire system can be removed from the desktop without moving the CRT. The ThinkPads can be locked in the Dock II, and access to the internal card slot and bay can be denied along with access to the external bays and PCMCIA cards of the ThinkPad. There is also an optional IBM 555MB tape drive available for the Dock II unit. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (7t) Soldered to the motherboard. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (7u) The optional IBM ThinkPad SelectaDock Base Model I is a hardware module that attaches to the back of the IBM ThinkPad 360/370/750/755/760 series through the system bus connector. It simply snaps on and off, and has the following ports: mouse, keyboard, SVGA, parallel (enhanced), serial, diskette drive, audio out, and DC power. Additional features include a security keylock and a Kensington Lock slot. This replicator provides cable management because all the cables attach to this module, instead of the IBM ThinkPad itself. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (7v) The IBM ThinkPad SelectaDock I has one full-size ISA or PCI card slot, one drive bay, and two CardBus PCMCIA slots. The bays can accommodate a slim (1") 3.5" or 5.25" IDE or SCSI storage device (e.g., hard disk drive or CD-ROM), or the diskette drive. It requires, and connects to the bottom of, the SelectaDock Base Model I. SelectaDock I is only compatible with PCI-bus IBM ThinkPad 760E/ED/EL/ELD systems. Additional ports include SCSI II, CardBus, and UltraBay. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (8q) No memory adapters are required, or allowed. All RAM must be installed on the system board. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (8r) The ThinkPad 701 models use the unique TrackWrite keyboard, which uses a cam and a sliding two-part keyboard to expand the keyboard to its full 13.5" width when the ThinkPad cover is opened (even though the 701 is only 11.7" wide itself), and then "collapses" the keyboard again to fit inside the cover when the top is closed. The award-winning design accomplishes this without being flimsy or sacrificing the "feel" for which ThinkPads are famous. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (9b) The ThinkPad 755CDV/CV models have special detachable LCD panel covers. Once removed, the LCD becomes transparent, working like a commercial LCD projection panel. Using the supplied straps the ThinkPad can be attached to the top of an overhead projector and used to project any image displayed on the LCD onto a screen or blank wall. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (9e) This model requires the use of special Integrated Circuit (IC) DRAM cards, including 07G1419 (2MB), 07G1420 (4MB), and 07G1421 (8MB). ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (9g) The keyboard has 84 keys permanently attached, but an optional 17-key external keypad connects to the mouse port, bringing the total number of keys to 101. This keypad may be left behind in order to save space and weight. If a mouse is to be used with the PS/2 Models N51, CL57, or ThinkPad 700/720/750 series, it plugs into the back of the keypad, if the keypad is attached; or directly into the mouse port if the keypad is not used. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (9h) The door on the back of the 350 that covers the I/O ports is designed to pivot all the way back and down. When you pivot the door as far as it can go it will slide slightly upward and lock in place. This raises the back of the 350 such that the keyboard slopes. The slope is not the same as a standard IBM keyboard, however. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (9j) The first 4MB of 80ns memory is soldered to the motherboard. Additional memory is added via the SIMM socket. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (9k) Using one 16MB low-power CMOS SIMM, P/N 60G0379 or equivalent. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (9l) The first 4MB of 80ns memory is soldered to the motherboard. Additional memory is added via the IC DRAM card socket. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (9m) Using one 8MB low-power IC DRAM Card, P/N 8189098 or equivalent. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (9n) Using the PC Magazine benchmarks which measure continuous usage with power management features disabled (i.e., worst-case scenario), The ThinkPad 500 has a battery life of 2.0 hours. According to the Veritest benchmark, which measures battery life in a "typical workday environment", with power management features enabled, the battery in the 500 lasts 9.0 hours. These increased capacities are due to sophisticated intelligent power management, and more extensive use of 3.3V technology. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (9o) For PCMCIA support, this system requires OS/2 2.1, or IBM DOS 6.1, or later. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (9p) The IBM 486SLC2 processor runs internally at twice the speed of the system (50/25MHz), producing performance approximately equivalent to an Intel 33MHz 486DX, due to the 16K internal cache, clock-doubling, and optimized instruction set. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (9q) TP 755CDV/CV/CX Preload Bundle - The following software comes preloaded on these systems: IBM Warp 3.0 installed over IBM DOS 7.0 and MS Windows 3.11, Prodigy Starter Kit, America Online Starter Kit, SofNet FaxWorks Voice, Alphanet FollowFax for Windows, Lotus Organizer/cc:Mail/ScreenCam, Triton Cosession (for remote IBM HouseCall technical support), Taxi Map, Reuters Money Network, Sedona Reprint Plus, Mind Path Presentation F/X Pro (presentation remote control), Asymmetrix Compel PE, TalkWorks LE, Monologue (speech recognition), Puma TranXit, and IBM's PC Card Director (PCMCIA "EasyPlaying") utility. REPRINT (Remote Electronic PRINTing) Plus is a service that uses preloaded telecommunications software and a modem to send full-color or black and white documents to participating Sir Speedy print stores for printing. This service is ideal for mobile users without access to a printer while on the road. (This service is only available in North America.) ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (9r) The eight LCD indicators include: Battery Charging, Battery Low, Caps Lock, Hard Drive in Use, Num Lock, Power On, Scroll Lock, and Suspend Mode. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (9s) The keyboard has 84-keys (plus a Function key), but an optional 17-key external keypad brings the total number of keys to 101. This keypad may be left behind in order to save space and weight. If a mouse is to be used with the external keypad, on a PS/2 Model N51 or CL57, or the ThinkPad series, it plugs into the back of the keypad (N51/CL57), or the optional keyboard/mouse connector (ThinkPads). ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (9t) This system is a pen-based tablet, with no built-in keyboard. An external keyboard may be attached if needed. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (9u) Models 801/901/80F/90F come with no hard disk drive installed. They require a choice of optional 40MB, 105MB or other PCMCIA hard drive; or 2.5MB-15MB ThinkPad File (Flash Memory) with PenDOS, PenOS/2, or other pen-enabled operating installed. IBM offers 105MB drives preloaded with a choice of PenDOS 2.2 and IBM PC DOS 6.3, or Pen for OS/2 and OS/2 2.11, or 10MB and 15MB Flash memory preloaded with PenDOS; as well as blank PCMCIA hard disk drives and ThinkPad Files (which the user can load with the OS of their choice). Without one of these user-selectable options, the ThinkPad will not operate. Models 80F/90F include a 105MB PCMCIA hard drive preloaded with Windows for Pen Computing 1.0 and IBM PC DOS 6.3. Note: PenRight! from PenRight Corp. has also been certified to operate with this system, but is not offered for sale by IBM. Contact the vendor for details. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (9v) Requires choice of optional 5MB-15MB ThinkPad File (Flash Memory) with PenDOS, Pen for OS/2, Windows for Pen, or other pen-enabled operating installed. IBM offers 105MB drives preloaded with these operating systems, and 10 and 15MB Flash memory preloaded with Pen DOS, as well as blank PCMCIA hard disk drives and ThinkPad Files (which the user can load with the OS of their choice). Without one of these user-selectable options, the ThinkPad will not operate. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (9w) The ThinkPad 730T has three Type I or II, or two Type III slots. Adding memory uses one Type II slot, leaving the following possibilities for expansion:  Two Type I or II cards, or  One Type III, and one Type I or II card ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (9x) The ThinkPad 730T has three Type I or II, or two Type III slots. Without adding optional memory, the following possibilities for expansion are available:  Two Type III cards, or  Three Type I or II cards, or  One Type III, and two Type I or II cards ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (9y) Models 80F/90F include a 105MB PCMCIA hard drive preloaded with Windows for Pen Computing 1.0 and IBM PC DOS 6.3. Although the ThinkPad Models 730T-801/901/80F/90F do not come with any software preloaded (because there is no storage device installed in the system), the required hard disk or flash memory drive may be purchased with a choice of PenDOS 2.2 and IBM PC DOS 6.3, or Pen for OS/2 (8MB RAM required for V1.0) and OS/2 2.11 preloaded. Note: PenRight! from PenRight Corp. has also been certified to operate with this system, but is not offered for sale by IBM. Contact the vendor for details. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (9z) The standard MultiPort provides port replication without connecting and disconnecting devices every time you move the system; it also provides easy connectivity for a floppy diskette drive, an external display, a mouse/keyboard, and serial devices (e.g. modem) while you are on the road. The optional VertiDock delivers simple one-step convenience docking and full port replication and can be used either horizontally or vertically. Featuring a Type III PCMCIA slot, it allows insertion of the standard external floppy diskette drive and easy connection for an external display, keyboard, mouse, serial and parallel devices and the AC adapter. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (INFRARED TRANSCEIVERS) - The built-in transceivers permit short-range, point-to-point wireless communication between PCs similarly equipped. They provide 57.6Kbps to 1.152Mbits/sec data transfer rate (in IBM mode), or 9.6-115 Kbps (in HP SIR mode) or 9600bps (in Sharp ASK mode), for compatibility with other ThinkPad notebooks, IBM PC 700 series systems, the HP 100LX, Sharp Wizard, and Gateway Omnibook 300 Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) handheld computers (with the appropriate IR communication software for those devices), and other PCs with compatible infrared transceivers. Also supported are the IBM Serial Infrared PCMCIA Adapters (ISA and Micro Channel) for standard PCs. The front transceiver has a range of 0.1-1.0 meters, and the rear transceiver's range is 0.15-3.0 meters. These transceivers comply with the Infrared Data Association (IrDA) Data Link Specification V1.0 for IR data transmission. These transceivers are not compatible with the higher-function IBM Wireless Infrared LAN adapters. These ThinkPad systems include PUMA Technology's TranXit infrared communications software. Some models also include the Mind Path's Remote Controller Kit hardware and the Windows version of Mind Path Presentation F/X Pro remote control presentation software. The OS/2 version is now available and may be obtained by calling Mind Path at 214-479-1564, or the IBM PC Company BBS at 919-517-0001. ═══ ═══ ______________________________ (UltraBay) - The UltraBay is an intelligent bay that switches its pinout signals to allow the installation of a diskette drive, second hard drive (760 only), second battery (760 only), PCMCIA Cartridge (755 [except 755C/CS] and 760 only), CD-ROM (755CD/CDV or 760E/EL/L), or TV Tuner (755CE/755CD only) in what would normally be only a diskette drive bay. The 755CE/CSE/CX/CV and 760C/E/EL/L ship with a diskette drive in this bay. It may be swapped temporarily for one of the other supported devices, or attached externally via an optional Dock I or Dock II, or SelectaDock I (760E/ED/EL/ELD only) docking unit and an external diskette drive attachment kit in addition to the other device. The 755CD/CDV and 760CD/ED/ELD come with a CD-ROM drive installed in the UltraBay, instead of the diskette drive. The PCMCIA Cartridge provides a socket that can hold either (2) Type I or II cards, or (1) Type III card, in addition to the similar number supported in the standard PCMCIA socket built into the ThinkPad.